Journal of Productivity accepts scientific and original articles in the field of productivity in Turkish and English.
The types of articles included in the Journal of Productivity are as follows:
Research Article: These are articles that reflect the findings and results of an original research.
If the reference is an article: Author's surname, initials (year), full title of the article, name of the journal (international abbreviations, if any), Volume number (Issue number), beginning and ending page numbers of the article.
Rahman, M., lambkin, M. and Hussain, D. (2016). "Value Creation and Appropriation Following M&A: A Data Envelopment Analysis", Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5628-5635.
Lee, H.H. and Tan, H.B. (2006). "Technology Transfer, FDI and Economic Growth in the ASEAN Region", Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 11(4), 394-410.
If the reference is a book: Author's surname, initials (year), name of the book, volume number, editor, if any, name of publisher, publication number, place of publication.
Alpaydın, E. (2014). "Introduction to Machine Learning", The MIT Press, London.
If the reference is a chapter from the book: The surname of the chapter author, the initials of the name (year), the name of the chapter, the name of the book from which the chapter is taken, the name of the publisher, the place where it was published.
Vasant, P., Bhattacharya, A. and Abraham, A. (1971). "Measurement of Level-of-Satisfaction of Decision Maker in Intelligent Fuzzy-MCDM Theory: A Generalized Approach", Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decison Making, Editor: Kahraman, C., Springer, LLC, 235-262.
If the reference is the printed thesis: Author's surname, initials (year), the name of the thesis, its type (master's, doctorate), the university and institute where it was presented.
Hughey, A. C. (1933). "The Treatment of the Negro in South Carolina Fiction", Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of South Carolina, Carolina.
If the reference is the congress paper: Author's surname, initials (year), the title of the paper, the name of the congress, the place where it was held, the start and end page numbers of the paper.
Kianto, A., Ritala, P., Vanhala, M. ve Inkinen, H. (2013). "The Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Organizational Performance", 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2013), Kaunas, Lithuania, 356-361.
If the referenced from the web page: Author or responsible institution, Title of the cited item, name of the web page, URL, (Access Date).
BMUS (United States Bone and Joint Initiative), (2020). "The Burden of Musculoskeletal Diseases in the United States",, (Accessed: 18.03.2020).
Direct quotations should be given “in quotation marks”. If the quotations are more than 4 lines, the justification method should be used. Blockquotes are written in two tabs, and in blockquotes, the font and size are written in italics to remain the same as the text.
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