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Goose Meat: Salting/drying effect on nutritional value, physicochemical and sensory properties

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 33, 40 - 50, 13.02.2025


Objective: In Kars and Ardahan, where climatic conditions are suitable for goose farming, the consumption of goose meat has been an integral part of local cuisine for generations. In conventional production, salting and drying play pivotal roles in enhancing flavor and preserving goose meat. This study aimed to identify the nutritional, physicochemical, and sensory properties of goose meat subjected to different salting and drying levels.
Materials and methods: In this study, 16 naturally reared geese were collected from Hanak district of Ardahan province. Traditional cooking methods prevalent in the region, classical boiling and oven cooking, have been applied without the use of salt, spices, or food additives. Breast muscle samples were used for each treatment group. Subsequently, various analyses of physicochemical properties and nutritional parameters, including salt content, dry matter, pH, protein, fat, cooking loss, mineral content, and cholesterol level, were conducted for the raw and/or cooked samples. Sensory analysis was performed to assess the acceptability of the samples.
Discussion and results: According to the results obtained, the most abundant minerals in the goose meat samples were determined as sodium (Na), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), and iron (Fe), respectively. The amount of salt and drying time significantly affected cooking loss (P < 0.01). Additionally, it was found that different salting and drying levels significantly affected the overall consumer acceptability of goose meat (P < 0.01). Finally, it was concluded that the optimization of traditional salting and drying techniques not only enhances the flavor and shelf life of meat, but also plays a crucial role in meeting consumer demands for quality and nutritional value.
Keywords: dry-cured; goose meat; nutrition; salting; sensory assessment; traditional meat product


  • Ahmat, T., Barka, M., Aregba, A.W., and Bruneau, D. (2015). Convective drying kinetics of fresh beef: an experimental and modeling approach. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39 (6), 2581-2595.
  • Aykın Dinçer, E., and Erbas, M. (2019). Kurutulmuş et ürünleri̇ni̇n kali̇te özelli̇kleri̇. Gida / The Journal of Food, 44 (3), 472-482.
  • AOAC, Official Methods of Analysis. (2020). 21st Ed., Appendix D, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD.
  • Biesek, J., Kuźniacka, J., Banaszak, M., Maiorano, G., Grabowicz, M., and Adamski, M. (2020). The effect of various protein sources in goose diets on meat quality, fatty acid composition, and cholesterol and collagen content in breast muscles. Poultry Science, 99 (11), 6278-6286.
  • Boz, M. A., Oz, F., Yamak, U. S., Sarica, M., and Cilavdaroglu, E. (2019). The carcass traits, carcass nutrient composition, amino acid, fatty acid, and cholesterol contents of local Turkish goose varieties reared in an extensive production system. Poultry Science, 98 (7), 3067-3080. 10.3382/ps/pez125
  • Boz, M. A., Sarıca, M., and Yamak, U. S. (2017). Production traits of artificially and naturally hatched geese in intensive and free-range systems–II: slaughter, carcass and meat quality traits. British Poultry Science, 58 (2), 166-176.
  • Buzała, M., Adamski, M., and Janicki, B. (2014). Characteristics of performance traits and the quality of meat and fat in Polish oat geese. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 70 (3), 531-542.
  • Choi, Y. S., Jeong, T. J., Hwang, K. E., Song, D. H., Ham, Y. K., Kim, Y. B., Jeon, K. H., Kim, H. W., and Kim, C. J. (2016). Effects of various salts on physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of cured meat. Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources, 36 (2), 152.
  • Damaziak, K., Stelmasiak, A., Michalczuk, M., Wyrwisz, J., Moczkowska, M., Marcinkowska-Lesiak, M. M., Niemiec, J., and Wierzbicka, A. (2016). Analysis of storage possibility of raw and smoked breast meat of oat-fattened White Kołuda® goose based on their quality characteristics. Poultry Science, 95 (9), 2186-2197.
  • Dinh, T. T., Thompson, L. D., Galyean, M. L., Brooks, J. C., Patterson, K. Y., and Boylan, L. M. (2011). Cholesterol content and methods for cholesterol determination in meat and poultry. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 10 (5), 269-289.
  • Doyle, M. E., and Glass, K. A. (2010). Sodium reduction and its effect on food safety, food quality, and human health. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9 (1), 44–56.
  • Fardet, A., and Rock, E. (2020). Ultra-processed foods and food system sustainability: What are the links?. Sustainability, 12 (15), 6280.
  • Fenton, M., and Sim, J. S. (1991). Determination of egg yolk cholesterol content by on-column capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 540, 323-329.
  • Fu, L., Du, L., Sun, Y., Fan, X., Zhou, C., He, J., and Pan, D. (2022). Effect of lentinan on lipid oxidation and quality change in goose meatballs during cold storage. Foods, 11 (7), 1-18.
  • Geldenhuys, G., Hoffman, L. C., and Muller, M. (2014). Sensory profiling of Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) meat. Food Research International, 64, 25-33.
  • Geldenhuys, G., Hoffman, L. C., and Muller, N. (2013). Aspects of the nutritional value of cooked Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) meat compared with other well-known fowl species. Poultry Science, 92 (11), 3050-3059. Geldenhuys, G., Hoffman, L. C., and Muller, N. (2015). The fatty acid, amino acid, and mineral composition of Egyptian goose meat as affected by season, gender, and portion. Poultry Science, 94 (5), 1075-1087.
  • Goluch, Z., Barbara, K., Haraf, G., Wołoszyn, J., Okruszek, A., and Wereńska, M. (2021). Impact of various types of heat processing on the energy and nutritional values of goose breast meat. Poultry Science, 100 (11), 101473.
  • Gómez, I., Janardhanan, R., Ibañez, F. C., and Beriain, M. J. (2020). The effects of processing and preservation technologies on meat quality: Sensory and nutritional aspects. Foods, 9 (10), 1416.
  • Gumułka, M., and Połtowicz, K. (2020). Comparison of carcass traits and meat quality of intensively reared geese from a Polish genetic resource flock to those of commercial hybrids. Poultry Science, 99 (2), 839-847.
  • Hanak District Governorate. (2024). Accessed date: 24/02/2024.
  • Haraf, G., Wołoszyn, J., Okruszek, A., Goluch, Z., Wereńska, M., and Teleszko, M. (2021). The protein and fat quality of thigh muscles from Polish goose varieties. Poultry Science, 100 (4), 100992.
  • Kaban, G., Kızılkaya, P., Börekçi, B. S., Hazar, F. Y., Kabil, E., and Kaya, M. (2020). Microbiological properties and volatile compounds of salted-dried goose. Poultry Science, 99 (4), 2293-2299.
  • Kalaycı, S., and Yılmaz, Ö. (2014). Effect of cereal grains on the total lipid, cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of liver and muscle tissues in native geese. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (1).
  • Kamber, U., and Yaman, H. (2016). Microbiological analysis of dried goose carcasses. Macedonian Veterinary Review, 39 (2), 143-152.
  • Kirmizibayrak, T., Onk, K., Ekiz, B., Yalcintan, H., Yilmaz, A., and Yazici, K. (2011). Effects of age and sex on meat quality of Turkish native geese raised under a free-range system. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (5).
  • Knorr, D., and Augustin, M. A. (2023). Preserving the food preservation legacy. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63 (28), 9519-9538.
  • Kokoszyński, D., Biesiada-Drzazga, B., Żochowska-Kujawska, J., Kotowicz, M., Sobczak, M., Saleh, M., Fik, M., Arpášová, H., Hrnčár, C., and Kostenko, S. (2022). Effect of genotype and sex on carcase composition, physicochemical properties, texture and microstructure of meat from geese after four reproductive seasons. British Poultry Science, 63 (4), 519-527.
  • Liu, B. Y., Wang, Z. Y., Yang, H. M., Wang, J. M., Xu, D., Zhang, R., and Wang, Q. (2011). Influence of rearing system on growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of Yangzhou geese. Poultry Science, 90 (3), 653-659.
  • Mediani, A., Hamezah, H. S., Jam, F. A., Mahadi, N. F., Chan, S. X. Y., Rohani, E. R., ...and Abas, F. (2022). A comprehensive review of drying meat products and the associated effects and changes. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 1057366.
  • Nowicka, K., Przybylski, W., Górska, E., Jaworska, D., Wołosiak, R., and Derewiaka, D. (2018). Variability in nutritional value of traditional goose meat product. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 36 (4), 405-420.
  • Okruszek, A., Wołoszyn, J., Haraf, G., Orkusz, A., and Wereńska, M. (2013). Chemical composition and amino acid profiles of goose muscles from native Polish breeds. Poultry Science, 92 (4), 1127-1133.
  • Orkusz, A., Wolańska, W., and Krajinska, U. (2021). The assessment of changes in the fatty acid profile and dietary indicators depending on the storage conditions of goose meat. Molecules, 26 (17), 5122. Oz, F., and Celik, T. (2015). Proximate composition, color and nutritional profile of raw and cooked goose meat with different methods. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39 (6), 2442-2454.
  • Oz, F., Kızıl, M., and Çelık, T. (2016). Effects of different cooking methods on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in goose meat. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40 (5), 1047-1053.
  • Pogorzelska-Nowicka, E., Atanasov, A. G., Horbańczuk, J., and Wierzbicka, A. (2018). Bioactive compounds in functional meat products. Molecules, 23 (2), 307. Şahin, M., Şahin, T., Ölmez, M., and Coşkun, M. R. (2022). Halk Elinde Yetiştirilen Kars Kaz Etinin Besinsel Özellikleri. Manas Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science, 12 (2), 122-130.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA/HHS). 2010. Dietary guidelines for Americans, 7th Edn. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Wang, J., Huang, X. H., Zhang, Y. Y., Li, S., Dong, X., and Qin, L. (2023). Effect of sodium salt on meat products and reduction sodium strategies-A review. Meat Science, 109296.
  • Wereńska, M., Haraf, G., Okruszek, A., Marcinkowska, W., and Wołoszyn, J. (2023). The effects of sous vide, microwave cooking, and stewing on some quality criteria of goose meat. Foods, 12 (1), 1-18.
  • Wołoszyn, J., Wereńska, M., Goluch, Z., Haraf, G., Okruszek, A., Teleszko, M., and Król, B. (2020). The selected goose meat quality traits in relation to various types of heat treatment. Poultry Science, 99 (12), 7214-7224.
  • Yakan, A., Elmalı, D. A., Elmalı, M., Șahin, T., Motor, S., and Can, Y. (2012). Carcass and meat quality characteristics of white and multicolor geese under local breeder conditions. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (4), 663-670.
  • Yalçın, M. Y., and Şeker, M. (2016). Effect of salt and moisture content reduction on physical and microbiological properties of salted, pressed and freeze dried turkey meat. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 68, 153-159.
  • Ying, W., Ya-Ting, J., Jin-Xuan, C., Yin-Ji, C., Yang-Ying, S., Xiao-Qun, Z., Dao-Dong, P., Chang-Rong, O., and Ning, G. (2016). Study on lipolysis-oxidation and volatile flavour compounds of dry-cured goose with different curing salt content during production. Food Chemistry, 190, 33–40.

Kaz Eti: Tuzlama/kurutmanın besin değeri, fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özellikler üzerindeki etkisi

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 33, 40 - 50, 13.02.2025


Amaç: Kaz yetiştiriciliği için iklim koşullarının uygun olduğu Kars ve Ardahan’da kaz eti tüketimi nesillerdir yerel mutfağın ayrılmaz bir parçası olmuştur. Geleneksel üretimde tuzlama ve kurutma, kaz etinin lezzetini artırmada ve korunmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışma, farklı tuzlama ve kurutma seviyelerine tabi tutulan kaz etinin besinsel, fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Materyal ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Ardahan ili Hanak ilçesinden doğal ortamda yetiştirilen 16 adet kaz toplanmıştır. Bölgede yaygın olan geleneksel pişirme yöntemleri, klasik kaynatma ve fırında pişirme, tuz, baharat veya gıda katkı maddeleri kullanılmadan uygulanmıştır. Her muamele grubu için göğüs kası örnekleri kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra, çiğ ve/veya pişmiş örnekler için tuz içeriği, kuru madde, pH, protein, yağ, pişirme kaybı, mineral içeriği ve kolesterol seviyesi dahil olmak üzere çeşitli fizikokimyasal özellikler ve besin parametrelerinin analizleri yapılmıştır. Örneklerin kabul edilebilirliğini değerlendirmek için duyusal analiz uygulanmıştır.
Tartışma ve sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlara göre kaz eti örneklerinde en bol bulunan mineraller sırasıyla sodyum (Na), potasyum (K), fosfor (P), magnezyum (Mg) ve demir (Fe) olarak belirlenmiştir. Tuz miktarı ve kurutma süresi pişirme kaybını önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir (P < 0,01). Ayrıca farklı tuzlama ve kurutma seviyelerinin kaz etinin genel tüketici kabul edilebilirliğini önemli ölçüde etkilediği bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). Son olarak, geleneksel tuzlama ve kurutma tekniklerinin optimizasyonunun sadece etin lezzetini ve raf ömrünü artırmakla kalmayıp, aynı zamanda tüketicilerin kalite ve besin değeri taleplerini karşılamada da önemli bir rol oynadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Ahmat, T., Barka, M., Aregba, A.W., and Bruneau, D. (2015). Convective drying kinetics of fresh beef: an experimental and modeling approach. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39 (6), 2581-2595.
  • Aykın Dinçer, E., and Erbas, M. (2019). Kurutulmuş et ürünleri̇ni̇n kali̇te özelli̇kleri̇. Gida / The Journal of Food, 44 (3), 472-482.
  • AOAC, Official Methods of Analysis. (2020). 21st Ed., Appendix D, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD.
  • Biesek, J., Kuźniacka, J., Banaszak, M., Maiorano, G., Grabowicz, M., and Adamski, M. (2020). The effect of various protein sources in goose diets on meat quality, fatty acid composition, and cholesterol and collagen content in breast muscles. Poultry Science, 99 (11), 6278-6286.
  • Boz, M. A., Oz, F., Yamak, U. S., Sarica, M., and Cilavdaroglu, E. (2019). The carcass traits, carcass nutrient composition, amino acid, fatty acid, and cholesterol contents of local Turkish goose varieties reared in an extensive production system. Poultry Science, 98 (7), 3067-3080. 10.3382/ps/pez125
  • Boz, M. A., Sarıca, M., and Yamak, U. S. (2017). Production traits of artificially and naturally hatched geese in intensive and free-range systems–II: slaughter, carcass and meat quality traits. British Poultry Science, 58 (2), 166-176.
  • Buzała, M., Adamski, M., and Janicki, B. (2014). Characteristics of performance traits and the quality of meat and fat in Polish oat geese. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 70 (3), 531-542.
  • Choi, Y. S., Jeong, T. J., Hwang, K. E., Song, D. H., Ham, Y. K., Kim, Y. B., Jeon, K. H., Kim, H. W., and Kim, C. J. (2016). Effects of various salts on physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of cured meat. Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources, 36 (2), 152.
  • Damaziak, K., Stelmasiak, A., Michalczuk, M., Wyrwisz, J., Moczkowska, M., Marcinkowska-Lesiak, M. M., Niemiec, J., and Wierzbicka, A. (2016). Analysis of storage possibility of raw and smoked breast meat of oat-fattened White Kołuda® goose based on their quality characteristics. Poultry Science, 95 (9), 2186-2197.
  • Dinh, T. T., Thompson, L. D., Galyean, M. L., Brooks, J. C., Patterson, K. Y., and Boylan, L. M. (2011). Cholesterol content and methods for cholesterol determination in meat and poultry. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 10 (5), 269-289.
  • Doyle, M. E., and Glass, K. A. (2010). Sodium reduction and its effect on food safety, food quality, and human health. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9 (1), 44–56.
  • Fardet, A., and Rock, E. (2020). Ultra-processed foods and food system sustainability: What are the links?. Sustainability, 12 (15), 6280.
  • Fenton, M., and Sim, J. S. (1991). Determination of egg yolk cholesterol content by on-column capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 540, 323-329.
  • Fu, L., Du, L., Sun, Y., Fan, X., Zhou, C., He, J., and Pan, D. (2022). Effect of lentinan on lipid oxidation and quality change in goose meatballs during cold storage. Foods, 11 (7), 1-18.
  • Geldenhuys, G., Hoffman, L. C., and Muller, M. (2014). Sensory profiling of Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) meat. Food Research International, 64, 25-33.
  • Geldenhuys, G., Hoffman, L. C., and Muller, N. (2013). Aspects of the nutritional value of cooked Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) meat compared with other well-known fowl species. Poultry Science, 92 (11), 3050-3059. Geldenhuys, G., Hoffman, L. C., and Muller, N. (2015). The fatty acid, amino acid, and mineral composition of Egyptian goose meat as affected by season, gender, and portion. Poultry Science, 94 (5), 1075-1087.
  • Goluch, Z., Barbara, K., Haraf, G., Wołoszyn, J., Okruszek, A., and Wereńska, M. (2021). Impact of various types of heat processing on the energy and nutritional values of goose breast meat. Poultry Science, 100 (11), 101473.
  • Gómez, I., Janardhanan, R., Ibañez, F. C., and Beriain, M. J. (2020). The effects of processing and preservation technologies on meat quality: Sensory and nutritional aspects. Foods, 9 (10), 1416.
  • Gumułka, M., and Połtowicz, K. (2020). Comparison of carcass traits and meat quality of intensively reared geese from a Polish genetic resource flock to those of commercial hybrids. Poultry Science, 99 (2), 839-847.
  • Hanak District Governorate. (2024). Accessed date: 24/02/2024.
  • Haraf, G., Wołoszyn, J., Okruszek, A., Goluch, Z., Wereńska, M., and Teleszko, M. (2021). The protein and fat quality of thigh muscles from Polish goose varieties. Poultry Science, 100 (4), 100992.
  • Kaban, G., Kızılkaya, P., Börekçi, B. S., Hazar, F. Y., Kabil, E., and Kaya, M. (2020). Microbiological properties and volatile compounds of salted-dried goose. Poultry Science, 99 (4), 2293-2299.
  • Kalaycı, S., and Yılmaz, Ö. (2014). Effect of cereal grains on the total lipid, cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of liver and muscle tissues in native geese. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (1).
  • Kamber, U., and Yaman, H. (2016). Microbiological analysis of dried goose carcasses. Macedonian Veterinary Review, 39 (2), 143-152.
  • Kirmizibayrak, T., Onk, K., Ekiz, B., Yalcintan, H., Yilmaz, A., and Yazici, K. (2011). Effects of age and sex on meat quality of Turkish native geese raised under a free-range system. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (5).
  • Knorr, D., and Augustin, M. A. (2023). Preserving the food preservation legacy. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63 (28), 9519-9538.
  • Kokoszyński, D., Biesiada-Drzazga, B., Żochowska-Kujawska, J., Kotowicz, M., Sobczak, M., Saleh, M., Fik, M., Arpášová, H., Hrnčár, C., and Kostenko, S. (2022). Effect of genotype and sex on carcase composition, physicochemical properties, texture and microstructure of meat from geese after four reproductive seasons. British Poultry Science, 63 (4), 519-527.
  • Liu, B. Y., Wang, Z. Y., Yang, H. M., Wang, J. M., Xu, D., Zhang, R., and Wang, Q. (2011). Influence of rearing system on growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of Yangzhou geese. Poultry Science, 90 (3), 653-659.
  • Mediani, A., Hamezah, H. S., Jam, F. A., Mahadi, N. F., Chan, S. X. Y., Rohani, E. R., ...and Abas, F. (2022). A comprehensive review of drying meat products and the associated effects and changes. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 1057366.
  • Nowicka, K., Przybylski, W., Górska, E., Jaworska, D., Wołosiak, R., and Derewiaka, D. (2018). Variability in nutritional value of traditional goose meat product. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 36 (4), 405-420.
  • Okruszek, A., Wołoszyn, J., Haraf, G., Orkusz, A., and Wereńska, M. (2013). Chemical composition and amino acid profiles of goose muscles from native Polish breeds. Poultry Science, 92 (4), 1127-1133.
  • Orkusz, A., Wolańska, W., and Krajinska, U. (2021). The assessment of changes in the fatty acid profile and dietary indicators depending on the storage conditions of goose meat. Molecules, 26 (17), 5122. Oz, F., and Celik, T. (2015). Proximate composition, color and nutritional profile of raw and cooked goose meat with different methods. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39 (6), 2442-2454.
  • Oz, F., Kızıl, M., and Çelık, T. (2016). Effects of different cooking methods on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in goose meat. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40 (5), 1047-1053.
  • Pogorzelska-Nowicka, E., Atanasov, A. G., Horbańczuk, J., and Wierzbicka, A. (2018). Bioactive compounds in functional meat products. Molecules, 23 (2), 307. Şahin, M., Şahin, T., Ölmez, M., and Coşkun, M. R. (2022). Halk Elinde Yetiştirilen Kars Kaz Etinin Besinsel Özellikleri. Manas Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science, 12 (2), 122-130.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA/HHS). 2010. Dietary guidelines for Americans, 7th Edn. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Wang, J., Huang, X. H., Zhang, Y. Y., Li, S., Dong, X., and Qin, L. (2023). Effect of sodium salt on meat products and reduction sodium strategies-A review. Meat Science, 109296.
  • Wereńska, M., Haraf, G., Okruszek, A., Marcinkowska, W., and Wołoszyn, J. (2023). The effects of sous vide, microwave cooking, and stewing on some quality criteria of goose meat. Foods, 12 (1), 1-18.
  • Wołoszyn, J., Wereńska, M., Goluch, Z., Haraf, G., Okruszek, A., Teleszko, M., and Król, B. (2020). The selected goose meat quality traits in relation to various types of heat treatment. Poultry Science, 99 (12), 7214-7224.
  • Yakan, A., Elmalı, D. A., Elmalı, M., Șahin, T., Motor, S., and Can, Y. (2012). Carcass and meat quality characteristics of white and multicolor geese under local breeder conditions. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (4), 663-670.
  • Yalçın, M. Y., and Şeker, M. (2016). Effect of salt and moisture content reduction on physical and microbiological properties of salted, pressed and freeze dried turkey meat. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 68, 153-159.
  • Ying, W., Ya-Ting, J., Jin-Xuan, C., Yin-Ji, C., Yang-Ying, S., Xiao-Qun, Z., Dao-Dong, P., Chang-Rong, O., and Ning, G. (2016). Study on lipolysis-oxidation and volatile flavour compounds of dry-cured goose with different curing salt content during production. Food Chemistry, 190, 33–40.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Teknolojileri
Bölüm Özgün Araştırmalar

Hürriyet Çimen 0000-0001-6107-2444

Pınar Kızılkaya 0000-0002-8420-7222

Bilge Sayın 0000-0002-1898-0428

Duygu Alp Baltakesmez 0000-0003-3268-9677

Feyza Kırmacı 0009-0004-6285-2003

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 33

Kaynak Göster

APA Çimen, H., Kızılkaya, P., Sayın, B., Alp Baltakesmez, D., vd. (2025). Goose Meat: Salting/drying effect on nutritional value, physicochemical and sensory properties. Gıda Ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi Dergisi(33), 40-50.

Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 lisansı altında lisanslanmıştır
 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0