VetBio Journal accepts articles only in English as of January 1, 2024.
Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques is an international, open-access, periodical published under double-blinded peer-review principles. VetBio Journal is dedicated to publishing evidence-based, scientific research articles from various disciplines of animal biosciences. VetBio Journal is covered by ULAKBİM TR Dizin (2020), CAB Direct (CABI - 2019), Index Copernicus International (ICI), and Google Scholar databases.
Notes, Review articles are not accepted (June 30, 2021). Plagiarism can lead to the rejection of an article even after acceptance. The authors of the manuscripts are required to write their ORCID numbers on the cover page. Articles that do not follow the recommendations of the MJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) are rejected. VetBio Journal is published three times a year (April, August, and December).
Research Article
Internal and external parasites prevalence of domestic cats in Konya provinceResearch Article
Investigation of pollen analysis and antimicrobial effects of honey from Posof (Ardahan) districtResearch Article
Serum IgG threshold values associated with increased risk of diseases in preweaned lambsResearch Article
Determination of hematological and biochemical parameters in healthy arabian and thoroughbred racehorsesResearch Article
An investigation on the potential role of Q fever and chlamydiosis of ovine abortionResearch Article
Complications and Therapeutic Approaches in a Sciatic Nerve Injury Rat ModelResearch Article
Investigation of gastrointestinal biomarkers in dogs with diarrheaResearch Article
The factors influencing the demand for beef in Turkey and the effects of the restrictions implemented during the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) processErratum
Estimating the production losses related to fasciolosis in water buffaloes in TürkiyeAdana Yolu 7. km. kampüs, 68100, Aksaray / TURKEY