Research Article
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A Study Examining the Attitudes of Generations After Nostalgia-Themed Televısıon Commercials

Year 2021, , 227 - 241, 23.03.2021


Consumer behavior differs due to many factors such as the environment, lifestyle, life expectancy, income level and education level. One way to understand and categorize consumers is to make comparisons according to their age generations. Each generation is thought to have their own expectations, way of understanding life and behaviors, and consumers are categorized and defined accordingly. This categorization, which is frequently used in the field of marketing, guides researches. These developments lead to a more in-depth investigation of consumers. In the communication process, a number of methods are used in order to increase the effectiveness of the message intended to be given to consumers in television advertisements. Purpose of the research is to measure whether consumers' tendency towards nostalgia, perception of advertising performance, post-advertisement emotions, brand heritage perceptions and post-advertisement attitudes differ after watching nostalgic television commercials by age generations. For this purpose, 410 participants were reached by using the convenience sampling method and a questionnaire form consisting of 43 questions was applied with face-to-face interview and online participation methods. It has been determined that customers’ proness to nostalgia differ depending on their age generations. Furthermore, it has been observed that the nostalgic advertising performance perception and post-advertisement attitude also differ depending on generations and the highest perception has been observed in the 53-71 age range which is also named as the baby-boomer generation. No significant difference was found between consumers' post-advertisement emotions and brand legacy perception depending on generations.
Key Words: Generations, Nostalgia Proneness, Brand Heritage, Emotions, Nostalgic Commercials
JEL Classification: M30, M31, M37 


  • Anastasiei, B. ve Chiosa, R. (2014). Emotional response to advertising. Euro Economica, 2(33), 43-49.
  • Brandt, David. (2016). What’s next: Emotions give a lift to advertising. Retrieved April 15, 2018, from
  • Chou, H.Y. ve Singhal, D. (2017). Nostalgia advertising and young Indian consumers: The power of old songs. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22, 136-145.
  • Debevec, K., ve Iyer, E. (1988). Self-referencing as a mediator of the effectiveness of sexrole por-trayals in advertising. Psychology and Marketing, 5(1), 71–84.
  • Deighton, J., Henderson, C.M. ve Neslin, S. A. (1994). The effects of Advertising on brand switching and repeat purchasing. Journal of Marketing Research, 31, 28-43.
  • Frohlich, M. T. ve Westbrook, R. (2001). Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies. Journal of Operations Management, 19, 185-200.
  • Hevlana, W.J. ve Holak, S.L. (1991). “The good old days”: Observations on nostalgia and its role in consumer behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, 18, 323-329.
  • Hakala, U., Latti, S. ve Sandberg, B. (2011). Operationalising brand heritage and cultural heritage. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 20(6), 447-456.
  • Holak, Susan L, Havlena William J. ve Matveev, Alexei V. (2006). Exploring nostalgia in Russia: Testing the index of nostalgia-proneness. European Advances in Consumer Research, 7, 195-200.
  • Holak, S.L., A.V. Matveev, and W.J. Havlena. 2008. Nostalgia in post-socialist Russia: Exploring applications to advertising strategy. Journal of Business Research 61, no. 2: 1728.
  • Holbrook, M.B. (1993). Nostalgia and consumption preferences: Some emerging patterns of consum-er tastes. Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 245-256.
  • Huber, F., Meyer, F., Vogel, J., Weihrauch, A. ve Hamprecht, J. (2013). Endorser age and stereoty-pes: Consequences on brand age. Journal of Business Research, 66, 207-215.
  • Ju, I., Choi, Y., Morris, J., Liao, H.W. ve Bluck, S. (2016). Creating nostalgic advertising based on the reminiscence bump: Diachronic relevance and purchase intent. Applied Cognitive Psy-chology, Appl.Cognit. Psychol, 30, 465-471.
  • Kessous, A., ve Roux, E. (2010). Brand considered as “nostalgic”: Consequences on attitudes and consumer-brand relationship. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25(3), 29-55.
  • Marchegiani, C. & Phau, I. (2010). The value of historical nostalgia for marketing management. Mar-keting Intelligence & Planning, 29(2), 108-122.
  • Mehta, A. ve Purvis, S.C. (2006). Reconsidering recall and emotion in advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, March, 49-56.
  • Merchant, A. ve Rose, GM. (2013). Effects of advertising- evoked vicarious nostalgia on brand herit-age. Journal of Business Research. 66, 2619-2625.
  • Merchant, A., Ford, J.B, Dianoux, C. ve Herrmann, J.L. (2016). Development and validation of an emic scale to measure ad-evoked nostalgia in France. International Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 706-729.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2012). Reklamın Etkileri, Aile ve Tüketici Hizmetleri Birimi, Ankara.
  • Muehling, D.D. ve Pascal, V.J. (2011). Empirical investigation of the differential effects of personal, historical, and non-nostalgic advertising on consumer responses. Journal of Advertising, 40(2), 107-122.
  • Özhan, Ş. ve Altuğ, N. (2017). Demografik değişkenler açısından nostalji eğilimini belirlemeye yöne-lik bir araştırma. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 337-350.
  • Pascal, V. J., Sprott, D. E. ve Muehling, D. D. (2002, Spring). The influence of evoked nostalgia on consumers’ responses to advertising: An exploratory study. Journal of Current Issues and Re-search in Advertising, 24(1), 39-49.
  • Pitt Catsouphes, M., Matz-Costa, C. ve Besen, E. (2009). Age & generations: Understanding ex-periences at the workplace. The Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College, Research Highlight 6, 1-43.
  • Reisenwitz, T.H., Iyer, R. ve Cutler, B. (2004). Nostalgia advertising and the influence of nostalgia proneness. The Marketing Management Journal, 14(2), 55-66. Reklamın etkileri. (2012). An-kara: T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Arndt, J. ve Routledge, C. (2008), Nostalgia: Past, present, and future. Current Directions in Psychoogical Science, 17(5), 304-307.
  • The New Oxford Dictionary of English. (Ed.) (1998). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Vignol-les, A. ve Pichon, P.E. (2014). A taste of nostalgia: Links between nostalgia and food con-sumption. Qualitative Market research, 1-18.
  • Williams, K.C. ve Page, R.A (2011). Marketing to the generations. Journal of behavioral Studies in Business, 3, 1-17.
  • Zehir, C., Şahin, A., Kitapçı, H. Ve Özşahin, M. (2011). The effect of brand communication and service quality in building brand loyalty through brand trust. Procedia social and behavioral sciences. 24,1218-1231.

Kuşakların Nostalji Temalı Televizyon Reklamları Sonrası Tutumlarını İnceleyen Bir Araştırma

Year 2021, , 227 - 241, 23.03.2021


Tüketici davranışları içinde bulunulan çevre, yaşam tarzı, hayattan beklenti, gelir düzeyi ve eğitim durumu gibi birçok etmen sebebiyle farklılıklar gösterebilmektedir. Tüketicileri anlamanın ve kategorize edebilmenin bir yolu ise tüketicinin içinde bulunduğu yaş kuşağına göre karşılaştırmalar yapmaktır. Her kuşağın kendine has beklentileri, hayatı kavrayış biçimi ve davranış şekilleri olduğu düşünülmekte ve buna göre tüketiciler kategorize edilip tanımlanmaktadır. Pazarlama alanında sıklıkla başvurulan bu kategorizasyon araştırmalara yön vermekte, yaşanan bu gelişmeler, tüketicilerin daha derinlemesine araştırılmasına ışık tutmaktadır. İletişim sürecinde televizyon reklamlarında tüketicilere verilmek istenen mesajın etkinliğini artırmak amacıyla birtakım metotlardan yararlanılmaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı; tüketicilerin izledikleri nostaljik televizyon reklamları sonrası, nostaljiye olan eğilimlerinin, reklam performans algısının, reklam sonrası duygularının, marka miras algılarının ve reklam sonrası tutumlarının farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını yaş kuşaklarına göre ölçmektir. Bu amaçla 410 katılımcıya kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak ulaşılmış ve 43 sorudan oluşan anket formu yüz yüze görüşme yöntemi ve çevrimiçi katılım ile uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde MANOVA’dan yararlanılmıştır. Tüketicilerin nostaljiye eğilimli olma durumunun yaş kuşaklarına göre farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Nostaljik reklam performans algısı ve reklam sonrası tutumun da yaş kuşaklarına bağlı olarak farklılaştığı ve bu algının en yüksek olduğu kuşağın 53-71 yaş aralığında olan bebek patlaması kuşağında olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Tüketicilerin yaş kuşaklarına göre reklam sonrası duyguları ve marka miras algısı arasında anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmamıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Yaş Kuşakları, Nostalji Eğilimi, Marka Mirası, Duygular, Nostaljik Reklamlar
JEL Sınıflandırması: M30, M31, M37


  • Anastasiei, B. ve Chiosa, R. (2014). Emotional response to advertising. Euro Economica, 2(33), 43-49.
  • Brandt, David. (2016). What’s next: Emotions give a lift to advertising. Retrieved April 15, 2018, from
  • Chou, H.Y. ve Singhal, D. (2017). Nostalgia advertising and young Indian consumers: The power of old songs. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22, 136-145.
  • Debevec, K., ve Iyer, E. (1988). Self-referencing as a mediator of the effectiveness of sexrole por-trayals in advertising. Psychology and Marketing, 5(1), 71–84.
  • Deighton, J., Henderson, C.M. ve Neslin, S. A. (1994). The effects of Advertising on brand switching and repeat purchasing. Journal of Marketing Research, 31, 28-43.
  • Frohlich, M. T. ve Westbrook, R. (2001). Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies. Journal of Operations Management, 19, 185-200.
  • Hevlana, W.J. ve Holak, S.L. (1991). “The good old days”: Observations on nostalgia and its role in consumer behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, 18, 323-329.
  • Hakala, U., Latti, S. ve Sandberg, B. (2011). Operationalising brand heritage and cultural heritage. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 20(6), 447-456.
  • Holak, Susan L, Havlena William J. ve Matveev, Alexei V. (2006). Exploring nostalgia in Russia: Testing the index of nostalgia-proneness. European Advances in Consumer Research, 7, 195-200.
  • Holak, S.L., A.V. Matveev, and W.J. Havlena. 2008. Nostalgia in post-socialist Russia: Exploring applications to advertising strategy. Journal of Business Research 61, no. 2: 1728.
  • Holbrook, M.B. (1993). Nostalgia and consumption preferences: Some emerging patterns of consum-er tastes. Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 245-256.
  • Huber, F., Meyer, F., Vogel, J., Weihrauch, A. ve Hamprecht, J. (2013). Endorser age and stereoty-pes: Consequences on brand age. Journal of Business Research, 66, 207-215.
  • Ju, I., Choi, Y., Morris, J., Liao, H.W. ve Bluck, S. (2016). Creating nostalgic advertising based on the reminiscence bump: Diachronic relevance and purchase intent. Applied Cognitive Psy-chology, Appl.Cognit. Psychol, 30, 465-471.
  • Kessous, A., ve Roux, E. (2010). Brand considered as “nostalgic”: Consequences on attitudes and consumer-brand relationship. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25(3), 29-55.
  • Marchegiani, C. & Phau, I. (2010). The value of historical nostalgia for marketing management. Mar-keting Intelligence & Planning, 29(2), 108-122.
  • Mehta, A. ve Purvis, S.C. (2006). Reconsidering recall and emotion in advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, March, 49-56.
  • Merchant, A. ve Rose, GM. (2013). Effects of advertising- evoked vicarious nostalgia on brand herit-age. Journal of Business Research. 66, 2619-2625.
  • Merchant, A., Ford, J.B, Dianoux, C. ve Herrmann, J.L. (2016). Development and validation of an emic scale to measure ad-evoked nostalgia in France. International Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 706-729.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2012). Reklamın Etkileri, Aile ve Tüketici Hizmetleri Birimi, Ankara.
  • Muehling, D.D. ve Pascal, V.J. (2011). Empirical investigation of the differential effects of personal, historical, and non-nostalgic advertising on consumer responses. Journal of Advertising, 40(2), 107-122.
  • Özhan, Ş. ve Altuğ, N. (2017). Demografik değişkenler açısından nostalji eğilimini belirlemeye yöne-lik bir araştırma. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 337-350.
  • Pascal, V. J., Sprott, D. E. ve Muehling, D. D. (2002, Spring). The influence of evoked nostalgia on consumers’ responses to advertising: An exploratory study. Journal of Current Issues and Re-search in Advertising, 24(1), 39-49.
  • Pitt Catsouphes, M., Matz-Costa, C. ve Besen, E. (2009). Age & generations: Understanding ex-periences at the workplace. The Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College, Research Highlight 6, 1-43.
  • Reisenwitz, T.H., Iyer, R. ve Cutler, B. (2004). Nostalgia advertising and the influence of nostalgia proneness. The Marketing Management Journal, 14(2), 55-66. Reklamın etkileri. (2012). An-kara: T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Arndt, J. ve Routledge, C. (2008), Nostalgia: Past, present, and future. Current Directions in Psychoogical Science, 17(5), 304-307.
  • The New Oxford Dictionary of English. (Ed.) (1998). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Vignol-les, A. ve Pichon, P.E. (2014). A taste of nostalgia: Links between nostalgia and food con-sumption. Qualitative Market research, 1-18.
  • Williams, K.C. ve Page, R.A (2011). Marketing to the generations. Journal of behavioral Studies in Business, 3, 1-17.
  • Zehir, C., Şahin, A., Kitapçı, H. Ve Özşahin, M. (2011). The effect of brand communication and service quality in building brand loyalty through brand trust. Procedia social and behavioral sciences. 24,1218-1231.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Tuğsan Karadeniz This is me 0000-0001-7914-6886

Ayşe Şahin 0000-0001-7006-3072

Publication Date March 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Karadeniz, T., & Şahin, A. (2021). Kuşakların Nostalji Temalı Televizyon Reklamları Sonrası Tutumlarını İnceleyen Bir Araştırma. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 28(1), 227-241.