- Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences is a scientific research journal founded in 1995. In our journal, scientific articles in the original research category, which are written in Turkish or English, are published. It is expected that the information produced will be such as being new, suggesting a new method or adding a new dimension to the previously existing information. Our journal does not include any articles such as letter to editor, discussions, and case reports. Our journal has been regularly published in the fields of engineering and architectural sciences, agriculture and forestry sciences and basic sciences since 2018, in April, August and December.Research articles, technical notes and reviews written in Turkish and English are published in our journal.
- Articles submitted for publication must not be published elsewhere or sent to any journal for publication. Older studies more than ten years are not accepted to evaluate.
- A research paper submitted to the journal for publication have following sections; Turkish and English Abstract, Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion and References. Results and Discussions can either be combined into one section.
- Research Article 2500-5000 words, Reviews 4.000-7000 words and Technical Note must be within the limits of 1000-2500 words.
- Reviews should include a synthesis, interpretation, and evaluation of previous scientific studies and current developments by experienced authors in the field of research area (the corresponding author of the review should have at least 5 research articles in international refereed journals). Reviews published up to 10% of the number of articles published in each issue.
- If the research paper is summarized from graduate theses, this should be given as a footnote on the first page.
- Our journal adopts the Open Source Publication Policy.
- The articles published in our journal must comply with the scientific ethics rules. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted code of ethics.
- A copy of the report should be submitted with the manuscript in the studies where the Ethics Committee Report is required (studies related directly / indirectly to the animal).
- Any research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques
- Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,,
- Clinical researches on humans,
- Researches on animals,,
- Retrospective studies in accordance with the law of protection of personal data,
Also; - In the case reports, it is stated that the “informed consent form” was taken,
- Obtaining and expressing permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others,
- Stating that the copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used
- 10. The articles submitted to Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences are controlled through the iThenticate software. Similarity Index (SI) of the article should be <20%; Each similarity ratio should be <5%. If the similarity index is above the acceptable limits, the article will be returned to the author(s) (no more than 3 plagiarism scans are performed for an article). If revisions are not made within 10 days, the article will be rejected. If the plagiarism is proved after the publication of the article, that article will be withdrawn and removed from the website immediately and the author(s) will not be able to submit a paper for a period of five years to the Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences.
- 11. All authors should sign the Copyright Form for the publication rights of their article to the Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences. The article will not be taken into consideration unless the Copyright Form is submitted by the authors
- 12. The articles whose evaluation process is completed are published considering the date of submission. The articles are added to the first issue scheduled to be published as soon as they are ready for publication. The volume is published, after all articles will be published in the same volume are completed.
- 13. Response to control and correction postings to be sent to the author (s) during the page-layout the study should be replied within 15 days at the latest. The articles of the author (s) who are not responding within the specified period of time shall be forwarded for further volumes.
- 14. No changes are allowed in the article that is decided to be published. An author can publish a maximum of two study as a corresponding author, one without a corresponding author. The responsibility of the published study belongs to the author (s).
Writing Rules
- Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the journal writing rules. The study which are not in accordance with the writing rules will be returned to the authors and will not be accepted for peer-review. WRITING RULES AND TEMPLATE HERE. Sign the CHECKLIST before submitting your article to the system.
- In our journal, the writing language is Turkish and / or English. A good quality of scientific writing is required. The research must be understandable by a general scientific readership and by specialists. The research problem is identified, existing knowledge relevant to the problem is analyzed, the hypothesis is clear. Sentences are simple, short and direct, the style is concise and precise. Unnecessary and well-known info and unnecessary references should be avoided. Previously published data should be cited with reference to the formula and results. No reference of over 15 years should be used except for compulsory or exceptional cases. The number of references should not be more than 10 per 1000 words.
- Journal name abbreviations in the reference section should be arranged in accordance with "Web of Science Abbreviations”. Abbreviations used in the article should be written in full and provide in the parenthesis in the first mention. In all articles, the SI (International System of Units) units of measure and the decimal point must be used as a decimal fraction (1.25 instead of 1.25). Blank should be used to separate the thousands (100 000 instead of 100000)
- For printing, quality copies of pictures (300 dpi in JPG or TIFF format) should be sent as an additional file.
- Journal writing rules are also print format. Therefore, the rules of writing should be prepared carefully by the authors. Articles that do not comply with the writing rules will be sent back to the authors.
Evaluation Process
- The study prepared in accordance with the writing rules are first evaluated by the editors. At this stage, studies that do not comply with the aim and scope of the journal, have no originality, which are poor in terms of language and narrative rules in Turkish and English, have critical scientific and statistical analysis errors, and not suitable the publication policies, are rejected. The authors of the rejected studies will be informed within two weeks at the latest from the date of submission. The studies that are found to be suitable are sent to a section editor for the field of study for the pre-evaluation.
- In the pre-evaluation process, the section editors examine the introduction, material and method, results, discussion and conclusion sections of the studies in detail in terms of originality, the scope and scope of the journal publication policies. As a result of this evaluation, the studies which are not suitable are returned to author(s) within four weeks at the latest with the evaluation report of section editor.
- The works will be sent to the referees according to the content and the areas of expertise of the referees. In our journal, double-blind peer review process is applied in the article evaluations. Both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. If the author(s) of the article are from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, then the referees must be appointed from outside the university. If the author(s) of the article are from outside the university, referees can also be appointed from within the university. Our referee pool consists of referees, the majority of whom are from outside the university and abroad.
- Articles sent to the referees are expected to be evaluated within 20 days. In case of exceeding this period, the editor will give an additional 7 days by reminding the reviewer. In case of exceeding this period, the editor will withdraw the request from the former reviewer by appointing a new reviewer.
- The article accepts to publish that recommended to publish by two reviewers. If reviewers decide differently, study is sent to a third referee.
- The reports received from the reviewers will be examined by the section editor within 2 weeks at the latest. As a result of this evaluation, the final decision for the article is given by the section editor.
- Major (significant corrections required) or minor (minor corrections are required) revision decision will be issued for the improvement of articles which are not considered sufficient, in line with the recommendations of the reviewers. Articles that do not revised according to reviewers’ reports, are rejected.
- After the major or minor revision decision given to the article, the necessary changes are realized by the author within 30 days for major revision; 15 days for minor revision. Otherwise, the article is rejected.