AgriTR Science
Publication Principles
AgriTR Science Journal publishes Turkish and English articles in the field of agricultural sciences. In addition to articles containing original research results, a limited number of compilations and translations are also included. The journal is published online four times a year, in June and November.
Articles sent to the journal must not have been published elsewhere and the publication rights must not have been transferred. All responsibilities in the field of scientific ethics of the studies belong to the author(s). The publication rights belong to the International AgriTR Science journal. No royalties are paid to the author(s).
Articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board and sent to two referees. The Editorial Board makes a decision on acceptance or rejection, taking into account the referee suggestions and the author's right to reply. In cases of dispute, the decision of the Journal Advisory Board members is binding. If necessary, a third referee is consulted. Changes and corrections suggested by the referee or Editorial Board are forwarded to the responsible author. No additions or deletions can be made to the article other than these changes and corrections.
AgriTR Science
Click for a sample writing template.
Writing Rules
Page layout and font: Articles should be written on A4 paper, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides, 11 point font size, single line spacing and Times New Roman font on a Windows compatible processor. Care should be taken to ensure that the total number of pages, including figures and tables, does not exceed 15. The first line of the paragraphs should start 0.5 cm indented, and no space should be left between paragraphs. The article should be arranged in a single column.
The Turkish article text should consist of the following sections, respectively; title, author names and addresses, abstract, keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Result(s), References; The English article text should consist of the following sections, respectively; Title, Author (s), Address, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Result(s), References. The Title, Address, Abstract and Keywords of articles prepared in Russian should be given in English.
Article Title: The Turkish and English title of the article should be written in 12 point font. It should be bold, plain and aligned to the center of the page with the first letters capitalized.
Author name(s): The author(s) name(s) and surname(s) should be written without abbreviation, leaving a space below the title, and the author(s) address should be given by leaving a space below the author(s) names. *Corresponding author: The e-mail address of the responsible author should be written here, in 9-point font size, centered, with ‘single’ line spacing. The author sending the article should indicate who the responsible author is.
Abstract: Abstract, abstract texts and contact addresses should not extend to the second page. The second page should start with the ‘1. Introduction’ section. In cases where ‘1. Introduction’ starts on the first page, 2 lines of 11-point font space should be left between the line containing the Keywords statement and the Introduction. The words ‘Özet’ in Turkish and ‘Abstract’ in English should be written in 11-point font size, bold and centered, with ‘after: 6 nk’ line spacing. The abstract text should not exceed 300 words, should be written in 9-point font, single column and justified. There should be no blank line spacing before keywords. The text ‘Keywords’ should be bold, plain (not italic), with the first letters capitalized and in 9-point font size. The first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized, all other letters and words (except for proper nouns, Latin, etc.) should be in lower case, and separated by a comma and a one-character space. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 keywords should be written. In-text citations and sources in the article should be prepared according to the rules of the American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7). Abstract, abstract texts and contact addresses should not extend to the second page.
Keywords / Keywords: There should be no blank line spacing before keywords. The text ‘Keywords’ should be bold, plain (not italic), with the first letters capitalized and in 9-point font size. The first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized, all other letters and words (except for proper nouns, Latin, etc.) should be in lower case, and separated by a comma and a one-character space. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 keywords should be written. In the article, the in-text citations and sources section should be prepared according to the American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7) rules. Abstract, Abstract texts and contact addresses should not extend to the second page.
Text: The article should generally consist of the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Material and Method, 3) Findings, 4) Discussion, 5) Conclusion/s, 6) Sources. Articles 3 and 4 can be examined in a single section under the title "Findings and Discussion". Compilation articles are written in accordance with other rules without considering the titles of material, method and findings. The article should be prepared on this draft. The entire article, including the blank lines, should be written in 'Times New Roman' font, plain and with 'Single' line spacing. The article should be in a single column.