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Kurutmada Termal ve Termal Olmayan Ön İşlem Uygulamaları

Yıl 2023, , 499 - 518, 08.12.2023


Hasat edilen tarımsal ürünler depolama sürecinde solunum faaliyetlerini bir süre daha devam ettirmektedir. Bu durum, içerdikleri yoğun nemden dolayı ürünlerin kısa sürede bozularak çürümesine neden olmaktadır. Çürüyen ürünlerin renk değerlerinde, görünüşünde, besin elementi ve biyokimyasal içeriğinde önemli ölçüde kayıplar meydana gelmektedir. Kalite kayıplarını en aza indirerek ürünlerin raf ömrünü artırmak amacıyla pek çok muhafaza tekniği uygulanmaktadır. Kurutarak muhafaza yöntemi; biyoaktif bileşenler yönünden ürünler daha konsantre olması, nakliyenin kolay olması, depolamanın ekonomik olması ve ürünün uzun süre bozulmadan muhafaza edilebilmesi gibi önemli avantajlara sahiptir. Kurutmada işlem süresinin uzun olması enerji tüketiminin artmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu olumsuzlukları aşmak amacıyla kurutma işleminden önce termal ve/veya termal olmayan ön işlem uygulamaları yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı literatür araştırmaları kapsamında kurutma öncesi uygulanan termal (haşlama, ohmik ısıtma, mikrodalga, kızılötesi) ve termal olmayan (ozmotik dehidrasyon, soğuk plazma, darbeli elektriksel alan, gum arabic, şeker, bal çözeltisi, sitrik asit, ultrases) ön işlemlerinin incelenmesidir.


  • Abano, E.E., Sam-Amoah, L.K., Owusu, J., and Engmann, F.N. 2013. Effects of ascorbic acid, salt, lemon juice, and honey on drying kinetics and sensory characteristic of dried mango. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5 (1): 1-10.
  • Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y., Kaveh, M., Fatemi, H., Khalife, E., Witrowa-Rajchert, D. and Nowacka, M. 2021. Effect of pretreatments on convective and ınfrared drying kinetics, energy consumption and quality of terebinth. Applied Sciences, 11: 7672.
  • Adeleye, S.A., Salami, J., Oluwaleye, I.O., Oni, T.O., Akindele, D.O. and Olukayode, N.E. 2020. Evaluation of the convective drying of banana. ınternational research journal of modernization in engineering. Technology and Science, 2(8): 1017-1026.
  • Adepoju, L.A. and Osunde, Z.D. 2017. Effect of pretreatments and drying methods on some qualities of dried mango (mangifera indica) fruit. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 19(1):187–194.
  • Adepoju, L.A., Osunde, Z.D. and Falua, K.J. 2021. Changes in proximate composition, vitamin c and β-carotene contents of oven dried pawpaw (carica papaya) fruit as ınfluenced by pre-treatment methods. FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology (FUOYEJET), 6(1): 2579-0617.
  • Adetoro, A.O., Opara, U.L. and Fawole, O.A. 2020. Effect of blanching on enzyme ınactivation, physicochemical attributes and antioxidant capacity of hot-air dried pome-granate (punica granatum l.) Arils (cv. Wonderful). Processes, 9:25.
  • Adiamo, O.Q., Eltoum, Y.A.I. and Babiker, E.E. 2017. Effects of gum arabic edible coatings and sun-drying on the storage life and quality of raw and blanched tomato slices, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 17(1): 45-58.
  • Aktop, S., Gök, V., Özkan, M. ve Kara, R. 2015. Et ve et ürünlerinde soğuk plazma uygulamaları. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi, 8(2): 79-86.
  • Araujo, M.E.V., Barbosa, E.G., Oliveira, A.C.L., Milagres, R.S., Pinto, F.A.C. and Corrêa, P.C. 2020. Physical properties of yellow passion fruit seeds (passiflora edulis) during the drying process. Scientia Horticuturae, 261:109032.
  • Aydar, A.Y. 2021. Investigation of ultrasound pretreatment time and microwave power level on drying and rehydration kinetics of green olives. Food Science and Technology, 41(1): 238-244.
  • Aydar, A.Y., Yılmaz, T,. Mataracı, C.E. ve Sağlam, T.B. 2021. Gıdaların kurutulmasında ultrason ön işleminin kullanımı. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(2): 1165-1175.
  • Bakry, R.S., Khater El-Sayed, G., Bahnasawy, A.H. and Ali, S.A. 2021. Effect of drying methods on the quality of dried tomatoes. Processıng Engineering of Agricultural Products, 38(2): 155-180.
  • Bao, T., Hao, X., Shishir, M.R.I., Karim, N. and Chen, W. 2021. Cold plasma: an emerging pretreatment technology for the drying of jujube slices. Food Chemistry, 337: 127783.
  • Bassey, E.J., Cheng, J.H. and Sun, D.W. 2021. Novel nonthermal and thermal pretreatments for enhancing drying performance and improving quality of fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 112: 137-148.
  • Bozkır, H. 2020. Mikrodalga ve termosonikasyon haşlama yöntemleri ile patatesin haşlanması ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. GIDA, 45(5): 917-928.
  • Bozkır, H. ve Rayman Ergün, A. 2021. Influence of ultrasonic and electrical pretreatments on the drying and quality characteristics of kiwi fruit slices. GIDA, 46 (4): 817-829. Bozkir, H., Ergün, A.R., Tekgül, Y. and Baysal, T. 2019. Ultrasound as pretreatment for drying garlic slices in microwave and convective dryer. Food Science Biotechnology, 28(2):347-354.
  • Cesur, Ö. 2013. Kurutma metodları ve şartlarının nar tanesinin kurutma kinetiği ve kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı.
  • Chen, J., Venkitasamy, C., Shen, Q., McHugh, T.H., Zhang, R. and Pan, Z. 2018. Development of healthy crispy carrot snacks using sequential infrared blanching and hot air drying method. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 97: 469-475.
  • Chua, B.L., Khor, Y.C., Ali, A. and Ravikumar, H. 2021. Influence of ultrasound-assısted osmotıc dehydratıon pre-treatment on total phenolic content, antıoxıdant capacıty and p-cymene content of eucalyptus deglupta. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 33(2):149-159.
  • Ciurzyńska, A., Falacińska, J., Kowalska, H., Kowalska, J., Galus, S., Marzec, A. and Domian, E. 2021. The effect of pre-treatment (blanching, ultrasound and freezing) on quality of freeze-dried red beets. Foods, 10:132.
  • Çetin, N. 2021. Elma çeşitlerinin kurutulmasında farklı kurutma yöntemlerinin etkisinin belirlenmesi ve yapay zekâ algoritmalarıyla karşılaştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyosistem Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı.
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  • Deng, L.Z., Mujumdar, A.S., Zhang, Q., Yang, X.H., Wang, J., Zheng, Z., Gao, Z.J. and Xiao, H.W. 2017. Chemical and physical pretreatments of fruits and vegetables: Effects on drying characteristics and quality attributes – a comprehensive review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(9): 1408-1432.
  • Doymaz, İ., 2010. Effect of citric acid and blanching pre-treatments on drying and rehydration of amasya red apples. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 88: 124-132.
  • Doymaz, İ. ve Aktaş, C. 2018. Patlıcan dilimlerinin kurutma ve rehidrasyon karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3): 833-841.
  • Elangovan, E. and Natarajan, S.K. 2021. Effects of pretreatments on quality attributes, moisture diffusivity and activation energy of solar dried ivy gourd. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 44(4): 13653.
  • García Martínez, E.M., Andújar Pérez, I., Yuste Del Carmen, A., Prohens Tomás, J. and Martínez Navarrete, N. 2018. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of freeze-dried grapefruit phenolics as affected by gum arabic and bamboo fibre addition and microwave pretreatment. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(8): 3076-3083.
  • Gavahian, M., Chu, Y. and Farahnaky, A. 2019. Effects of ohmic and microwave cooking on textural softening and physical properties of rice. Journal of Food Engineering, 243: 114-124.
  • Guiamba, I.R. 2016. Nutritional value and quality of processed mango fruits. Doctora Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science. Guiamba, I.R.F., Svanberg, U. and Ahrné, L. 2015. Effect of infrared blanching on enzyme activity and retention of β-carotene and vitamin c in dried mango. Journal of Food Science, 80(6): E1235-E1242.
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  • İncedayı, B. 2020. Assessment of pretreatments on drying kinetics and quality characteristics of thin-layer dried red pepper. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 44: 543-556.
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  • Jahanbakhshi, A., Kaveh, M., Taghinezhad, E. and Sharabiani, V.R. 2021. Assessment of kinetics, effective moisture diffusivity, specific energy consumption, shrinkage, and color in the pistachio kernel drying process in microwave drying with ultrasonic pretreatment. Journal of Food Process Preserve, e14449: 2-15.
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Thermal and Non-thermal Pretreatment Applications in Drying

Yıl 2023, , 499 - 518, 08.12.2023


In agricultural products, respiratory activities maintain for a while during the storage process after the
harvest. In this case, the products deteriorate in a short time due to the intense moisture content. There are significant losses in color, appearance, nutrient, and biochemical content of deteriorated products. Many preservation techniques are applied in order to increase the shelf life of the products by minimizing these quality losses. In addition to the fact that the drying preservation method has important advantages such as being more concentrated in terms of bioactive components, easy transportation, economical storage and keeping the product intact for a long time. Longer processing time in drying causes an increase in energy consumption. In order to overcome these disadvantages, thermal and non-thermal pretreatment applications are carried out before the drying process. The aim of this study is to investigate the thermal (boiling, ohmic heating, microwave, infrared) and non-thermal (osmotic dehydration, cold plasma, pulsed electrical field, gum arabic, sucrose, honey, citric acid, ultrasound) pretreatments applied in drying within the scope of literature research.


  • Abano, E.E., Sam-Amoah, L.K., Owusu, J., and Engmann, F.N. 2013. Effects of ascorbic acid, salt, lemon juice, and honey on drying kinetics and sensory characteristic of dried mango. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5 (1): 1-10.
  • Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y., Kaveh, M., Fatemi, H., Khalife, E., Witrowa-Rajchert, D. and Nowacka, M. 2021. Effect of pretreatments on convective and ınfrared drying kinetics, energy consumption and quality of terebinth. Applied Sciences, 11: 7672.
  • Adeleye, S.A., Salami, J., Oluwaleye, I.O., Oni, T.O., Akindele, D.O. and Olukayode, N.E. 2020. Evaluation of the convective drying of banana. ınternational research journal of modernization in engineering. Technology and Science, 2(8): 1017-1026.
  • Adepoju, L.A. and Osunde, Z.D. 2017. Effect of pretreatments and drying methods on some qualities of dried mango (mangifera indica) fruit. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 19(1):187–194.
  • Adepoju, L.A., Osunde, Z.D. and Falua, K.J. 2021. Changes in proximate composition, vitamin c and β-carotene contents of oven dried pawpaw (carica papaya) fruit as ınfluenced by pre-treatment methods. FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology (FUOYEJET), 6(1): 2579-0617.
  • Adetoro, A.O., Opara, U.L. and Fawole, O.A. 2020. Effect of blanching on enzyme ınactivation, physicochemical attributes and antioxidant capacity of hot-air dried pome-granate (punica granatum l.) Arils (cv. Wonderful). Processes, 9:25.
  • Adiamo, O.Q., Eltoum, Y.A.I. and Babiker, E.E. 2017. Effects of gum arabic edible coatings and sun-drying on the storage life and quality of raw and blanched tomato slices, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 17(1): 45-58.
  • Aktop, S., Gök, V., Özkan, M. ve Kara, R. 2015. Et ve et ürünlerinde soğuk plazma uygulamaları. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi, 8(2): 79-86.
  • Araujo, M.E.V., Barbosa, E.G., Oliveira, A.C.L., Milagres, R.S., Pinto, F.A.C. and Corrêa, P.C. 2020. Physical properties of yellow passion fruit seeds (passiflora edulis) during the drying process. Scientia Horticuturae, 261:109032.
  • Aydar, A.Y. 2021. Investigation of ultrasound pretreatment time and microwave power level on drying and rehydration kinetics of green olives. Food Science and Technology, 41(1): 238-244.
  • Aydar, A.Y., Yılmaz, T,. Mataracı, C.E. ve Sağlam, T.B. 2021. Gıdaların kurutulmasında ultrason ön işleminin kullanımı. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(2): 1165-1175.
  • Bakry, R.S., Khater El-Sayed, G., Bahnasawy, A.H. and Ali, S.A. 2021. Effect of drying methods on the quality of dried tomatoes. Processıng Engineering of Agricultural Products, 38(2): 155-180.
  • Bao, T., Hao, X., Shishir, M.R.I., Karim, N. and Chen, W. 2021. Cold plasma: an emerging pretreatment technology for the drying of jujube slices. Food Chemistry, 337: 127783.
  • Bassey, E.J., Cheng, J.H. and Sun, D.W. 2021. Novel nonthermal and thermal pretreatments for enhancing drying performance and improving quality of fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 112: 137-148.
  • Bozkır, H. 2020. Mikrodalga ve termosonikasyon haşlama yöntemleri ile patatesin haşlanması ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. GIDA, 45(5): 917-928.
  • Bozkır, H. ve Rayman Ergün, A. 2021. Influence of ultrasonic and electrical pretreatments on the drying and quality characteristics of kiwi fruit slices. GIDA, 46 (4): 817-829. Bozkir, H., Ergün, A.R., Tekgül, Y. and Baysal, T. 2019. Ultrasound as pretreatment for drying garlic slices in microwave and convective dryer. Food Science Biotechnology, 28(2):347-354.
  • Cesur, Ö. 2013. Kurutma metodları ve şartlarının nar tanesinin kurutma kinetiği ve kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı.
  • Chen, J., Venkitasamy, C., Shen, Q., McHugh, T.H., Zhang, R. and Pan, Z. 2018. Development of healthy crispy carrot snacks using sequential infrared blanching and hot air drying method. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 97: 469-475.
  • Chua, B.L., Khor, Y.C., Ali, A. and Ravikumar, H. 2021. Influence of ultrasound-assısted osmotıc dehydratıon pre-treatment on total phenolic content, antıoxıdant capacıty and p-cymene content of eucalyptus deglupta. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 33(2):149-159.
  • Ciurzyńska, A., Falacińska, J., Kowalska, H., Kowalska, J., Galus, S., Marzec, A. and Domian, E. 2021. The effect of pre-treatment (blanching, ultrasound and freezing) on quality of freeze-dried red beets. Foods, 10:132.
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Toplam 73 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme

Seda Günaydın 0000-0003-2510-9638

Necati Çetin 0000-0001-8524-8272

Cevdet Sağlam 0000-0002-9955-3128

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 8 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Günaydın, S., Çetin, N., & Sağlam, C. (2023). Kurutmada Termal ve Termal Olmayan Ön İşlem Uygulamaları. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(2), 499-518.


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