Araştırma Makalesi
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Regional Energy Production with Small Wind Turbines with Concentrator Systems in Nort-West Turkey

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 167 - 184, 01.06.2020


 In this study, Eastern Thrace located in the northwest of Turkey, the southern regions of the Marmara Sea, and Istanbul were selected as the research area. Current energy potential analyzes were performed with the wind speed data in 13 stations determined in the region and the wind characteristics of the region formed the material of the study. In this research, especially small wind turbines and condensing systems that can be integrated into these turbines were discussed. On the basis of regional wind characteristics, the energy quantities of small wind turbines integrated with condensing and without condensing systems were determined. In this context, while a regional average of 252 to 1852 kWh/year energy can be generated from a 2 kW wind turbines with a non-condensing system integrated, it has been determined that 513 to 2085 kWh/year of energy can be generated from wind turbines integrated with A-type condensing systems. 1686 to 3684 kWh/year energy could be generated from wind turbines integrated with B-type condensing systems was determined. A similar situation exists for wind turbines with different power ratings.


  • Acaroğlu, M. 2003. Alternatif Enerji Kaynakları (Alternative Energy Resources), Atlas Publications, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Bencuya İpekçioğlu, R.G. and Vardar, A. 2017. Turkey’s 2017 Actual Wind Energy Appearance. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31 (2), 177-181.
  • Carta, J.A. and Mentado, D. 2007. A continuous bivariate model for wind power density and wind turbine energy output estimations. Energy Conversion and Management 48(2): 420-432.
  • Chen, J., Wang, F. and Stelson, K.A. 2018.A mathematical approach to minimizing the cost of energy for large utility wind turbines. Applied Energy 228: 1413-1422.
  • Clark, C.E., Miller, A. and DuPont, B. 2019.An analytical cost model for co-located floating wind-wave energy arrays. Renewable Energy 132: 885-897.
  • Darwish, A.S., Shaaban, S., Marsillac, E. and Mahmood, N.M. 2019. A methodology for improving wind energy production in low speed regions, with a case study application in Iraq. Computers & Industrial Engineering; 127: 89-102.
  • Dörner, H.H. 2019. Concentrating Windsystems - Sense or Nonsense, 10.01.2019).
  • EIE, 2005. Elektrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration. (Accessed 15.12.2018).
  • Energy Research Unit, 2001. Wind energy for the built environmental (WEB), 18.01.2019).
  • Fadai, D. 2007. The feasibility of manufacturing wind turbines in Iran. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(3): 536-542.
  • Gasch, R. and Twele, J. 2011. Windkraftanlagen, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Google Maps, 2019. (Accessed 1.01.2019).
  • Hummer, 2019. Anhui Hummer Dynamo Co., Ltd. (Accessed 26.02.2019).
  • Jiang, Y., Luo, Y. and Zhao, Z. 2013. Maximum wind speed changes over China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica 27(1): 63-74.
  • Karameldin, A., Lotfy, A. and Mekhemar, S. 2002. The Red Sea area wind-driven mechanical vapor compression desalination system. Desalination 153(1-3): 47-53.
  • Khadem, S.K. and Hussain, M. 2006. A pre-feasibility study of wind resources in Kutubdai Island, Bangladesh. Renewable Energy 31(14): 2329-2341.
  • Klug, H. 2001. Basic Course in Wind Energy, German Wind Energy Institute (DEWI), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Lui, F., Sun, F., Liu, W., Wang, T., Wang, H., Wang, X. and Lim, W. 2019.On wind speed pattern and energy potential in China. Applied Energy 236: 867-876.
  • Marciukaitis, M., Katinas, V. and Kavaliauskas, A. 2008. Wind power usage and prediction prospects in Lithuania. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12(1): 265-277.
  • Montes, G.M. and Martin, E.P. 2007. Profitability of wind energy: Short-term risk factors and possible improvements. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(9): 2191-2200.
  • Pelletier, J.D. 2006.Sensitivity of playa windblown-dust emissions to climatic and anthropogenic change. Journal of Arid Environments 66(1): 62-75.
  • Rehman, S., El-Amin, I.M., Ahmad, F., Shaahid, S.M., Al-Shehri, A.M. and Bakhashwain, J.M. 2007. Wind power resource assessment for Rafha, Saudi Arabia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(5): 937950.
  • Samal, R.K. and Tripathy, M. 2019. Cost and emission additionality of wind energy in power systems. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 17: 100179.
  • Santos, J.A., Rochinha, C., Liberato, M.L.R., Reyes, M. and Pinto, J.G. 2015.Projected changes in wind energy potentials over Iberia. Renewable Energy 75: 68-80.
  • Seo, S., Oh, S.D. and Kwak, H.Y. 2019. Wind türbine power curve modeling using maximum likelihood estimation method. Renewable Energy 136: 1164-1169.
  • Shi, P.J., Zhang, G.F., Kong, F. and Ye, Q. 2015. Wind speed change regionalization in China (1961-2012). Advances in Climate Change Research 6(2): 151-158.
  • Soysal, M.İ. 2000. Principles of Biometry, Trakya University Faculty of Agriculture Paper No: 95. Tekirdağ, Turkey.
  • Tian, Q., Huang, G., Hu, K. and Niyogi, D. 2019. Observed and global climate model based changes in wind power potential over the Northern Hemisphere during 1979-2016. Energy 167: 1224-1235.
  • TSMS, 2018. Turkish State Meteorological Service. (Accessed 15.12.2018).
  • Vardar, A., Eker, B., Kurtulmuş, F. and Taşkın, O. 2015. Developing Wind-Concentrator Systems for the Use of Wind Turbines in Areas with Low Wind-Speed Potentials. Energy Technology 3: 1260-1270.
  • Vardar, A. and Taşkın, O. 2015.Technical and economic evaluation of energy production from wind in Istanbul and surrounds. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 26(4): 64-69.
  • Vindmolleindustrien (2019).Danish Wind Industry Association. The Guide Tour, (Accessed 22.01.2019).
  • Wang, Z.Y., Ding, Y.H., He, J.H. and Yu, J. 2004.An updating analysis of the climate change in China in recent 50 years. Acta Meteorologica Sinica 62(2): 228-236.
  • Weber, J., Gotzens, F. and Witthaut, D. 2018.Impact of strong climate change on the statistics of wind power generation in Europe. Energy Procedia 153: 22-28.
  • Zhou, W., Yang, H. and Fang, Z. 2006. Wind power potential and characteristic analysis of the Pearl River Delta region, China. Renewable Energy 31(6): 739-753.

Kuzey-Batı Türkiye'de Yoğunlaştırma Sistemli Küçük Rüzgâr Türbinleri ile Bölgesel Enerji Üretimi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 167 - 184, 01.06.2020


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin kuzey batısında yer alan doğu Trakya, Marmara denizinin güney bölgeleri ve İstanbul araştırma bölgesi olarak seçilmiştir. Bölgede belirlenen 13 istasyonda rüzgâr hızı verileri ile mevcut enerji potansiyeli analizleri yapılmış ve bölgenin rüzgâr karakteristikleri çalışmanın materyalini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada özellikle küçük rüzgar türbinleri ve bu türbinlere entegre edilebilecek yoğunlaştırma sistemleri ele alınmıştır. Bölgesel rüzgar karakteristikleri temelinde, yoğunlaştırma sistemleri entegre edilmiş ve entegre edilmemiş durumdaki küçük rüzgar türbinlerinin üretebilecekleri enerji miktarları saptanmıştır. Bu çerçevede yoğunlaştırma sistemi entegre edilmemiş 2 kW gücünde bir rüzgar türbinlerinden bölgesel ortalama olarak 252 ile 1852 kWh/yıl enerji üretilebilirken A-tipi yoğunlaştırma sistemleri ile entegre edilmiş bir rüzgar türbinlerinden 513 ile 2085 kWh/yıl ve B-tipi yoğunlaştırma sistemleri ile entegre edilmiş bir rüzgar türbinlerinden ise 1686 ile 3684 kWh/yıl enerji üretilebileceği tespit edilmiştir. Farklı güç değerlerine sahip rüzgâr türbinleri için de benzer bir durum söz konusudur.


  • Acaroğlu, M. 2003. Alternatif Enerji Kaynakları (Alternative Energy Resources), Atlas Publications, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Bencuya İpekçioğlu, R.G. and Vardar, A. 2017. Turkey’s 2017 Actual Wind Energy Appearance. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31 (2), 177-181.
  • Carta, J.A. and Mentado, D. 2007. A continuous bivariate model for wind power density and wind turbine energy output estimations. Energy Conversion and Management 48(2): 420-432.
  • Chen, J., Wang, F. and Stelson, K.A. 2018.A mathematical approach to minimizing the cost of energy for large utility wind turbines. Applied Energy 228: 1413-1422.
  • Clark, C.E., Miller, A. and DuPont, B. 2019.An analytical cost model for co-located floating wind-wave energy arrays. Renewable Energy 132: 885-897.
  • Darwish, A.S., Shaaban, S., Marsillac, E. and Mahmood, N.M. 2019. A methodology for improving wind energy production in low speed regions, with a case study application in Iraq. Computers & Industrial Engineering; 127: 89-102.
  • Dörner, H.H. 2019. Concentrating Windsystems - Sense or Nonsense, 10.01.2019).
  • EIE, 2005. Elektrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration. (Accessed 15.12.2018).
  • Energy Research Unit, 2001. Wind energy for the built environmental (WEB), 18.01.2019).
  • Fadai, D. 2007. The feasibility of manufacturing wind turbines in Iran. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(3): 536-542.
  • Gasch, R. and Twele, J. 2011. Windkraftanlagen, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Google Maps, 2019. (Accessed 1.01.2019).
  • Hummer, 2019. Anhui Hummer Dynamo Co., Ltd. (Accessed 26.02.2019).
  • Jiang, Y., Luo, Y. and Zhao, Z. 2013. Maximum wind speed changes over China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica 27(1): 63-74.
  • Karameldin, A., Lotfy, A. and Mekhemar, S. 2002. The Red Sea area wind-driven mechanical vapor compression desalination system. Desalination 153(1-3): 47-53.
  • Khadem, S.K. and Hussain, M. 2006. A pre-feasibility study of wind resources in Kutubdai Island, Bangladesh. Renewable Energy 31(14): 2329-2341.
  • Klug, H. 2001. Basic Course in Wind Energy, German Wind Energy Institute (DEWI), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Lui, F., Sun, F., Liu, W., Wang, T., Wang, H., Wang, X. and Lim, W. 2019.On wind speed pattern and energy potential in China. Applied Energy 236: 867-876.
  • Marciukaitis, M., Katinas, V. and Kavaliauskas, A. 2008. Wind power usage and prediction prospects in Lithuania. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12(1): 265-277.
  • Montes, G.M. and Martin, E.P. 2007. Profitability of wind energy: Short-term risk factors and possible improvements. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(9): 2191-2200.
  • Pelletier, J.D. 2006.Sensitivity of playa windblown-dust emissions to climatic and anthropogenic change. Journal of Arid Environments 66(1): 62-75.
  • Rehman, S., El-Amin, I.M., Ahmad, F., Shaahid, S.M., Al-Shehri, A.M. and Bakhashwain, J.M. 2007. Wind power resource assessment for Rafha, Saudi Arabia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(5): 937950.
  • Samal, R.K. and Tripathy, M. 2019. Cost and emission additionality of wind energy in power systems. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 17: 100179.
  • Santos, J.A., Rochinha, C., Liberato, M.L.R., Reyes, M. and Pinto, J.G. 2015.Projected changes in wind energy potentials over Iberia. Renewable Energy 75: 68-80.
  • Seo, S., Oh, S.D. and Kwak, H.Y. 2019. Wind türbine power curve modeling using maximum likelihood estimation method. Renewable Energy 136: 1164-1169.
  • Shi, P.J., Zhang, G.F., Kong, F. and Ye, Q. 2015. Wind speed change regionalization in China (1961-2012). Advances in Climate Change Research 6(2): 151-158.
  • Soysal, M.İ. 2000. Principles of Biometry, Trakya University Faculty of Agriculture Paper No: 95. Tekirdağ, Turkey.
  • Tian, Q., Huang, G., Hu, K. and Niyogi, D. 2019. Observed and global climate model based changes in wind power potential over the Northern Hemisphere during 1979-2016. Energy 167: 1224-1235.
  • TSMS, 2018. Turkish State Meteorological Service. (Accessed 15.12.2018).
  • Vardar, A., Eker, B., Kurtulmuş, F. and Taşkın, O. 2015. Developing Wind-Concentrator Systems for the Use of Wind Turbines in Areas with Low Wind-Speed Potentials. Energy Technology 3: 1260-1270.
  • Vardar, A. and Taşkın, O. 2015.Technical and economic evaluation of energy production from wind in Istanbul and surrounds. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 26(4): 64-69.
  • Vindmolleindustrien (2019).Danish Wind Industry Association. The Guide Tour, (Accessed 22.01.2019).
  • Wang, Z.Y., Ding, Y.H., He, J.H. and Yu, J. 2004.An updating analysis of the climate change in China in recent 50 years. Acta Meteorologica Sinica 62(2): 228-236.
  • Weber, J., Gotzens, F. and Witthaut, D. 2018.Impact of strong climate change on the statistics of wind power generation in Europe. Energy Procedia 153: 22-28.
  • Zhou, W., Yang, H. and Fang, Z. 2006. Wind power potential and characteristic analysis of the Pearl River Delta region, China. Renewable Energy 31(6): 739-753.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tuğba Biçen Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6826-2494

Ali Vardar 0000-0001-6349-9687

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Biçen, T., & Vardar, A. (2020). Regional Energy Production with Small Wind Turbines with Concentrator Systems in Nort-West Turkey. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1), 167-184.


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