Bu prospektif, girişimsel çalışma ile dermatoşalazis hastalarına uygulanan üst göz kapağı blefaroplasti (ÜKB) ameliyatının kornea üzerine etkisi korneal topografi ile, görme fonksiyonuna etkisi ise görme keskinliği ve korneal wavefront aberasyonlar incelenerek araştırıldı. Kırk hastanın 80 göz kapağı ameliyattan en az 1 ay sonra değerlendirildi. Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası görme keskinliği, düz keratometri, dik keratometri, ortalama keratometri, topografik astigmatizma, aks, santral kornea kalınlığı ve ön kamara derinliği değerleri açısından anlamlı fark yoktu (hepsi için p >0,05) Ameliyat öncesi ön kamara hacmi (ACV) 122,06±28,0 mm3 iken, ameliyat sonrası ACV 126,23±28,80 mm3 (p=0,045) idi. 6 mm’lik optik zonda, total korneal yüzey için root mean square-higher-order aberrations (RMS-HOAs) 0,331±0,115 μm'den, 0,255±0,106 μm'ye düştü (p<0,001). RMS-koma (Z₃¹) (p=0,841), RMS-trefoil (Z₃³) (p=0,866) ve RMS-quadrifoil (Z₄⁴) (p=0,932) değerleri benzerdi. RMS- spherical aberration (Z₄⁰) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azaldı (0,398±0,301, 0,371±0,280, p=0,035). Sonuç olarak, ÜKB ameliyatı sonrası erken dönemde, korneal topografik ve aberometrik ölçümlerde değişiklikler gözlemlenmiştir.
In this prospective, interventional study, the effect of upper eyelid blepharoplasty (UEB) surgery performed on dermatochalasis patients on the cornea was investigated by corneal topography, and its effect on visual function was investigated by examining visual acuity and corneal wavefront aberrations. Eighty eyelids of 40 patients were evaluated at least 1 month after surgery. No significant differences were found for visual acuity, flat keratometry, steep keratometry, average keratometry, topographic astigmatism, axis, central corneal thickness, and anterior chamber depth (p>0.05 for all). While preoperative anterior chamber volume (ACV) was 122.06±28.0 mm3, the postoperative ACV was 126.23±28.80 mm3 (p=0.045). Root mean square-higher-order aberrations for total corneal surface (RMS-HOAs) in a 6-mm optical zone decreased significantly from 0.331±0.115 μm to 0.255±0.106 μm (p<0.001). The RMS-coma (Z₃¹) (p=0.841), RMS-trefoil (Z₃³) (p=0.866), and RMS-quadrifoil (Z₄⁴) (p=0.932) values were similar. The RMS-spherical aberration (Z₄⁰) decreased significantly (0.398±0.301, 0.371±0.280, p=0.035). In conclusion, it was seen that UKB surgery can improve the topographic and aberrometric measurements of the cornea in the early postoperative period.
Consent was obtained from the patient. Ethics committee approval (number: 2011-KAEK-25 2023/05-14) was obtained from the Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital’s local ethics committee.
Funding: There is no funding.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Health Services and Systems (Other) |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 12, 2025 |
Submission Date | September 15, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | December 17, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 Volume: 50 Issue: 3 |
ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027
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