Aim & Scope

The Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences (YUJSS) strives to advance the theoretical and practical applications of sports sciences by providing a scientific platform for researchers to share their knowledge, experience, evaluations, opinions, and suggestions. The journal publishes original research and adopts an open access policy, while also performing double-blind peer reviews to ensure high-quality content. Its goal is to reach a broad audience within the sub-disciplines of sports sciences and contribute to the development of sports in all aspects.

The Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences (YUJSS) comprises research articles and comprehensive publications such as literature reviews, meta-analysis studies, model proposals, case reports, and discussions with high scientific standards. The journal welcomes submissions on various contemporary subjects related to exercise and sports performance, such as biomechanics, sports nutrition, exercise and sports psychology, motor behavior, sport pedagogy, sport sociology, sport management, leisure time, and all other sub-disciplines of sports sciences. Manuscripts addressing these topics are encouraged. Furthermore, this is an internet-based and freely accessible publication that features various sections, including editorial pieces, letters to the editor, sports-related issues and solutions, news and impressions from sports sciences meetings, updates from sports sciences associations, introductions to unique websites, as well as introductions to book theses.

Period Months
March October