2. The Elderly Issues Research Journal (EIRJ) is published biannually (June, December).
3. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. The fact that the article has been sent to our journal means the commitment of the author on this subject.
4. All responsibility of the information given in the studies published in the journal belongs to the author.
5. The article sent to the journal is not returned to the author; only the result of the evaluation is reported to the author.
6. Articles must be written in the “Microsoft Office Word” program. The "Copyright Transfer Form" must be signed and sent in pdf format.
7. The total text length of the article should be between 4000 – 8000 words (including title, abstract, references and appendices).
8. The articles to be published in the journal can be written in Turkish and English. Submitted articles must comply with the spelling and citation rules and should have an abstract of maximum 250 words. If the language of the article is Turkish; The abstract section should be in Turkish and the English translation (Abstract) of this section should be included in the study. If the language of the articles is English, an abstract in that language and its Turkish translation should be attached to the study.
9. Authors are responsible for accurately stating their contact information, the name of the organization they work, and their ORCID number.
10. In the preliminary examination made by the editors, articles that do not comply with the scientific criteria and journal publication rules and have too many spelling mistakes are rejected.
11. Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by at least 2 national and/or international referees. The names of the referees who evaluated the articles are not reported to the authors (blind peer review). In addition, it is guaranteed that the referees evaluate the articles without seeing the names of the authors (double-blind peer review).
12. Articles are subjected to peer review in accordance with the double-blind peer-review system after the preliminary review phase. If corrections are requested in the referee's report, the author can only make changes within the specified corrections. After the corrections suggested by the referee are made by the author, the article is sent to the referee control again, if specified in the report. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, a third referee evaluation is applied.
13. Only articles that pass peer-review and have a maximum similarity rate of 16% are published in the journal. The total similarity level of the article is determined by international similarity programs such as iThenticate and Turnitin. The author is responsible for submitting the article similarity report during the application.
14. If the articles are accepted for publication, their publication in the electronic environment is the responsibility of the Editorial Board of the Elderly Issues Research Journal (EIRJ). Also, no royalties are paid to authors.