The studies which sent to be published in YAZIT Journal of Cultural Sciences should follow the steps below:
1. In order to send a study to the journal for publication, a personal subscription to the TÜBİTAK Dergipark system should made by the responsible author. In order to register on the Dergipark site, a user name and password are created by entering personal information in the windows opened from the link
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5. Submission of articles to YAZIT Journal of Cultural Sciences is accepted as an application for publication. Authors of articles accepted for publication are deemed to have waived the copyright of their work. Copyright Transfer Form is included in the mandatory documents requested from the author(s) in the third step of the "Send Article" link and is located on the relevant page. If this form is not added as signed-scanned, the application will not proceed to the next step. You can also download the form by clicking this link: Copyright Transfer Form
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7. Declaration of researchers’ contributions in articles with multiple authors; in addition, (if any) support and Acknowledgment (if any), declaration of conflicting interests should be included for each article. The COPE Supplementary Declarations form is among the mandatory documents requested from the author(s) in the third step of the "Send Article" link and is located on the relevant page. If this form is not added as signed-scanned, the application will not proceed to the next step. You can also download the form by clicking this link: Additional Declarations Form
8. All editorial work and transactions, double-blind referee evaluations and publication stages of our journal are carried out through the internet-based password protected TÜBİTAK Dergipark system; this gives quick access to authors, referees and editors. In this respect, you can follow all stages of your work uploaded to the system from the "User Panel", where you will enter your user name and password that you have created on Dergipark.
Studies to be sent to YAZIT Journal of Cultural Sciences are expected to be sent in accordance with the following writing rules:
Title: Turkish title in bold and capital letters, 10 pt, centered; The English title, on the other hand, should be just below the Turkish title, normal, only the first letters should be capitalized, 10 pt and centered. The title of the article should be no more than 12 words.
Author Informations: The author's name and surname should be justified to the right, bold 10 pt. The title of the authors, their institutions and their e-mail addresses should be given in the footnote with a "*". Before the review process, this names and other informations about author(s) is removed by the secretariat unit and the manuscript is sent to the referees in an anonymous form. This informations will be added by the editorial unit at the publication stage after the refereeing processes of the studies are completed.
Abstract: After the Turkish and English title of the article, the abstract in Turkish and English, consisting of at least 150 and maximum 250 words, and Turkish and English keywords of at least 5 words should be written in 9 points. The abstract should give an idea about the scope, purpose, method, effects and results of the study. Maximum attention should be paid to the limit on the number of words related to the abstract.
Other considerations: For articles that use a special font, the font used should also be sent with the article. Details such as page numbers, headers and footers should not be included in the articles. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis, except for special cases necessitated by the article or subject. No other alphabet characters other than the Latin alphabet should be used in the bibliography of the manuscripts.
All information about the article and the authors (authors' name, surname, title, institution, contact information, whether the article requires an ethics committee document, financing, support and acknowledgment, possible conflicts of interest and the relationship of the article with a presentation such as a thesis-statement etc.) etc.) should be clearly stated in the COPE Supplementary Statement form, which is signed and prepared by the author(s) during the upload to the system. This information will be added to the text by the editorial unit during the publication of the article.
For explanations that are not deemed appropriate to be included in the text, under-page footnote method should be used and these notes should be listed as 1, 2, 3 in the text. Footnotes should be written with the same font, 9 points and single line spacing. If archival documents are used in the text, references to these documents should be specified as (Document-1) or (Archive-1) in order, and archive document information should be written in front of the relevant phrase in the bibliography.
If the information received from oral sources is included in the text, the references should be stated as (SP-1) meaning "Source Person", and the information of each source person should be stated under the sub-heading of "Verbal Resources" in the references section of the study in accordance with the reference code made in the text.
If information from internet sources is included in the text, references should be stated as (URL-1, URL-2...) In this respect, it should be preferred to clearly present the link and access date information in the bibliography, by specifying the electronic resources such as social media sharing-posts, blog posts, videos that do not specify page numbers as URL-1, URL-2...
Emphasis should be placed in quotation marks, titles of books in italics, and titles of articles and papers in double quotation marks. More than five lines of quotations, one line below, without quotation marks and without paragraph breaks, 0.75 cm in block form must be started from within.
Editing the Bibliography
In the bibliography, only the references in the article should be included and alphabetical order should be followed according to the surname of the author.
If more than one work of an author will be included in the bibliography, they should be sorted according to the publication date from oldest to newest. For studies made in the same year, the phrases "a, b, c..." should be used and they should be the same for references made in the text.
Electronic Version of a Printed Book (E-Book)
Dinç Mustafa (2019). Kemal Sunal Filmlerinde Folklor ve Mizah. [Electronic Version]. İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları.
Translated Book
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1967). Edebiyat Nedir? Trans. Bertan Onaran. İstanbul: De Yayınevi.
Book Chapter
Dinç, Mustafa (2020). “Türkülerin Başına Gelenler: Politik-İdeolojik Sebeplerle Değiştirilen Türküler Üzerine”. folklor/edebiyat, 26(103): 483-508.
Dinç, Mustafa (2018). Kemal Sunal Filmlerinde Folklor ve Mizah. Doctoral Dissertation. Uşak: Uşak University, Graduate School of Social Sciences.
Yolcu, Mehmet Ali (2018). “Bacılar ve Kardeşler: Toplumsal Yapı ve Söylem Açısından Alevi Ataerkilliği”. International Social Sciences Symposium of Motif Foundation (Çanakkale, 8-10 November 2018). İstanbul: Motif Foundation Pub., 66-69.
Newspaper Articles with Known Authors
Bortaçina, Azer (2000, 3 July). “Adalı Olmak Özveri İster”. Milliyet Yaşam, 4.
Newspaper Clippings or News by Unknown Author
Cumhuriyet. (1991, 21 October). “Halkın kararına saygı duyulur”, 1.
Electronic Sources
Cinema Movies
Oral Sources
SP-1: Mustafa Dinç, Born in 1984, PhD, lecturer, Çanakkale. (Interview: 12.06.2014).