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Sürdürülebilir Diyet Modellerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 2, 467 - 481, 01.12.2021


Son yıllarda çevresel sorunlar nedeniyle sürdürülebilir yaşamın gerekliliğine olan farkındalık, artmaktadır.
Sürdürülebilir yaşam modelinin göstergelerinden biri olarak da sürdürülebilir beslenme ve sürdürülebilir besin sistemleri önem kazanmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir beslenme ve besin sistemleri; tüketicilerin besin tercihlerinin yanında besin güvenliğini, besinin transferini ve bulunabilirliğini kapsayan bir kavramdır. Bu kapsamda sürdürülebilir besin sistemi; ekosistem koruyucu, kültürel açıdan kabul edilebilir, erişilebilir, uygun fiyatlı, beslenme açısından yeterli, güvenli ve sağlıklı olmalıdır. Bu yönleriyle sürdürülebilir besin sistemlerinin ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri bulunmaktadır. Gelişmiş ülkelerde özellikle bitkisel besinlere karşın hayvansal besinlerin ucuzluğu dikkat çekmektedir. Ekonomik olarak daha erişilebilir olan bu ürünlerin tüketiminin artması, çevresel zarar olarak sonuçlanan bir zincir oluşturmaktadır. Sosyal bir hedef olarak, geleneksel beslenme alışkanlıklarına uygun besinlerin toplum tarafından kabul görmesi önemlidir. Besin üretim sisteminin üretimden tüketime tüm aşamalarında, çevreci yaklaşım en büyük çevresel hedeftir. Tüm aşamalarda biyoçeşitlilik, su ve karbon ayak izi, çevre ve insan sağlığı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Beslenme modelleri tüm bu hedefler açısından değerlendirildiğinde, bitkisel temelli diyetlerin öne çıktığı görülmektedir.
Bu sürdürülebilir diyetler; Akdeniz Diyeti, Nordik Diyeti, Geleneksel Japon Diyeti ve Vejetaryen Diyet olarak
sıralanmaktadır. Bu derlemenin amacı, sürdürülebilir sağlıklı diyet modelleri olarak kabul edilen diyetlerin
sürdürülebilir yaşam ve sağlık etkilerini değerlendirmektir.


  • Akbaş, B. 2019. Sürdürülebilir Tarımda Entegre Mücadele Çalışmalarının Ülkemiz Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Yalvaç Akademi Dergisi, 4(1): 32-40.
  • Annunziata, A., Agovino, M. and Mariani, A. 2019. Sustainability of Italian families' food practices: Mediterranean diet adherence combined with organic and local food consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206: 86-96.
  • Appleby, P. N. and Key, T. J. 2016. The long-term health of vegetarians and vegans. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75(3): 287-293.
  • Barnard, N. D., Goldman, D. M., Loomis, J. F., Kahleova, H., Levin, S. M., Neabore, S. and Batts, T. C. 2019. Plant-based diets for cardiovascular safety and performance in endurance sports. Nutrients, 11(1), 130-142.
  • Berry, E. M. (2019). Sustainable food systems and the Mediterranean diet. Nutrients, 11(9): 22-29.
  • Brink, E., van Rossum, C., Postma-Smeets, A., Stafleu, A., Wolvers, D., van Dooren, C., Toxopeus, I. Buurma-Rethans, E., Geurts, M. and Ocké, M. 2019. Development of healthy and sustainable food-based dietary guidelines for the Netherlands. Public health nutrition, 22(13): 2419-2435.
  • Brocadello, F., Buja, A., Girotto, G. and Baldo, V. 2020. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and socio-behavioral variables in the child." The Good Habits” project. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 30(3): 535-552.
  • Broekema, R., Tyszler, M., van't Veer, P., Kok, F. J., Martin, A., Lluch, A. and Blonk, H. T. 2020. Future-proof and sustainable healthy diets based on current eating patterns in the Netherlands. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 112(5): 1338-1347.
  • Brunstrom, J. M., Jarvstad, A., Griggs, R. L., Potter, C., Evans, N. R., Martin, A. A., Brooks, C.V. and Rogers, P. J. 2016. Large portions encourage the selection of palatable rather than filling foods. The Journal of nutrition, 146(10): 2117-2123.
  • Brytek-Matera, A. 2020. Restrained eating and vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore dietary intakes. Nutrients, 12(7): 21-33.
  • Calder, P. C. 2018. Very long-chain n-3 fatty acids and human health: fact, fiction, and the future. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 77(1): 52-72.
  • Dernini, S., Berry, E. M., Serra-Majem, L., La Vecchia, C., Capone, R., Medina, F. X., Arenceta-Bartrina, J., Belahsen, R., Burlingame, B., Calabrese, G., Corella, D., Donini, L. M., Lairon, D., Meybeck, A., Pekcan, A. G., Piscobo, S., Yngve, A. and Trichopoulou, A. 2017. Med Diet 4.0: the Mediterranean diet with four sustainable benefits. Public health nutrition, 20(7): 1322-1330.
  • D’Innocenzo, S., Biagi, C., & Lanari, M. 2019. Obesity and the mediterranean diet: a review of evidence of the role and sustainability of the mediterranean diet. Nutrients, 11(6): 1306-1315.
  • Djekic, D., Shi, L., Brolin, H., Carlsson, F., Särnqvist, C., Savolainen, O., Cao, Y., Bäckhed, F.,remaroli, V., Landberg, R. and Frøbert, O. 2020. Effects of a Vegetarian Diet on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Gut Microbiota, and Plasma Metabolome in Subjects with Ischemic Heart Disease: A Randomized, Crossover Study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 9(18): 165-718.
  • FAO. 2019. Sustainable healthy diets guiding principles. FAO: Rome, Italy.
  • FAO. 2010. Report of the Technical Workshop on Biodiversity in Sustainable Diets. FAO: Rome, Italy.
  • Forber, K. J., Rothwell, S. A., Metson, G. S., Jarvie, H. P., and Withers, P. J. A. 2020. Plant-based diets add to the wastewater phosphorus burden. Environmental Research Letters, 15(9): 940-958.
  • Germani, A., Vitiello, V., Giusti, A. M., Pinto, A., Donini, L. M., & del Balzo, V. 2014. Environmental and economic sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 65(8): 1008-1012.
  • Guillaumie, L., Boiral, O., Baghdadli, A. and Mercille, G. 2020. Integrating sustainable nutrition into health-related institutions: a systematic review of the literature. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111: 845-861.
  • Gustafson, D. I., Edge, M. S., Griffin, T. S., Kendall, A. M. and Kass, S. D. 2019. Growing progress in the evolving science, business, and policy of sustainable nutrition. Current developments in nutrition, 3(6): 5-19.
  • Halloran, A., Fischer-Møller, M. F., Persson, M., & Skylare, E. 2018. Solutions Menu-A Nordic guide to sustainable food policy. Nordic Council of Ministers. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Kanerva, N., Harald, K., Männistö, S., Kaartinen, N. E., Maukonen, M., Haukkala, A., and Jousilahti, P. 2018. Adherence to the healthy Nordic diet is associated with weight change during 7 years of follow-up. British Journal of Nutrition, 120(1): 101-110.
  • Koyuncu, M. ve Akgün, H. 2017. Çiftlik Hayvanları ve Küresel İklim Değişikliği Arasındaki Etkileşim. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 32(1): 151-164.
  • Kumakura, I. 2015. What is Japanese Cuisine. In Introduction to Japanese Cuisine, Nature, History and Culture; Kiyota Junji, Shuhari Initiative. Japanese Culinary Academy, Tokyo, Japan, p: 230-235.
  • Kuriyama, N., Murakami, K., Livingstone, M. B. E., Okubo, H., Kobayashi, S., Suga, H. and Sasaki, S. 2016. Development of a food-based diet quality score for Japanese: associations of the score with nutrient intakes in young, middle-aged, and older Japanese women. Journal of nutritional science, 5: 41-52.
  • Kurotani, K., Akter, S., Kashino, I., Goto, A., Mizoue, T., Noda, M., Sasazuki, S., Sawada, N., Tsugane, S. and Japan Public Health Center based Prospective Study Group. 2016. Quality of diet and mortality among Japanese men and women: Japan Public Health Center based prospective study. The BMJ, 3: 35-42.
  • Lankinen, M., Uusitupa, M., and Schwab, U. 2019. Nordic diet and inflammation—A review of observational and intervention studies. Nutrients, 11(6): 1369.
  • Lim, C. C., Hayes, R. B., Ahn, J., Shao, Y., Silverman, D. T., Jones, R. R. and Thurston, G. D. 2019. Mediterranean diet and the association between air pollution and cardiovascular disease mortality risk. Circulation, 139(15): 1766-1775.
  • Magkos, F., Tetens, I., Bügel, S. G., Felby, C., Schacht, S. R., Hill, J. O., Ravussin, E. and Astrup, A. 2020. A perspective on the transition to plant-based diets: a diet change may attenuate climate change, but can it also attenuate obesity and chronic disease risk?. Advances in Nutrition, 11(1): 1-9.
  • Mentella, M. C., Scaldaferri, F., Ricci, C., Gasbarrini, A. and Miggiano, G. A. D. 2019. Cancer and Mediterranean diet: a review. Nutrients, 11(9): 20-39.
  • Mithril, C., Dragsted, L. O., Meyer, C., Blauert, E., Holt, M. K. Astrup, A. 2012. Guidelines for the new Nordic diet. Public health nutrition, 15(10): 1941-1947.
  • Mithril, C., Dragsted, L. O., Meyer, C., Tetens, I., Biltoft-Jensen, A. and Astrup, A. 2013. Dietary composition and nutrient content of the New Nordic Diet. Public health nutrition, 16(5): 777-785.
  • Ndanuko, R. N., Tapsell, L. C., Charlton, K. E., Neale, E. P. and Batterham, M. J. 2016. Dietary patterns and blood pressure in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Advances in Nutrition, 7(1): 76-89.
  • Nesheim, M., Stover, P. J. and Oria, M. 2015. Food systems: Healthy diet sustains the environment too. Nature, 522(56): 287-287.
  • Nordic Council of Ministers. 2014. Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012: Integrating Nutrition and Physical Activity, 5th ed.; Nordic Council of Ministers: Copenhagen.
  • Nordic Council of Ministers. 2015. The emergence of a New Nordic Food Culture. In Final Report from the Program New Nordic Food II, 2010–2014; Nordic Council of Ministers: Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Paslakis, G., Richardson, C., Nöhre, M., Brähler, E., Holzapfel, C., Hilbert, A. and de Zwaan, M. 2020. Prevalence and psychopathology of vegetarians and vegans–Results from a representative survey in Germany. Scientific reports, 10(1): 1-10.
  • Poore, J. and Nemecek, T. 2018. Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers. Science, 360(63): 987-992.
  • Poulsen, S. K., Due, A., Jordy, A. B., Kiens, B., Stark, K. D., Stender, S., Holst, C., Astrup, A. and Larsen, T. M. 2014. Health effect of the New Nordic Diet in adults with increased waist circumference: a 6-mo randomized controlled trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 99(1): 35-45.
  • Ramezani-Jolfaie, N., Mohammadi, M. and Salehi-Abargouei, A. 2019. Effects of a healthy Nordic diet on weight loss in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 25: 1-10.
  • Renzella, J., Townsend, N., Jewell, J., Breda, J., Roberts, N., Rayner, M. and Wickramasinghe, K. 2018. What national and subnational interventions and policies based on Mediterranean and Nordic diets are recommended or implemented in the WHO European Region and is there evidence of effectiveness in reducing noncommunicable diseases. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, Denmark, p. 127-134.
  • Reyes, S. R. C., Miyazaki, A., Yiu, E., and Saito, O. 2020. Enhancing Sustainability in Traditional Agriculture: Indicators for Monitoring the Conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in Japan. Sustainability, 12(14): 56-66.
  • Rose, D., Heller, M. C. and Roberto, C. A. 2019. Position of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior: the importance of including environmental sustainability in dietary guidance. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 51(1): 3-15.
  • Salomo, L., Poulsen, S. K., Rix, M., Kamper, A. L., Larsen, T. M. And Astrup, A. 2016. The New Nordic Diet: phosphorus content and absorption. European journal of nutrition, 55(3): 991-996.
  • Sebastiani, G., Herranz Barbero, A., Borrás-Novell, C., Alsina Casanova, M., Aldecoa-Bilbao, V., Andreu-Fernández, V., Tutusaus, M. P., Martinez, S., RoiG, M. D. and García-Algar, O. 2019. The effects of vegetarian and vegan diet during pregnancy on the health of mothers and offspring. Nutrients, 11(3): 55-67.
  • Serra-Majem, L., Tomaino, L., Dernini, S., Berry, E. M., Lairon, D., Ngo de la Cruz, J., Bach-Faig, A., Donini, L. M., Medina, F., Belahsen, R., Piscopo, S., Capone, R., Aranceta-Bartrina, J., La Vecchia, C. and Trichopoulou, A. 2020. Updating the mediterranean diet pyramid towards sustainability: Focus on environmental concerns. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23): 58-87.
  • Simões-Wüst, A. P., Kummeling, I., Mommers, M., Huber, M. A., Rist, L., van de Vijver, L. P., Dagnelie, P. C. and Thijs, C. 2014. Influence of alternative lifestyles on self-reported body weight and health characteristics in women. The European Journal of Public Health, 24(2): 321-327.
  • Simões-Wüst, A. P., Moltó-Puigmartí, C., Van Dongen, M. C., Dagnelie, P. C. and Thijs, C. 2017. Organic food consumption during pregnancy is associated with different consumer profiles, food patterns and intake: the KOALA Birth Cohort Study. Public health nutrition, 20(12): 2134-2144.
  • Skreden, M., Hillesund, E. R., Wills, A. K., Brantsæter, A. L., Bere, E. And Overby, N. C. 2018. Adherence to the New Nordic Diet during pregnancy and subsequent maternal weight development: A study conducted in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). British Journal of Nutrition, 119(11): 1286-1294.
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  • The Lancet Commission Report. 2019. The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change. Lancet, 393: 791–846.
  • Tilman, D. and Clark, M. 2014. Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. Nature, 515: 518–522.
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  • Trajkovska-Broach, A. 2020. Mediterranean Diet: A Nutrient-Packed Diet and a Healthy Lifestyle for a Sustainable World. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 5: 1-21.
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Evaluation of Sustainable Diet Models

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 2, 467 - 481, 01.12.2021


Awareness of the necessity of sustainability has been increasing in recent years due to environmental
problems. Studies have reported that the sustainable life model indicates sustainable nutrition. Sustainable nutrition includes food safety, transport, and availability of food, as well as the food preferences of consumers. Sustainable food system: It should be ecosystem protective, culturally acceptable, accessible, affordable, nutritionally adequate, safe, and healthy. In this respect, sustainable food systems have economic, social, and environmental sustainability goals. The low cost of animal foods attracts attention in developed countries, particularly in the face of herbal foods. Increased use of these more affordable goods starts a chain reaction that damages the environment. Foods suitable for conventional lifestyles must be embraced by society, which is a social objective. In all stages of the food production system, from production to consumption, the environmentalist approach is the most significant environmental goal. At all points, biodiversity, water and carbon footprint, climate, and human health should be considered. When nutritional models are evaluated in all these respects; plant-based diets come to the fore. Sustainable diets that have positive effects on human and environmental health are listed as Mediterranean Diet, Nordic Diet, Traditional Japanese Diet, and Vegetarian Diet. The aim of the review is to evaluate the sustainable life and health effects of diets that are accepted as sustainable healthy diet models.


  • Akbaş, B. 2019. Sürdürülebilir Tarımda Entegre Mücadele Çalışmalarının Ülkemiz Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Yalvaç Akademi Dergisi, 4(1): 32-40.
  • Annunziata, A., Agovino, M. and Mariani, A. 2019. Sustainability of Italian families' food practices: Mediterranean diet adherence combined with organic and local food consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206: 86-96.
  • Appleby, P. N. and Key, T. J. 2016. The long-term health of vegetarians and vegans. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75(3): 287-293.
  • Barnard, N. D., Goldman, D. M., Loomis, J. F., Kahleova, H., Levin, S. M., Neabore, S. and Batts, T. C. 2019. Plant-based diets for cardiovascular safety and performance in endurance sports. Nutrients, 11(1), 130-142.
  • Berry, E. M. (2019). Sustainable food systems and the Mediterranean diet. Nutrients, 11(9): 22-29.
  • Brink, E., van Rossum, C., Postma-Smeets, A., Stafleu, A., Wolvers, D., van Dooren, C., Toxopeus, I. Buurma-Rethans, E., Geurts, M. and Ocké, M. 2019. Development of healthy and sustainable food-based dietary guidelines for the Netherlands. Public health nutrition, 22(13): 2419-2435.
  • Brocadello, F., Buja, A., Girotto, G. and Baldo, V. 2020. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and socio-behavioral variables in the child." The Good Habits” project. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 30(3): 535-552.
  • Broekema, R., Tyszler, M., van't Veer, P., Kok, F. J., Martin, A., Lluch, A. and Blonk, H. T. 2020. Future-proof and sustainable healthy diets based on current eating patterns in the Netherlands. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 112(5): 1338-1347.
  • Brunstrom, J. M., Jarvstad, A., Griggs, R. L., Potter, C., Evans, N. R., Martin, A. A., Brooks, C.V. and Rogers, P. J. 2016. Large portions encourage the selection of palatable rather than filling foods. The Journal of nutrition, 146(10): 2117-2123.
  • Brytek-Matera, A. 2020. Restrained eating and vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore dietary intakes. Nutrients, 12(7): 21-33.
  • Calder, P. C. 2018. Very long-chain n-3 fatty acids and human health: fact, fiction, and the future. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 77(1): 52-72.
  • Dernini, S., Berry, E. M., Serra-Majem, L., La Vecchia, C., Capone, R., Medina, F. X., Arenceta-Bartrina, J., Belahsen, R., Burlingame, B., Calabrese, G., Corella, D., Donini, L. M., Lairon, D., Meybeck, A., Pekcan, A. G., Piscobo, S., Yngve, A. and Trichopoulou, A. 2017. Med Diet 4.0: the Mediterranean diet with four sustainable benefits. Public health nutrition, 20(7): 1322-1330.
  • D’Innocenzo, S., Biagi, C., & Lanari, M. 2019. Obesity and the mediterranean diet: a review of evidence of the role and sustainability of the mediterranean diet. Nutrients, 11(6): 1306-1315.
  • Djekic, D., Shi, L., Brolin, H., Carlsson, F., Särnqvist, C., Savolainen, O., Cao, Y., Bäckhed, F.,remaroli, V., Landberg, R. and Frøbert, O. 2020. Effects of a Vegetarian Diet on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Gut Microbiota, and Plasma Metabolome in Subjects with Ischemic Heart Disease: A Randomized, Crossover Study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 9(18): 165-718.
  • FAO. 2019. Sustainable healthy diets guiding principles. FAO: Rome, Italy.
  • FAO. 2010. Report of the Technical Workshop on Biodiversity in Sustainable Diets. FAO: Rome, Italy.
  • Forber, K. J., Rothwell, S. A., Metson, G. S., Jarvie, H. P., and Withers, P. J. A. 2020. Plant-based diets add to the wastewater phosphorus burden. Environmental Research Letters, 15(9): 940-958.
  • Germani, A., Vitiello, V., Giusti, A. M., Pinto, A., Donini, L. M., & del Balzo, V. 2014. Environmental and economic sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 65(8): 1008-1012.
  • Guillaumie, L., Boiral, O., Baghdadli, A. and Mercille, G. 2020. Integrating sustainable nutrition into health-related institutions: a systematic review of the literature. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111: 845-861.
  • Gustafson, D. I., Edge, M. S., Griffin, T. S., Kendall, A. M. and Kass, S. D. 2019. Growing progress in the evolving science, business, and policy of sustainable nutrition. Current developments in nutrition, 3(6): 5-19.
  • Halloran, A., Fischer-Møller, M. F., Persson, M., & Skylare, E. 2018. Solutions Menu-A Nordic guide to sustainable food policy. Nordic Council of Ministers. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Kanerva, N., Harald, K., Männistö, S., Kaartinen, N. E., Maukonen, M., Haukkala, A., and Jousilahti, P. 2018. Adherence to the healthy Nordic diet is associated with weight change during 7 years of follow-up. British Journal of Nutrition, 120(1): 101-110.
  • Koyuncu, M. ve Akgün, H. 2017. Çiftlik Hayvanları ve Küresel İklim Değişikliği Arasındaki Etkileşim. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 32(1): 151-164.
  • Kumakura, I. 2015. What is Japanese Cuisine. In Introduction to Japanese Cuisine, Nature, History and Culture; Kiyota Junji, Shuhari Initiative. Japanese Culinary Academy, Tokyo, Japan, p: 230-235.
  • Kuriyama, N., Murakami, K., Livingstone, M. B. E., Okubo, H., Kobayashi, S., Suga, H. and Sasaki, S. 2016. Development of a food-based diet quality score for Japanese: associations of the score with nutrient intakes in young, middle-aged, and older Japanese women. Journal of nutritional science, 5: 41-52.
  • Kurotani, K., Akter, S., Kashino, I., Goto, A., Mizoue, T., Noda, M., Sasazuki, S., Sawada, N., Tsugane, S. and Japan Public Health Center based Prospective Study Group. 2016. Quality of diet and mortality among Japanese men and women: Japan Public Health Center based prospective study. The BMJ, 3: 35-42.
  • Lankinen, M., Uusitupa, M., and Schwab, U. 2019. Nordic diet and inflammation—A review of observational and intervention studies. Nutrients, 11(6): 1369.
  • Lim, C. C., Hayes, R. B., Ahn, J., Shao, Y., Silverman, D. T., Jones, R. R. and Thurston, G. D. 2019. Mediterranean diet and the association between air pollution and cardiovascular disease mortality risk. Circulation, 139(15): 1766-1775.
  • Magkos, F., Tetens, I., Bügel, S. G., Felby, C., Schacht, S. R., Hill, J. O., Ravussin, E. and Astrup, A. 2020. A perspective on the transition to plant-based diets: a diet change may attenuate climate change, but can it also attenuate obesity and chronic disease risk?. Advances in Nutrition, 11(1): 1-9.
  • Mentella, M. C., Scaldaferri, F., Ricci, C., Gasbarrini, A. and Miggiano, G. A. D. 2019. Cancer and Mediterranean diet: a review. Nutrients, 11(9): 20-39.
  • Mithril, C., Dragsted, L. O., Meyer, C., Blauert, E., Holt, M. K. Astrup, A. 2012. Guidelines for the new Nordic diet. Public health nutrition, 15(10): 1941-1947.
  • Mithril, C., Dragsted, L. O., Meyer, C., Tetens, I., Biltoft-Jensen, A. and Astrup, A. 2013. Dietary composition and nutrient content of the New Nordic Diet. Public health nutrition, 16(5): 777-785.
  • Ndanuko, R. N., Tapsell, L. C., Charlton, K. E., Neale, E. P. and Batterham, M. J. 2016. Dietary patterns and blood pressure in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Advances in Nutrition, 7(1): 76-89.
  • Nesheim, M., Stover, P. J. and Oria, M. 2015. Food systems: Healthy diet sustains the environment too. Nature, 522(56): 287-287.
  • Nordic Council of Ministers. 2014. Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012: Integrating Nutrition and Physical Activity, 5th ed.; Nordic Council of Ministers: Copenhagen.
  • Nordic Council of Ministers. 2015. The emergence of a New Nordic Food Culture. In Final Report from the Program New Nordic Food II, 2010–2014; Nordic Council of Ministers: Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Paslakis, G., Richardson, C., Nöhre, M., Brähler, E., Holzapfel, C., Hilbert, A. and de Zwaan, M. 2020. Prevalence and psychopathology of vegetarians and vegans–Results from a representative survey in Germany. Scientific reports, 10(1): 1-10.
  • Poore, J. and Nemecek, T. 2018. Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers. Science, 360(63): 987-992.
  • Poulsen, S. K., Due, A., Jordy, A. B., Kiens, B., Stark, K. D., Stender, S., Holst, C., Astrup, A. and Larsen, T. M. 2014. Health effect of the New Nordic Diet in adults with increased waist circumference: a 6-mo randomized controlled trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 99(1): 35-45.
  • Ramezani-Jolfaie, N., Mohammadi, M. and Salehi-Abargouei, A. 2019. Effects of a healthy Nordic diet on weight loss in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 25: 1-10.
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çevresel Olarak Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik
Bölüm Derleme

Aysun Yüksel 0000-0002-6580-0207

Ecenur Özkul 0000-0002-2651-0135

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yüksel, A., & Özkul, E. (2021). Sürdürülebilir Diyet Modellerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(2), 467-481.


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