Research Article
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Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves

Year 2015, Volume: 21 Issue: 4, 492 - 499, 15.12.2015


The purpose of this research was to investigate the possibility of the reducing weaning age of Brown Swiss x Eastern
Anatolian Red F1
crossbred calves reared in North East Region of Anatolia. A total of 26 calves were housed in individual
hutches and weaned at 2 (early weaning) or 3 (late weaning) months of age. While weaning weight of the calves in
different weaning age treatment groups was significantly (P<0.01) different in favor of calves weaned lately, 6 months
weight was not significantly affected by ages of weaning. Average 6 months weight of the male calves was significantly
(P<0.05) higher than that of female calves. The effects of weaning ages on the weight gain in both post-weaning and
overall periods of the trial were not significant. Total milk dry matter intake (DMI) of the late weaned calves were
significantly (P<0.01) greater than that of early weaned calves. However, starter DMI of the calves weaned 2 months
of age was higher (P<0.05) than that of late weaned calves, but dry hay and total feed DMI were not affected by the
weaning ages. Sex of the calves also did not result in significant effects on the milk, dry hay, starters and total feed DMI.
Feed conversion efficiency in a period between birth and 6 months of age were not significantly affected by weaning
ages. The weaning age and sex of calves did not significantly affect the gains in body measurements. Percentage of time
spent for lying, standing, eating and drinking water behaviors were not also significantly affected by both weaning ages
and sex of calves. The results of this study suggested that the crossbred calves could be weaned successfully at 2 months
of age without having adverse effect on their growth, feed conversion efficiency and behavioral traits.


  • Bojarpour M, Nargeskhani A & Ghorbani M R (2010). Effects of weaning age on the growth and starter intake in Holstein calves. Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances 9(10): 1469-1471
  • Bjorklund E A, Heins B J & Chester-Jones H (2013). Whole-milk feeding duration, calf growth, and profitability of group-fed calves in an organic production system. Journal of Dairy Science 96(11): 7363–7370
  • Jasper J & Weary J M (2002). Effects of ad libitum milk intake on dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science 85(11): 3054-3058
  • Erez I (2011). The effects of early weaning practice at performances of black and white calves. MS Thesis, Çukurova University (Unpublished), Turkey
  • Hill T, Bateman H G, Aldrich J M & Schlotterbeck R L (2009). Effect of weaning age of dairy calves fed a conventional or more optimum milk replacer program. Professional Animal Scientist 25(5): 619- 624
  • Kisac P, Broucek J, Uhrincat M & Hanus A (2011). Effect of weaning calves from mother at different ages on their growth and milk yield of mothers. Czech Journal of Animal Science 56(6): 261–268
  • Kartal T Z & Yanar M (2011). Effect of floor types on the growth performance and some behavioural traits of Brown Swiss calves. Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika 55(77): 20-24
  • Kehoe S I, Dechow C D & Heinrichs A J (2007). Effects of weaning age and milk feeding frequency on dairy calf growth, health and rumen parameters. Livestock Science 110(3): 267–272
  • Khan M A, Lee H J, Lee W S, Kim H S, Kim S B, Ki K S, Ha J K, Lee H G & Choi Y J (2007). Pre- and post- weaning performance of Holstein female calves fed milk through step-down and conventional methods. Journal of Dairy Science 90(2): 876-885
  • Koçak Ö & Güneş H (2005). The growth and survival characteristics of Holstein female calves weaned at various ages. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29(2): 511-516
  • Laswai G H, Lyimo H L N, Mtenga L A, Kimambo A E, Mgheni D M, Hvelplund T, Madsen J & Weisbjerg M R (2007). Effects of local concentrate and weaning age on the performance of crossbred calves. Journal of Animal Feed Science 16(Suppl. 2): 419–423
  • Martin P & Bateson P (1993). Measuring Behaviour: An Introductory Guide. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Metin J, Yanar M, Güler O, Bayram B & Tüzemen N (2006). Growth, health and behavioural traits of dairy calves fed acidified whole milk. Indian Veterinary Journal 83(9): 976–979
  • Özkaya S & Toker M T (2012). Effect of amount of milk fed, weaning age and starter protein level on growth performance in Holstein calves. Archives Tierzucht 55(3): 234-244
  • Quigley J D, Wolfe T A & Elsasser T H (2006). Effects of additional milk replacer feeding on calf health, growth, and selected blood metabolites in calves. Jornal of Dairy Science 89(1): 207–216
  • Rashid M A, Pasha T N, Jabbar M A, IJAZ A, Rehman H & Yousaf M (2013). Influence of weaning regimen on intake, growth characteristics and plasma blood metabolites in male buffalo calves. Animal 7(9): 1472–1478
  • SPSS (2004). SPSS for Windows, Release 13.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois
  • Uğur F & Yanar M (1998). Effect of the different weaning ages on the growth and feed conversion efficiencies in Holstein-Friesian calves. Indian Journal of Animal Science 68(12): 1284-1286
  • Uğur F, Özhan M, Yanar M & Tüzemen N (2004). Performance of calves fed a limited amount of milk in Eastern Anatolia conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 38(2): 125-128
  • Ulutaş Z, Akbulut Ö, Tüzemen N & Özlütürk A (1996). Farklı sürelerde sütten kesilen D.A.K. buzağılarında büyüme ve gelişme. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 36(2): 54-67
  • Yanar M, Güler O, Bayram B & Metin J (2006). Effects of feeding acidified milk replacer on the growth, health and behavioural characteristics of Holstein Friesian calves. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Science 30(2): 235-241

Sütten Kesim Yaşlarının Esmer x Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı F1 Buzağılarında Büyüme, Yemden Yararlanma Oranı ve Bazı Davranış Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2015, Volume: 21 Issue: 4, 492 - 499, 15.12.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kuzey Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde yetiştirilen Esmer x Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı F1
melezi buzağıların sütten kesim yaşının düşürülme imkânlarını araştırmaktır. Toplam 26 buzağı bireysel bölmelerde
barındırılarak 2 (erken sütten kesim) veya 3 (geç sütten kesim) aylık yaşlarda sütten kesilmişlerdir. Sütten kesim ağırlığı
geç sütten kesilen buzağılar lehine önemli (P


  • Bojarpour M, Nargeskhani A & Ghorbani M R (2010). Effects of weaning age on the growth and starter intake in Holstein calves. Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances 9(10): 1469-1471
  • Bjorklund E A, Heins B J & Chester-Jones H (2013). Whole-milk feeding duration, calf growth, and profitability of group-fed calves in an organic production system. Journal of Dairy Science 96(11): 7363–7370
  • Jasper J & Weary J M (2002). Effects of ad libitum milk intake on dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science 85(11): 3054-3058
  • Erez I (2011). The effects of early weaning practice at performances of black and white calves. MS Thesis, Çukurova University (Unpublished), Turkey
  • Hill T, Bateman H G, Aldrich J M & Schlotterbeck R L (2009). Effect of weaning age of dairy calves fed a conventional or more optimum milk replacer program. Professional Animal Scientist 25(5): 619- 624
  • Kisac P, Broucek J, Uhrincat M & Hanus A (2011). Effect of weaning calves from mother at different ages on their growth and milk yield of mothers. Czech Journal of Animal Science 56(6): 261–268
  • Kartal T Z & Yanar M (2011). Effect of floor types on the growth performance and some behavioural traits of Brown Swiss calves. Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika 55(77): 20-24
  • Kehoe S I, Dechow C D & Heinrichs A J (2007). Effects of weaning age and milk feeding frequency on dairy calf growth, health and rumen parameters. Livestock Science 110(3): 267–272
  • Khan M A, Lee H J, Lee W S, Kim H S, Kim S B, Ki K S, Ha J K, Lee H G & Choi Y J (2007). Pre- and post- weaning performance of Holstein female calves fed milk through step-down and conventional methods. Journal of Dairy Science 90(2): 876-885
  • Koçak Ö & Güneş H (2005). The growth and survival characteristics of Holstein female calves weaned at various ages. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29(2): 511-516
  • Laswai G H, Lyimo H L N, Mtenga L A, Kimambo A E, Mgheni D M, Hvelplund T, Madsen J & Weisbjerg M R (2007). Effects of local concentrate and weaning age on the performance of crossbred calves. Journal of Animal Feed Science 16(Suppl. 2): 419–423
  • Martin P & Bateson P (1993). Measuring Behaviour: An Introductory Guide. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Metin J, Yanar M, Güler O, Bayram B & Tüzemen N (2006). Growth, health and behavioural traits of dairy calves fed acidified whole milk. Indian Veterinary Journal 83(9): 976–979
  • Özkaya S & Toker M T (2012). Effect of amount of milk fed, weaning age and starter protein level on growth performance in Holstein calves. Archives Tierzucht 55(3): 234-244
  • Quigley J D, Wolfe T A & Elsasser T H (2006). Effects of additional milk replacer feeding on calf health, growth, and selected blood metabolites in calves. Jornal of Dairy Science 89(1): 207–216
  • Rashid M A, Pasha T N, Jabbar M A, IJAZ A, Rehman H & Yousaf M (2013). Influence of weaning regimen on intake, growth characteristics and plasma blood metabolites in male buffalo calves. Animal 7(9): 1472–1478
  • SPSS (2004). SPSS for Windows, Release 13.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois
  • Uğur F & Yanar M (1998). Effect of the different weaning ages on the growth and feed conversion efficiencies in Holstein-Friesian calves. Indian Journal of Animal Science 68(12): 1284-1286
  • Uğur F, Özhan M, Yanar M & Tüzemen N (2004). Performance of calves fed a limited amount of milk in Eastern Anatolia conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 38(2): 125-128
  • Ulutaş Z, Akbulut Ö, Tüzemen N & Özlütürk A (1996). Farklı sürelerde sütten kesilen D.A.K. buzağılarında büyüme ve gelişme. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 36(2): 54-67
  • Yanar M, Güler O, Bayram B & Metin J (2006). Effects of feeding acidified milk replacer on the growth, health and behavioural characteristics of Holstein Friesian calves. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Science 30(2): 235-241
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Mete Yanar

Rıdvan Koçyiğit This is me

Recep Aydın This is me

Mete Yanar This is me

Olcay Güler This is me

Abdülkerim Diler This is me

Mehmet Avcı This is me

Selçuk Özyürek This is me

Dilek Kabakcı This is me

Elif Nur Hirik This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2015
Submission Date May 6, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 21 Issue: 4


APA Yanar, M., Koçyiğit, R., Aydın, R., Yanar, M., et al. (2015). Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(4), 492-499.
AMA Yanar M, Koçyiğit R, Aydın R, Yanar M, Güler O, Diler A, Avcı M, Özyürek S, Kabakcı D, Hirik EN. Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2015;21(4):492-499. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001352
Chicago Yanar, Mete, Rıdvan Koçyiğit, Recep Aydın, Mete Yanar, Olcay Güler, Abdülkerim Diler, Mehmet Avcı, Selçuk Özyürek, Dilek Kabakcı, and Elif Nur Hirik. “Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss X Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21, no. 4 (December 2015): 492-99.
EndNote Yanar M, Koçyiğit R, Aydın R, Yanar M, Güler O, Diler A, Avcı M, Özyürek S, Kabakcı D, Hirik EN (December 1, 2015) Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21 4 492–499.
IEEE M. Yanar, “Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 492–499, 2015, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001352.
ISNAD Yanar, Mete et al. “Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss X Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21/4 (December 2015), 492-499.
JAMA Yanar M, Koçyiğit R, Aydın R, Yanar M, Güler O, Diler A, Avcı M, Özyürek S, Kabakcı D, Hirik EN. Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2015;21:492–499.
MLA Yanar, Mete et al. “Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss X Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 21, no. 4, 2015, pp. 492-9, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001352.
Vancouver Yanar M, Koçyiğit R, Aydın R, Yanar M, Güler O, Diler A, Avcı M, Özyürek S, Kabakcı D, Hirik EN. Effects of Weaning Ages on the Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Some Behavioral Traits of Brown Swiss x Eastern Anatolian Red F1 Calves. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2015;21(4):492-9.

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