Research Article
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Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.)

Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 90 - 96, 25.02.2022


Transcription level of geranylgeranyl reductase (OeCHL P), and contents of α tocopherol, oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol of seven olive cultivars obtained from Olive Germplasm Collection, Kemalpa s a, İzmir were determined in two ripening stages (green and black fruit) in two consecutive years, 2017 and 2018. Transcription level of OeCHL P was significantly affected by year, ripening stage and cultivar. The highest values were detected in green fruit of Uslu ’ in both years. In comparison to 2017, a significant increase in gene transcription was observed in 2018 independent of cultivar and ripening stage. The highest α tocopherol and oleuropein content were obtained from Girit Zeytini ’. The content of oleuropein decreased with ripening in all cultivars in both years. Tyros ol reached its highest and lowest values in Girit Zeytini ’ at black stage in 2018 and green stage in 2017, respectively. Girit Zeytini ’ stood out for both nutritional value and fruit size. The highest and lowest values of hydroxytyrosol content recorded in Girit Zeytini ’ (2017, black stage) and I zmir Sofralık ’ (2018, green stage), respectively. We also detected positive correlations between OeCHL P relative transcription level and tocopherol, tyrosol contents. Our overall results indicated that olive CHL P plays an important role in regulation of tocopherol synthesis. A direct relationship was determined between OeCHL P and α tocopherol, while there was an indirect link between others. These results revealed that more than one factor could affect the evaluated parameters.

Supporting Institution

Alata Horticultural Research Institute, Erdemli, Mersin; Olive Research Institute, Bornova, Izmir


  • Abidi S (2000). Chromatographic analysis of tocol-derived lipid antioxidants. Journal of Chromatography A. 881 (1-2): 197-216
  • Aguilera M P, Beltran G, Ortega D, Fernandez A, Jimenez A & Uceda M (2005). Characterization of virgin olive oil of Italy olive cultivars:’Frantoio’ and ‘Leccino’, grown in Andalusia. Food Chemistry 89: 387-391
  • Amiot M J, Fleuriet A & Macheix J J (1986). Importance and evaluation of phenolic compounds in olive during growth and maturation. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 34 (5): 823-826
  • Amiot M J, Fleuriet A & Macheix J J (1989). Accumulation of oleuropein derivatives during olive maturation, Phytochemistry 28 (1): 67-69
  • Andrikopoulos N K & Hassapidou M N (1989). The tocopherol content of Greek olive oils. J Sci Food Agric. 46: 503-509
  • Avison M (2007). Measuring gene expression. Newyork, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. Isbn: 0415374723
  • Baldioli M, Servili M, Perretti G & Montedoro G F (1996). Antioxidant activity of tocopherols and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 73: 11
  • Bengana M, Bakhouche A, Lozano-Sanchez J, Amir Y, Youyou A, Segura-Carretero, A & Fernandez Gutierrez A (2013). Influence of olive ripeness on chemical properties and phenolic composition of Chemlal extra-virgin olive oil. Food Res Int. 54: 1868–1875
  • Bollivar D W, Wang S J, Allen J P & Bauer C E (1994). Molecular genetic analysis of terminal steps in bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthesis: characterization of a Rhodobacter capsulatus strain that synthesizes geranylgeraniol-esterified bacteriochlorophyll a. Biochemistry 33: 12763–12768
  • Boskou G, Salta F N, Chrysostomou S, Mylona A, Chou A & Kopoulos N K (2004). Antioxidant capacity and phenolic profile of table olives from the Greek market. Food Chemistry 94: 558–564
  • Bruno L, Chiappettai A, Muzzalupo I, Gagliardi C, Iaria D, Bruno A, Greco M, Donato, G, Perri E & Bitonti M B (2009). Role of geranylgeranyl reductase gene in organ development and stress response in olive (Olea europaea) plants. Functional Plant Biology 36: 370-38
  • Burrack H J & Zalom F G (2008). Olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) ovipositional preference and larval performance in several commercially important olive varieties in California. Journal of Economic Entomology 101: 750–758
  • Cebeci Z (2007). Zeytinde olgunluk derecesi, Turkiye Tarımsal Oğrenme Nesneleri Deposu, (accessed 13 December 2018) (In Turkish)
  • Collakova E & DellaPenna D (2003). The role of homogentisate phytyltransferase and other tocopherol pathway enzymes in the regulation of tocopherol synthesis during abiotic stress. Plant Physiology 133: 930–940
  • Efe R, Soykan A, Curebal I & Sonmez S (2016). Book of Olive. In: E Naskali (Ed.), Bookstore Publishing, 37-80, 339
  • Giannino D, Condello E, Bruno L, Testone G, Tartarini A, Cozza R, Innocenti A M, Bitonti MB & Mariotti D (2004). The gene geranylgeranyl reductase of peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is regulated during leaf development and responds differentially to distinct stress factors. Journal of Experimental Botany 405 (55): 2063–2073
  • Hernandez M L, Padilla M N, Sicardo M D, Mancha M & Martinez-Rivas J (2011). Effect of different environmental stresses on the expression of oleate desaturase genes and fatty acid composition in olive fruit. Phytochemistry 72 (2-3): 178-187
  • Keller Y, Bouvier F D, Harlingue A (1998). Metabolic compartmentation of plastid prenyllipid biosynthesis: evidence for the involvement of a multifunctional geranylgeranyl reductase. European Journal of Biochemistry 251: 413–417
  • Koca N & Karadeniz F (2005). Natural Antioxidant Compounds in Foods, Gıda 30 (4): 229-236
  • Livak K J & Schmittgen T D (2001). Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2-DDCT method. Methods 25: 402–408
  • Montedoro G, Servili M, Baldioli M & Miniati E (1992). Simple and hydrolyzable compounds in virgin oil. 1. Their extraction, seperation and quantitative and semiquantitative evaluation by HPLC. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 40: 1571-1576
  • Munnè-Bosch S & Alegre L (2002). The function of tocopherols and tocotrienols in plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 21: 31–57
  • Muzzalupo I, Stefanizzi F, Perri E & Chiappetta A A (2011). Transcript Levels of CHL P Gene, Antioxidants and Chlorophylls Contents in Olive (Olea europaea L.) Pericarps: A Comparative Study on Eleven Olive Cultivars Harvested in Two Ripening Stages, Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 66: 1-10
  • Ozkaya M T, Ergulen E, Ulger S & Ozilbey N (2004). Genetic and Biologic Characterization of Some Olive (Olea europaea L.) Cultivars Grown in Turkey. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2): 231-236
  • Paiva-Martins F & Kritsakis A K (2017). Olives and olive oil as functional foods: bioactivity, chemistry and processing, Edited by Kritsakis A., Shahidi F., Wiley, 274: 237-316
  • Park M R, Cho E A, Rehman S & Yun S J (2010). Expression of a sesame geranylgeranyl reductase cDNA is induced by light but repressed by abscisic acid and ethylene. Pak J Bot 42: 1815–1825
  • Psomiadou E & Tsimidou M (2002). Stability of virgin olive oil. 1. Autoxidation studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50: 716–721
  • Rupere F J, Martin D, Herrera E & Barbas C (2001). Chromatographic analysis of alpha-tocopherol and related compounds in various matrices, Journal Chromatography A. 935: 45-69
  • Tanaka R, Oster U, Kruse E, Rudiger W & Grimm B (1999). Reduced activity of geranylgeranyl reductase leads to loss of chlorophyll and tocopherol and to partially geranylgeranylated chlorophyll in transgenic tobacco plants expressing antisense RNA for geranylgeranyl reductase. Plant Physiology 120: 695–704
  • Threlfall D R & Whistance G R (1970). Biosynthesis of phytoquinones. Homogentisic acid: a precursor of plastoquinones, tocopherols and alpha-tocopherolquinone in higher plants, green algae and blue-green algae. The Biochemical Journal 117: 593-600
  • Tsimidou M, Papadopoulos G & Boskou D (1992). Determination of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil by reversed-phase HPLC with emphasis on UV detection. Food Chemistry 44: 53-60
  • Vinha A F, Ferreres F, Silva B M, Vanlentao P, Goncalves A, Pereira J A, Oliveria M B, Seabre R M & Andrade P B (2005). Phenolic profiles of Portuguese olive fruits (Olea europaea L.): Influences of cultivar and geographical origin. Food Chemistry 89 (4): 561-568
  • Visioli F, Poli A & Galli C (2002). Antioxidant and other biological activities of phenols from olives and olive oil. Medicinal Research Reviews 22: 65-75
  • Yousfi K, Cert R M & Garcia J M (2006). Changes in quality and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oils during objectively described fruit maturation. Eur Food Res Technol 223: 117-124
  • Yıldırım F, Yıldırım A N, Ozkan G, San B, Polat M, Asık H, Karakurt Y & Ercisli S (2016). Early Harvest Effects on Hydrophilic Phenolic Components of Extra Virgin Olive Oils Cvs. ‘Ayvalık,’ ‘Memecik,’ and ‘Topakası’. Biochem Genet. 27: 1-13
  • Zhou Y, Gong Z, Yang Z, Yuan Y, Zhu J, Wang M, Yuan F, Wu S, Wang Z, Yi C, Xu T, Ryom M, Gu M & Liang G (2013). Mutation of the light-induced yellow leaf 1 gene, which encodes a geranylgeranyl reductase, affects chlorophyll biosynthesis and light sensitivity in rice. PLoS One 8: e75299
Year 2022, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 90 - 96, 25.02.2022



  • Abidi S (2000). Chromatographic analysis of tocol-derived lipid antioxidants. Journal of Chromatography A. 881 (1-2): 197-216
  • Aguilera M P, Beltran G, Ortega D, Fernandez A, Jimenez A & Uceda M (2005). Characterization of virgin olive oil of Italy olive cultivars:’Frantoio’ and ‘Leccino’, grown in Andalusia. Food Chemistry 89: 387-391
  • Amiot M J, Fleuriet A & Macheix J J (1986). Importance and evaluation of phenolic compounds in olive during growth and maturation. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 34 (5): 823-826
  • Amiot M J, Fleuriet A & Macheix J J (1989). Accumulation of oleuropein derivatives during olive maturation, Phytochemistry 28 (1): 67-69
  • Andrikopoulos N K & Hassapidou M N (1989). The tocopherol content of Greek olive oils. J Sci Food Agric. 46: 503-509
  • Avison M (2007). Measuring gene expression. Newyork, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. Isbn: 0415374723
  • Baldioli M, Servili M, Perretti G & Montedoro G F (1996). Antioxidant activity of tocopherols and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 73: 11
  • Bengana M, Bakhouche A, Lozano-Sanchez J, Amir Y, Youyou A, Segura-Carretero, A & Fernandez Gutierrez A (2013). Influence of olive ripeness on chemical properties and phenolic composition of Chemlal extra-virgin olive oil. Food Res Int. 54: 1868–1875
  • Bollivar D W, Wang S J, Allen J P & Bauer C E (1994). Molecular genetic analysis of terminal steps in bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthesis: characterization of a Rhodobacter capsulatus strain that synthesizes geranylgeraniol-esterified bacteriochlorophyll a. Biochemistry 33: 12763–12768
  • Boskou G, Salta F N, Chrysostomou S, Mylona A, Chou A & Kopoulos N K (2004). Antioxidant capacity and phenolic profile of table olives from the Greek market. Food Chemistry 94: 558–564
  • Bruno L, Chiappettai A, Muzzalupo I, Gagliardi C, Iaria D, Bruno A, Greco M, Donato, G, Perri E & Bitonti M B (2009). Role of geranylgeranyl reductase gene in organ development and stress response in olive (Olea europaea) plants. Functional Plant Biology 36: 370-38
  • Burrack H J & Zalom F G (2008). Olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) ovipositional preference and larval performance in several commercially important olive varieties in California. Journal of Economic Entomology 101: 750–758
  • Cebeci Z (2007). Zeytinde olgunluk derecesi, Turkiye Tarımsal Oğrenme Nesneleri Deposu, (accessed 13 December 2018) (In Turkish)
  • Collakova E & DellaPenna D (2003). The role of homogentisate phytyltransferase and other tocopherol pathway enzymes in the regulation of tocopherol synthesis during abiotic stress. Plant Physiology 133: 930–940
  • Efe R, Soykan A, Curebal I & Sonmez S (2016). Book of Olive. In: E Naskali (Ed.), Bookstore Publishing, 37-80, 339
  • Giannino D, Condello E, Bruno L, Testone G, Tartarini A, Cozza R, Innocenti A M, Bitonti MB & Mariotti D (2004). The gene geranylgeranyl reductase of peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is regulated during leaf development and responds differentially to distinct stress factors. Journal of Experimental Botany 405 (55): 2063–2073
  • Hernandez M L, Padilla M N, Sicardo M D, Mancha M & Martinez-Rivas J (2011). Effect of different environmental stresses on the expression of oleate desaturase genes and fatty acid composition in olive fruit. Phytochemistry 72 (2-3): 178-187
  • Keller Y, Bouvier F D, Harlingue A (1998). Metabolic compartmentation of plastid prenyllipid biosynthesis: evidence for the involvement of a multifunctional geranylgeranyl reductase. European Journal of Biochemistry 251: 413–417
  • Koca N & Karadeniz F (2005). Natural Antioxidant Compounds in Foods, Gıda 30 (4): 229-236
  • Livak K J & Schmittgen T D (2001). Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2-DDCT method. Methods 25: 402–408
  • Montedoro G, Servili M, Baldioli M & Miniati E (1992). Simple and hydrolyzable compounds in virgin oil. 1. Their extraction, seperation and quantitative and semiquantitative evaluation by HPLC. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 40: 1571-1576
  • Munnè-Bosch S & Alegre L (2002). The function of tocopherols and tocotrienols in plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 21: 31–57
  • Muzzalupo I, Stefanizzi F, Perri E & Chiappetta A A (2011). Transcript Levels of CHL P Gene, Antioxidants and Chlorophylls Contents in Olive (Olea europaea L.) Pericarps: A Comparative Study on Eleven Olive Cultivars Harvested in Two Ripening Stages, Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 66: 1-10
  • Ozkaya M T, Ergulen E, Ulger S & Ozilbey N (2004). Genetic and Biologic Characterization of Some Olive (Olea europaea L.) Cultivars Grown in Turkey. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2): 231-236
  • Paiva-Martins F & Kritsakis A K (2017). Olives and olive oil as functional foods: bioactivity, chemistry and processing, Edited by Kritsakis A., Shahidi F., Wiley, 274: 237-316
  • Park M R, Cho E A, Rehman S & Yun S J (2010). Expression of a sesame geranylgeranyl reductase cDNA is induced by light but repressed by abscisic acid and ethylene. Pak J Bot 42: 1815–1825
  • Psomiadou E & Tsimidou M (2002). Stability of virgin olive oil. 1. Autoxidation studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50: 716–721
  • Rupere F J, Martin D, Herrera E & Barbas C (2001). Chromatographic analysis of alpha-tocopherol and related compounds in various matrices, Journal Chromatography A. 935: 45-69
  • Tanaka R, Oster U, Kruse E, Rudiger W & Grimm B (1999). Reduced activity of geranylgeranyl reductase leads to loss of chlorophyll and tocopherol and to partially geranylgeranylated chlorophyll in transgenic tobacco plants expressing antisense RNA for geranylgeranyl reductase. Plant Physiology 120: 695–704
  • Threlfall D R & Whistance G R (1970). Biosynthesis of phytoquinones. Homogentisic acid: a precursor of plastoquinones, tocopherols and alpha-tocopherolquinone in higher plants, green algae and blue-green algae. The Biochemical Journal 117: 593-600
  • Tsimidou M, Papadopoulos G & Boskou D (1992). Determination of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil by reversed-phase HPLC with emphasis on UV detection. Food Chemistry 44: 53-60
  • Vinha A F, Ferreres F, Silva B M, Vanlentao P, Goncalves A, Pereira J A, Oliveria M B, Seabre R M & Andrade P B (2005). Phenolic profiles of Portuguese olive fruits (Olea europaea L.): Influences of cultivar and geographical origin. Food Chemistry 89 (4): 561-568
  • Visioli F, Poli A & Galli C (2002). Antioxidant and other biological activities of phenols from olives and olive oil. Medicinal Research Reviews 22: 65-75
  • Yousfi K, Cert R M & Garcia J M (2006). Changes in quality and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oils during objectively described fruit maturation. Eur Food Res Technol 223: 117-124
  • Yıldırım F, Yıldırım A N, Ozkan G, San B, Polat M, Asık H, Karakurt Y & Ercisli S (2016). Early Harvest Effects on Hydrophilic Phenolic Components of Extra Virgin Olive Oils Cvs. ‘Ayvalık,’ ‘Memecik,’ and ‘Topakası’. Biochem Genet. 27: 1-13
  • Zhou Y, Gong Z, Yang Z, Yuan Y, Zhu J, Wang M, Yuan F, Wu S, Wang Z, Yi C, Xu T, Ryom M, Gu M & Liang G (2013). Mutation of the light-induced yellow leaf 1 gene, which encodes a geranylgeranyl reductase, affects chlorophyll biosynthesis and light sensitivity in rice. PLoS One 8: e75299
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Filiz Baysal 0000-0001-5209-9135

Ayzin Küden 0000-0002-0811-6695

Tolga İzgü 0000-0003-3754-7694

Öznur Çetin 0000-0003-4252-0357

Publication Date February 25, 2022
Submission Date August 25, 2020
Acceptance Date February 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Baysal, F., Küden, A., İzgü, T., Çetin, Ö. (2022). Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(1), 90-96.
AMA Baysal F, Küden A, İzgü T, Çetin Ö. Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. February 2022;28(1):90-96. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.785050
Chicago Baysal, Filiz, Ayzin Küden, Tolga İzgü, and Öznur Çetin. “Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea Europaea L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 1 (February 2022): 90-96.
EndNote Baysal F, Küden A, İzgü T, Çetin Ö (February 1, 2022) Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 1 90–96.
IEEE F. Baysal, A. Küden, T. İzgü, and Ö. Çetin, “Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.)”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 90–96, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.785050.
ISNAD Baysal, Filiz et al. “Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea Europaea L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/1 (February 2022), 90-96.
JAMA Baysal F, Küden A, İzgü T, Çetin Ö. Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:90–96.
MLA Baysal, Filiz et al. “Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea Europaea L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 1, 2022, pp. 90-96, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.785050.
Vancouver Baysal F, Küden A, İzgü T, Çetin Ö. Effects of Growing Season and Ripening Stages on Transcription Level of Geranylgeranyl Reductase (OeCHL P) and Some Biochemical Properties in Some Important Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(1):90-6.

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