Melanistik sülün etlerinin bazı fiziko-kimyasal özelliklerinin araştırılması
Year 2022,
, 37 - 44, 30.04.2022
Yusuf Biçer
Mustafa Çam
Neffel Kürşat Akbulut
Kemal Kırıkçı
Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı yetiştirme koşullarında tutulan melanistik halkalı sülünlerden elde edilen etlerin fiziko-kimyasal özelliklerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla üç farklı grup oluşturularak sülünler yetiştirilmiştir. Birinci gruptaki sülünler açık kümeste serbest olarak gezebilecek şekilde sürü halinde, II. gruptaki sülünler yarı açık tel ızgaralı altlıklı bir kümeste sürü halinde serbest gezinmeli ve III. grupta bulunan sülünler ise kapalı bir kümesteki 3 katlı geleneksel yumurtacı tavuk kafeslerinde her bir kafeste tek sülün olacak şekilde bireysel olarak büyütülmüşlerdir. Sülün etlerinden alınan numunelerden belirlenen protein oranları I., II. ve III. gruplarda erkek ve dişi olarak sırasıyla; %19.25; %17.08; %18.92 ve %17.10; %17.14; %16.87 olarak tespit edilmiş ve gruplar ve cinsiyetler arasında protein oranı bakımından önemli bir fark tespit edilmemiştir. Sülün etlerinin kül oranları I. ve III. gruplarda benzer, II. grupta ise farklı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Kül oranı bakımından cinsiyetler ve numunelerin alındığı but ve göğüs bölgeleri benzer olarak tespit edilmiştir. But etlerinin pH değerlerinin göğüs etine göre önemli düzeyde yüksek (p<0,001) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak pH değerleri bakımından gruplar ve cinsiyetler arasında önemli bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. L* ve b* renk parametreleri bakımından yetiştirme tipi ve cinsiyet grupları arasında önemli farklılık bulunmazken, göğüs eti değerlerinin but etlerine göre daha yüksek olduğu gözlemlenmektedir (p<0,01). a* parametresi bakımından analizin alındığı lokasyon arasındaki farklılık ve lokasyon x cinsiyet interaksiyonu önemli bulunmuştur (p<0,05).
Supporting Institution
Selçuk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü
- Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). (1984). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th ed. USA Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc, Arlington, Virginia.
- Çetin, O., Kırıkçı, K. (2000). Alternatif Kanatlı Yetiştiriciliği Sülün – Keklik. Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya. ISBN: 975-97131-3-6.
- Daszkiewicz, T., Janiszewski, P. (2020). The effect of sex on the quality of meat from farmed pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). Anim. Sci. J, 91(1): e13404.
- Flis, M., Grela, E. R., Żukowska, G., Gugała, D. (2020). Nutritional composition and heavy metal content in breast and thigh muscles of wild and intensively reared common pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). J. Vet. Res, 64: 305-312.
- Franco, D., Lorenzo, J. M. (2013). Meat quality and nutritional composition of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) reared in an extensive system. Br. Poult. Sci, 54(5): 594-602.
- Grela, E. R., Gugała, D., Flis, M. (2021). Influence of partial replacement of some inorganic minerals with glycine complex and vitamin D 3 source on performance, slaughter traits, sensory and physico-chemical characteristics of pheasant muscles (Phasianus colchicus L.) depending on gender. Ann. Anim. Sci, 21(1): 245-265.
- Hofbauer, P., Smulders, F.J.M., Vodnansky, M., Paulsen, P., El-Ghareeb, W.R. (2010). A note on meat quality traits of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). Eur. J. Wildl. Res, 56: 809–813.
- Jakešová, P., Zapletal, D., Jůzl, R., Rusníková, L., Suchý, P., Straková, E. (2014). Effect of age on contents of fatty acids in whole bodies of pheasants throughout their growth. Acta Vet. Brno, 83: 119– 124. 14830 20119
- Kırıkçı, K. (2012). Doğanın Gizemli Kuşları Sülünler. Dörtrenk Yayın Tanıtım Matbaacılık, Ankara. ISBN: 978-975-8205-18-9.
- Kokoszynski D., Bernacki Z., Duszynski L. (2012). Body conformation, carcass composition and physicochemical and sensory properties of meat from pheasants of different origin. Czech J. Anim. Sci, 57: 115–124.
- Kokoszyński, D., Bernacki, Z., Pieczewski, W. (2014). Carcass composition and quality of meat from game pheasants (P. colchicus) depending on age and sex. Eur. Poult. Sci, 78. https://doi. org/10.1399/eps.2014.16
- Kokoszyński, D., Bernacki, Z., Korytkowska, H., Wilkanowska, A. (2014). Effect of different feeding regimens for game pheasants on carcass composition, fatty acid profile and mineral content of meat. Eur. Poult. Sci, 78.
- Kokoszyński, D., Kotowicz, M., Piwczyński, D., Bernacki, Z., Podkówka, Z., Dorszewski, P., Grabowicz, M., Saleh, M. (2018). Effects of feeding whole-grain triticale and sex on carcass and meat characteristics of common pheasants. Ital. J. Anim. Sci, 17: 1083–1093. 51X.2018.1443028
- Kotowicz, M., Lachowicz, K., Lisiecki, S., Szczygielski, M., Żych, A. (2012). Characteristics of common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) meat. Eur. Poult. Sci, 76: 270–276.
- Łukasiewicz, M., Michalczuk, M., Głogowski, R., Balcerak, M., Popczyk, B. (2011). Carcass efficiency and fatty acid content of farmed pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) meat. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Animal Science, 49: 199–203.
- Nute, G.R., Richardson, R.I. Wood, J.D. Hughes, S.I. Wilkinson, R.G., Cooper, S.L., Sinclair, L.A. (2007). Effect of dietary oil source on the flavour and the colour and lipid stability of lamb meat. Meat Sci, 77: 547-555.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2019). Meat consumption (indicator). Erişim adresi: tput/meat-consu mption.htm
- Quaresma, M., Pimentel, F. B., Ribeiro, A. P., Ferreira, J. D., Alves, S. P., Rocha, I., Bessa, R. J. B., Oliveira, M. B. P. P. (2016). Lipid and protein quality of common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) reared in semi-extensive conditions. J. Food Compos. Anal, 46: 88–95.
- Telli, N., Telli, A. E., Bicer, Y., Cebirbay, M. A., Tekinsen, K. K., Koseoglu, I. E., Guner, A. (2020). Effect of tumbling process and kappa-carrageenan usage on the quality characteristics of meat loaf. Med. Weter, 76 (9): 535-541.
- Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (2001). Standard, TS 1746, Et ve et ürünlerinde toplam kül tayini. Kabul Tarihi: 15.02.2001
Investigation of some physico-chemical properties of melanistic pheasant meats
Year 2022,
, 37 - 44, 30.04.2022
Yusuf Biçer
Mustafa Çam
Neffel Kürşat Akbulut
Kemal Kırıkçı
The aim of this study was to determine the physico-chemical properties of meat obtained from melanistic ringed pheasants raised in different housing conditions. For this purpose, three different groups were formed and pheasants were bred. The pheasants in the first group were raised in open fenced pens, in the second group the pheasants were raised in closed and semi-open coops, and the 3rd group was raised individually in 3-storey traditional layer hen cages. The protein ratios of male and female pheasants in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups were determined as 19.25%; 17.08%; 18.92% and 17.10%; 17.14%; 16.87 respectively. There was no significant differences between groups and genders in terms of protein ratio. Ash ratios of pheasant meats were similar in the 1st and 3rd groups, but the 2nd group was found different (p<0.05). In terms of ash ratio, the gender and drumstick and breast regions from which the samples were taken were found to be similar. It was determined that the pH values of drumsticks were significantly higher (p<0.001) compared to breast meat. However, no significant difference was found between the groups and genders in terms of pH values. While there was no significant difference between rearing type and gender in terms of L* and b* color parameters, it was observed that breast meat values were higher than drumstick (p<0.01). In terms of a* parameter, the difference between the location where the analysis was taken and the location x gender interaction was found to be significant (p<0.05).
- Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). (1984). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th ed. USA Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc, Arlington, Virginia.
- Çetin, O., Kırıkçı, K. (2000). Alternatif Kanatlı Yetiştiriciliği Sülün – Keklik. Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya. ISBN: 975-97131-3-6.
- Daszkiewicz, T., Janiszewski, P. (2020). The effect of sex on the quality of meat from farmed pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). Anim. Sci. J, 91(1): e13404.
- Flis, M., Grela, E. R., Żukowska, G., Gugała, D. (2020). Nutritional composition and heavy metal content in breast and thigh muscles of wild and intensively reared common pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). J. Vet. Res, 64: 305-312.
- Franco, D., Lorenzo, J. M. (2013). Meat quality and nutritional composition of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) reared in an extensive system. Br. Poult. Sci, 54(5): 594-602.
- Grela, E. R., Gugała, D., Flis, M. (2021). Influence of partial replacement of some inorganic minerals with glycine complex and vitamin D 3 source on performance, slaughter traits, sensory and physico-chemical characteristics of pheasant muscles (Phasianus colchicus L.) depending on gender. Ann. Anim. Sci, 21(1): 245-265.
- Hofbauer, P., Smulders, F.J.M., Vodnansky, M., Paulsen, P., El-Ghareeb, W.R. (2010). A note on meat quality traits of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). Eur. J. Wildl. Res, 56: 809–813.
- Jakešová, P., Zapletal, D., Jůzl, R., Rusníková, L., Suchý, P., Straková, E. (2014). Effect of age on contents of fatty acids in whole bodies of pheasants throughout their growth. Acta Vet. Brno, 83: 119– 124. 14830 20119
- Kırıkçı, K. (2012). Doğanın Gizemli Kuşları Sülünler. Dörtrenk Yayın Tanıtım Matbaacılık, Ankara. ISBN: 978-975-8205-18-9.
- Kokoszynski D., Bernacki Z., Duszynski L. (2012). Body conformation, carcass composition and physicochemical and sensory properties of meat from pheasants of different origin. Czech J. Anim. Sci, 57: 115–124.
- Kokoszyński, D., Bernacki, Z., Pieczewski, W. (2014). Carcass composition and quality of meat from game pheasants (P. colchicus) depending on age and sex. Eur. Poult. Sci, 78. https://doi. org/10.1399/eps.2014.16
- Kokoszyński, D., Bernacki, Z., Korytkowska, H., Wilkanowska, A. (2014). Effect of different feeding regimens for game pheasants on carcass composition, fatty acid profile and mineral content of meat. Eur. Poult. Sci, 78.
- Kokoszyński, D., Kotowicz, M., Piwczyński, D., Bernacki, Z., Podkówka, Z., Dorszewski, P., Grabowicz, M., Saleh, M. (2018). Effects of feeding whole-grain triticale and sex on carcass and meat characteristics of common pheasants. Ital. J. Anim. Sci, 17: 1083–1093. 51X.2018.1443028
- Kotowicz, M., Lachowicz, K., Lisiecki, S., Szczygielski, M., Żych, A. (2012). Characteristics of common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) meat. Eur. Poult. Sci, 76: 270–276.
- Łukasiewicz, M., Michalczuk, M., Głogowski, R., Balcerak, M., Popczyk, B. (2011). Carcass efficiency and fatty acid content of farmed pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) meat. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Animal Science, 49: 199–203.
- Nute, G.R., Richardson, R.I. Wood, J.D. Hughes, S.I. Wilkinson, R.G., Cooper, S.L., Sinclair, L.A. (2007). Effect of dietary oil source on the flavour and the colour and lipid stability of lamb meat. Meat Sci, 77: 547-555.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2019). Meat consumption (indicator). Erişim adresi: tput/meat-consu mption.htm
- Quaresma, M., Pimentel, F. B., Ribeiro, A. P., Ferreira, J. D., Alves, S. P., Rocha, I., Bessa, R. J. B., Oliveira, M. B. P. P. (2016). Lipid and protein quality of common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) reared in semi-extensive conditions. J. Food Compos. Anal, 46: 88–95.
- Telli, N., Telli, A. E., Bicer, Y., Cebirbay, M. A., Tekinsen, K. K., Koseoglu, I. E., Guner, A. (2020). Effect of tumbling process and kappa-carrageenan usage on the quality characteristics of meat loaf. Med. Weter, 76 (9): 535-541.
- Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (2001). Standard, TS 1746, Et ve et ürünlerinde toplam kül tayini. Kabul Tarihi: 15.02.2001