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Evaluation of Factors Affecting Energy Aspects of Apple Slices by Response Surface Methodology in Convective Drying

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 265 - 283, 01.12.2022


In this study, the effects of independent variables in convective drying methods two different apple
varieties (Granny Smith and Red Delicious) such as drying temperature (50, 55 and 60°C), sample thickness (5, 7 and 9 mm) and drying time (8, 9 and 10 hours) on specific energy consumption, specific moisture extraction rate, energy efficiency, thermal efficiency, and effective moisture diffusivity were investigated. According to the findings, it was determined that the quadratic polynomial equations were successful in representing the response variables. In addition, according to the ANOVA results, it was determined that the independent variables had a statistically significant effect on the response variables (p<0.05). Considering all control factors, optimum conditions were determined to be 50ºC, 7.31 mm and 8.00 hours (desirability=0.801) for Granny Smith variety, and 50ºC, 9.00 mm and 8.00 hours (desirability=0.847) for Red Delicious variety. Optimization results revealed that convective drying performed very well for apple slices.


  • Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y., Kaveh, M. and Aziz, M. 2020. Ultrasonic-microwave and infrared assisted convective drying of carrot: Drying kinetic, quality and energy consumption. Applied Sciences, 10(18): 6309.
  • Aghbashlo, M., Mobli, H., Rafiee, S. and Madadlou, A. 2012. Energy and exergy analyses of the spray drying process of fish oil microencapsulation. Biosystems Engineering, 111: 229–41.
  • Akpinar, E. K., Midilli, A. and Biçer, Y. 2003. Single layer drying behaviour of potato slices in a convective cyclone dryer and mathematical modeling. Energy Conversion and Management, 44: 1689–1705. Akpinar, E. K. 2010. Drying of mint leaves in a solar dryer and under open sun: modelling performance analyses. Energy Conversion and Management, 51: 2407-2418.
  • Arslan, D. and Özcan, M. M. 2010. Study the effect of sun, oven and microwave drying on quality of onion slices. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 43(7): 1121-1127.
  • Beigi, M. 2016a. Influence of drying air parameters on mass transfer characteristics of apple slices. Heat Mass Transfer, 52: 2213-2221.
  • Beigi, M. 2016b. Hot air drying of apple slices: dehydration characteristics and quality assessment. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52(8): 1435-1442.
  • Box, G. E. P. and Behnken, D. W. 1960. Some new three level designs for the study of quantitative variables. Technometrics, 2: 455-475.
  • Chayjan, R. A., Kaveh, M., Dibagar, N. and Nejad, M. Z. 2017. Optimization of pistachio nut drying in a fluidized bed dryer with microwave pretreatment applying response surface methodology. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 12: 20160048.
  • Contreras, C., Martín-Esparza, M. E., Chiralt, A. and Martínez-Navarrete, N. 2008. Influence of microwave application on convective drying: Effects on drying kinetics, and optical and mechanical properties of apple and strawberry. Journal of Food Engineering, 88(1): 55-64.
  • Crank, J. 1975. Mathematics of Diffusion. 2nd ed; Oxford University Press: London UK p 414.
  • Cruz, A. C., Guiné, R. P. and Gonçalves, J. C. 2015. Drying kinetics and product quality for convective drying of apples (cvs. Golden Delicious and Granny Smith). International Journal of Fruit Science, 15(1): 54-78.
  • Design Expert 1305, 2021. Software for design of experiments Stat-Ease Inc Minneapolis USA.
  • Erbay, Z. and Icier, F. 2009. Optimization of hot air drying of olive leaves using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Engineering, 91(4): 533-541.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2021. FAOSTAT Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü (FAO) İstatistik Veritabanı. Erişim tarihi: Kasım 2021).
  • Giri, S. K. and Prasad, S. 2007. Optimization of microwave-vacuum drying of button mushrooms using response-surface methodology. Drying Technology, 25(5), 901-911.
  • Halil, T., Tamer, C. E. and Karabacak, A. Ö. 2019. Farklı yöntemlerle kurutulan yeşil zeytin katkılı cipslerin kurutma kinetiği ve bazı kalite parametrelerinin incelenmesi. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33(1): 123-142.
  • Henderson, S. M. and Pabis, S. 1961. Grain drying theory. I. Temperature effect on drying coefficient. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 6: 169–174.
  • Horuz, E., Bozkurt, H., Karataş, H. and Maskan, M. 2017. Effects of hybrid (microwave-convectional) and convectional drying on drying kinetics total phenolics antioxidant capacity vitamin C color and rehydration capacity of sour cherries. Food Chemistry, 230: 295-305.
  • Horuz, E., Bozkurt, H., Karataş, H. and Maskan, M. 2018. Simultaneous application of microwave energy and hot air to whole drying process of apple slices: drying kinetics modeling temperature profile and energy aspect. Heat Mass Transfer, 54: 425-436.
  • Kaleta, A. and Gornicki, K. 2010. Evaluation of drying models of apple (var McIntosh) dried in a convective dryer. International Journal Food Science Technology, 45: 891-898.
  • Karaman, K. and Sagdic, O. 2019. Zygosaccharomyces bailii and Z rouxii induced ethanol formation in apple juice supplemented with different natural preservatives: A response surface methodology approach. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 163: 105659.
  • Kaur, S., Sarkar, B. C., Sharma, H. K. and Singh, C. 2009. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis pretreatment conditions for enhanced juice recovery from guava fruit using response surface methodology. Food Bioprocess Technology, 2: 96-100.
  • Kaya, A., Aydin, O. and Akgun, M. 2011. Drying kinetics and moisture transfer parameters of hazelnut. Journal Food Process Preservation, 35: 714–721.
  • Koç, B. and Kaymak-Ertekin, F. 2010. Yanıt yüzey yöntemi ve gıda işleme uygulamaları. Gıda, 35(1), 1-8.
  • Kumar, D., Prasad, S. and Murthy, G. S. 2014. Optimization of microwave-assisted hot air drying conditions of okra using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(2): 221-232.
  • Li, L., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B. and Zhou, L. 2018. LF-NMR online detection of water dynamics in apple cubes during microwave vacuum drying. Drying Technology, 36: 2006-2015.
  • Liu, H., Yousaf, K., Yu, Z., Riaz, A., Nyalala, I., Chattha, M. W. A. and Chen, K. 2021. Drying process optimization of garlic slices in closed‐loop heat pump drying system by Box‐Behnken design. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e16190.
  • Majdi, H., Esfahani, J. A. and Mohebbi, M. 2019. Optimization of convective drying by response surface methodology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 156: 574-584.
  • Marques, L. G. and Freire, J. T. 2005. Analysis of freeze-drying of tropical fruits. Drying Technology, 23: 2169- 2184.
  • Montgomery, D.C. 2001. Design and analysis of experiments, John Wiley and Sons, 427-510.
  • Motevali, A., Minaei, S., Banakar, A., Ghobadian, B. and Darvishi, H. 2016. Energy analyses and drying kinetics of chamomile leaves in microwave-convective dryer. Journal Saudi Society Agricultural Sciences, 15: 179-187.
  • Myers, R. H. and Montgomery D.C. 2002. Response surface methodology process and product optimization using designed experiments, John Wiley and Sons, 17-85, 203-303.
  • Obajemihi, O. I., Olaoye, J. O., Cheng, J. H., Ojediran, J. O. and Sun, D. W. 2021. Optimization of process conditions for moisture ratio and effective moisture diffusivity of tomato during convective hot‐air drying using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(4): e15287.
  • Page, G. 1949. Factors influencing the maximum rates of air-drying shelled corn in thin layer. M.S. Thesis. Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana: USA.
  • Pinar, H., Çetin, N., Ciftci, B., Karaman, K. and Kaplan, M. 2021. Biochemical composition, drying kinetics and chromatic parameters of red pepper as affected by cultivars and drying methods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 102: 103976.
  • Sahin, A. Z. and Dincer, I. 2002. Graphical determination of drying process and moisture transfer parameters for solids drying. International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 45: 3267-3273.
  • Salehi, F., Kashaninejad, M. and Jafarianlari, A. 2017. Drying kinetics and characteristics of combined infraredvacuum drying of button mushroom slices. Heat Mass Transfer, 53: 1751-1759.
  • Šumić, Z., Vakula, A., Tepić, A., Čakarević, J., Vitas, J. and Pavlić, B. 2016. Modeling and optimization of red currants vacuum drying process by response surface methodology (RSM). Food Chemistry, 203: 465-475.
  • Taheri-Garavand, A., Karimi, F., Karimi, M., Lotfi, V. and Khoobbakht, G. 2018. Hybrid response surface methodology–artificial neural network optimization of drying process of banana slices in a forced convective dryer. Food Science and Technology International, 24(4): 277-291.
  • Taskin, O. 2020. Evaluation of freeze drying for whole, half cut and puree black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.). Heat and Mass Transfer, 56(8): 2503-2513.
  • Yaldiz, O., Ertekin, C. and Uzun, H. I. 2001. Mathematical modeling of thin layer solar drying of Sultana grapes. Energy, 26: 457–465.

Elma Dilimlerinin Konvektif Kurutulmasında Enerji Özelliklerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Yanıt Yüzeyi Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 265 - 283, 01.12.2022


Bu çalışmada, konvektif kurutma yönteminin iki farklı elma çeşidinin (Granny Smith ve Red Delicious)
kurutulmasında, kurutma sıcaklığı (50, 55 ve 60°C), numune kalınlığı (5, 7 ve 9 mm) ve kuruma süresi (8, 9 ve 10 saat) gibi bağımsız değişkenlerin özgül enerji tüketimi, özgül nem çekme oranı, enerji verimliliği, termal etkinlik ve efektif nem difüzyonu özelliklerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bulgulara göre, ikinci derece polinom denklemlerinin yanıt değişkenlerini temsil etmede başarılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca ANOVA sonuçlarına göre bağımsız değişkenlerin yanıt değişkenleri üzerinde istatistiksel olarak önemli seviyede etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Tüm kontrol faktörleri dikkate alındığında optimum koşulların, Granny Smith çeşidi için 50ºC, 7.31 mm ve 8.00 saat (arzu edilebilirlik=0.801), Red Delicious için ise 50ºC, 9.00 mm ve 8.00 saat (arzu edilebilirlik=0.847) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Optimizasyon sonuçları, konvektif kurutmanın, elma dilimleri için iyi bir performans gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur.


  • Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y., Kaveh, M. and Aziz, M. 2020. Ultrasonic-microwave and infrared assisted convective drying of carrot: Drying kinetic, quality and energy consumption. Applied Sciences, 10(18): 6309.
  • Aghbashlo, M., Mobli, H., Rafiee, S. and Madadlou, A. 2012. Energy and exergy analyses of the spray drying process of fish oil microencapsulation. Biosystems Engineering, 111: 229–41.
  • Akpinar, E. K., Midilli, A. and Biçer, Y. 2003. Single layer drying behaviour of potato slices in a convective cyclone dryer and mathematical modeling. Energy Conversion and Management, 44: 1689–1705. Akpinar, E. K. 2010. Drying of mint leaves in a solar dryer and under open sun: modelling performance analyses. Energy Conversion and Management, 51: 2407-2418.
  • Arslan, D. and Özcan, M. M. 2010. Study the effect of sun, oven and microwave drying on quality of onion slices. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 43(7): 1121-1127.
  • Beigi, M. 2016a. Influence of drying air parameters on mass transfer characteristics of apple slices. Heat Mass Transfer, 52: 2213-2221.
  • Beigi, M. 2016b. Hot air drying of apple slices: dehydration characteristics and quality assessment. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52(8): 1435-1442.
  • Box, G. E. P. and Behnken, D. W. 1960. Some new three level designs for the study of quantitative variables. Technometrics, 2: 455-475.
  • Chayjan, R. A., Kaveh, M., Dibagar, N. and Nejad, M. Z. 2017. Optimization of pistachio nut drying in a fluidized bed dryer with microwave pretreatment applying response surface methodology. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 12: 20160048.
  • Contreras, C., Martín-Esparza, M. E., Chiralt, A. and Martínez-Navarrete, N. 2008. Influence of microwave application on convective drying: Effects on drying kinetics, and optical and mechanical properties of apple and strawberry. Journal of Food Engineering, 88(1): 55-64.
  • Crank, J. 1975. Mathematics of Diffusion. 2nd ed; Oxford University Press: London UK p 414.
  • Cruz, A. C., Guiné, R. P. and Gonçalves, J. C. 2015. Drying kinetics and product quality for convective drying of apples (cvs. Golden Delicious and Granny Smith). International Journal of Fruit Science, 15(1): 54-78.
  • Design Expert 1305, 2021. Software for design of experiments Stat-Ease Inc Minneapolis USA.
  • Erbay, Z. and Icier, F. 2009. Optimization of hot air drying of olive leaves using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Engineering, 91(4): 533-541.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2021. FAOSTAT Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü (FAO) İstatistik Veritabanı. Erişim tarihi: Kasım 2021).
  • Giri, S. K. and Prasad, S. 2007. Optimization of microwave-vacuum drying of button mushrooms using response-surface methodology. Drying Technology, 25(5), 901-911.
  • Halil, T., Tamer, C. E. and Karabacak, A. Ö. 2019. Farklı yöntemlerle kurutulan yeşil zeytin katkılı cipslerin kurutma kinetiği ve bazı kalite parametrelerinin incelenmesi. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33(1): 123-142.
  • Henderson, S. M. and Pabis, S. 1961. Grain drying theory. I. Temperature effect on drying coefficient. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 6: 169–174.
  • Horuz, E., Bozkurt, H., Karataş, H. and Maskan, M. 2017. Effects of hybrid (microwave-convectional) and convectional drying on drying kinetics total phenolics antioxidant capacity vitamin C color and rehydration capacity of sour cherries. Food Chemistry, 230: 295-305.
  • Horuz, E., Bozkurt, H., Karataş, H. and Maskan, M. 2018. Simultaneous application of microwave energy and hot air to whole drying process of apple slices: drying kinetics modeling temperature profile and energy aspect. Heat Mass Transfer, 54: 425-436.
  • Kaleta, A. and Gornicki, K. 2010. Evaluation of drying models of apple (var McIntosh) dried in a convective dryer. International Journal Food Science Technology, 45: 891-898.
  • Karaman, K. and Sagdic, O. 2019. Zygosaccharomyces bailii and Z rouxii induced ethanol formation in apple juice supplemented with different natural preservatives: A response surface methodology approach. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 163: 105659.
  • Kaur, S., Sarkar, B. C., Sharma, H. K. and Singh, C. 2009. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis pretreatment conditions for enhanced juice recovery from guava fruit using response surface methodology. Food Bioprocess Technology, 2: 96-100.
  • Kaya, A., Aydin, O. and Akgun, M. 2011. Drying kinetics and moisture transfer parameters of hazelnut. Journal Food Process Preservation, 35: 714–721.
  • Koç, B. and Kaymak-Ertekin, F. 2010. Yanıt yüzey yöntemi ve gıda işleme uygulamaları. Gıda, 35(1), 1-8.
  • Kumar, D., Prasad, S. and Murthy, G. S. 2014. Optimization of microwave-assisted hot air drying conditions of okra using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(2): 221-232.
  • Li, L., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B. and Zhou, L. 2018. LF-NMR online detection of water dynamics in apple cubes during microwave vacuum drying. Drying Technology, 36: 2006-2015.
  • Liu, H., Yousaf, K., Yu, Z., Riaz, A., Nyalala, I., Chattha, M. W. A. and Chen, K. 2021. Drying process optimization of garlic slices in closed‐loop heat pump drying system by Box‐Behnken design. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e16190.
  • Majdi, H., Esfahani, J. A. and Mohebbi, M. 2019. Optimization of convective drying by response surface methodology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 156: 574-584.
  • Marques, L. G. and Freire, J. T. 2005. Analysis of freeze-drying of tropical fruits. Drying Technology, 23: 2169- 2184.
  • Montgomery, D.C. 2001. Design and analysis of experiments, John Wiley and Sons, 427-510.
  • Motevali, A., Minaei, S., Banakar, A., Ghobadian, B. and Darvishi, H. 2016. Energy analyses and drying kinetics of chamomile leaves in microwave-convective dryer. Journal Saudi Society Agricultural Sciences, 15: 179-187.
  • Myers, R. H. and Montgomery D.C. 2002. Response surface methodology process and product optimization using designed experiments, John Wiley and Sons, 17-85, 203-303.
  • Obajemihi, O. I., Olaoye, J. O., Cheng, J. H., Ojediran, J. O. and Sun, D. W. 2021. Optimization of process conditions for moisture ratio and effective moisture diffusivity of tomato during convective hot‐air drying using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(4): e15287.
  • Page, G. 1949. Factors influencing the maximum rates of air-drying shelled corn in thin layer. M.S. Thesis. Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana: USA.
  • Pinar, H., Çetin, N., Ciftci, B., Karaman, K. and Kaplan, M. 2021. Biochemical composition, drying kinetics and chromatic parameters of red pepper as affected by cultivars and drying methods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 102: 103976.
  • Sahin, A. Z. and Dincer, I. 2002. Graphical determination of drying process and moisture transfer parameters for solids drying. International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 45: 3267-3273.
  • Salehi, F., Kashaninejad, M. and Jafarianlari, A. 2017. Drying kinetics and characteristics of combined infraredvacuum drying of button mushroom slices. Heat Mass Transfer, 53: 1751-1759.
  • Šumić, Z., Vakula, A., Tepić, A., Čakarević, J., Vitas, J. and Pavlić, B. 2016. Modeling and optimization of red currants vacuum drying process by response surface methodology (RSM). Food Chemistry, 203: 465-475.
  • Taheri-Garavand, A., Karimi, F., Karimi, M., Lotfi, V. and Khoobbakht, G. 2018. Hybrid response surface methodology–artificial neural network optimization of drying process of banana slices in a forced convective dryer. Food Science and Technology International, 24(4): 277-291.
  • Taskin, O. 2020. Evaluation of freeze drying for whole, half cut and puree black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.). Heat and Mass Transfer, 56(8): 2503-2513.
  • Yaldiz, O., Ertekin, C. and Uzun, H. I. 2001. Mathematical modeling of thin layer solar drying of Sultana grapes. Energy, 26: 457–465.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Necati Çetin 0000-0001-8524-8272

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetin, N. (2022). Elma Dilimlerinin Konvektif Kurutulmasında Enerji Özelliklerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Yanıt Yüzeyi Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(2), 265-283.


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