Research Article
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Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country's Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey

Year 2024, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 304 - 316, 26.03.2024


Medicinal and aromatic plants contribute to both the national economy and the well- being of forest villagers. In addition, these plants are generally used in a variety of industries such as medicine, food, paint, and perfumery. It is gaining popularity, and individuals are turning to herbal therapy as an alternative medical treatment. These medicinal plants can be popularised and utilised to boost the economies of medicinal-growing countries and provide livelihoods for local stakeholders. Furthermore, overexploitation of these therapeutic plants should be restricted, important species with high marketing potential should be protected, and cultivation of these plants should be encouraged for future use. Against this background, this study employs a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making technique to identify the medicinal and aromatic plants that contribute the most to the Turkish economy. The medicinal and aromatic plants that contributed the most to the country’s economy were found to be poppy seed, thyme, and laurel leaves. Moreover, the seed (sesame seed, flax seed, safflower seed) plants are determined as the least contributing medicinal and aromatic plants to the country’s economy. Cumin, anise, and salvia have also potential in terms of economics. Hence, these findings can help the farmers and decision-makers to determine which plants are more economically beneficial. Thus, plants with high economic value can be cultivated and exported to the rest of the world.


  • Abu-Rabia A (2005). Herbs as a food and medicine source in Palestine. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 6: 404-407
  • Acıbuca V & Budak D B (2018). Place and importance of medicinal and aromatic plants in the world and Turkey. Çukurova J. Agric. Food Sci. 33(1): 37-44
  • Akmermer B & Çelik P (2021). Contribution of fishery and aquaculture products to Turkish foreign trade: An evaluation by a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making method. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(3): 275-282
  • Anonymous (2005). ECPGR Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Working Group. Retrieved in March15, 2023 from
  • Bağdat R B (2006). Use of medicinal and aromatic plants and cultivation of sage (salvia officinalisL.) and oregano, thyme species. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 15(1-2): 19-28
  • Baser K H C (2002). Aromatic biodiversity among the flowering plant taxa of Turkey. Pure Appl.Chem. 74(4): 527-545
  • Bayram B Ç (2020). Evaluation of forest products trade economic contribution by entropy-TOPSIS: case study of Turkey. BioResources 15(1): 1419-1429
  • Behun M, Gavurova B, Tkacova A & Kotaskova A (2018). The impact of the manufacturing industry on the economic cycle of European Union Countries. Journal of Competitiveness 10(1): 23-29
  • Ceylan R F, Bayraktar Ç, Demirtaş S & Kurt Z (2018). Analysis of Turkey’s competitiveness in seed foreign trade. KSU J. Agric Nat. 21(Special Issue): 22-34
  • Chen Q, Chen S, Shi C, Pang Q & Li A (2021). Evaluation of agricultural investment environment in countries around the Black Sea under the background of The Belt and Road. In Natural Resources 45(4): 464-483
  • Chen Y, Li W &Yi P (2020). Evaluation of city innovation capability using the TOPSIS-based order relation method: the case of Liaoning province, China. Technology in Society 63: 1-12
  • Cheng-Min F & Wang R T (2001). Considering the financial ratios on the performance evaluation of highway bus industry. Transport Reviews 21(4): 449-467
  • Çoşkun S (2019). The improving of export potential in furniture sector: instance of İnegöl. M.Sc. Unpublished Thesis, Uludağ University Social Sciences Institute, Bursa, Turkey
  • Dehdasht G, Ferwati M S, Zin R M & Abidin N Z (2020). A hybrid approach using entropy and TOPSIS to select key drivers for a successful and sustainable lean construction implementation. PLOS ONE 15(2): e0228746
  • Ersen N, Peker H & Akyüz İ (2022). Selection of materials with entropy-topsis by considering technological properties of impregnated wood. Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 32(4): e2022039
  • FAO (2005). Trade in medicinal plants. Retrieved in April, 15, 2023 from
  • Faydaoğlu E & Sürücüoğlu M S (2011). History of the use of medical and aromatic plants and their economic importance. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 11(1): 52-67
  • GDF (2020). Ministry of agriculture and forestry general directorate of forestry. Retrieved in March, 15, 2023 from
  • General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies-TAGEM (2021). Medicinal and aromatic plants: industry policy paper 2020-2024. Retrieved in August, 20, 2023 fromıbbi%20ve%20Aromatik%20Bitkiler%20SPB.pdf
  • Göktaş B & Gıdık B (2019). Consumption of medicinal and aromatic plants collected from nature in Bayburt. Research Studies Anatolia Journal 2(6): 303-311
  • Güney O I (2019). Consumption attributes and preferences on medicinal and aromatic plants: a consumer segmentation analysis. Ciencia Rural 49(5): 1-10
  • Halicka K (2020). Technology selection using the TOPSIS method. Foresight and STI Governance 14(1): 85-96 Huang W, Shuai B, Sun Y, Wang Y & Antwi E (2018). Using entropy-TOPSIS method to evaluate urban rail transit system operation performance: the China case. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 111: 292-303
  • Hwang C L & Yoon K (1981). Multiple attribute decision making: methods and applications. Springer Publisher, Berlin
  • Hwang C L, Lai Y J & Liu T Y (1993). A new approach for multiple objective decision making. Computers and Operational Research 20: 889–899
  • Jamshidi-Kia F, LorigooiniZ & Amini-Khoei H (2018). Medicinal plants: past history and future perspective. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology 7(1): 1-7
  • Karık Ü & Tunçtürk M (2019). Production, trade and future perspective of medicinal and aromatic plants in Turkey. ANADOLU Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 29(2): 154-163
  • Kurt R, Karayılmazlar S, İmren E & Çabuk Y (2011). Non-wood forest products in Turkey forestry sector: export analysis. Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry 18(2): 158-167
  • Lee H C & Chang C T (2018). Comparative analysis of MCDM methods for ranking renewable energy sources in Taiwan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92: 883–896
  • Li M, Sun H, Singh V P, Zhou Y & Ma M (2019). Agricultural water resources management using maximum entropy and entropy-weight-based TOPSIS methods. Entropy 21(4): 364
  • Li P, He S, Yang N & Xiang G (2018). Groundwater quality assessment for domestic and agricultural purposes in Yan’an City, northwest China: implications to sustainable groundwater quality management on the Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 775-791
  • Li X, Wang K, Liu L, Xin J, Yang H & Gao C (2011). Application of the entropy weight and TOPSIS method in safety evaluation of coal mines. Procedia Engineering 26: 2085-2091
  • Liang X, Qu L, Zeng S & Li Z (2019). Competitiveness evaluation of Chinese renewable resources related listed companies based on entropy weight-TOPSIS. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 332(2): 1-6
  • Lu H, Zhao Y, Zhou X & Wei Z (2022). Selection of agricultural machinery based on improved CRITIC-entropy weight and GRA-TOPSIS method. Processes 10(2): 266
  • Mardani A, Jusoh A, Nor K M D, Khalifah Z, Zakwan N &Valipour A (2015). Multiple criteria decision-making techniques and their applications – a review of the literature from 2000 to 2014. Economic Research-EkonomskaIstraživanja 28(1): 516-571
  • Nasser M, Tibi A & Savage-Smith E (2009). Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine: 11th century rules for assessing the effects of drugs. J R Soc Med. 102(2): 78–80
  • Nijkamp P (1977). Stochastic quantitative and qualitative multicriteria Analysis for environmental design. Papers in Regional Science 39(1): 175-199
  • Okigbo R N, Anuagasi C L & Amadi J E (2009). Advances in selected medicinal and aromatic plants indigenous to Africa. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 3(2): 86-95
  • Omidi L, Salehi V, Zakerian S A & Saraji J N (2022). Assessing the influence of safety climate-related factors on safety performance using an integrated entropy-TOPSIS approach. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 39(1): 73-82
  • Pakpour S, Olishevska S V, Prasher S O, Milani A S & Chenier M R (2013). DNA extraction method selection for agricultural soil using TOPSIS multiple criteria decision-making model. American Journal of Molecular Biology 3: 215-228
  • Petrovska B B (2012). Historical review of medicinal plants’ usage. Pharmacogn Rev. 6(11): 1–5 Ravi S &Bharadvaja N (2019). Market analysis of medicinal plants in India. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 20(14): 1172-1180
  • Roszkowska E (2011). Multi-criteria decision making models by applying the TOPSIS method to crisp and interval data. In: T Trzaskalik T & T Wachowicz (Eds.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making '10-11, Katowice, pp. 200-230
  • Schippman U, Leaman, D J & Cunningham A B (2006). A comparison of cultivation and wild Collection of medicinal and aromatic plants under sustainability aspects. In: R J Bogers, L E Craker&Lange D (Eds.], Medicinal And Aromatic Plants. Proc. Frontis Workshop on Medicinal And Aromatic Plants, Netherlands pp. 75-95
  • Semerci A & Çelik A D (2017). The place and importance of the bay laurel plant in the economy of the Hatay province. SüleymanDemirel University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 12(2): 125-134
  • Shannon C E &Weaver W (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. The University of Illinois Press, Urbana
  • Shemshadi A, Shirazi H, Toreihi M & Tarokh M J (2011). A fuzzy VIKOR method for supplier selection based on entropy measure for objective weighting. Expert Systems with Applications 38: 12160-12167
  • Singh T, Pattnaik P, Pruncu C I, Tiwari A & Fekete G (2020). Selection of natural fibers based brake friction composites using hybrid ELECTRE-entropy optimization technique. Polymer Testing 89: 1-10
  • Sprea R M, Fernandes A, Calhelha R C, Pereira C, Pires T C S P, Alves M J, Canan C, Barros L, Amaral J S & Ferreira ICFR (2020). Chemical and bioactive characterization of the aromatic plant Levisticumofficinale W.D.J. Koch: a comprehensive study. Food & Function 11: 1292-1303
  • Sun F & Yu J (2021). Improved energy performance evaluating and ranking approach for office buildings using simple-normalization, entropy-based TOPSIS and K-means method. Energy Reports 7: 1560-1570
  • Şerefli M (2016). Foreign trade impact economic growth: the case of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Science Faculty 13(3): 136-143
  • Temel M, Tınmaz A B, Öztürk M & Gündüz O (2018). Production and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants in the world and Turkey. KSU J. Agric Nat 21(Special Issue): 198-214
  • Tohidi B, Rahimmalek M & Trindade H (2019). Review on essential oil, extracts composition, molecular and phytochemical properties of Thymus species in Iran. Industrial Crops and Products 134: 89-99
  • TSI (2022). Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved in March, 15, 2023 from
  • Tsaur R C (2011). Decision risk analysis for an interval TOPSIS method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218: 4295–4304
  • Tiwari V, Jain P K &Tandon P (2019). An integrated Shannon entropy and TOPSIS for product design concept evaluation based on bijective soft set. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 30: 1645-1658
  • Wang H, Fan C & Bao K (2022). Decision optimization of emergency material support based on blockchain under major public health emergencies. Scientific Reports 12: 9160
  • Wang T C, Nguyen T T T & Phan B N (2022). Analyzing higher education performance by entropy-TOPSIS method: A case study in Viet Nam private universities. Measurement and Control 55(5-6): 385-410
  • Wang Y & Hao H (2016). Research on the supply chain risk assessment of the fresh agricultural products based on the improved TOPSIS algorithm. Chemical Engineering Transactions 51: 445-450
  • Wang Z, Huang L, Yin L, Wang Z & Zheng D (2022). Evaluation of sustainable and analysis of influencing factors for agriculture sector: evidence from Jiangsu Province, China. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10: 836002
  • Wang Z, Wang J, Zhang G & Wang Z (2021). Evaluation of agricultural extension service for sustainable agricultural development using a hybrid entropy and TOPSIS method. Sustainability 13(1): 347
  • Yazdani M, Chatterjee P, Pamučar D & Abad M D (2020). A risk-based integrateddecision-making model for green supplier selection. Kybernetes 49(4): 1229–1252
  • Yen P T H, Tien-Chin W, Hoa N T H & Anh N T N (2023). An evaluation of financial performance of Vietnam textile and apparel industry using the entropy-TOPSIS method. Journal of International Economics and Management 23(1): 14-27
  • Yoon K (1987). A reconciliation among discrete compromise situations. Journal of Operational Research Society 38: 277–286
  • Yuan J, Li X, Xu C, Zhao C & Liu Y (2019). Investment risk assessment of coal-fired power plants in countries along the Belt and Road initiative based on ANP-Entropy-TODIM method. Energy 176: 623-640
  • Yurdakul F &Uçar B (2015). The relationship between current deficit and economic growth: An empirical study on Turkey. Prodecia Economics and Finance 26: 101-108
  • Yücel D & Yücel E (2020). Plants used in complementary medicine in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 14(1): 73-85
  • Zheng J & Wu Q (2022). TOPSIS financial performance evaluation of my country's agricultural listed companies based on entropy weight correction. Frontiers in Economics and Management 3(4): 506-511
  • Zougagh S, Belghiti A, Rochd T, Zerdani I & Mouslim J (2019). Medicinal and aromatic plants used in traditional treatment of the oral pathology: the ethnobotanical survey in the economic capital Casablanca, Morocco (North Africa). Natural Products and Bioprospecting 9: 35–48
Year 2024, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 304 - 316, 26.03.2024



  • Abu-Rabia A (2005). Herbs as a food and medicine source in Palestine. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 6: 404-407
  • Acıbuca V & Budak D B (2018). Place and importance of medicinal and aromatic plants in the world and Turkey. Çukurova J. Agric. Food Sci. 33(1): 37-44
  • Akmermer B & Çelik P (2021). Contribution of fishery and aquaculture products to Turkish foreign trade: An evaluation by a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making method. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(3): 275-282
  • Anonymous (2005). ECPGR Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Working Group. Retrieved in March15, 2023 from
  • Bağdat R B (2006). Use of medicinal and aromatic plants and cultivation of sage (salvia officinalisL.) and oregano, thyme species. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 15(1-2): 19-28
  • Baser K H C (2002). Aromatic biodiversity among the flowering plant taxa of Turkey. Pure Appl.Chem. 74(4): 527-545
  • Bayram B Ç (2020). Evaluation of forest products trade economic contribution by entropy-TOPSIS: case study of Turkey. BioResources 15(1): 1419-1429
  • Behun M, Gavurova B, Tkacova A & Kotaskova A (2018). The impact of the manufacturing industry on the economic cycle of European Union Countries. Journal of Competitiveness 10(1): 23-29
  • Ceylan R F, Bayraktar Ç, Demirtaş S & Kurt Z (2018). Analysis of Turkey’s competitiveness in seed foreign trade. KSU J. Agric Nat. 21(Special Issue): 22-34
  • Chen Q, Chen S, Shi C, Pang Q & Li A (2021). Evaluation of agricultural investment environment in countries around the Black Sea under the background of The Belt and Road. In Natural Resources 45(4): 464-483
  • Chen Y, Li W &Yi P (2020). Evaluation of city innovation capability using the TOPSIS-based order relation method: the case of Liaoning province, China. Technology in Society 63: 1-12
  • Cheng-Min F & Wang R T (2001). Considering the financial ratios on the performance evaluation of highway bus industry. Transport Reviews 21(4): 449-467
  • Çoşkun S (2019). The improving of export potential in furniture sector: instance of İnegöl. M.Sc. Unpublished Thesis, Uludağ University Social Sciences Institute, Bursa, Turkey
  • Dehdasht G, Ferwati M S, Zin R M & Abidin N Z (2020). A hybrid approach using entropy and TOPSIS to select key drivers for a successful and sustainable lean construction implementation. PLOS ONE 15(2): e0228746
  • Ersen N, Peker H & Akyüz İ (2022). Selection of materials with entropy-topsis by considering technological properties of impregnated wood. Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 32(4): e2022039
  • FAO (2005). Trade in medicinal plants. Retrieved in April, 15, 2023 from
  • Faydaoğlu E & Sürücüoğlu M S (2011). History of the use of medical and aromatic plants and their economic importance. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 11(1): 52-67
  • GDF (2020). Ministry of agriculture and forestry general directorate of forestry. Retrieved in March, 15, 2023 from
  • General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies-TAGEM (2021). Medicinal and aromatic plants: industry policy paper 2020-2024. Retrieved in August, 20, 2023 fromıbbi%20ve%20Aromatik%20Bitkiler%20SPB.pdf
  • Göktaş B & Gıdık B (2019). Consumption of medicinal and aromatic plants collected from nature in Bayburt. Research Studies Anatolia Journal 2(6): 303-311
  • Güney O I (2019). Consumption attributes and preferences on medicinal and aromatic plants: a consumer segmentation analysis. Ciencia Rural 49(5): 1-10
  • Halicka K (2020). Technology selection using the TOPSIS method. Foresight and STI Governance 14(1): 85-96 Huang W, Shuai B, Sun Y, Wang Y & Antwi E (2018). Using entropy-TOPSIS method to evaluate urban rail transit system operation performance: the China case. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 111: 292-303
  • Hwang C L & Yoon K (1981). Multiple attribute decision making: methods and applications. Springer Publisher, Berlin
  • Hwang C L, Lai Y J & Liu T Y (1993). A new approach for multiple objective decision making. Computers and Operational Research 20: 889–899
  • Jamshidi-Kia F, LorigooiniZ & Amini-Khoei H (2018). Medicinal plants: past history and future perspective. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology 7(1): 1-7
  • Karık Ü & Tunçtürk M (2019). Production, trade and future perspective of medicinal and aromatic plants in Turkey. ANADOLU Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 29(2): 154-163
  • Kurt R, Karayılmazlar S, İmren E & Çabuk Y (2011). Non-wood forest products in Turkey forestry sector: export analysis. Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry 18(2): 158-167
  • Lee H C & Chang C T (2018). Comparative analysis of MCDM methods for ranking renewable energy sources in Taiwan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92: 883–896
  • Li M, Sun H, Singh V P, Zhou Y & Ma M (2019). Agricultural water resources management using maximum entropy and entropy-weight-based TOPSIS methods. Entropy 21(4): 364
  • Li P, He S, Yang N & Xiang G (2018). Groundwater quality assessment for domestic and agricultural purposes in Yan’an City, northwest China: implications to sustainable groundwater quality management on the Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 775-791
  • Li X, Wang K, Liu L, Xin J, Yang H & Gao C (2011). Application of the entropy weight and TOPSIS method in safety evaluation of coal mines. Procedia Engineering 26: 2085-2091
  • Liang X, Qu L, Zeng S & Li Z (2019). Competitiveness evaluation of Chinese renewable resources related listed companies based on entropy weight-TOPSIS. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 332(2): 1-6
  • Lu H, Zhao Y, Zhou X & Wei Z (2022). Selection of agricultural machinery based on improved CRITIC-entropy weight and GRA-TOPSIS method. Processes 10(2): 266
  • Mardani A, Jusoh A, Nor K M D, Khalifah Z, Zakwan N &Valipour A (2015). Multiple criteria decision-making techniques and their applications – a review of the literature from 2000 to 2014. Economic Research-EkonomskaIstraživanja 28(1): 516-571
  • Nasser M, Tibi A & Savage-Smith E (2009). Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine: 11th century rules for assessing the effects of drugs. J R Soc Med. 102(2): 78–80
  • Nijkamp P (1977). Stochastic quantitative and qualitative multicriteria Analysis for environmental design. Papers in Regional Science 39(1): 175-199
  • Okigbo R N, Anuagasi C L & Amadi J E (2009). Advances in selected medicinal and aromatic plants indigenous to Africa. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 3(2): 86-95
  • Omidi L, Salehi V, Zakerian S A & Saraji J N (2022). Assessing the influence of safety climate-related factors on safety performance using an integrated entropy-TOPSIS approach. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 39(1): 73-82
  • Pakpour S, Olishevska S V, Prasher S O, Milani A S & Chenier M R (2013). DNA extraction method selection for agricultural soil using TOPSIS multiple criteria decision-making model. American Journal of Molecular Biology 3: 215-228
  • Petrovska B B (2012). Historical review of medicinal plants’ usage. Pharmacogn Rev. 6(11): 1–5 Ravi S &Bharadvaja N (2019). Market analysis of medicinal plants in India. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 20(14): 1172-1180
  • Roszkowska E (2011). Multi-criteria decision making models by applying the TOPSIS method to crisp and interval data. In: T Trzaskalik T & T Wachowicz (Eds.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making '10-11, Katowice, pp. 200-230
  • Schippman U, Leaman, D J & Cunningham A B (2006). A comparison of cultivation and wild Collection of medicinal and aromatic plants under sustainability aspects. In: R J Bogers, L E Craker&Lange D (Eds.], Medicinal And Aromatic Plants. Proc. Frontis Workshop on Medicinal And Aromatic Plants, Netherlands pp. 75-95
  • Semerci A & Çelik A D (2017). The place and importance of the bay laurel plant in the economy of the Hatay province. SüleymanDemirel University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 12(2): 125-134
  • Shannon C E &Weaver W (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. The University of Illinois Press, Urbana
  • Shemshadi A, Shirazi H, Toreihi M & Tarokh M J (2011). A fuzzy VIKOR method for supplier selection based on entropy measure for objective weighting. Expert Systems with Applications 38: 12160-12167
  • Singh T, Pattnaik P, Pruncu C I, Tiwari A & Fekete G (2020). Selection of natural fibers based brake friction composites using hybrid ELECTRE-entropy optimization technique. Polymer Testing 89: 1-10
  • Sprea R M, Fernandes A, Calhelha R C, Pereira C, Pires T C S P, Alves M J, Canan C, Barros L, Amaral J S & Ferreira ICFR (2020). Chemical and bioactive characterization of the aromatic plant Levisticumofficinale W.D.J. Koch: a comprehensive study. Food & Function 11: 1292-1303
  • Sun F & Yu J (2021). Improved energy performance evaluating and ranking approach for office buildings using simple-normalization, entropy-based TOPSIS and K-means method. Energy Reports 7: 1560-1570
  • Şerefli M (2016). Foreign trade impact economic growth: the case of Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Science Faculty 13(3): 136-143
  • Temel M, Tınmaz A B, Öztürk M & Gündüz O (2018). Production and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants in the world and Turkey. KSU J. Agric Nat 21(Special Issue): 198-214
  • Tohidi B, Rahimmalek M & Trindade H (2019). Review on essential oil, extracts composition, molecular and phytochemical properties of Thymus species in Iran. Industrial Crops and Products 134: 89-99
  • TSI (2022). Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved in March, 15, 2023 from
  • Tsaur R C (2011). Decision risk analysis for an interval TOPSIS method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218: 4295–4304
  • Tiwari V, Jain P K &Tandon P (2019). An integrated Shannon entropy and TOPSIS for product design concept evaluation based on bijective soft set. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 30: 1645-1658
  • Wang H, Fan C & Bao K (2022). Decision optimization of emergency material support based on blockchain under major public health emergencies. Scientific Reports 12: 9160
  • Wang T C, Nguyen T T T & Phan B N (2022). Analyzing higher education performance by entropy-TOPSIS method: A case study in Viet Nam private universities. Measurement and Control 55(5-6): 385-410
  • Wang Y & Hao H (2016). Research on the supply chain risk assessment of the fresh agricultural products based on the improved TOPSIS algorithm. Chemical Engineering Transactions 51: 445-450
  • Wang Z, Huang L, Yin L, Wang Z & Zheng D (2022). Evaluation of sustainable and analysis of influencing factors for agriculture sector: evidence from Jiangsu Province, China. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10: 836002
  • Wang Z, Wang J, Zhang G & Wang Z (2021). Evaluation of agricultural extension service for sustainable agricultural development using a hybrid entropy and TOPSIS method. Sustainability 13(1): 347
  • Yazdani M, Chatterjee P, Pamučar D & Abad M D (2020). A risk-based integrateddecision-making model for green supplier selection. Kybernetes 49(4): 1229–1252
  • Yen P T H, Tien-Chin W, Hoa N T H & Anh N T N (2023). An evaluation of financial performance of Vietnam textile and apparel industry using the entropy-TOPSIS method. Journal of International Economics and Management 23(1): 14-27
  • Yoon K (1987). A reconciliation among discrete compromise situations. Journal of Operational Research Society 38: 277–286
  • Yuan J, Li X, Xu C, Zhao C & Liu Y (2019). Investment risk assessment of coal-fired power plants in countries along the Belt and Road initiative based on ANP-Entropy-TODIM method. Energy 176: 623-640
  • Yurdakul F &Uçar B (2015). The relationship between current deficit and economic growth: An empirical study on Turkey. Prodecia Economics and Finance 26: 101-108
  • Yücel D & Yücel E (2020). Plants used in complementary medicine in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 14(1): 73-85
  • Zheng J & Wu Q (2022). TOPSIS financial performance evaluation of my country's agricultural listed companies based on entropy weight correction. Frontiers in Economics and Management 3(4): 506-511
  • Zougagh S, Belghiti A, Rochd T, Zerdani I & Mouslim J (2019). Medicinal and aromatic plants used in traditional treatment of the oral pathology: the ethnobotanical survey in the economic capital Casablanca, Morocco (North Africa). Natural Products and Bioprospecting 9: 35–48
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Nadir Ersen 0000-0003-3643-1390

Publication Date March 26, 2024
Submission Date June 1, 2023
Acceptance Date November 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 30 Issue: 2


APA Ersen, N. (2024). Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(2), 304-316.
AMA Ersen N. Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2024;30(2):304-316. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1308059
Chicago Ersen, Nadir. “Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30, no. 2 (March 2024): 304-16.
EndNote Ersen N (March 1, 2024) Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30 2 304–316.
IEEE N. Ersen, “Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 304–316, 2024, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1308059.
ISNAD Ersen, Nadir. “Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30/2 (March 2024), 304-316.
JAMA Ersen N. Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30:304–316.
MLA Ersen, Nadir. “Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 30, no. 2, 2024, pp. 304-16, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1308059.
Vancouver Ersen N. Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Contribution to the Country’s Economy by Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach: The Case of Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30(2):304-16.

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