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Farklı Ticari Lale Çeşitlerinde Biyo Gübre Uygulamasının Soğan Verimi ve Floristik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 34 Sayı: Özel Sayı, 249 - 258, 30.09.2020


The research was carried out in the experimental fields of Bayindir Vocational Training School at Ege University between the 2017-2018 vegetation periods. Five different commercial tulip varieties (Canadian Liberator, Van Eijk, Pink Impression, Carousel, Holland Beauty) were used as plant material. The research was carried out with three replications of randomized block design with two factors (cultivars, bio fertilizer application). In this study, first sprouting time, the beginning of flowering time, end of flowering time, flowering longevity, plant height, stem length and bulb yield values were examined.
According to the data obtained from the research; the first sprouting occurred 49-72 days after planting date, the beginning of the flowering was in the range of the first week to the last week of March, and the end of flowering took place in the last week of March and mid-April. The flowering longevity was between 13 and 20 days, plant length was measured between 33.8 - 44.6 cm. Following to this stem length was measured and the value recorded between 27.3 - 36.2 cm. It was determined that the application of bio fertilizer increased bulb yield and did not reveal any impact on the other characteristics which was emphasized in this study.


  • Acikgoz, N., Ilker, E. And Gokcol, A. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. Izmir: Ege University, TOTEM, Meta Press.
  • Ali, A., Mehmood, T., Hussain, R., Bashir A., Raza, S., Din, N. and Ahmad, A. 2014. Investigation of biofertilizers influence on vegetative growth, flower quality, bulb yield and nutrient uptake in gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.). International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmnetal Sciences 4, 1, 94-109.
  • Anonymous, 2008. Promoting Bio-fertilizers in Indian Agriculture Nilabja Ghosh1, Institute of Economic Growth. University Enclave, Delhi 110007, India.
  • Chen, J. 2006. The Combined Use of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers and/or Biofertilizer for Crop Growth and Soil Fertility. International Workshop on Sustained Management of the Soil-Rhizosp here System for Efficient Crop Production and Fertilizer Use, Bangkok, 1-11.
  • Fayaz K., Khan F. U., Nazki I. T., Nisa M.U., Verty P. and Singh V.K. 2018. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Application on Yield and Bulb Production Characters in Tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cv. “Red Beauty”. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2319-7692 Special Issue-7 pp. 190-195.
  • Ghumare, V., Rana, M., Gavkare, O. and Khachi, B. 2014. Bio-fertilizers-increasing soil fertility and crop productivity, Jr. Ind. Poll. Cont.30(2): 196-201.
  • Hall, A.D. 1940. Thegenus Tulipa. The Royal Horticulture Society, London, England.
  • Hoog, M. H. 1973. On the origin of Tulipa. Lilies and other Liliaceae, Royal Horticulture Society, London, England, pp. 47-64.
  • Khalvati M.A., Hu, Y., Mozafar, A. and Schmidhalter, U. 2005. Quantification of water uptake by mycorrhizal hyphae and its significance for leaf growth, water relations and gas exchange of barley subjected to drought stress. Plant Biology. 7, 706-712.
  • Klopper, J.W., Schroth, M.N. 1978. Plantgrowthpromotingrhizobacteria on radishes. In: Proceeding IV International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Vol. 2, Station de Pathologie Végétale et de Phytobactériologie, INRA, Angers, France, pp. 879–882.
  • Menguc, A. and Zencirkiran, M. 1991. A study on the determination of vase life of cut Gladiolus (cv. White Prosperity) flowers. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University. 8: 123-132. (in Turkish).
  • Muraleedharan, H., Seshadri, S. and Perumal, K. 2010. Biofertilizer (Phoshpobactaria). Shri Aam Murugappa Chettiar Research Center, Taramani Chennai.
  • Salman, A., Zeybekoglu, E., Alp, S. and Ozzambak, M.E. 2016. Effects on Plant Growth and Bulb Growth of different planting times on Tulip Varieties, Bahce Journal of Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute, p: 887-892 (in Turkish).
  • Salman, A., Wallace, Y. M., Zeybekogu, E., Alp, S. and Ozzambak, M.E., 2018, The Effect of Fertilizer Application on the Bulb Yields and Floristic Traits on Some Tulips Cultivars, International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Science, Engineering and Technology, Oct 25-27, 2018, Dubai p: 34-41.
  • Singh, A. K. 2005. Response of rose plant growth and flowering to nitrogen, Azotobacter and farmyard manure. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture 8(4): 296-298.
  • Ullah Khan, F., Khan, F., Siddique, M.A.A. and Nazki, I. T. 2009. Effect of biofertilizers on growth, flower quality and bulb yield in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 79(4):248-251.
  • Van Scheepen J. 1996. Classified list and international register of tulip names. General Bulbgrowers’ Association, Holland.

The Effect of Bio Fertilizer Application on Bulb Yield and Floristic Properties of Different Commercial Tulip Varieties

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 34 Sayı: Özel Sayı, 249 - 258, 30.09.2020


Araştırma Ege Üniversitesi Bayındır Meslek Yüksekokulu deneme tarlalarında 2017-2018 yılları arasında bir vejetasyon döneminde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada bitkisel materyal olarak beş farklı ticari lale çeşidi (Canadian Liberator, Van Eijk, Pink Impression, Carousel, Holland Beauty) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma iki faktörlü (çeşit, biyo gübre uygulaması) tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Yürütülen çalışmada ilk sürgün çıkışı, çiçeklenme başlangıç tarihi, çiçeklenme bitiş tarihi, çiçekte kalma süresi, bitki boyu, sap uzunluğu ve soğan verimi değerleri incelenmiştir.
Araştırmadan elde edilen verilere göre; ilk sürgün çıkışlarının soğan dikiminden 49-72 sonra, ilk çiçeklenme başlangıcı mart ayının ilk haftası ile son haftası aralığında, çiçeklenme bitişi ise Mart ayının son haftası ile Nisan ayının ortasında gerçekleşmiştir. Çiçekte kalma süreleri 13-20 gün aralığında, bitki boyu değerleri 33,8-44,6 cm aralığında ve sap uzunluğu değerleri 27,3-36,2 cm aralığında farklılık göstermiştir. Biyo gübre uygulamasının soğan verimi arttırdığı, incelenen diğer karakterler üzerine etkili olmadığı belirlenmiştir


  • Acikgoz, N., Ilker, E. And Gokcol, A. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. Izmir: Ege University, TOTEM, Meta Press.
  • Ali, A., Mehmood, T., Hussain, R., Bashir A., Raza, S., Din, N. and Ahmad, A. 2014. Investigation of biofertilizers influence on vegetative growth, flower quality, bulb yield and nutrient uptake in gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.). International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmnetal Sciences 4, 1, 94-109.
  • Anonymous, 2008. Promoting Bio-fertilizers in Indian Agriculture Nilabja Ghosh1, Institute of Economic Growth. University Enclave, Delhi 110007, India.
  • Chen, J. 2006. The Combined Use of Chemical and Organic Fertilizers and/or Biofertilizer for Crop Growth and Soil Fertility. International Workshop on Sustained Management of the Soil-Rhizosp here System for Efficient Crop Production and Fertilizer Use, Bangkok, 1-11.
  • Fayaz K., Khan F. U., Nazki I. T., Nisa M.U., Verty P. and Singh V.K. 2018. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Application on Yield and Bulb Production Characters in Tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cv. “Red Beauty”. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2319-7692 Special Issue-7 pp. 190-195.
  • Ghumare, V., Rana, M., Gavkare, O. and Khachi, B. 2014. Bio-fertilizers-increasing soil fertility and crop productivity, Jr. Ind. Poll. Cont.30(2): 196-201.
  • Hall, A.D. 1940. Thegenus Tulipa. The Royal Horticulture Society, London, England.
  • Hoog, M. H. 1973. On the origin of Tulipa. Lilies and other Liliaceae, Royal Horticulture Society, London, England, pp. 47-64.
  • Khalvati M.A., Hu, Y., Mozafar, A. and Schmidhalter, U. 2005. Quantification of water uptake by mycorrhizal hyphae and its significance for leaf growth, water relations and gas exchange of barley subjected to drought stress. Plant Biology. 7, 706-712.
  • Klopper, J.W., Schroth, M.N. 1978. Plantgrowthpromotingrhizobacteria on radishes. In: Proceeding IV International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Vol. 2, Station de Pathologie Végétale et de Phytobactériologie, INRA, Angers, France, pp. 879–882.
  • Menguc, A. and Zencirkiran, M. 1991. A study on the determination of vase life of cut Gladiolus (cv. White Prosperity) flowers. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University. 8: 123-132. (in Turkish).
  • Muraleedharan, H., Seshadri, S. and Perumal, K. 2010. Biofertilizer (Phoshpobactaria). Shri Aam Murugappa Chettiar Research Center, Taramani Chennai.
  • Salman, A., Zeybekoglu, E., Alp, S. and Ozzambak, M.E. 2016. Effects on Plant Growth and Bulb Growth of different planting times on Tulip Varieties, Bahce Journal of Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute, p: 887-892 (in Turkish).
  • Salman, A., Wallace, Y. M., Zeybekogu, E., Alp, S. and Ozzambak, M.E., 2018, The Effect of Fertilizer Application on the Bulb Yields and Floristic Traits on Some Tulips Cultivars, International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Science, Engineering and Technology, Oct 25-27, 2018, Dubai p: 34-41.
  • Singh, A. K. 2005. Response of rose plant growth and flowering to nitrogen, Azotobacter and farmyard manure. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture 8(4): 296-298.
  • Ullah Khan, F., Khan, F., Siddique, M.A.A. and Nazki, I. T. 2009. Effect of biofertilizers on growth, flower quality and bulb yield in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 79(4):248-251.
  • Van Scheepen J. 1996. Classified list and international register of tulip names. General Bulbgrowers’ Association, Holland.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bahçe Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ali Salman 0000-0003-2623-9573

Bülent Budak 0000-0002-2728-9049

Meltem Yağmur Wallace 0000-0003-3007-2219

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 34 Sayı: Özel Sayı

Kaynak Göster

APA Salman, A., Budak, B., & Wallace, M. Y. (2020). Farklı Ticari Lale Çeşitlerinde Biyo Gübre Uygulamasının Soğan Verimi ve Floristik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(Özel Sayı), 249-258.


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