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Editör Kurulu Adına
Dr. Mehtap Naillioğlu Kaymak
+90532 333 42 90 (only whatsapp)
Dergi ana sayfası:
Dergi editör danışma kurulu sayfası:
Prof. Dr. Nuri Baloğlu lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitimini Gazi Üniversitesi'nde tamamlamıştır. Akademik yaşamına 1994 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesinde Araştırma Görevlisi olarak başlamıştır. Sonradan Ahi Evran Üniversitesi'ne dönüştürülen bu kurumda eğitim yönetimi alanında 1998 yılında Yardımcı Doçent 2013 yılında Doçent ve 2018 yılında Profesörlük kadrolarına atanmıştır.
Baloğlu'nun uluslararası ve ulusal düzeyde seçkin hakemli dergi ve yayınevlerinde yayımlanmış 200'e yakın bilimsel eseri bulunmaktadır. Çalışma ilgi alanları arasında Liderlik ve Örgüt Kültürü, Eğitim, Okul ve Sınıf Yönetimi gibi temalar yer almaktadır. Üniversite yönetiminde Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı, Bölüm Başkanlığı, Dekan Yardımcılığı ve Genel Sekreterlik gibi idari görevler yürütmüştür. Kendi üniversitesinin dışında Yeditepe Üniversitesi ve Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesinde lisansüstü dersler vermiş, İngiltere Liverpool Hope Üniversitesinde misafir öğretim üyesi olarak bulunmuştur. İyi derecede İngilizce bilmektedir.
Dr. Olcay Yavuz is, an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department where he teaches courses in School Law, School Finance, Doctoral Inquiry Seminar, Leadership Perspectives, Program and Personnel Evaluation, Quantitative Methods in Educational Leadership, Organizational Development, Advanced Research Methods, Learning Theories, Leadership Development, School Leader Field-Based Internship as well as Dissertation Advisement and Defense. His research focuses on improving the college and career readiness of underprivileged students, comprehensive school counseling framework, program evaluation, and leadership development.
Dr. Yavuz earned his doctorate in Teacher Leadership from Rutgers State University. He also received his Master of School Counseling from New York Institute of Technology and obtained his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Science Education. Prior to coming to SCSU, He spent twelve years of his professional career as an educational leader, supervisor, professional counselor and math teacher in K-12 public schools. Dr. Yavuz holds K-12 Supervisor Standard Certificate, Director of K-12 School Counseling Services Standard Certificate, as well as K-12 Standard Mathematics Teaching and Permanent Professional School Counseling Certifications.
Prior to joining the faculty at Southern, Dr. Yavuz taught graduate level courses at New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. He also worked at Rutgers State University as a project manager of “College and Career Readiness for All Initiative”. Through his scholarship, Dr. Yavuz has been training educational leaders, teachers, counselors and other key stakeholders to design, lead and evaluate research supported college and career readiness programs. Currently, as a researcher and school leader educator, Dr. Yavuz provides educational leaders and teachers with transformative learning experiences, resources, and support they need to implement effective strategies for improving education for all K-12 students.
As the founding editor of Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (JELPS), Dr. Yavuz designed and launched a new scholarly journal. The U. S. Department of Education invited JELPS to be indexed in Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) that is used by over 12 million researchers around the world each year. Recently, Dr. Yavuz also developed the International Youth Leadership Academy (IYLA) which is a social justice project to support immigrant, refugee and international student success, including academic, social-emotional, college and career readiness needs. Finally, Dr. Yavuz designed and organized the first CT School Administrator and Counselor Leadership Forum on building collaborative efforts among CT school counselors and administrators to support K-12 student success
Teaching Interests
School Law, School Finance, Doctoral Inquiry Seminar, Leadership Perspectives, Program and Personnel Evaluation, Quantitative Methods in Educational Leadership, Organizational Development, Advanced Research Methods, Learning Theories, Leadership Development, School Leader Field-Based Internship as well as Dissertation Advisement and Defense
Research Interests
Comprehensive school counseling framework
College and career readiness for all
Program evaluation and assessment
STEM leadership
Educational leadership development
Başkent University, Faculty of Education
Başvuru yapılan makalenin değerlendirmeye alınabilmesi için dergi yazım kurallarına göre yazılmış olması, tam metnin yazar bilgilerini içermemesi, makale şablonuna göre yazılması, benzerlik raporunun yüklenmesi ve telif hakkı devir formunun imzalanarak yüklenmesi gerekmektedir. Değerlendirme süreci tamamlanarak yayına kabul edilen makaleler, yazar/lar tarafından düzeltmeleri yapılıp, yazar bilgileri eklenerek yeniden dergi sitesine yüklenmelidir. Etik Kurul izni gerektiren araştırmalar ile ilgili bilgilere Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası sayfasından ulaşılabilir. Etik Kurul İzni gerektirmeyen çalışmalar için in Etik Kurul İzni Gerektirmeyen Çalışma Beyan Formu doldurularak sisteme yüklenmeli ve makalede belirtilmelidir.