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Toplu Beslenme Sistemlerinde Farklı Bir Yaklaşım: Engeller Teknolojisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 385 - 395, 01.12.2020


Besin kaynaklı oluşan biyolojik, kimyasal ve fiziksel tehlikeler hem tüketici sağlığını hem de üretici ekonomisini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Besinlerde oluşan bu tehlikeleri ortadan kaldırmak ve besin güvenliğini sağlamak için çeşitli yöntemler kullanılmaktadır. Pişir-soğut, pişir-dondur, vakumlu paketleme ve engeller teknolojisi kullanılan yöntemlerden bazılarıdır. Son zamanlarda kullanımı yaygın hale gelen engeller teknolojisinde besinlerin mikrobiyolojik, duyusal ve besleyici kalitesi korunarak raf ömrünün uzatılması ve güvenilir besin elde edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yaygın olarak kullanılan engel teknolojileri arasında ısıl işlem, su aktivitesi (aw), asitlik, redoks potansiyeli, koruyucular (nitrit, sülfit, sorbat vb.) gibi uygulamalar yer almaktadır. Engeller teknolojisi kapsamında kullanılan uygulamalar ikili veya daha fazla sayıda kombine edilerek de kullanılabilmektedir. Diğer bir deyişle, engeller teknolojisi aslında besin koruma yöntemlerinin bir birleşimidir ve toplu beslenme sistemleri için de oldukça önemli bir uygulama alanıdır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Azeredo, H.M.C.D., Garruti, D.D.S., Queiroz, A.A.M. ve Pinto, G.A.S. 2005. Stability of mango cubes preserved by hurdle technology. Ciŕncia e Agrotecnologia, 29(2): 377-381.
  • Barbosa-Cánovas, G., Góngora-Nieto, M., Rodriguez, J. ve Swanson, B. 2005. Nonthermal processing of foods and emerging technologies. Food engineering: encyclopedia of life support sciences. EOLSS Publishers/UNESCO, Paris, 575-593.
  • Beristaín-Bauza, S., Martínez-Niño, A., Ramírez-González, A., Ávila-Sosa, R., Ruíz-Espinosa, H., Ruiz-López, I. ve Ochoa-Velasco, C. 2018. Inhibition of Salmonella Typhimurium growth in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water by hurdle technology. Food control, 92: 312-318.
  • Beyhan, Y. (2018). Toplu Beslenme Sistemlerinin Yönetim ve Organizasyonu. Ankara: Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
  • Christieans, S., Picgirard, L., Parafita, E., Lebert, A. ve Gregori, T. 2018. Impact of reducing nitrate/nitrite levels on the behavior of Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in French dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 137: 160-167.
  • Da Silva, P.M., Gauche, C., Gonzaga, L.V., Costa, A.C. ve Fett, R. (2016). Honey: Chemical composition, stability and authenticity. Food Chemistry, 196: 309–323.
  • Daelman, J., Jacxsens, L., Lahou, E., Devlieghere, F. ve Uyttendaele, M. 2013. Assessment of the microbial safety and quality of cooked chilled foods and their production process. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 160(3): 193-200.
  • Gabriel, A.A. 2015. Combinations of selected physical and chemical hurdles to inactivate Escherichia coli O157: H7 in apple and orange juices. Food Control, 50: 722-728.
  • Garcia, D., Ramos, A.J., Sanchis, V. ve Marin, S. 2011. Is intraspecific variability of growth and mycotoxin production dependent on environmental conditions? A study with Aspergillus carbonarius isolates. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 144: 432-439.
  • Gül, K. ve Ergün, H. 2010. Endüstriyel yiyecek işletmelerinde maliyet azaltıcı yeni yöntemler ve bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, (45): 127-145.
  • Iborra-Bernad, C., Philippon, D., García-Segovia, P. ve Martínez-Monzó, J. (2013). Optimizing the texture and color of sous-vide and cook-vide green bean pods. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 51(2): 507-513.
  • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C. E., Suna, S. ve Çopur, Ö.U. 2014. Hurdle technology for shelf stable minimally processed potato cv. agria. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg, 28(1): 29-42.
  • Kahoun, D., Řezková, S. ve Královský, J. 2017. Effect of heat treatment and storage conditions on mead composition. Food Chemistry, 219: 357-363.
  • Khan, I., Miskeen, S., Khalil, A.T., Phull, A-R., Kim, S.J. ve Oh, D.-H. 2016. Foodborne pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes an unsolved problem of the food industry. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 15(6): 505.
  • Köse, S. ve Bilici, S. 2016. Mutfak ve yemekhane çalışanlarında iş sağlığı ve güvenliği risklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 44(3): 239-247.
  • Leistner, L. (1978). Hurdle effect and energy saving. In (Vol. 553): Applied Science Publishers London. Mannaa, M. ve Kim, K.D. 2017. Influence of temperature and water activity on deleterious fungi and mycotoxin production during grain storage. Mycobiology, 45(4): 240-254.
  • Majou, D. ve Christieans, S. 2018. Mechanisms of the bactericidal effects of nitrate and nitrite in cured meats. Meat Science, 145: 273-284.
  • Moreira, M.J., Oliveira, I., Silva, J.A. ve Saraiva, C. 2019. Safety and quality assessment of roasted pork loin obtained BY COOK-CHILL system and packed in modified atmosphere. LWT, 101: 711-722.
  • Negi, P.S. 2012. Plant extracts for the control of bacterial growth: Efficacy, stability and safety issues for food application. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 156(1): 7-17.
  • Ngnitcho, P.-F.K., Khan, I., Tango, C.N., Hussain, M.S. ve Oh, D.H. 2017. Inactivation of bacterial pathogens on lettuce, sprouts, and spinach using hurdle technology. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 43: 68-76.
  • Ohlsson, T. ve Bengtsson, N. (Eds.). (2002). Minimal processing technologies in the food industries. Woodhead Publishing Limited, England, 189p.
  • Pattanayaiying, R., Aran, H. ve Cutter, C.N. 2015. Incorporation of nisin Z and lauric arginate into pullulan films to inhibit foodborne pathogens associated with fresh and ready-to-eat muscle foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 207: 77-82.
  • Ray, B. and Bhunia, A. (2014). Fundamental food microbiology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida pp, 66p.
  • Rinaldi, M., Dall’Asta, C., Meli, F., Morini, E., Pellegrini, N., Gatti, M. ve Chiavaro, E. 2013. Physicochemical and microbiological quality of sous-vide-processed carrots and brussels sprouts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(11): 3076-3087.
  • Rostami, Z., Ahmad, M.A., Khan, M.U., Mishra, A. P., Rashidzadeh, S. ve Shariati, M.A. 2016. Food preservation by hurdle technology: a review of different hurdle and interaction with focus on foodstuffs. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10: 2633-2639.
  • Sankhla, S., Chaturvedi, A., Kuna, A. ve Dhanlakshmi, K. 2012. Preservation of sugarcane juice using hurdle technology. Sugar Tech, 14(1): 26-39.
  • Singh, S. ve Shalini, R. 2016. Effect of hurdle technology in food preservation: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(4): 641-649.
  • Tango, C.N., Khan, I., Park, Y.S. ve Oh, D.H. 2016. Growth of Staphylococcus aureus in cooked ready-to-eat ground fish as affected by inoculum size and potassium sorbate as food preservative. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 71: 400-408.
  • TGK. 2017. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Gıda Katkı Maddeleri Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete Tarihi (28693).
  • Uysal Seçkin, G. ve Taşeri, L. 2015. Yarı-Kurutulmuş Meyve ve Sebzeler. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(9): 414-420.
  • Yangılar, F. ve Kabil, E. 2013. Süt ve süt ürünlerinde bazı ısıl olmayan mikrobiyal inaktivasyon yöntemleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1): 97-108.
  • Zhang, L., Sun, D.W. ve Zhang, Z. 2017. Methods for measuring water activity (aw) of foods and its applications to moisture sorption isotherm studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(5): 1052-1058.

A Different Approach in Foodservice Systems: Hurdle Technology

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 385 - 395, 01.12.2020


Food-borne occurring biological, chemical and physical hazards adversely affect both consumer health and producer economies. Various methods are used to eliminate these dangers in food and ensure food safety. Cook-chill, cook-freeze, sous-vide, and hurdle technology are some of the methods used. In the hurdle technology, which has become widespread recently, it is aimed to extend the shelf life and maintain reliable food by preserving the microbiological, sensory and nutritive quality of the nutrients. Commonly used hurdles technologies include such as temperature, water activity (aw), acidity, redox potential, preservatives (nitrite, sulfide, sorbate, etc.). Methods used within the scope of the hurdle technology can also be used in combination with two or more. In other words, hurdle technology is a combination of food protection methods and is a very important method for foodservice systems.

Proje Numarası



  • Azeredo, H.M.C.D., Garruti, D.D.S., Queiroz, A.A.M. ve Pinto, G.A.S. 2005. Stability of mango cubes preserved by hurdle technology. Ciŕncia e Agrotecnologia, 29(2): 377-381.
  • Barbosa-Cánovas, G., Góngora-Nieto, M., Rodriguez, J. ve Swanson, B. 2005. Nonthermal processing of foods and emerging technologies. Food engineering: encyclopedia of life support sciences. EOLSS Publishers/UNESCO, Paris, 575-593.
  • Beristaín-Bauza, S., Martínez-Niño, A., Ramírez-González, A., Ávila-Sosa, R., Ruíz-Espinosa, H., Ruiz-López, I. ve Ochoa-Velasco, C. 2018. Inhibition of Salmonella Typhimurium growth in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water by hurdle technology. Food control, 92: 312-318.
  • Beyhan, Y. (2018). Toplu Beslenme Sistemlerinin Yönetim ve Organizasyonu. Ankara: Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
  • Christieans, S., Picgirard, L., Parafita, E., Lebert, A. ve Gregori, T. 2018. Impact of reducing nitrate/nitrite levels on the behavior of Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in French dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 137: 160-167.
  • Da Silva, P.M., Gauche, C., Gonzaga, L.V., Costa, A.C. ve Fett, R. (2016). Honey: Chemical composition, stability and authenticity. Food Chemistry, 196: 309–323.
  • Daelman, J., Jacxsens, L., Lahou, E., Devlieghere, F. ve Uyttendaele, M. 2013. Assessment of the microbial safety and quality of cooked chilled foods and their production process. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 160(3): 193-200.
  • Gabriel, A.A. 2015. Combinations of selected physical and chemical hurdles to inactivate Escherichia coli O157: H7 in apple and orange juices. Food Control, 50: 722-728.
  • Garcia, D., Ramos, A.J., Sanchis, V. ve Marin, S. 2011. Is intraspecific variability of growth and mycotoxin production dependent on environmental conditions? A study with Aspergillus carbonarius isolates. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 144: 432-439.
  • Gül, K. ve Ergün, H. 2010. Endüstriyel yiyecek işletmelerinde maliyet azaltıcı yeni yöntemler ve bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, (45): 127-145.
  • Iborra-Bernad, C., Philippon, D., García-Segovia, P. ve Martínez-Monzó, J. (2013). Optimizing the texture and color of sous-vide and cook-vide green bean pods. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 51(2): 507-513.
  • İncedayı, B., Tamer, C. E., Suna, S. ve Çopur, Ö.U. 2014. Hurdle technology for shelf stable minimally processed potato cv. agria. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg, 28(1): 29-42.
  • Kahoun, D., Řezková, S. ve Královský, J. 2017. Effect of heat treatment and storage conditions on mead composition. Food Chemistry, 219: 357-363.
  • Khan, I., Miskeen, S., Khalil, A.T., Phull, A-R., Kim, S.J. ve Oh, D.-H. 2016. Foodborne pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes an unsolved problem of the food industry. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 15(6): 505.
  • Köse, S. ve Bilici, S. 2016. Mutfak ve yemekhane çalışanlarında iş sağlığı ve güvenliği risklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 44(3): 239-247.
  • Leistner, L. (1978). Hurdle effect and energy saving. In (Vol. 553): Applied Science Publishers London. Mannaa, M. ve Kim, K.D. 2017. Influence of temperature and water activity on deleterious fungi and mycotoxin production during grain storage. Mycobiology, 45(4): 240-254.
  • Majou, D. ve Christieans, S. 2018. Mechanisms of the bactericidal effects of nitrate and nitrite in cured meats. Meat Science, 145: 273-284.
  • Moreira, M.J., Oliveira, I., Silva, J.A. ve Saraiva, C. 2019. Safety and quality assessment of roasted pork loin obtained BY COOK-CHILL system and packed in modified atmosphere. LWT, 101: 711-722.
  • Negi, P.S. 2012. Plant extracts for the control of bacterial growth: Efficacy, stability and safety issues for food application. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 156(1): 7-17.
  • Ngnitcho, P.-F.K., Khan, I., Tango, C.N., Hussain, M.S. ve Oh, D.H. 2017. Inactivation of bacterial pathogens on lettuce, sprouts, and spinach using hurdle technology. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 43: 68-76.
  • Ohlsson, T. ve Bengtsson, N. (Eds.). (2002). Minimal processing technologies in the food industries. Woodhead Publishing Limited, England, 189p.
  • Pattanayaiying, R., Aran, H. ve Cutter, C.N. 2015. Incorporation of nisin Z and lauric arginate into pullulan films to inhibit foodborne pathogens associated with fresh and ready-to-eat muscle foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 207: 77-82.
  • Ray, B. and Bhunia, A. (2014). Fundamental food microbiology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida pp, 66p.
  • Rinaldi, M., Dall’Asta, C., Meli, F., Morini, E., Pellegrini, N., Gatti, M. ve Chiavaro, E. 2013. Physicochemical and microbiological quality of sous-vide-processed carrots and brussels sprouts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(11): 3076-3087.
  • Rostami, Z., Ahmad, M.A., Khan, M.U., Mishra, A. P., Rashidzadeh, S. ve Shariati, M.A. 2016. Food preservation by hurdle technology: a review of different hurdle and interaction with focus on foodstuffs. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10: 2633-2639.
  • Sankhla, S., Chaturvedi, A., Kuna, A. ve Dhanlakshmi, K. 2012. Preservation of sugarcane juice using hurdle technology. Sugar Tech, 14(1): 26-39.
  • Singh, S. ve Shalini, R. 2016. Effect of hurdle technology in food preservation: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(4): 641-649.
  • Tango, C.N., Khan, I., Park, Y.S. ve Oh, D.H. 2016. Growth of Staphylococcus aureus in cooked ready-to-eat ground fish as affected by inoculum size and potassium sorbate as food preservative. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 71: 400-408.
  • TGK. 2017. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Gıda Katkı Maddeleri Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete Tarihi (28693).
  • Uysal Seçkin, G. ve Taşeri, L. 2015. Yarı-Kurutulmuş Meyve ve Sebzeler. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(9): 414-420.
  • Yangılar, F. ve Kabil, E. 2013. Süt ve süt ürünlerinde bazı ısıl olmayan mikrobiyal inaktivasyon yöntemleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1): 97-108.
  • Zhang, L., Sun, D.W. ve Zhang, Z. 2017. Methods for measuring water activity (aw) of foods and its applications to moisture sorption isotherm studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(5): 1052-1058.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme

Fatma Gül 0000-0003-2776-808X

Proje Numarası Yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gül, F. (2020). Toplu Beslenme Sistemlerinde Farklı Bir Yaklaşım: Engeller Teknolojisi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2), 385-395.


Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.