Çemka Höyük’te Bulunan (Yukarı Dicle Vadisi, Güneydoğu Anadolu) antropomorfik formlu iki taş baton üzerine. Çanak-Çömleksiz Neolitik Dönem’de insanı tasvir etmenin farklı bir yolu.
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 23, 1 - 18, 29.12.2024
Ergül Kodaş
Charlotte Labedan Kodaş
Devrim Hasan Menteşe
Dicle Nehri kıyısında bulunan Çemka Höyük yerleşimi Ilısu Barajı inşat sürecinde yapılan kurtarma kazılarından bir tanesidir. Bu çalışmalar sırasında insan formunda olan iki adet taş baston bulunmuştur. Bu makale de söz konusu bastonların Yakın Doğu neolitikleşme süreci içindeki özgün konumları ve Kuzey Mezopotamya'daki neolitik toplumların kültürel çeşitliliğine ilişkin bazı öneriler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Etik Beyan
Söz konusu makale Çemka Höyük kurtarma kazısı kapsamında elde edilen veriler üzerinden yazılmıştır. Tüm yayın hakları kazı bilimsel başkanı olarak bana ve ekibime aittir. Bu makale içerisindeki bilgileri ve görselleri dergi içerisinde kullanılmasında herhangi bir sorun bulunmamamktadır. ayrıca makale bir araştırma makalesi olup yeni bulunan ve incelenen arkeolojik veriler üzerinden yazılmıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Mardin Müzesi, DSİ 16. Bölge Müdürlüğü
Nous tenons a remercié à la Direction générale du ministère de la Culture et du Tourisme du patrimoine culturel et des musées, Direction du musée de Mardin, Direction de la culture et du tourisme de Mardin et 16e Direction régionale du Travaux de l'Eau d’État (DSI).
- Aurenche, O., Kozlowski, S. K. 2000
La Naissance Du Néolithique Au Proche Orient, Editions Errance, Paris.
- - 2010
Territories, Boundaries And Cultures in The Neolithic Near East. Bar International Series 1362,
Archaeopress, Oxford.
- Benz, M., Bauer, J. 2013
Symbols of Power Symbols of Crisis? A Psycho-Social Approach to Early Neolithic Symbol
Systems. Neo-Lithics 2/13: 11-24.
- Benz, M. 2017
Changing medialities. Symbols of Neolithic corporate identities. Neolithic Corporate Identities
Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 2. Ex oriente, Berlin:
- Braidwood, L.-S., Braidwood, J.-R. 1982
Prehistoric Village Archaeology in South-Eastern Turkey, British Archaeological ReportsInternational
Series 138, Oxford.
- Braun, R., Clare, L., Knitter, D., Schütt, B. 2018
The Symbolic Landscape around Göbekli Tepe. Landscape Archaeology Conference 2018. Berlin.
- Cauvin, J. 1973
Les premiers villages de Syrie-Palestine du IXe au VIIIe millénaire avant J.-C. Maison de l’Orient
Méditerranéen ancien (TMO 4 ; Série Archéologique 3), Lyon.
- - 1994
Naissance des divinités. Naissance de l’agriculture. La révolution des symboles au Néolithique. Cnrs
Editions. Paris.
- - 2002
The symbolic Foundations of the Neolithic Revolution in the Near East. Life in Neolithic Farming
Communities. I. Kuıijt (ed.) Social Organisation, Identity and Differentiation, Oxford, London :
- Claire, L., Ditrich, O., Gresky-Show, J., 2019
Ritual Practices and Conflict Mitigation at Early Neolithic Körtik Tepe and Göbekli Tepe, Upper
Mesopotamia. Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge University Press,
Berlin: 96-128.
- Coqueugniot, E. 2009
Dja’Dé el Mughara (Syrie), Rapport scientifique 2007. Archéorient, Maison de l’Orient et de la
Méditerrannée, Lyon.
- Çelik, B. 2016
A small-scale cult center in Southeast Turkey, Harbetsuvan Tepesi. Documenta Praehistorica
XLIII: 421-428.
- Çiftçi, Y. 2022
Çemka Höyük, Late Epipaleolithic and PPNA Phase Housing Architecture Chronological and
Typological Change. Near Eastern Archaeology 85/1: 12-22.
- Erim-Özdoğan, A. 2011
Çayönü, M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds) The Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul : 185-269.
- Goring-Morris, A.N., Belfer-Cohen, A. 2014
The Neolithic in The Southern Levant Yet Another ‘Unique’ Phenomenon. La transition
néolithique en Méditerranée. C. Manen, T. Perrin, J. Guilaine (eds), The Neolithic transition in the
Mediterranean, Éditions Errance AEP, Toulouse: 59-73.
- Güldoğan E., Uludağ C. 2022
Taş Tepeler” Projesinin Doğudaki Sınır Yerleşmesi Sefertepe: İlk Sonuçlar. Arkeoloji ve Sanat
Dergisi 177: 13-26
- Hauptmann, H. 2012
The Urfa Region. Neolithic in Turkey Volume 2, M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds.),
Archaeology And Art Publications, Istanbul: 85-138.
- Hodder, I. 1982.
Symbols in Action: Ethnoarchaeological Studies of Material Culture. Cambridge University Press,
- - 1994
The domestication of Europe. Basil Blackwell, Londres.
- Huyard, V. 2013
Le baton poli, une approche expérimentale, Archéorient-Le Blog (Hypothéses. Org), 1er mars
2013: http://archeoorient.hypotheses.org/578.
- Ibáñez J.J. Muñiz J.R., Huet T., Santana J., Teira L. C , Borrell F., Rosillo R., Iriarte E. 2020
Flint ‘figurines’ from the Early Neolithic site of Kharaysin, Jordan. Antiquity 94: 1-20.
- Karul, N. 2011
Gusir Höyük. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds), Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul:1-19.
- - 2020
The Beginning of the Neolithic in Southeast Anatolia Upper Tigris Basin, Documenta
Praehistorica XLVII: 76-95.
- - 2021
Buried Buildings at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Karahantepe. Türkiye Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi
82: 21-31.
- -2022
Karahantepe Çalışmalarına Genel Bir Bakış. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 169: 8-21.
Kodaş, E. 2015
Diversités, Interactions Et Contacts Culturels Dans Les Régions Montagneuses De La Mésopotamie :
Un Autre Scenario De La Néolithisation Proche-Orientale. Presses Académiques Francophones,
- - 2019
Yukarı Dicle’de Yeni Bir Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Yerleşim Yeri: Boncuklu Tarla Kazıları ve İlk
Gözlemler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi: 157/158: 7-20
- - 2022
Techno-Typological Analysis of the Late Epipaleolithic/ Proto-Neolithic Chipped Stone Tools at
Çemka Höyük. Journal Of The Turkish Institute Of Archaeology And Cultural Heritage, 2: 97-130.
- Kodaş, E., Genç, B., Çiftçi, Y., Labendan-Kodas, C., Erdem Ç. 2020
Çemka Höyük: A Late Epipalaeolithic and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site on the Upper Tigris,
Southeast Anatolia. Neo-Lithic 20: 40-46.
- Kozlowski, S.-K. 1990
Nemrik 9. Prepottery Neolithic Site in Iraq. Wydawnictawa University Warsawskiego, Warsaw.
- Lichter, C. 2007
Vor 12.000 Jahren in Anatolien. Die ältesten Monumente der Menschheitsgeschichte, Große
Landesausstellung Baden-Württemberg. im Badischen Landesmuseum Schloss Karlsruhe,
Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe.
- Miyake, Y., Maeda, O., Tanno, K., Hongo, H., Gündem, C-Y., 2012
New Excavations At Hasankeyf Höyük: A 10th Millennium Cal. Bc Site On The Upper Tigris,
Southeast Anatolia, Neo-Lithics 1:12: 3-7.
- Mazurowski, R.-F., Kanjou, Y. 2012
Tell Qaramel 1999-2007 Protoneolithic and early pre-pottery Neolithic settlement in northern Syria :
preliminary results of Syrian-Polish archaeological excavations 1999-2007 (un village protonéolithique
et précéramique en Syrie du Nord : résultats des fouilles syriennes et polonaises 1999-2007), Polish
centre of Mediterranean archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw.
- Ökse T. 2021
Ambar Dam Salvage Excavations 2018-2020: Ambar Höyük, Gre Filla and Kendale Hecala. S.
R. Steadman, G. McMahon (eds), The Archaeology of Anatolia, Volume IV, Cambridge Scholars
Press, Newcastle: 4-20.
- Özdoğan E., Uludağ C. 2022
Sayburç. Şanlıurfa’da Yeni Bir Çanak-Çömleksiz Neolitik Dönem Yerleşimi. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 169: 9-24.
- Özdoğan, M. 2014.
The Quest for New Criteria in Defining the Emergence and the Dispersal of Neolithic Way of
Life. C. Manen, T. Perrin, J. Guilaine (eds), Transition Néolithique en Méditerranée, Éditions
Errance, Paris: 59-75.
- Özkaya, V., Coşkun, A., 2011
Körtik Tepe. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds), Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1.
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul: 89-127.
- Özkaya, V., Coşkun, A.,Soyukaya, N. 2013
Körtik Tepe. Uygarlığın Diyarbakır’daki İlk Adımları. T.C. Diyarbakır Valiliği Kültür Sanat
Yayınları, Diyarbakır.
- Rosenberg, M. 2011
Hallan Çemi. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds), Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1.
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul: 61-78.
- Schmidt, K. 2005
Ritual Centers and the Neolithisation of Upper Mesopotamia, Neo-Lithics 2/05: 13-21
- -2012.
Göbekli Tepe. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds.), Neolithic in Turkey, Volume 2,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul: 41-83.
- Solecki, R.S., Solecki, R. L., Agelarakis, A. P. 2004
The Proto-Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave. Texas A&M University Anthropology Series
(Book 7), Texas A&M University Press, Texas.
- Stordeur, D. 2014
Jerf el Ahmar entre 9500 et 8700 av. J.-C. Un village des débuts de l’agriculture. Une société
complexe. C. Manen, T. Perrin et J. Guilaine (eds), La Transition Neolithique en Méditerranée, ou
comment des chasseurs devinrent agriculteurs. Errance, Paris: 27-41.
- Stordeur Danielle, Jammous Bassam 1995
Pierre à rainure à décor animal trouvée dans l’horizon PPNA de Jerf el Ahmar (Syrie). Paléorient
21, n°1: 129-130.
- Verhoeven, M. 2001
Person or Penis? Interpreting a New PPNB Anthropomorphic Statue from the Taurus Foothills.
Neo-Lithics 1/01: 8-9.
- Watkins, T. 2020.
Monumentality in Neolithic of southwest Asia: making memory in time and Space. A. Gebauer,
L. Sorensen, A. Teather, A. De Valera (eds), Monumentalising Life in the Neolithic: Narratives of
Change and Continuity., Oxbow Books, London: 19-27.
- Yartah, T. 2004
Tell Abr 3, un village du néolithique précéramique (PPNA) sur le Moyen Euphrate. Première
approche. Paléorient 30/2: 141-158.
- - 2013
Vie quotidienne, vie communautaire et symbolique a Tell Abr 3 – Syrie du Nord. Donnees et
Nouvelles reflextions sur l’horizon PPNA au Nord du Levant 10000-9000 BP. Universite de Lyon 2.
These de Doctorat, non publiee.
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 23, 1 - 18, 29.12.2024
Ergül Kodaş
Charlotte Labedan Kodaş
Devrim Hasan Menteşe
- Aurenche, O., Kozlowski, S. K. 2000
La Naissance Du Néolithique Au Proche Orient, Editions Errance, Paris.
- - 2010
Territories, Boundaries And Cultures in The Neolithic Near East. Bar International Series 1362,
Archaeopress, Oxford.
- Benz, M., Bauer, J. 2013
Symbols of Power Symbols of Crisis? A Psycho-Social Approach to Early Neolithic Symbol
Systems. Neo-Lithics 2/13: 11-24.
- Benz, M. 2017
Changing medialities. Symbols of Neolithic corporate identities. Neolithic Corporate Identities
Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 2. Ex oriente, Berlin:
- Braidwood, L.-S., Braidwood, J.-R. 1982
Prehistoric Village Archaeology in South-Eastern Turkey, British Archaeological ReportsInternational
Series 138, Oxford.
- Braun, R., Clare, L., Knitter, D., Schütt, B. 2018
The Symbolic Landscape around Göbekli Tepe. Landscape Archaeology Conference 2018. Berlin.
- Cauvin, J. 1973
Les premiers villages de Syrie-Palestine du IXe au VIIIe millénaire avant J.-C. Maison de l’Orient
Méditerranéen ancien (TMO 4 ; Série Archéologique 3), Lyon.
- - 1994
Naissance des divinités. Naissance de l’agriculture. La révolution des symboles au Néolithique. Cnrs
Editions. Paris.
- - 2002
The symbolic Foundations of the Neolithic Revolution in the Near East. Life in Neolithic Farming
Communities. I. Kuıijt (ed.) Social Organisation, Identity and Differentiation, Oxford, London :
- Claire, L., Ditrich, O., Gresky-Show, J., 2019
Ritual Practices and Conflict Mitigation at Early Neolithic Körtik Tepe and Göbekli Tepe, Upper
Mesopotamia. Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge University Press,
Berlin: 96-128.
- Coqueugniot, E. 2009
Dja’Dé el Mughara (Syrie), Rapport scientifique 2007. Archéorient, Maison de l’Orient et de la
Méditerrannée, Lyon.
- Çelik, B. 2016
A small-scale cult center in Southeast Turkey, Harbetsuvan Tepesi. Documenta Praehistorica
XLIII: 421-428.
- Çiftçi, Y. 2022
Çemka Höyük, Late Epipaleolithic and PPNA Phase Housing Architecture Chronological and
Typological Change. Near Eastern Archaeology 85/1: 12-22.
- Erim-Özdoğan, A. 2011
Çayönü, M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds) The Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul : 185-269.
- Goring-Morris, A.N., Belfer-Cohen, A. 2014
The Neolithic in The Southern Levant Yet Another ‘Unique’ Phenomenon. La transition
néolithique en Méditerranée. C. Manen, T. Perrin, J. Guilaine (eds), The Neolithic transition in the
Mediterranean, Éditions Errance AEP, Toulouse: 59-73.
- Güldoğan E., Uludağ C. 2022
Taş Tepeler” Projesinin Doğudaki Sınır Yerleşmesi Sefertepe: İlk Sonuçlar. Arkeoloji ve Sanat
Dergisi 177: 13-26
- Hauptmann, H. 2012
The Urfa Region. Neolithic in Turkey Volume 2, M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds.),
Archaeology And Art Publications, Istanbul: 85-138.
- Hodder, I. 1982.
Symbols in Action: Ethnoarchaeological Studies of Material Culture. Cambridge University Press,
- - 1994
The domestication of Europe. Basil Blackwell, Londres.
- Huyard, V. 2013
Le baton poli, une approche expérimentale, Archéorient-Le Blog (Hypothéses. Org), 1er mars
2013: http://archeoorient.hypotheses.org/578.
- Ibáñez J.J. Muñiz J.R., Huet T., Santana J., Teira L. C , Borrell F., Rosillo R., Iriarte E. 2020
Flint ‘figurines’ from the Early Neolithic site of Kharaysin, Jordan. Antiquity 94: 1-20.
- Karul, N. 2011
Gusir Höyük. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds), Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul:1-19.
- - 2020
The Beginning of the Neolithic in Southeast Anatolia Upper Tigris Basin, Documenta
Praehistorica XLVII: 76-95.
- - 2021
Buried Buildings at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Karahantepe. Türkiye Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi
82: 21-31.
- -2022
Karahantepe Çalışmalarına Genel Bir Bakış. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 169: 8-21.
Kodaş, E. 2015
Diversités, Interactions Et Contacts Culturels Dans Les Régions Montagneuses De La Mésopotamie :
Un Autre Scenario De La Néolithisation Proche-Orientale. Presses Académiques Francophones,
- - 2019
Yukarı Dicle’de Yeni Bir Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Yerleşim Yeri: Boncuklu Tarla Kazıları ve İlk
Gözlemler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi: 157/158: 7-20
- - 2022
Techno-Typological Analysis of the Late Epipaleolithic/ Proto-Neolithic Chipped Stone Tools at
Çemka Höyük. Journal Of The Turkish Institute Of Archaeology And Cultural Heritage, 2: 97-130.
- Kodaş, E., Genç, B., Çiftçi, Y., Labendan-Kodas, C., Erdem Ç. 2020
Çemka Höyük: A Late Epipalaeolithic and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site on the Upper Tigris,
Southeast Anatolia. Neo-Lithic 20: 40-46.
- Kozlowski, S.-K. 1990
Nemrik 9. Prepottery Neolithic Site in Iraq. Wydawnictawa University Warsawskiego, Warsaw.
- Lichter, C. 2007
Vor 12.000 Jahren in Anatolien. Die ältesten Monumente der Menschheitsgeschichte, Große
Landesausstellung Baden-Württemberg. im Badischen Landesmuseum Schloss Karlsruhe,
Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe.
- Miyake, Y., Maeda, O., Tanno, K., Hongo, H., Gündem, C-Y., 2012
New Excavations At Hasankeyf Höyük: A 10th Millennium Cal. Bc Site On The Upper Tigris,
Southeast Anatolia, Neo-Lithics 1:12: 3-7.
- Mazurowski, R.-F., Kanjou, Y. 2012
Tell Qaramel 1999-2007 Protoneolithic and early pre-pottery Neolithic settlement in northern Syria :
preliminary results of Syrian-Polish archaeological excavations 1999-2007 (un village protonéolithique
et précéramique en Syrie du Nord : résultats des fouilles syriennes et polonaises 1999-2007), Polish
centre of Mediterranean archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw.
- Ökse T. 2021
Ambar Dam Salvage Excavations 2018-2020: Ambar Höyük, Gre Filla and Kendale Hecala. S.
R. Steadman, G. McMahon (eds), The Archaeology of Anatolia, Volume IV, Cambridge Scholars
Press, Newcastle: 4-20.
- Özdoğan E., Uludağ C. 2022
Sayburç. Şanlıurfa’da Yeni Bir Çanak-Çömleksiz Neolitik Dönem Yerleşimi. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 169: 9-24.
- Özdoğan, M. 2014.
The Quest for New Criteria in Defining the Emergence and the Dispersal of Neolithic Way of
Life. C. Manen, T. Perrin, J. Guilaine (eds), Transition Néolithique en Méditerranée, Éditions
Errance, Paris: 59-75.
- Özkaya, V., Coşkun, A., 2011
Körtik Tepe. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds), Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1.
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul: 89-127.
- Özkaya, V., Coşkun, A.,Soyukaya, N. 2013
Körtik Tepe. Uygarlığın Diyarbakır’daki İlk Adımları. T.C. Diyarbakır Valiliği Kültür Sanat
Yayınları, Diyarbakır.
- Rosenberg, M. 2011
Hallan Çemi. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds), Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1.
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul: 61-78.
- Schmidt, K. 2005
Ritual Centers and the Neolithisation of Upper Mesopotamia, Neo-Lithics 2/05: 13-21
- -2012.
Göbekli Tepe. M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds.), Neolithic in Turkey, Volume 2,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul: 41-83.
- Solecki, R.S., Solecki, R. L., Agelarakis, A. P. 2004
The Proto-Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave. Texas A&M University Anthropology Series
(Book 7), Texas A&M University Press, Texas.
- Stordeur, D. 2014
Jerf el Ahmar entre 9500 et 8700 av. J.-C. Un village des débuts de l’agriculture. Une société
complexe. C. Manen, T. Perrin et J. Guilaine (eds), La Transition Neolithique en Méditerranée, ou
comment des chasseurs devinrent agriculteurs. Errance, Paris: 27-41.
- Stordeur Danielle, Jammous Bassam 1995
Pierre à rainure à décor animal trouvée dans l’horizon PPNA de Jerf el Ahmar (Syrie). Paléorient
21, n°1: 129-130.
- Verhoeven, M. 2001
Person or Penis? Interpreting a New PPNB Anthropomorphic Statue from the Taurus Foothills.
Neo-Lithics 1/01: 8-9.
- Watkins, T. 2020.
Monumentality in Neolithic of southwest Asia: making memory in time and Space. A. Gebauer,
L. Sorensen, A. Teather, A. De Valera (eds), Monumentalising Life in the Neolithic: Narratives of
Change and Continuity., Oxbow Books, London: 19-27.
- Yartah, T. 2004
Tell Abr 3, un village du néolithique précéramique (PPNA) sur le Moyen Euphrate. Première
approche. Paléorient 30/2: 141-158.
- - 2013
Vie quotidienne, vie communautaire et symbolique a Tell Abr 3 – Syrie du Nord. Donnees et
Nouvelles reflextions sur l’horizon PPNA au Nord du Levant 10000-9000 BP. Universite de Lyon 2.
These de Doctorat, non publiee.
À propos de deux bâtons polis anthropomorphiques provenant de Çemka Höyük (Vallée du Haut Tigre, Anatolie du Sud-Est). Une autre manière de figurer l’humain au Néolithique précéramique.
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 23, 1 - 18, 29.12.2024
Ergül Kodaş
Charlotte Labedan Kodaş
Devrim Hasan Menteşe
Le site de Çemka Höyük, situé sur les rives du Tigre, est un établissement néolithique mis au jour par les fouilles de sauvetage effectuées pendant la construction du barrage d’Ilısu. Ces opérations ont révélé la présence de deux bâtons polis anthropomorphiques. Cet article en souligne l’originalité au sein du corpus iconographique pour le Néolithique proche-oriental et participe à une interrogation plus large concernant la diversité culturelle des sociétés néolithiques dans le nord de la Mésopotamie.
- Aurenche, O., Kozlowski, S. K. 2000
La Naissance Du Néolithique Au Proche Orient, Editions Errance, Paris.
- - 2010
Territories, Boundaries And Cultures in The Neolithic Near East. Bar International Series 1362,
Archaeopress, Oxford.
- Benz, M., Bauer, J. 2013
Symbols of Power Symbols of Crisis? A Psycho-Social Approach to Early Neolithic Symbol
Systems. Neo-Lithics 2/13: 11-24.
- Benz, M. 2017
Changing medialities. Symbols of Neolithic corporate identities. Neolithic Corporate Identities
Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 2. Ex oriente, Berlin:
- Braidwood, L.-S., Braidwood, J.-R. 1982
Prehistoric Village Archaeology in South-Eastern Turkey, British Archaeological ReportsInternational
Series 138, Oxford.
- Braun, R., Clare, L., Knitter, D., Schütt, B. 2018
The Symbolic Landscape around Göbekli Tepe. Landscape Archaeology Conference 2018. Berlin.
- Cauvin, J. 1973
Les premiers villages de Syrie-Palestine du IXe au VIIIe millénaire avant J.-C. Maison de l’Orient
Méditerranéen ancien (TMO 4 ; Série Archéologique 3), Lyon.
- - 1994
Naissance des divinités. Naissance de l’agriculture. La révolution des symboles au Néolithique. Cnrs
Editions. Paris.
- - 2002
The symbolic Foundations of the Neolithic Revolution in the Near East. Life in Neolithic Farming
Communities. I. Kuıijt (ed.) Social Organisation, Identity and Differentiation, Oxford, London :
- Claire, L., Ditrich, O., Gresky-Show, J., 2019
Ritual Practices and Conflict Mitigation at Early Neolithic Körtik Tepe and Göbekli Tepe, Upper
Mesopotamia. Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge University Press,
Berlin: 96-128.
- Coqueugniot, E. 2009
Dja’Dé el Mughara (Syrie), Rapport scientifique 2007. Archéorient, Maison de l’Orient et de la
Méditerrannée, Lyon.
- Çelik, B. 2016
A small-scale cult center in Southeast Turkey, Harbetsuvan Tepesi. Documenta Praehistorica
XLIII: 421-428.
- Çiftçi, Y. 2022
Çemka Höyük, Late Epipaleolithic and PPNA Phase Housing Architecture Chronological and
Typological Change. Near Eastern Archaeology 85/1: 12-22.
- Erim-Özdoğan, A. 2011
Çayönü, M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds) The Neolithic in Turkey Volume 1,
Archaeology And Art Publications, İstanbul : 185-269.
- Goring-Morris, A.N., Belfer-Cohen, A. 2014
The Neolithic in The Southern Levant Yet Another ‘Unique’ Phenomenon. La transition
néolithique en Méditerranée. C. Manen, T. Perrin, J. Guilaine (eds), The Neolithic transition in the
Mediterranean, Éditions Errance AEP, Toulouse: 59-73.
- Güldoğan E., Uludağ C. 2022
Taş Tepeler” Projesinin Doğudaki Sınır Yerleşmesi Sefertepe: İlk Sonuçlar. Arkeoloji ve Sanat
Dergisi 177: 13-26
- Hauptmann, H. 2012
The Urfa Region. Neolithic in Turkey Volume 2, M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm (eds.),
Archaeology And Art Publications, Istanbul: 85-138.
- Hodder, I. 1982.
Symbols in Action: Ethnoarchaeological Studies of Material Culture. Cambridge University Press,
- - 1994
The domestication of Europe. Basil Blackwell, Londres.
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