Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University
Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University research is published quarterly by the Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University since 1964 with an ISSN Number 1018-8851 and e-ISSN number 2548-1207.
It is an open access journal and publishes, in only English, full-length original research papers in Agricultural and Biological Sciences topics related to agriculture.
The title of the journal should be cited as “Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg.”
Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University is abstracted and indexed in CAB Abstracts, Clarivate Analytics-Zoological Record, DOAJ, EBSCO, FAO-AGRIS, Google Scholar, NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA), SCOPUS, TUBİTAK-ULAKBİM and TR Index.
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Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 35100 Bornova, İzmir, TÜRKİYE
Research Article
Analysis of factors affecting the import demand for wheat and corn in Türkiye using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression MethodResearch Article
Investigation of pressure drop in main air line of pipeline milking systemResearch Article
Çiftçilerin tarımsal plastik atıklara yönelik tutumlarının çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından incelenmesiResearch Article
Sürdürülebilir üniversite modeli açısından Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi’nin yeşil yönetim sistemi kapsamında performans değerlendirilmesiResearch Article
Assessing ecosystem services of urban blue-green infrastructure: the case of Karşıyaka, IzmirResearch Article
A research on factors affecting fresh fruit and vegetable producers' tendency to participate in cooperativesResearch Article
Perceptions of climate change and adaptation measures among wheat and barley producersResearch Article
Asma Protoplastlarında CRISPR/Cas9 Aracılı Genom DüzenlemeResearch Article
Effects of conventional and ridge planting methods at different plant densities on yield and yield components in chickpeaResearch Article
The effect of farmyard manure on seed yield and yield components of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) VarietiesResearch Article
Performance of durum wheat landraces concerning on grain yield and spike characteristics in Bornova ecological conditionsResearch Article
Assessing ecosystem services provided by cemeteries in urban landscapesResearch Article
Ahududunun (Rubus idaeus L. cv. Ruby) mikroçoğaltımında Giberellik Asitin (GA3) bitki gelişimine etkisiResearch Article
Drought stress effect on qualitative and grain composition in four hybrid maize varieties with different stomata resistanceResearch Article
The in vitro energy and methane production values of three species of microalgae for ruminantsResearch Article
Examination of traditional street texture in terms of plant existence: Kilis urban protected areaResearch Article
Kırsal kalkınmada tarımın rolü: Giresun-Piraziz örneği üzerinden fındık tarımının incelenmesiResearch Article
A simple machine for pelleting poultry litterResearch Article
Çiftçilerin tarım danışmanlığı sistemine bakışları: İzmir İli örneğiResearch Article
Spatial and temporal analysis of habitat qualityResearch Article
Azerbaycan Devlet Tarım Üniversitesi ve Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi çift diploma programı öğrencilerinin programı ve eğitimi değerlendirmeleriResearch Article
Effective methods of preparing lavandin cuttings for establishment of industrial plantations in southern UkraineResearch Article
The impact of agricultural support, credit, and raw material trade on agricultural value added in Türkiye Facebook