Aim & Scope

The Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish research in the field of educational sciences. With the knowledge, findings, and perspectives it presents, the journal seeks to serve scientists, education sector professionals, faculty of education students, and other stakeholders and citizens interested in education. In this context, it is expected to contribute to the identification and resolution of educational problems.

The Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty does not publish bibliometric studies that solely analyze research in terms of publication year, sample size, research method, research design, etc. Additionally, the journal does not accept review articles or theoretical studies if there is no gap in the relevant literature. Furthermore, quantitative studies that rely solely on descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequencies or that conduct item-level analyses using measurement instruments without established validity and reliability will not be considered for publication. Manuscripts based on outdated data will also not be evaluated. The journal publishes original research articles and review studies in the field of educational sciences. Manuscripts addressing the following topics are considered for review:

  • Teacher education
  • The Turkish education system and school administration
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Measurement and evaluation
  • Scale development studies
  • Educational psychology
  • Sociology of education
  • Philosophy of education
  • Educational policies
  • Guidance and psychological counseling
  • Instructional technologies
  • Inclusive education
  • Teaching in multigrade classrooms
  • Early reading and writing instruction
  • Turkish language teaching
  • Turkish language and literature teaching
  • Mathematics teaching
  • Science teaching
  • Environmental education
  • Biology teaching
  • Chemistry teaching
  • Physics teaching
  • Social studies teaching
  • History teaching
  • Geography teaching
  • Philosophy group course teaching
  • Preschool education
  • Special education
  • Foreign language teaching
  • Teaching Turkish as a foreign language
  • Art education
  • Physical education and sports teaching
  • Comparative education
  • Current issues in education
  • Other education-related studies

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 2/17/25, 3:40:57 PM
