EJESS publishes peer-reviewed, open access manuscripts covering a wide range of academic disciplines. Before manuscript submission, please read and follow these instructions carefully. Please note that manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or accepted for publication anywhere else. Articles may be written in English or Turkish.
Manuscript Template: Authors may download an MS Word template by clicking here.
Paper Title: A title of no more than 12 words should be brief, specific, and informative.
Author Details: Full name for all authors should be provided and the names of multiple authors are separated by a comma. Please, provide the full affiliation for each author including academic affiliation (or postal address), city, postcode, country, e-mail(optional); If multiple authors have contributed to the article, details of the corresponding author should be clear. Email address is a 'must' for the corresponding author.
Abstract: The abstract should concisely state the purpose of the research and summarize or discuss significant findings. It should be a single paragraph of no more than 250 words. Include 5-6 keywords for indexing purposes.
Introduction : Provide a brief overview of the scope and relevance of the research, especially with regard to previous advancements in related fields. A thoroough literature review and evaluation of the problem statements will positively contribute the quality of the manuscripts.
For empricical research, use Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion titles.
Present the research design, research type, research duration, inclusion/exclusion criteria, population and samples (choice of subjects), etc. Describe the methodology completely, including sample collection, processing, lab analysis, statistical tests used for data analysis etc.
Present and illustrate your findings objectively and concisely, if appropriate, with figures/ tables. In the main text, describe each of your results by a particular observation.
Provide an interpretation of your results and make comparisons with other studies. The significance of findings should be clearly described. If your results differ from your expectations, explain why that may have happened. If your results agree, then describe the theory that the evidence supported. The main conclusions of the experimental work should be presented. The contribution of the work to the scientific research and its economic implications should be emphasized.
For theoretical research, there may be different titles, as long as they are considered appropriate within the text. However, Introduction and Conclusion parts are strongly recomended.
Acknowledgements: The acknowledgements section is where you may wish to thank people indirectly involved with the research (e.g., technical support; loans of experimental facilities; comments or suggestions during the creation of the manuscript). However, it is important that anyone listed here knows in advance of your acknowledgement of their contribution. Do not include dedications.
Tables: All tables must be numbered and include a title.
Diagrams: Diagram captions must be numbered.
Illustrations: Photographs accompanying articles should be 300 dpi; line drawings 800-1200 dpi. All illustrations must be in either gif or jpeg formats. Provide images in a folder using the same names as referenced in the article and include the folder containing original images with the article.
Abbreviations: All abbreviations should have an explanation in parantheses the first time they occur.
References: All references through the manuscript should follow APA 6 format. All sources should be listed in their original language on the last page, at the end of the manuscript. However, sources in languages other than Turkish, English and Russian that do not use the Latin alphabet should be given in an internationally accepted transliteration. Please add a DOI number if that reference material was assigned one. For other types of documents, please refer to APA 6 Manual.
Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York,
NY: Russell Sage Foundation.
Journal Articles:
Kramer, E., & Bloggs, T. (2002). On quality in art and art therapy.American Journal of Art
Therapy, 40, 218 - 231.
Elo, A., Ervasti, J., Kuosma, E., & Mattila, P. (2008). Evaluation of an organizational stress
management program in a municipal public works organization. Journal of Occupational
Health Psychology, 13(1), 10-23. DOI: 10.1037/1076-8998.13.1.10.