ISSN: 1302-0064
e-ISSN: 2458-8253
Founded: 1995
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Manisa Celal Bayar University The Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Journal of Management and Economics is a refereed academic journal that has been published quarterly (in March, June, September and December) since 1995.

Manisa Celal Bayar University The Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Journal of Management and Economicsis a peer reviewed journal published four issues per year, March, June, September and December.Manuscripts submitted to the journal are only accepted if they have not been or will not be published and should not be under review elsewhere. Manuscript’s language is Turkish, English, German, French and Russian. All responsibility of the studies belongs to the author(s).

Articles appeared in the journal cannot be used, whole article or in part, without proper referencing.

The journal aims to publish scientific articles in economics, business, finance, public finance, political science, international relations, and public administration. In addition to publication of scientific papers, the journal may include translations of foreign articles and book reviews in the field, as well as the interviews.

Manisa Celal Bayar University The Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Journal of Management and Economicsis, welcomes article submissions and does not charge any fee for any (article submission, peer review or publication) processes. All expense of the journal covered by Manisa Celal Bayar University. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal.

Studies must be sent to journal via Dergipark (h system.

Each uploaded article is scanned primarily through the iThenticate software. The articles that exceeded 25% of the results of the search are rejected.

All publications in the journal are subject to the arbitration process and the articles in the journal can not be quoted without reference to the source in part or in full.

Double blind peer review is used for review process.

Authors who want to submit their articles to our journal should upload their articles, which are arranged according to the journal writing rules, to the "DergiPark" system. Articles sent via e-mail will not be evaluated.

Articles that are not prepared according to journal writing rules will not be taken into the evaluation stage.

Copyright Transfer Form that has to be signed by all authors must be submitted. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles. Authors who want to submit articles to our journal should definitely write their "ORCID" numbers in the article. Articles without ORCID number will not be evaluated. Please Click to Reach the Journal Writing Rules and Editorial Ethics Principles Please click to reach our sample article format. All articles punlished by Journal of Management and Economy are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial NDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.


Closing Date for Article Submission: December 31, 2025

2024 - Volume: 31 Issue: 4

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