Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 25.02.2022


Supporting Institution

Harran Üniversitesi, GAP Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı


Araştırma desteklerinden dolayı Harran Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Fonu ve GAP Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı'na teşekkür ederiz.


  • ABS, (2008). Methods of estimating the gross value of irrigated agricultural production. Australian Bureau of statistics. Information paper (Brian Pink). Austria. w ww. a b s . g o v. a u. ABS Catalogue No. 4610.0.55.006.
  • Aydogdu MH, Yenigün K & Aydogdu M (2015). Factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction from water users association in the Harran-GAP Region, Turkey. Journal of Agriculture Science Technology 17, 1669-1684
  • Aydogdu MH, Karli B, Parlakci Dogan H, Sevinc G, Eren ME & Kucuk N (2018). Economic analysis of agricultural water usage efficiency in the GAP-Harran Plain: Cotton production sampling, Sanliurfa-Turkey. International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences 12, 12-19.
  • Bandyopadhyay S, Jaiswal RK, Hegde VS & Jayaraman V (2009). Assessment of land suitability potentials for agriculture using a remote sensing and GIS based approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30, 879–895.
  • Bilgili AV, Yeşilnacar İ, Akihiko K, Nagano T, Aydemir S, Hızlı HS & Bilgili A (2018). Post-irrigation degradation of land and environmental resources in the Harran Plain, Southeastern Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190: 660.
  • Bodaghabadi B, Martínez-Casasnovas JA, Khakili P, Masihabadi MH & Gandomkar A (2015). Assessment of the FAO traditional land evaluation methods, a case study: Iranian land classification method. Soil Use and Management 31, 384-396.
  • Camcı Çetin S, Karaca A, Haktanır K & Yıldız H (2007). Global attention to Turkey due to desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128, 489-493.
  • Challinor AJ, Watson J, Lobell DB, Howden SM, Smith DR & Netra, C (2014). A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4, 287-291.
  • Chen J (2014). GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for land use suitability assessment in City of Regina. Environmental Systems Research 3, 1–10.
  • Çullu MA, Aydemir S, Qadir M, Almaca A, Öztürkmen A R, Bilgic & Ağca N (2010). Implication of groundwater fluctuation on the seasonal salt dynamic in the Harran Plain, South-Eastern Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage 59, 465-476.
  • Çullu MA, Günal H, Akça E & Kapur S (2018). Soil Geography. In: Kapur S, Akça E, Günal H (Editors). The Soils of Turkey, 105-110. World Book Soil Series, Springer.
  • Dinç U, Şenol S, Sayın M, Kapur S, Güzel N, Derici R, Yeşilsoy MŞ, Yeğingil İ, Sarı M, Kaya Z, Aydın M, Kettaş F, Berkman A, Çolak A K, Yılmaz K, Tunçgöğüs B, Çavuşgil V, Özbek H, Gülüt K Y, Karaman C, Dinç O & Öztürk N (1988). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi toprakları (GAT) 1. Harran Ovası. TUBİTAK tarım ve ormancılık grubu güdümlü araştırma projesi kesin sonuç raporu. Proje No:TOAG-534. (in Turkish with an abstract in Engilish).
  • Dengiz O, İç S, Saygın F & İmamoğlu A (2020). Assessment of Soil Quality Index for Tea Cultivated Soils in Ortaçay Micro Catchment in Black Sea Region. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 26(1) 42-53.
  • DMİ (Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri) (2011). Sanlıurfa.
  • ESRI (2008). Introduction to ArcGIS desktop and ArcGIS engine development.
  • FAO (1976). A framework for land evaluation: Soils Bulletin 32, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • FAO (1977). A Framework for land evaluation. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement/ILRI. Publication 22. Wageningen. The Netherlands.
  • FAO (1993). Forest resources assessment 1990: Tropical countries. FAO forestry paper 112. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome.
  • Gallo A, Spiandorella M & Bini C (2014). A GIS based methodology for land suitability evaluation in Venoto (NE Italy). Environmental Quality 16: 1-7.
  • Geetha GP, Veerendra Patel GM, Shruti Y, Ramakrishna Parama VR & Sathish A (2017). Land evaluation in Halayapural micro watershed in Tumkur district of Karnataka, India, using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) tools. International Journal of Chemical Studies 7, 84-94.
  • Halder JC (2013). Land suitability assessment for crop cultivation by using remote sensing and GIS. Journal of Geography and Geology 5, 65-74.
  • IUSS Working Group WRB (2015). World reference base for soil resources 2014, update 2015 international soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. World soil resources report No. 106. FAO, Rome.
  • Kapur S, Sayın M, Gülüt K, Şahan Y, Çavuşgil V, Yılmaz K & Kahraman C (1991). Mineralogical and micromorphological properties of widely distributed soil series in The Harran Plain. TÜBİTAK Project no: TOAG-534. (in Turkish with an English abstract).
  • Keesstra S, Mol G, De Leeuw J, Okx J, de Cleen M & Visser S (2018). Soil-related sustainable development goals: Four concepts to make land degradation neutrality and restoration work. Land 133, 2-20.
  • KHGM (1995). Şanlıurfa ili arazi varlığı. T. C. başbakanlık köy hizmetleri genel müdürlüğü yayınları. İl raporu. No:63. (in Turkish).
  • Kiliç Ş, Evrendilek F, Şenol S & Çelik I (2005). Developing a suitability index for land uses and agricultural land covers: a case study in Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 102, 323-335.
  • Kılıç Ş (2011). Agroecologic land use potential of Amik Plain. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 35, 433-442.
  • Klingebiel, A. A., & Montgomery. P. H. (1961). Land capability classification. Agriculture handbook no 210. Soil conservation service, Washington D.C. US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • Klosterman RE (1999). The what if? collaborative planning support system. environmental and planning B: Planning and Design 26, 393-408.
  • Li L & Wang L (2016). Land Use/Cover Change from 2001 to 2010 and its Socioeconomic Determinants in Guangdong Province, A Rapid Urbanization Area of China. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, 275-294.
  • Lobell DB, Burke MB, Tebaldi C, Mastrandrea MD, Walter P, Falcon WP & Naylor R L (2008). Prioritizing climate change adaptation needs for food security in 2030. Science 319, 607–610.
  • Mermut AR, & Eswaran H (2001). Some major developments in soil science since the mid-1960s. Geoderma 100, 403–426.
  • OSB (2016). Turkey land degradation neutrality national report 2016-2030. Ministry of Water and Forestry, 6-7.
  • Ozturkmen AR & Kavdir Y (2012). Comparison of some quality properties of soils around land-mined areas and adjacent agricultural fields. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 184, 1633–1643.
  • Parlakçı Doğan H (2019). Harran Ovası’nda tarla tarımı sırasında kullanılan iki farklı sulama kaynağının karşılaştırmalı ekonomik analizi. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 4, 44-49. (in Turkish with an abstract in Engilish).
  • Pramanik MK (2016). Site suitability analysis for agricultural land use of Darjeeling district using AHP and GIS techniques. Modelling Earth Systems and Environment 2, 1–22.
  • Rosenzweig C, & Parry ML (1994). Potential impact of climate change on world food supply. Nature 367 133–138.
  • Salehi MH, Khademi H & Eghbal MK. (2003). Identification and genesis of clay minerals in soils from Farrokhshahr Area, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Provinces. Journal of Water and Soil Science. (in Persian) 7, 73–90.
  • Soil Survey Staff (2010). Keys to soil taxonomy. USDA Natural Resources and Conservation Service, 11th Edition. 1400 Independence Ave. S. W. Washington, D.C. 20250 9410.
  • Sys IC, Van Ranst B & Debaveye J (1991). Land evaluation. Part I. Principles in land evaluation and crop production calculations. International training center for post graduate soil scientists, University Ghent.
  • UNCCD (2013). The Economics of desertification, land degradation and drought: methodologies and analysis for decision-making. In: Proceedings of the UNCCD 2nd scientific conference, Bonn, Germany.
  • Troy TJ, Kipgen C & Pal I (2015). The impact of climate extremes and irrigation on US crop yields. Environmental Research Letters 10, 054013.
  • Unver O (1997). Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). International Journal of Water Resources Development 13, 453- 484.
  • Yalew SG, van Griensven A, Mul ML & van der Zaag P (2016). Land suitability analysis for agriculture in the Abbay Basin using remote sensing, GIS and AHP techniques. Modelling Earth System and Environment 2, 101.
  • Zhang C, Jordan C & Higgins A (2007). Using neighborhood statistics and GIS to quantify and visualize spatial variation in geochemical variables: An example using Ni concentrations in the topsoils of Northern Ireland. Geoderma 137, 466-476.

A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District

Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 25.02.2022


Landmined areas are located along the borders of Şanlıurfa province between Turkey and Syria with 220 km length and 400 m width. Governmental institutions attempted to determine the potential and suitability of mined lands for any agricultural activities before removing active mines. The research was conducted to estimate land suitability and gross value for irrigated agricultural production (GVIAP) of the mined areas using the database for the surrounding land and data obtained by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques. The study was conducted in three steps; data including soil characteristics, digital elevation model (DEM) and orthophoto images of lands located 2 km nearby the mined land along the Turkish border were collected. The data containing DEM and orthophoto images of mined and adjacent lands were integrated in the second step. Finally, a field survey was conducted along the border district and soil samples were collected for each soil boundary nearby the mined lands. The integration of data in GIS allowed to expand the soil boundaries from adjacent lands into the mined lands. Data analysis showed that the total mined land is 6706 hectares of which 90.2% is highly and moderately suitable, 6.9% is less suitable and 2.9% is not suitable for irrigated agriculture. The gross value of irrigated agricultural production was estimated as 2212 US Dollars per hectare. The results revealed that the integration of inaccessible land database with the remote sensing data and GIS can be used to estimate the gross value which is derived from soil characteristics of the mined lands.


  • ABS, (2008). Methods of estimating the gross value of irrigated agricultural production. Australian Bureau of statistics. Information paper (Brian Pink). Austria. w ww. a b s . g o v. a u. ABS Catalogue No. 4610.0.55.006.
  • Aydogdu MH, Yenigün K & Aydogdu M (2015). Factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction from water users association in the Harran-GAP Region, Turkey. Journal of Agriculture Science Technology 17, 1669-1684
  • Aydogdu MH, Karli B, Parlakci Dogan H, Sevinc G, Eren ME & Kucuk N (2018). Economic analysis of agricultural water usage efficiency in the GAP-Harran Plain: Cotton production sampling, Sanliurfa-Turkey. International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences 12, 12-19.
  • Bandyopadhyay S, Jaiswal RK, Hegde VS & Jayaraman V (2009). Assessment of land suitability potentials for agriculture using a remote sensing and GIS based approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30, 879–895.
  • Bilgili AV, Yeşilnacar İ, Akihiko K, Nagano T, Aydemir S, Hızlı HS & Bilgili A (2018). Post-irrigation degradation of land and environmental resources in the Harran Plain, Southeastern Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190: 660.
  • Bodaghabadi B, Martínez-Casasnovas JA, Khakili P, Masihabadi MH & Gandomkar A (2015). Assessment of the FAO traditional land evaluation methods, a case study: Iranian land classification method. Soil Use and Management 31, 384-396.
  • Camcı Çetin S, Karaca A, Haktanır K & Yıldız H (2007). Global attention to Turkey due to desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128, 489-493.
  • Challinor AJ, Watson J, Lobell DB, Howden SM, Smith DR & Netra, C (2014). A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4, 287-291.
  • Chen J (2014). GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for land use suitability assessment in City of Regina. Environmental Systems Research 3, 1–10.
  • Çullu MA, Aydemir S, Qadir M, Almaca A, Öztürkmen A R, Bilgic & Ağca N (2010). Implication of groundwater fluctuation on the seasonal salt dynamic in the Harran Plain, South-Eastern Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage 59, 465-476.
  • Çullu MA, Günal H, Akça E & Kapur S (2018). Soil Geography. In: Kapur S, Akça E, Günal H (Editors). The Soils of Turkey, 105-110. World Book Soil Series, Springer.
  • Dinç U, Şenol S, Sayın M, Kapur S, Güzel N, Derici R, Yeşilsoy MŞ, Yeğingil İ, Sarı M, Kaya Z, Aydın M, Kettaş F, Berkman A, Çolak A K, Yılmaz K, Tunçgöğüs B, Çavuşgil V, Özbek H, Gülüt K Y, Karaman C, Dinç O & Öztürk N (1988). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi toprakları (GAT) 1. Harran Ovası. TUBİTAK tarım ve ormancılık grubu güdümlü araştırma projesi kesin sonuç raporu. Proje No:TOAG-534. (in Turkish with an abstract in Engilish).
  • Dengiz O, İç S, Saygın F & İmamoğlu A (2020). Assessment of Soil Quality Index for Tea Cultivated Soils in Ortaçay Micro Catchment in Black Sea Region. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 26(1) 42-53.
  • DMİ (Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri) (2011). Sanlıurfa.
  • ESRI (2008). Introduction to ArcGIS desktop and ArcGIS engine development.
  • FAO (1976). A framework for land evaluation: Soils Bulletin 32, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • FAO (1977). A Framework for land evaluation. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement/ILRI. Publication 22. Wageningen. The Netherlands.
  • FAO (1993). Forest resources assessment 1990: Tropical countries. FAO forestry paper 112. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome.
  • Gallo A, Spiandorella M & Bini C (2014). A GIS based methodology for land suitability evaluation in Venoto (NE Italy). Environmental Quality 16: 1-7.
  • Geetha GP, Veerendra Patel GM, Shruti Y, Ramakrishna Parama VR & Sathish A (2017). Land evaluation in Halayapural micro watershed in Tumkur district of Karnataka, India, using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) tools. International Journal of Chemical Studies 7, 84-94.
  • Halder JC (2013). Land suitability assessment for crop cultivation by using remote sensing and GIS. Journal of Geography and Geology 5, 65-74.
  • IUSS Working Group WRB (2015). World reference base for soil resources 2014, update 2015 international soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. World soil resources report No. 106. FAO, Rome.
  • Kapur S, Sayın M, Gülüt K, Şahan Y, Çavuşgil V, Yılmaz K & Kahraman C (1991). Mineralogical and micromorphological properties of widely distributed soil series in The Harran Plain. TÜBİTAK Project no: TOAG-534. (in Turkish with an English abstract).
  • Keesstra S, Mol G, De Leeuw J, Okx J, de Cleen M & Visser S (2018). Soil-related sustainable development goals: Four concepts to make land degradation neutrality and restoration work. Land 133, 2-20.
  • KHGM (1995). Şanlıurfa ili arazi varlığı. T. C. başbakanlık köy hizmetleri genel müdürlüğü yayınları. İl raporu. No:63. (in Turkish).
  • Kiliç Ş, Evrendilek F, Şenol S & Çelik I (2005). Developing a suitability index for land uses and agricultural land covers: a case study in Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 102, 323-335.
  • Kılıç Ş (2011). Agroecologic land use potential of Amik Plain. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 35, 433-442.
  • Klingebiel, A. A., & Montgomery. P. H. (1961). Land capability classification. Agriculture handbook no 210. Soil conservation service, Washington D.C. US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • Klosterman RE (1999). The what if? collaborative planning support system. environmental and planning B: Planning and Design 26, 393-408.
  • Li L & Wang L (2016). Land Use/Cover Change from 2001 to 2010 and its Socioeconomic Determinants in Guangdong Province, A Rapid Urbanization Area of China. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, 275-294.
  • Lobell DB, Burke MB, Tebaldi C, Mastrandrea MD, Walter P, Falcon WP & Naylor R L (2008). Prioritizing climate change adaptation needs for food security in 2030. Science 319, 607–610.
  • Mermut AR, & Eswaran H (2001). Some major developments in soil science since the mid-1960s. Geoderma 100, 403–426.
  • OSB (2016). Turkey land degradation neutrality national report 2016-2030. Ministry of Water and Forestry, 6-7.
  • Ozturkmen AR & Kavdir Y (2012). Comparison of some quality properties of soils around land-mined areas and adjacent agricultural fields. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 184, 1633–1643.
  • Parlakçı Doğan H (2019). Harran Ovası’nda tarla tarımı sırasında kullanılan iki farklı sulama kaynağının karşılaştırmalı ekonomik analizi. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 4, 44-49. (in Turkish with an abstract in Engilish).
  • Pramanik MK (2016). Site suitability analysis for agricultural land use of Darjeeling district using AHP and GIS techniques. Modelling Earth Systems and Environment 2, 1–22.
  • Rosenzweig C, & Parry ML (1994). Potential impact of climate change on world food supply. Nature 367 133–138.
  • Salehi MH, Khademi H & Eghbal MK. (2003). Identification and genesis of clay minerals in soils from Farrokhshahr Area, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Provinces. Journal of Water and Soil Science. (in Persian) 7, 73–90.
  • Soil Survey Staff (2010). Keys to soil taxonomy. USDA Natural Resources and Conservation Service, 11th Edition. 1400 Independence Ave. S. W. Washington, D.C. 20250 9410.
  • Sys IC, Van Ranst B & Debaveye J (1991). Land evaluation. Part I. Principles in land evaluation and crop production calculations. International training center for post graduate soil scientists, University Ghent.
  • UNCCD (2013). The Economics of desertification, land degradation and drought: methodologies and analysis for decision-making. In: Proceedings of the UNCCD 2nd scientific conference, Bonn, Germany.
  • Troy TJ, Kipgen C & Pal I (2015). The impact of climate extremes and irrigation on US crop yields. Environmental Research Letters 10, 054013.
  • Unver O (1997). Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). International Journal of Water Resources Development 13, 453- 484.
  • Yalew SG, van Griensven A, Mul ML & van der Zaag P (2016). Land suitability analysis for agriculture in the Abbay Basin using remote sensing, GIS and AHP techniques. Modelling Earth System and Environment 2, 101.
  • Zhang C, Jordan C & Higgins A (2007). Using neighborhood statistics and GIS to quantify and visualize spatial variation in geochemical variables: An example using Ni concentrations in the topsoils of Northern Ireland. Geoderma 137, 466-476.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Mehmet Ali Çullu 0000-0002-9641-3867

Ali Bilgili 0000-0002-4727-8283

Aydın Aydemir This is me 0000-0002-3890-8925

Ali Öztürkmen This is me 0000-0001-5575-3278

Ahmet Almaca 0000-0001-8495-0713

Sema Karakaş Dikilitaş 0000-0003-1617-9407

Publication Date February 25, 2022
Submission Date March 28, 2020
Acceptance Date September 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Çullu, M. A., Bilgili, A., Aydemir, A., Öztürkmen, A., et al. (2022). A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(1), 1-7.
AMA Çullu MA, Bilgili A, Aydemir A, Öztürkmen A, Almaca A, Karakaş Dikilitaş S. A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. February 2022;28(1):1-7. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.710579
Chicago Çullu, Mehmet Ali, Ali Bilgili, Aydın Aydemir, Ali Öztürkmen, Ahmet Almaca, and Sema Karakaş Dikilitaş. “A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 1 (February 2022): 1-7.
EndNote Çullu MA, Bilgili A, Aydemir A, Öztürkmen A, Almaca A, Karakaş Dikilitaş S (February 1, 2022) A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 1 1–7.
IEEE M. A. Çullu, A. Bilgili, A. Aydemir, A. Öztürkmen, A. Almaca, and S. Karakaş Dikilitaş, “A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.710579.
ISNAD Çullu, Mehmet Ali et al. “A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/1 (February 2022), 1-7.
JAMA Çullu MA, Bilgili A, Aydemir A, Öztürkmen A, Almaca A, Karakaş Dikilitaş S. A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:1–7.
MLA Çullu, Mehmet Ali et al. “A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.710579.
Vancouver Çullu MA, Bilgili A, Aydemir A, Öztürkmen A, Almaca A, Karakaş Dikilitaş S. A GIS Based Land Suitability and Gross Value Evaluation of Mined Lands in Şanlıurfa District. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(1):1-7.

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