A.1. Writing Principles
Full texts can be maximum 20 (twenty) pages including references.
Full texts will not be edited by the journal boards. Therefore, authors are responsible for spelling and semantic errors.
In the full texts to be prepared; the font should be Times New Roman, the line spacing should be 1 line, the page size should be A4 (210X290 mm.) and the margins should be set to 2.5 cm for all edges.
The text should be written in 12 point font, justified, and spaces should be left between paragraphs. Paragraphs should not be indented at the beginning of the lines.
A.2. Spelling Rules
The manuscript should be organised as follows.
I. Abstract
Each article should be preceded by a Turkish Abstract and an English Abstract. Abstracts should be written in 10-point font size and should not exceed 250 words. In addition, the abstract should not only explain the purpose of the article, but also reflect the content of the study, be concise and emphasise the important points or conclusions of the article.
II. Sections and Subsections
Section headings should be written in all capital letters, the first letters of the subheadings should be capitalised, the others should be lower case and bolded in 12-point Times New Roman. Section and sub-section texts should be written in 12-point Times New Roman.
Example: 3.1. System Design
Example: 3.1.1. Preparation of circuit board
2.1. .... Used in the Research
2.1.1 .... used in the research
Ill. Figures and Tables
Figure caption should be written at the bottom and table caption at the top, and the content should be explained as a title next to the Figure/Table number. Figures/Tables should be placed in the text.
Figures/Tables should be written in 10 point font and should be centred. Only Figure 1 and Table 1 should be in bold.
lV. Bibliography
All references mentioned in the text should be included in the Times New Roman 10 font size ‘References’ list.
Citation in the Text: The necessary references should be given in the text and the references should be given in the SOURCES in accordance with APA 6 format. References in brackets [1], [3], [5] etc. in the text should be numbered with numbers and should be written at the end of the text in the order in which they are given in the work.
APA 6 rules will be used for citation of references.
Copyright Form and Plagiarism Report of the studies to be sent to the journal should be presented in the appendices.
Studies submitted without complying with the spelling rules will not be evaluated by our journal.