Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 83 - 89, 25.02.2022


Project Number



  • Akçin A (1988). Yemeklik Dane Baklagiller. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınları: 43. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 8. 377 s. Konya.
  • Alam M K, Uddin M M, Ahmed M, Latif M A & Rahman M M (2010). Growth and green pod yield of garden pea varieties under different nutrient levels. J. Agrofor. Environ. 4 (1): 105-107
  • Alan Ö & Geren H (2012). Bezelye’de (Pisum sativum L.) farklı ekim zamanlarının tane verimi ve diğer bazı tarımsal özellikler üzerine etkisi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 49 (2): 127-134
  • Arshad Y (1990). Genotiplerin uyum yeteneklerini belirlemede kullanılan bazı stabilite parametereleri üzerinde arastırmalar. Basılmamıs Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Becker H C (1981). Correlations among some statistical measures of phenotypic stability. Euphytica 30: 835-840
  • Bozoğlu H & Gülümser A (2000). Kuru fasulyede (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) bazı tarımsal özelliklerin genotip çevre interaksiyonları ve stabilitelerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Turkish Journal Agricultural and Forestry 24: 211-220, TUBİTAK
  • Bozoglu H, Pekşen E, Pekşen A & Gülümser A (2007). Determination of the yield performance and harvesting periods of fifteen pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars sown in autumn and spring. Pak. J. Bot. 39(6): 2017-2025
  • Comstock R E & Moll R H (1963). Genotype - environment interactions. In: Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. NAS-NRC. Publ. 982. pp. 164-196
  • Eberhart S A & Russell W A (1966). Stability parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 6:36-40 FAO (2018). 24.06.2020
  • Gopinath K A & Mina B L (2011). Effect of organic manures on agronomic and economic performance of garden pea (Pisum sativum) and on soil properties. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81 (3): 236–9
  • Kafa I & Kırtok Y (1991). Çukurova koşullarında on yazlık buğday çesidinin genotipxçevre interaksiyonları ve adaptasyon yetenekleri üzerine arastırmalar. Çukurova Üniv. Zir. Fak. Dergisi. 5, 2
  • Kalapchieva S & Pevicharova G (2009). Marsi - a new pea (Pisum sativum L.) variety for freezing. Genetics and Breeding 38 (3-4): 73-78
  • Kara K & Ünver S (1999). Bezelye (Pisum sativum L.)'de farklı azot dozları ve ekim sıklığının verim ve verim öğelerine etkileri. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 1(2) 36-45
  • Karayel R & Bozoğlu H (2008). Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden toplanan yerel bezelye populasyonunun bazı agronomik özellikleri. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi 23(1): 32-38
  • Murtaza G, Asghar R, Ahmad S & Majid S A (2007). The yield and yield components of pea (Pisum Sativum L.) as influenced by salicylic acid. Pak. J. Bot. 39(2): 551-559
  • Öz M & Karasu A (2010). Bazı bezelye (Pisum sativum L) çesitlerinin tohum verimi ve verim komponentlerinin belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 5 (1): 44-49
  • Rasaei A, Ghobadi M E & Ghobadi M (2012). effect of supplemental irrigation and plant density on yield and yield components of peas (Pisum sativum L.) in Kermanshah region. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(15): 2353-2358
  • Ratnayake W S, Hoover R, Shahidi F, Perera C & Jane J (2001). Composition, molecular structure, and physicochemical properties of straches from four field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry 74: 189-202
  • Tugay M E & Yılmaz G (1994). Patateste çesit çevre etkilesimleri. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 25-29 Nisan , İzmir, Bitki ıslahı Bildirileri. 2, 145-149
  • URL-1. USA Dry Pea&Lentil Council. Processin Information & Technical Manual. Son erişim tarihi:21.7.2014

Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines

Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 83 - 89, 25.02.2022


This study was conducted to determine the stabilities and adaptation classes of edible pea lines, which will be cultivated in mild climate regions. Twenty local pea lines selected in previous breeding studies and 6 control varieties were used. The seeds of pea lines were sowed in 4 different locations in 2 sowing times. The experiment was conducted according to the Augmented design. Adaptation classes and stabilities of pea lines and varieties were determined based on fresh pod yield, fresh seed yield and dry seed yield. The mean of fresh pod yield was found as 1185.7 kg da-1. Stable variety was not determined in terms of fresh pod yield among control varieties, which was conducted in the conclusion of evaluation as determining regression coefficient and average reliability. The average of varieties’ fresh seed yield was 693.8 kg da-1, Klein variety showed medium adaptation for all regions. It was found that 3 lines (B15, B33, and B36) among used ones were placed at the same statistically group with this variety. The average of dry seed yield was 267.1 kg da-1 in the experiment, and Klein, Further, Green Pearl, and Lancet varieties were identified as stable varieties in the conclusion of stability analysis. B6, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B32, B40 and B42 lines that involved in the same statistically group with these varieties identified were as stable. In the conclusion of the overall evaluation of the experiment, it was found that B6 and B32 lines could be candidates for variety.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



The authors thank the TUBITAK for their financial support (Project number: 214O021)


  • Akçin A (1988). Yemeklik Dane Baklagiller. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınları: 43. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 8. 377 s. Konya.
  • Alam M K, Uddin M M, Ahmed M, Latif M A & Rahman M M (2010). Growth and green pod yield of garden pea varieties under different nutrient levels. J. Agrofor. Environ. 4 (1): 105-107
  • Alan Ö & Geren H (2012). Bezelye’de (Pisum sativum L.) farklı ekim zamanlarının tane verimi ve diğer bazı tarımsal özellikler üzerine etkisi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 49 (2): 127-134
  • Arshad Y (1990). Genotiplerin uyum yeteneklerini belirlemede kullanılan bazı stabilite parametereleri üzerinde arastırmalar. Basılmamıs Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Becker H C (1981). Correlations among some statistical measures of phenotypic stability. Euphytica 30: 835-840
  • Bozoğlu H & Gülümser A (2000). Kuru fasulyede (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) bazı tarımsal özelliklerin genotip çevre interaksiyonları ve stabilitelerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Turkish Journal Agricultural and Forestry 24: 211-220, TUBİTAK
  • Bozoglu H, Pekşen E, Pekşen A & Gülümser A (2007). Determination of the yield performance and harvesting periods of fifteen pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars sown in autumn and spring. Pak. J. Bot. 39(6): 2017-2025
  • Comstock R E & Moll R H (1963). Genotype - environment interactions. In: Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. NAS-NRC. Publ. 982. pp. 164-196
  • Eberhart S A & Russell W A (1966). Stability parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 6:36-40 FAO (2018). 24.06.2020
  • Gopinath K A & Mina B L (2011). Effect of organic manures on agronomic and economic performance of garden pea (Pisum sativum) and on soil properties. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81 (3): 236–9
  • Kafa I & Kırtok Y (1991). Çukurova koşullarında on yazlık buğday çesidinin genotipxçevre interaksiyonları ve adaptasyon yetenekleri üzerine arastırmalar. Çukurova Üniv. Zir. Fak. Dergisi. 5, 2
  • Kalapchieva S & Pevicharova G (2009). Marsi - a new pea (Pisum sativum L.) variety for freezing. Genetics and Breeding 38 (3-4): 73-78
  • Kara K & Ünver S (1999). Bezelye (Pisum sativum L.)'de farklı azot dozları ve ekim sıklığının verim ve verim öğelerine etkileri. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 1(2) 36-45
  • Karayel R & Bozoğlu H (2008). Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden toplanan yerel bezelye populasyonunun bazı agronomik özellikleri. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi 23(1): 32-38
  • Murtaza G, Asghar R, Ahmad S & Majid S A (2007). The yield and yield components of pea (Pisum Sativum L.) as influenced by salicylic acid. Pak. J. Bot. 39(2): 551-559
  • Öz M & Karasu A (2010). Bazı bezelye (Pisum sativum L) çesitlerinin tohum verimi ve verim komponentlerinin belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 5 (1): 44-49
  • Rasaei A, Ghobadi M E & Ghobadi M (2012). effect of supplemental irrigation and plant density on yield and yield components of peas (Pisum sativum L.) in Kermanshah region. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(15): 2353-2358
  • Ratnayake W S, Hoover R, Shahidi F, Perera C & Jane J (2001). Composition, molecular structure, and physicochemical properties of straches from four field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry 74: 189-202
  • Tugay M E & Yılmaz G (1994). Patateste çesit çevre etkilesimleri. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 25-29 Nisan , İzmir, Bitki ıslahı Bildirileri. 2, 145-149
  • URL-1. USA Dry Pea&Lentil Council. Processin Information & Technical Manual. Son erişim tarihi:21.7.2014
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Reyhan Karayel 0000-0003-4312-6765

Hatice Bozoğlu 0000-0003-4776-2566

Project Number 214O021
Publication Date February 25, 2022
Submission Date August 14, 2020
Acceptance Date December 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Karayel, R., & Bozoğlu, H. (2022). Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(1), 83-89.
AMA Karayel R, Bozoğlu H. Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. February 2022;28(1):83-89. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.780664
Chicago Karayel, Reyhan, and Hatice Bozoğlu. “Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 1 (February 2022): 83-89.
EndNote Karayel R, Bozoğlu H (February 1, 2022) Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 1 83–89.
IEEE R. Karayel and H. Bozoğlu, “Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 83–89, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.780664.
ISNAD Karayel, Reyhan - Bozoğlu, Hatice. “Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/1 (February 2022), 83-89.
JAMA Karayel R, Bozoğlu H. Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:83–89.
MLA Karayel, Reyhan and Hatice Bozoğlu. “Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 1, 2022, pp. 83-89, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.780664.
Vancouver Karayel R, Bozoğlu H. Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(1):83-9.

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