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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3, 39 - 48, 20.02.2014


Propolis, bal arıları tarafından bitkilerden özellikle de çiçek ve tomurcuklardan toplanan çeşitli miktarlarda balmumu ve reçine karışımı içeren ve kovan içerisinde birçok amaca uygun olarak kullanılan doğal bir arı ürünüdür. Propolisin çok eski yıllardan beri geleneksel tıpta çeşitli hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanıldığı ve antimikrobiyal, antioksidan, antitümör, antienflamatuar, antiülser gibi biyolojik aktivitelere sahip olduğu birçok bilimsel çalışma ile gösterilmiştir. Propolis, çok çeşitli kimyasal maddeler içermesi, antibakteriyal ve antioksidan etkisinden dolayı kovan içinde arılar tarafından kullanımı dışında, ilaç, kozmetik, gıda sanayii ile apiterapi merkezlerinde de çok yönlü olarak kullanılan bir maddedir. Bu çalışmada, propolisin özellikleri, kullanım alanları, Türkiye’de üretimi ve pazarlanması konusunda bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • BANKOVA, V., POPOV, S., MAREKOV, N. L., 1983. A Study on Flavanoids of Propolis. J. Nat. Prod. 46 (4), 471-474.
  • BANKOVA, V. and MARCUCCİ M. C., 2000. Standardization of Propolis: Present Status and Perspectives. Bee World, 81 (4), 182–188.
  • BANSKOTA, A.H., TEZUKA, Y., KADOTA, S.: Recent Progress in Pharmacological Research of Propolis. Phytotherapy Research, 15: 561-571, 2001.
  • BASİM, E., BASİM, H., ÖZCAN, M., 2006. Antibacterial Activities of Turkish Polen and Propolis Extracts Against Plant Bacterial Pathogens Journal of Food Engineering, 77, 992-996.
  • CHERNYAK, N.F., 1973. On synergistic effect of propolis and some anti-bacterial drugs Antibiotiki, 18, 259-261.
  • CRANE, E., 1990. Bees and Beekeeping. Science, Practice and World Resources. New York: Cornell University Pres, 593 pp.
  • DİMOV, V., IVANOVSKA, N., MANOLOVA, N., BANKOVA, V., NİKOLOV, N., POPOV, S., 1991 Immunomodulatory Action of Propolis. Influence on Anti-İnfectious Protection and Macrophage Function Apidologie, 22, 155–162.
  • DONADİEU, Y. 1979. La propolis. Editions Maloine, Paris.
  • ERDEM, G.B., 2002. Propolisin Diş Çürüklüğü Oluşumuna Etkisinin Sıçan
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  • HR.Ü.Z.F. Dergisi, 2012, 16(3) Doğan ve Hayoğlu
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  • Dişlerinde Araştırılması. Teknik Arıcılık, 77, 27-28.
  • FAHMY, F.G., and OMAR, M.O.M., 1989. Effect of Propolis Extracts on Certain Potato Viruses Proc. 4th Intern. Conf. Apic. Trop. Climates, Cairo, Egypt, 56-60.
  • GHİSALBERTİ, E. L., 1979. Propolis: A review, Bee World, 60, 59-84.
  • GRANGE, J. M., and DAVEY, R.W., 1990. Antibacterial Properties of Propolis (bee glue). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 83: 159-160.
  • HAN, S.K. and PARK H.K., 1999. A Study on the Preservation of Meat Products by Natural Propolis: Effect of EEP on Protein Change of Meat Products. J. of Apic. Abst., 305/99.
  • HEPŞEN İ.F., TİLGEN, F., ER, H., 1996. PROPOLİS: Tıbbi Özellikleri ve Oftalmolojik Kullanımı. Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 3 (4).
  • HOFMANN, U., HOLST, H., and SCHLOSSER, E., 1989. Studies of The Effect of Plant Protection Agents on The Susceptibility of Grapevines to Plasmonara Viticola 2. Results of an İnfection Trial Wein-Wissenschaft, 44, 61-65.
  • KATİRCİOGLU, H., MERCAN, N., 2006. Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Compositions of Turkish Propolis from Different Region. African Journal of Biotechnology 5, 1151 1153.
  • KEDZİA, A., 1986. Effect of Ethanol Extract of Propolis (Eep) on Anaerobic Bacteria” Herbal Polonica, 32(1), 53-58.
  • KRELL, R., 1996. Value-Added Products from Beekeeping, Fao Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 124, Chapter 3, Pollen,
  • KUMAZAWA, S., 1994. Studies of the Constituents of Uruguay Propolis, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4777-4782.
  • KUTLUCA, S., GENÇ, F., AND KORKMAZ, A., 2006, Propolis. Samsun Tarım İl Müdürlüğü Çiftçi Eğitimi ve Yayım Şubesi, Samsun, p. 57.
  • LA TORRE, A., GUCCİONE, M., and IMBROGLİNİ G., 1990. Preliminary Observations on the Action of Propolis Based Preparations Against Botrvtis Cinerea Pers. on Strawberries” Apicoltura, 6, 169-177.
  • LEJEUNE, B., POURRAT, A. and DEHMOUCHE, H. 1988. Propolis Utilisation en Dermocosmetologie. Parfums, Cosmetiques, Aromes, 8~2: 73-77.
  • MACİEJEWİCZ, W., 2001. Isolation of Flavanoid Aglycones from Propolis by a Column Chromatography Method and their İdentification by GC-MS and TLC Methods. J. Liq. Chrom. Rel. Technol. 24(8), 1171-1179.
  • MACİEJEWİCZ, W., DANİEWSKİ, M., MARKOWSKİ, W., 2001. GC-MS İdentification of the Flavanoid Aglycones İsolated from Propolis. Chromat. 53(5/6), 343-346.
  • MERESTA, T. AND MERESTA, L., 1988. Sensitivity of Bacillas larvae to an extract of propolis in vitro. Medycyna Weterynayjna, 44(3), 169-170.
  • MİRZOEVA, O. K., GRİSHANİN, R. N., CALDER, P. C., 1997. Antimicrobial Action of Propolis and Some of İts Components: The Effects on Growth, Membrane Potential and Motility of Bacteria Microbiol. Res., 152, 239–246.
  • MİZUNO, M. 1989. Food Packaging Materials Containing Propolis as a Preservative. Japanese Patent No. JP Ol 243 974 [89 243 974], 5 pp.
  • MORENO, M.I.N., ISLA, M.I., SAMPİETRO, A.R., VATTUONE, M.A., “Comparison of The Free Radical-Scavenging Activity of Propolis from Several Regions of Argentina” J.Ethnopharmacol., 71, 109–114 (2000).
  • MÜNSTEDT, K. and ZYGMUNT M., 2001. Propolis-Current and Future Medical Uses. Am. Bee J., 141 (7), 507-510.
  • OKONENKO, L.B., 1988. Salmonella İnfections and Propolis Zdravookhr. kaz., 1, 55-57.
  • PETRİ, G., LEMBERKOVİCS, E. and FOLDVARİ, M., 1988. Examination of Differences Between Propolis (Bee Glue) Produced from Different Floral Environments” ın Flavours and Fragrances: a world perspective Lawrence, B.M., Mookherjee, B.D., Willis, B.J. (Eds.). Elsevier Sci. PubI., Amsterdam, 439-446.
  • PİETTA, P.G., GARDANA, C. And PİETTA A.M.: Analytical Methods for Quality Control of Propolis. Fitoterapia 73 Suppl. 1: 7–20, 2002.
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3, 39 - 48, 20.02.2014



  • BANKOVA, V., POPOV, S., MAREKOV, N. L., 1983. A Study on Flavanoids of Propolis. J. Nat. Prod. 46 (4), 471-474.
  • BANKOVA, V. and MARCUCCİ M. C., 2000. Standardization of Propolis: Present Status and Perspectives. Bee World, 81 (4), 182–188.
  • BANSKOTA, A.H., TEZUKA, Y., KADOTA, S.: Recent Progress in Pharmacological Research of Propolis. Phytotherapy Research, 15: 561-571, 2001.
  • BASİM, E., BASİM, H., ÖZCAN, M., 2006. Antibacterial Activities of Turkish Polen and Propolis Extracts Against Plant Bacterial Pathogens Journal of Food Engineering, 77, 992-996.
  • CHERNYAK, N.F., 1973. On synergistic effect of propolis and some anti-bacterial drugs Antibiotiki, 18, 259-261.
  • CRANE, E., 1990. Bees and Beekeeping. Science, Practice and World Resources. New York: Cornell University Pres, 593 pp.
  • DİMOV, V., IVANOVSKA, N., MANOLOVA, N., BANKOVA, V., NİKOLOV, N., POPOV, S., 1991 Immunomodulatory Action of Propolis. Influence on Anti-İnfectious Protection and Macrophage Function Apidologie, 22, 155–162.
  • DONADİEU, Y. 1979. La propolis. Editions Maloine, Paris.
  • ERDEM, G.B., 2002. Propolisin Diş Çürüklüğü Oluşumuna Etkisinin Sıçan
  • -
  • HR.Ü.Z.F. Dergisi, 2012, 16(3) Doğan ve Hayoğlu
  • -
  • Dişlerinde Araştırılması. Teknik Arıcılık, 77, 27-28.
  • FAHMY, F.G., and OMAR, M.O.M., 1989. Effect of Propolis Extracts on Certain Potato Viruses Proc. 4th Intern. Conf. Apic. Trop. Climates, Cairo, Egypt, 56-60.
  • GHİSALBERTİ, E. L., 1979. Propolis: A review, Bee World, 60, 59-84.
  • GRANGE, J. M., and DAVEY, R.W., 1990. Antibacterial Properties of Propolis (bee glue). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 83: 159-160.
  • HAN, S.K. and PARK H.K., 1999. A Study on the Preservation of Meat Products by Natural Propolis: Effect of EEP on Protein Change of Meat Products. J. of Apic. Abst., 305/99.
  • HEPŞEN İ.F., TİLGEN, F., ER, H., 1996. PROPOLİS: Tıbbi Özellikleri ve Oftalmolojik Kullanımı. Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 3 (4).
  • HOFMANN, U., HOLST, H., and SCHLOSSER, E., 1989. Studies of The Effect of Plant Protection Agents on The Susceptibility of Grapevines to Plasmonara Viticola 2. Results of an İnfection Trial Wein-Wissenschaft, 44, 61-65.
  • KATİRCİOGLU, H., MERCAN, N., 2006. Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Compositions of Turkish Propolis from Different Region. African Journal of Biotechnology 5, 1151 1153.
  • KEDZİA, A., 1986. Effect of Ethanol Extract of Propolis (Eep) on Anaerobic Bacteria” Herbal Polonica, 32(1), 53-58.
  • KRELL, R., 1996. Value-Added Products from Beekeeping, Fao Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 124, Chapter 3, Pollen,
  • KUMAZAWA, S., 1994. Studies of the Constituents of Uruguay Propolis, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4777-4782.
  • KUTLUCA, S., GENÇ, F., AND KORKMAZ, A., 2006, Propolis. Samsun Tarım İl Müdürlüğü Çiftçi Eğitimi ve Yayım Şubesi, Samsun, p. 57.
  • LA TORRE, A., GUCCİONE, M., and IMBROGLİNİ G., 1990. Preliminary Observations on the Action of Propolis Based Preparations Against Botrvtis Cinerea Pers. on Strawberries” Apicoltura, 6, 169-177.
  • LEJEUNE, B., POURRAT, A. and DEHMOUCHE, H. 1988. Propolis Utilisation en Dermocosmetologie. Parfums, Cosmetiques, Aromes, 8~2: 73-77.
  • MACİEJEWİCZ, W., 2001. Isolation of Flavanoid Aglycones from Propolis by a Column Chromatography Method and their İdentification by GC-MS and TLC Methods. J. Liq. Chrom. Rel. Technol. 24(8), 1171-1179.
  • MACİEJEWİCZ, W., DANİEWSKİ, M., MARKOWSKİ, W., 2001. GC-MS İdentification of the Flavanoid Aglycones İsolated from Propolis. Chromat. 53(5/6), 343-346.
  • MERESTA, T. AND MERESTA, L., 1988. Sensitivity of Bacillas larvae to an extract of propolis in vitro. Medycyna Weterynayjna, 44(3), 169-170.
  • MİRZOEVA, O. K., GRİSHANİN, R. N., CALDER, P. C., 1997. Antimicrobial Action of Propolis and Some of İts Components: The Effects on Growth, Membrane Potential and Motility of Bacteria Microbiol. Res., 152, 239–246.
  • MİZUNO, M. 1989. Food Packaging Materials Containing Propolis as a Preservative. Japanese Patent No. JP Ol 243 974 [89 243 974], 5 pp.
  • MORENO, M.I.N., ISLA, M.I., SAMPİETRO, A.R., VATTUONE, M.A., “Comparison of The Free Radical-Scavenging Activity of Propolis from Several Regions of Argentina” J.Ethnopharmacol., 71, 109–114 (2000).
  • MÜNSTEDT, K. and ZYGMUNT M., 2001. Propolis-Current and Future Medical Uses. Am. Bee J., 141 (7), 507-510.
  • OKONENKO, L.B., 1988. Salmonella İnfections and Propolis Zdravookhr. kaz., 1, 55-57.
  • PETRİ, G., LEMBERKOVİCS, E. and FOLDVARİ, M., 1988. Examination of Differences Between Propolis (Bee Glue) Produced from Different Floral Environments” ın Flavours and Fragrances: a world perspective Lawrence, B.M., Mookherjee, B.D., Willis, B.J. (Eds.). Elsevier Sci. PubI., Amsterdam, 439-446.
  • PİETTA, P.G., GARDANA, C. And PİETTA A.M.: Analytical Methods for Quality Control of Propolis. Fitoterapia 73 Suppl. 1: 7–20, 2002.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme Makaleleri

Nurcan Doğan Bu kişi benim

İbrahim Hayoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Şubat 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, N., & Hayoğlu, İ. (2014). PROPOLİS ve KULLANIM ALANLARI. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(3), 39-48.

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