Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 247 - 253, 04.09.2021



  • Abdula A A, Zimmerman G, Calvinho L F, Gianre V R & Voltero D (2002). Efficacy of probiotic added to whole milk and to milk substitute. Revista de Medicina Veterinaria 83, 196–198.
  • Adams M C, Luo J, Rayward D, King S, Gibson R & Moghaddam G H (2008). Selection of a novel direct-fed microbial to enhance weight gain in intensively reared calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology 145(1-4): 41-52.
  • Agarwal N, Kamara D N, Chaudhary L C, Agarwal I, Sahoo A & Pathak N N (2002). Microbial status and rumen enzyme profile of crossbred calves fed on different microbial feed additives. Letters in Applied Microbiology 34: 329-336.
  • Arriola K G, Kim S C, Staples C R & Adesogan A T (2011). Effect of fibrolytic enzyme application to low- and high-concentrate diets on the performance of lactating dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 94(2): 832-841.
  • Bakhshi N, Ghorbani G R, Rahmani H R & Samie A (2006). Effect of probiotic and milk feeding frequency on performance of dairy Holstein calves. International Journal of Dairy Science 1(2): 113-119.Bayatkouhsar J, Tahmasebi A M, Naserian A A, Mokarram R R & Valizadeh R (2013). Effects of supplementation of lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, blood metabolites and fecal coliform and lactobacilli of young dairy calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology 186 (1–2): 1-11.
  • Blake K W & Clinon R K (2012). Direct-fed Microbials and Prebiotics for Animals. Science and Mechanisms of Action. Callaway, TR and Ricke SC (editors). Springer Science Business Media, New York, USA. 148 p.Diler A, Koçyiğit R, Yanar M & Aydın R (2015). Effect of feeding direct-fed microbials plus exogenous feed enzymes on milk yield and milk composition of Holstein Friesian cows. Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika 65: 11-16.
  • Dimova N, Baltadjieva M, Karabashev V, Laleva S, Popova Y, Slavov P, Krastanov J & Kalaydjiev G (2013). Effect of supplementation of Probiotic Zoovit in diets of calves of milk breed. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science Supplement 1, 19: 94–97.
  • Dutta T K, Kundu S S & Kumar M (2009). Potential of direct-fedmicrobials on lactation performance in ruminants - A critical review. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 21: Article no:160. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Elwakeel E A, Titgemeyer E C, Johnson B J, Armendariz C K & Shirley J E (2007). Fibrolytic enzymes to increase the nutritive value of dairy feedstuffs. Journal of Dairy Science 90(11): 5226-5236.
  • Foster J C, Glass M D, Courtney P D & Ward L A (2003). Effect of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on Cryptosporidium parvum oocyt viability. Food Microbiology 20: 351-357.
  • Frizzo L S, Bertozzi E, Soto L P, Zbrun M V, Sequeria G, Dalla Santina R, Rodriguez Armesto R & Rosmini M R (2008). The effect of supplementation with three lactic acid bacteria from bovine origin on growth performance and health status of young calves. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 7(4): 400-408.
  • Frizzo, L S, Zbrun M V, Soto L P & Signorini M L (2011). Effects of probiotics on growth performance in young calves: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Animal Feed Science and Technology 169(3-4): 147–156.
  • Ghorbani G R, Morgavi D P, Beauchemin K A & Leedle A Z (2002). Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials on ruminal fermentation, blood variables and microbial populations of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 80(7):1977-1985.
  • Ghorbani G R, Jafari A, Samie A H & Nikkhah A (2007). Effects of applying exogenous, non-starch polysaccharides to pre-weaning starter concentrate on performance of Holstein calves. International Journal of Dairy Science 2(1): 79- 84.
  • Gorgulu M, Siuta A, Yurtseven S, Ongel E & Kutlu H R (2003). Effect of probiotics on growing performance and health of calves. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science 37(2): 125–129.
  • Guler O, M Yanar, B Bayram & J Metin (2006). Performance and health of dairy calves fed limited amounts of acidified milk replacer. South African Journal of Animal Science 36(3): 149-154.
  • Higginbothem G E & Bath L D (1993). Evaluation of Lactobacillus fermentation cultures in calf feeding systems. Journal of Dairy Science 76: 615-620.
  • Hossaini S M R, Bojarpour M, Mamouei M, Asadian A & Fayazi J (2010). Effects of probiotics and antibiotic supplementetion in daily milk intake of newborn calves on feed intake body weight gain, fecal scores and health condition. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9(5): 872-875.
  • Isık M, Ekimler F, Özen N, & Fırat M Z (2004). Probiyotik kullanmanın buzağı büyüme performansı ve sağlığı üzerine etkileri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28(1): 63–69.
  • Naserian A, Kebreab E, Odongo N E, Valizadeh R, Shahroodi F E & Lopez S (2008). Rumen degradation kinetics of alfalfa hay, maize silage and wheat straw treated with fibrolytic enzymes. Archivos Zootecnia 57: 155-164.
  • Jatkauskas J & Vrotniakiene V (2010). Effects of probiotic dietary supplementation on diarrhoea patterns, faecal microbiota and performance of early weaned calves. Veterinarni Medicina 55(10), 494–503.
  • Jenny B F, Vandijk H J & Collins J A (1991). Performance and fecal flora of calves fed a Bacillus subtilis concentrate. Journal of Dairy Science 74(6):1968–1973.
  • Kaygisiz A, Bakir G, Yilmaz I & Vanli Y (2011). Estimation of Variance Components and Genetic Parameters for Direct and Maternal Effects on Birth Weight in Brown Swiss Cattle. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 31(1): 70-74.
  • Kim M K, Lee H G, Park J A, Kang S K & Choi Y J (2011). Effect of feeding direct fed microbial as an alternative to antibiotics for the prophylaxis of calf diarrhea in Holstein calves. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 24(5): 643 - 649.
  • Kocyigit R, Aydin R, Yanar M, Guler O, Diler A, Tuzemen N, Avci , Ozyurek S, Hirik E & Kabakcı D (2015). Effect of doses of direct-fed microbials plus exogenous fibrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth, feed efficiency ratio and fecal consistency index of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research 49(1),63-69.
  • Krueger N A, Adesogan A T, Staples C R, Krueger W K, Kim S C, Littell R C & Sollenberger L E (2008). Effect of method of applying fibrolytic enzymes or ammonia to Bermuda grass hay on feed intake, digestion and growth of beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 86(4): 882-889.
  • Larson L L, Owen F G, Albright J L, Applemen R D, Lamb R C & Muller L D (1977). Guidelines toward more uniformity in measuring and reporting calf experimental data. Journal of Dairy Science 60(6): 989-991.
  • Martin P & Bateson P (1993). Measuring Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press UK.
  • Miller D R, Granzin B C, Elliott R & Norton B W (2008). Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazyme G2 Liquid, on milk production in pasture fed dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 145(1): 194-208.
  • Nocek J E & Kautz W P (2006). Direct-fed microbial supplementation on ruminal digestion, health, and performance of pre- and postpartum dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 89(1): 260-266.
  • Panivivat R, Kegley E B, Pennington J A, Kellog D V & Krumpelman S L (2004). Growth performance and health of dairy calves bedded with different types of materials. Journal of Dairy Science 87(11):3736-3745.
  • Ran T, Gomaa W M S, Shena Y Z, Saleem A M, Yang W Z & McAllister T A (2019). Use of naturally sourced feed additives (lactobacillus fermentation products and enzymes) in growing and finishing steers: Effects on performance, carcass characteristics and blood metabolites. Animal Feed Science and Technology 254: 114-190.
  • Seo J K, Kim S W, Kim M H, Upadhaya S D, Kam D K & Ha J K (2010). Direct-fed microbials for ruminant animals. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 23(12): 1657–1667.
  • Soydan E & Sahin A (2016). Estimates of genetic parameters for direct and maternal effects with six different models on birth weight of Brown Swiss calves. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 26(3): 577-582.
  • Sujani S & Seresinhe R T (2015). Exogenous Enzymes in Ruminant Nutrition: A Review. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 9(3): 85-99.
  • SPSS (2004). SPSS for Windows Release 13.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL., USA.
  • Thakur S S, Verma M P, Ali B, Shelke S K & Tomar S K (2010). Effect of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth and nutrient utilization in Murrah buffalo calves. Indian Journal of Animal Science 80: 1217-1219.
  • Tilki M, Mustafa S & Mehmet C (2008). Genetic Parameters for Direct and Maternal Effects and Estimation of Breeding Values for Birth Weight in Brown Swiss Cattle. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 32(4): 287-292.
  • Timmerman H M, Mulder L, Everts H, van Espen, D C, van der Wal E, Klaassen G, Rouwers S M G, Hartemink R, Rombouts F M & Beynen A C (2005). Health and growth of veal calves fed milk replacers with or without probiotics. Journal of Dairy Science 88(6): 2154–2165.
  • Tuzemen N & Yanar M (2004). Buzağı Yetiştirme Teknikleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 232, 218 s, Erzurum.
  • Ulger I (2019). Effects of pre-weaning probiotic treatments on growth performance and biochemical blood parameters of Holstein calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research 53:644-647.
  • Weiss W P, Wyatt D J & Mc Kelvey T R (2008). Effect of feeding propionibacteria on milk production by early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 91(2): 646-652.
  • Wisener L V, Sargeant J M, O’Connor A M, Faires M C & Glass-Kaastra S K (2015). The use of direct-fed microbials to reduce shedding of Escherichia coli O157 in beef cattle: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Zoonoses Public Health 62(2): 75–89.
  • Yanar M, Tüzemen N & Yuksel S (1999). Replacement of whole milk by milk substitute in diet of Brown Swiss calves. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69(8): 637-640.

Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves

Year 2021, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 247 - 253, 04.09.2021


The study was carried out to investigate to determine effects of the different levels of the direct-fed microbials (DFM) plus exogenous feed enzymes (EFE) on the body weights, weight gains, feed efficiency ratio, some behavioral traits as well as fecal consistency index of male Brown Swiss calves. For this purpose, 18 male Brown Swiss calves were allocated to three groups (control, 10 g and 20 g head/day of DFM plus EFE). Weights obtained at weaning time and 6 months of age of the calves in 10 g head/day of DFM plus EFE group were respectively 7.3% and 7.1% heavier than these of animals in control group. The calves in 10 g head/day of DFM plus EFE group in pre-weaning and between birth and 6 months of age periods also had respectively 16.0% and 7.3% higher total weight gains than calves in the control group. Feed efficiency ratio of the calves fed diets with 10 g DFM plus EFE had 64.2% better than that of calves in control group. Average fecal consistency score of the calves fed a diet supplemented with 10 g head/day of DFM plus EFE had the lowest score (P<0.05) (i.e., less scouring) compared to other treatment groups in pre-weaning period as well as between birth and 6 months of age. Furthermore, behavioral activities of the calves were not significantly influenced by DFM plus EFE additives except for the percentage of time spent for lying. The study revealed that the feeding of DFM plus EFE to male Brown Swiss calves until 6 months of age had positive but not statistically significant improvement on the growth traits and feed efficiency ratio. On the other hand, it was concluded that the level of 10 g head/day of the DFM plus EFE additives could be beneficial for reducing incidence of diarrhea in the dairy calves.


  • Abdula A A, Zimmerman G, Calvinho L F, Gianre V R & Voltero D (2002). Efficacy of probiotic added to whole milk and to milk substitute. Revista de Medicina Veterinaria 83, 196–198.
  • Adams M C, Luo J, Rayward D, King S, Gibson R & Moghaddam G H (2008). Selection of a novel direct-fed microbial to enhance weight gain in intensively reared calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology 145(1-4): 41-52.
  • Agarwal N, Kamara D N, Chaudhary L C, Agarwal I, Sahoo A & Pathak N N (2002). Microbial status and rumen enzyme profile of crossbred calves fed on different microbial feed additives. Letters in Applied Microbiology 34: 329-336.
  • Arriola K G, Kim S C, Staples C R & Adesogan A T (2011). Effect of fibrolytic enzyme application to low- and high-concentrate diets on the performance of lactating dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 94(2): 832-841.
  • Bakhshi N, Ghorbani G R, Rahmani H R & Samie A (2006). Effect of probiotic and milk feeding frequency on performance of dairy Holstein calves. International Journal of Dairy Science 1(2): 113-119.Bayatkouhsar J, Tahmasebi A M, Naserian A A, Mokarram R R & Valizadeh R (2013). Effects of supplementation of lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, blood metabolites and fecal coliform and lactobacilli of young dairy calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology 186 (1–2): 1-11.
  • Blake K W & Clinon R K (2012). Direct-fed Microbials and Prebiotics for Animals. Science and Mechanisms of Action. Callaway, TR and Ricke SC (editors). Springer Science Business Media, New York, USA. 148 p.Diler A, Koçyiğit R, Yanar M & Aydın R (2015). Effect of feeding direct-fed microbials plus exogenous feed enzymes on milk yield and milk composition of Holstein Friesian cows. Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika 65: 11-16.
  • Dimova N, Baltadjieva M, Karabashev V, Laleva S, Popova Y, Slavov P, Krastanov J & Kalaydjiev G (2013). Effect of supplementation of Probiotic Zoovit in diets of calves of milk breed. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science Supplement 1, 19: 94–97.
  • Dutta T K, Kundu S S & Kumar M (2009). Potential of direct-fedmicrobials on lactation performance in ruminants - A critical review. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 21: Article no:160. (Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak, 2016).
  • Elwakeel E A, Titgemeyer E C, Johnson B J, Armendariz C K & Shirley J E (2007). Fibrolytic enzymes to increase the nutritive value of dairy feedstuffs. Journal of Dairy Science 90(11): 5226-5236.
  • Foster J C, Glass M D, Courtney P D & Ward L A (2003). Effect of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on Cryptosporidium parvum oocyt viability. Food Microbiology 20: 351-357.
  • Frizzo L S, Bertozzi E, Soto L P, Zbrun M V, Sequeria G, Dalla Santina R, Rodriguez Armesto R & Rosmini M R (2008). The effect of supplementation with three lactic acid bacteria from bovine origin on growth performance and health status of young calves. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 7(4): 400-408.
  • Frizzo, L S, Zbrun M V, Soto L P & Signorini M L (2011). Effects of probiotics on growth performance in young calves: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Animal Feed Science and Technology 169(3-4): 147–156.
  • Ghorbani G R, Morgavi D P, Beauchemin K A & Leedle A Z (2002). Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials on ruminal fermentation, blood variables and microbial populations of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 80(7):1977-1985.
  • Ghorbani G R, Jafari A, Samie A H & Nikkhah A (2007). Effects of applying exogenous, non-starch polysaccharides to pre-weaning starter concentrate on performance of Holstein calves. International Journal of Dairy Science 2(1): 79- 84.
  • Gorgulu M, Siuta A, Yurtseven S, Ongel E & Kutlu H R (2003). Effect of probiotics on growing performance and health of calves. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science 37(2): 125–129.
  • Guler O, M Yanar, B Bayram & J Metin (2006). Performance and health of dairy calves fed limited amounts of acidified milk replacer. South African Journal of Animal Science 36(3): 149-154.
  • Higginbothem G E & Bath L D (1993). Evaluation of Lactobacillus fermentation cultures in calf feeding systems. Journal of Dairy Science 76: 615-620.
  • Hossaini S M R, Bojarpour M, Mamouei M, Asadian A & Fayazi J (2010). Effects of probiotics and antibiotic supplementetion in daily milk intake of newborn calves on feed intake body weight gain, fecal scores and health condition. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9(5): 872-875.
  • Isık M, Ekimler F, Özen N, & Fırat M Z (2004). Probiyotik kullanmanın buzağı büyüme performansı ve sağlığı üzerine etkileri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28(1): 63–69.
  • Naserian A, Kebreab E, Odongo N E, Valizadeh R, Shahroodi F E & Lopez S (2008). Rumen degradation kinetics of alfalfa hay, maize silage and wheat straw treated with fibrolytic enzymes. Archivos Zootecnia 57: 155-164.
  • Jatkauskas J & Vrotniakiene V (2010). Effects of probiotic dietary supplementation on diarrhoea patterns, faecal microbiota and performance of early weaned calves. Veterinarni Medicina 55(10), 494–503.
  • Jenny B F, Vandijk H J & Collins J A (1991). Performance and fecal flora of calves fed a Bacillus subtilis concentrate. Journal of Dairy Science 74(6):1968–1973.
  • Kaygisiz A, Bakir G, Yilmaz I & Vanli Y (2011). Estimation of Variance Components and Genetic Parameters for Direct and Maternal Effects on Birth Weight in Brown Swiss Cattle. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 31(1): 70-74.
  • Kim M K, Lee H G, Park J A, Kang S K & Choi Y J (2011). Effect of feeding direct fed microbial as an alternative to antibiotics for the prophylaxis of calf diarrhea in Holstein calves. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 24(5): 643 - 649.
  • Kocyigit R, Aydin R, Yanar M, Guler O, Diler A, Tuzemen N, Avci , Ozyurek S, Hirik E & Kabakcı D (2015). Effect of doses of direct-fed microbials plus exogenous fibrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth, feed efficiency ratio and fecal consistency index of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research 49(1),63-69.
  • Krueger N A, Adesogan A T, Staples C R, Krueger W K, Kim S C, Littell R C & Sollenberger L E (2008). Effect of method of applying fibrolytic enzymes or ammonia to Bermuda grass hay on feed intake, digestion and growth of beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 86(4): 882-889.
  • Larson L L, Owen F G, Albright J L, Applemen R D, Lamb R C & Muller L D (1977). Guidelines toward more uniformity in measuring and reporting calf experimental data. Journal of Dairy Science 60(6): 989-991.
  • Martin P & Bateson P (1993). Measuring Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press UK.
  • Miller D R, Granzin B C, Elliott R & Norton B W (2008). Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazyme G2 Liquid, on milk production in pasture fed dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 145(1): 194-208.
  • Nocek J E & Kautz W P (2006). Direct-fed microbial supplementation on ruminal digestion, health, and performance of pre- and postpartum dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 89(1): 260-266.
  • Panivivat R, Kegley E B, Pennington J A, Kellog D V & Krumpelman S L (2004). Growth performance and health of dairy calves bedded with different types of materials. Journal of Dairy Science 87(11):3736-3745.
  • Ran T, Gomaa W M S, Shena Y Z, Saleem A M, Yang W Z & McAllister T A (2019). Use of naturally sourced feed additives (lactobacillus fermentation products and enzymes) in growing and finishing steers: Effects on performance, carcass characteristics and blood metabolites. Animal Feed Science and Technology 254: 114-190.
  • Seo J K, Kim S W, Kim M H, Upadhaya S D, Kam D K & Ha J K (2010). Direct-fed microbials for ruminant animals. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 23(12): 1657–1667.
  • Soydan E & Sahin A (2016). Estimates of genetic parameters for direct and maternal effects with six different models on birth weight of Brown Swiss calves. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 26(3): 577-582.
  • Sujani S & Seresinhe R T (2015). Exogenous Enzymes in Ruminant Nutrition: A Review. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 9(3): 85-99.
  • SPSS (2004). SPSS for Windows Release 13.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL., USA.
  • Thakur S S, Verma M P, Ali B, Shelke S K & Tomar S K (2010). Effect of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth and nutrient utilization in Murrah buffalo calves. Indian Journal of Animal Science 80: 1217-1219.
  • Tilki M, Mustafa S & Mehmet C (2008). Genetic Parameters for Direct and Maternal Effects and Estimation of Breeding Values for Birth Weight in Brown Swiss Cattle. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 32(4): 287-292.
  • Timmerman H M, Mulder L, Everts H, van Espen, D C, van der Wal E, Klaassen G, Rouwers S M G, Hartemink R, Rombouts F M & Beynen A C (2005). Health and growth of veal calves fed milk replacers with or without probiotics. Journal of Dairy Science 88(6): 2154–2165.
  • Tuzemen N & Yanar M (2004). Buzağı Yetiştirme Teknikleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 232, 218 s, Erzurum.
  • Ulger I (2019). Effects of pre-weaning probiotic treatments on growth performance and biochemical blood parameters of Holstein calves. Indian Journal of Animal Research 53:644-647.
  • Weiss W P, Wyatt D J & Mc Kelvey T R (2008). Effect of feeding propionibacteria on milk production by early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 91(2): 646-652.
  • Wisener L V, Sargeant J M, O’Connor A M, Faires M C & Glass-Kaastra S K (2015). The use of direct-fed microbials to reduce shedding of Escherichia coli O157 in beef cattle: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Zoonoses Public Health 62(2): 75–89.
  • Yanar M, Tüzemen N & Yuksel S (1999). Replacement of whole milk by milk substitute in diet of Brown Swiss calves. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69(8): 637-640.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Elifnur Hirik İlhan This is me 0000-0002-4826-0923

Mete Yanar 0000-0002-5311-5675

Publication Date September 4, 2021
Submission Date August 27, 2019
Acceptance Date December 8, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 27 Issue: 3


APA Hirik İlhan, E., & Yanar, M. (2021). Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27(3), 247-253.
AMA Hirik İlhan E, Yanar M. Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2021;27(3):247-253. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.611954
Chicago Hirik İlhan, Elifnur, and Mete Yanar. “Effect of Different Levels of Direct-Fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27, no. 3 (September 2021): 247-53.
EndNote Hirik İlhan E, Yanar M (September 1, 2021) Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27 3 247–253.
IEEE E. Hirik İlhan and M. Yanar, “Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 247–253, 2021, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.611954.
ISNAD Hirik İlhan, Elifnur - Yanar, Mete. “Effect of Different Levels of Direct-Fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27/3 (September 2021), 247-253.
JAMA Hirik İlhan E, Yanar M. Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2021;27:247–253.
MLA Hirik İlhan, Elifnur and Mete Yanar. “Effect of Different Levels of Direct-Fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 247-53, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.611954.
Vancouver Hirik İlhan E, Yanar M. Effect of Different Levels of Direct-fed Microbials Plus Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Additives on the Growth Traits of Dairy Calves. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2021;27(3):247-53.

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