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Konserve İşleminin Marathon ve Sultan Çeşidi Brokolilerin Özelliklerine Etkileri

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 420 - 430, 24.09.2018


Bu çalışmada, Güneydoğu Anadolu
Projesi kapsamında yetiştirilen brokolilerin konserveye uygunluğu
araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, farklı haşlama sıvılarının ve depolama süresinin
brokkoli konservesi üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Materyal olarak Marathon ve
Sultan çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Brokkolilerin haşlanmasında % 0.1 (w/v) sitrik
asit, % 1.7 (w/v) tuz ve % 0.1 (w/v) sitrik asit + % 1.7 (w/v) tuz içeren üç
farklı haşlama sıvısı kullanılmıştır. Dolgu sıvısı olarak % 0.1 (w/v) sitrik
asit ve % 1.7 (w/v) tuz içeren çözelti kullanılmıştır. Dolu cam kavanozlar
116°C’de 25 dakika süreyle otoklavda sterilize edilmiştir. Konserve edilen
brokoliler 9 ay süreyle oda sıcaklığında depo edilirken, her 3 ayda bir analize
Elde edilen
sonuçlara göre

sterilizasyonun, depolama boyunca brokkolilerin dokusunda yumuşamaya neden
olduğu belirlenmiştir. Depolama süresince süzme ağırlık, net ağırlık, süzme
ağırlığının net ağırlığa oranı, tepe boşluğu ve dolum oranı değerlerinde fazla
bir değişim görülmemiştir. Depolama süresince askorbik asit oranında azalma
olmuştur. Duyusal değerlendirme sonucunda her iki çeşidin de panelistler
tarafından beğenildiği saptanmıştır.


  • Anonymous, 1996. The result report of diversification of vegetable varieties grown in GAP region. TR GAP Regional Development Administration, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2005. AOAC, Official anal. Chem. Method. Of analysis. 16th ed. Washington DC.
  • Bek, Y., Efe, E., 1988. Methods of Researh and Treatment - I. Çukurova Uni. Agric. Fac. Adana. p 395.
  • Bhandari, S.R., Kwak, J. 2014. Seasonal variation in phytochemicals and antioxidant activities in different tissues of various Broccoli cultivars. African Journal of Biotechnology, 13(4):604-615.
  • Boadu, F.D., Wise, S.M., 1993 . US – Mexico free trade agreement and rules of origin: application to agricultural and agribusiness products. Agribusiness, 9( 6):535–555.
  • Cemeroğlu, B., Acar, J. 1986. Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Processing. Food Technology Assocation publ. no: 6. Ankara. 512 p.
  • Cemeroğlu, B., 1992. Basic analysis methods in fruit-vegetable processing industry. Biltav ltd. 381 p, Ankara.
  • Chen, Y., Myracle, A.D., Wallig, M.A., Jefferey, A.H. 2016. Dietary broccoli protects against fatty liver development but not against progression of liver cancer in mice pretreated with diethyl nitrosamine. Journal of Functional Foods, (24):57-62.
  • Cheng, T.S., Eitenmiller, R.R., 1988. Effects of processing and storage on the pantothenic acid content of spinach and broccoli. J. Food Proc. And Preserv, 12(2):115-123.
  • Cruess, W.V., 1958 . Commercial fruit and vegetable products. Fourth edition, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. Newyork. p 884.
  • Çolak, H., Dağlıoğlu, F., Şimşek; O., 2006. Brokolinin konserve tipi turşuya uygunluğunun araştırılması. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi; 24-26 Mayıs 2006, p.507-510, Bolu.
  • Desouzas, C., Eitenmiller, R.R., [ 1986] . Effects of processing and storage on the folate content of spinach and broccoli. J. Food Sci. 51( 3) : 626-628.
  • Dominguez-Perles, R., Martinez-Ballesta, M.C., Carvaja, l M., Garcia-Viguera, C.,Moreno, D.A., 2010. Broccoli-Derived By-Products-A Promising Source of Bioactive Ingredients. J.Food Sci., 75 (4): 383-392.
  • Fennema, O., 1977 . Loss of vitamins in fresh and frozen foods. Food Tech. 31(12) :32-38.
  • Gençdağ, E., 2017. Farklı haşlama yöntemleri ile haşlanan Brokolilerde askorbik asit, renk ve tekstür özelliklerindeki değişimin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans tezi,61p., Denizli.
  • Günay, A., 1984. Special Vegetable Growing. Volume 3. Ankara Uni. Agric. Fac. Horticulture Department. p 312. Ankara.
  • Howard, L., Wong, A., Perry, A., Klein, B.P., 1996 . The stability of nutrients in fresh and processed vegetables. IFT Annual Meeting Abs. ISSN: 1082-1236.
  • Huarte, M.J.C., Astiasoran, I., Bello, J., 1997 . Nitrate and nitrite levels in fresh and frozen broccoli. Effect of freezing and cooking. Food Chem. 58( 1-2) : 39-42.
  • Kramer, A., 1979. Effects of freezing and frozen storage on nutrient retention of fruits and vegetables. Food Tech. 33( 2): 58-65.
  • Kramer, A., Lee, W.N., Onishi, Y., 1979 . The effect of container on the sensory and nutritional quality of raw frozen and canned packaged foods. J. Food Qual.2( 4) : 257-268.
  • Kyung, J.Y., 1996 . Carotenoids: functions and recent research progress. J. Food Sci. And Nutr. 1(2): 256-261.
  • Laing, D.G., Smith, M., Bellotti, A., Hutchinson, I., Jinks, A., Laing, O.N., Oram, N.,Owen, J., Rose, G., 1995 . Vegetable preferences of Australians and Koreans. Asean Food J. 10 (2): 70-75.
  • Lopez, A., 1981 . A complete course in canning. Book II: Processing procedures for canned food products. A Publ. Cann. Trade, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Nagy, S., 1980 . Vit-C contents of citrus fruit and their products. A Reviev, J. Agr. Food Chem, 28 (1): 8-18.
  • Oktay, M., Eşiyok, D., Duman, İ., Tutam, M., 1998 . The effects of fertilizers with/or without zinc on yield of broccoli. Journal of Ege University, 35 (1-2-3): 97-104.
  • Onogur, A.T., Elmacı, Y., 2011. Sensory evaluation of foods. 134p Sidas ltd. İzmir.
  • Özkaya, H.,1998. Analitik gıda kalite kontrolü. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayın no: 1086. Ankara.p.137. 1988.
  • Rickman, J.C., Barrett, D.M., Bruhn, C.M., 2007. Nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Part 1. Vitamins C and B and phenolic compounds. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(6): 930-944.
  • Sweeney, J.P., Marsh, A.C., 1971 . Effect of processing on provitamin A in vegetables. Journal of The American Dietetic Association, 59(3) : 238-243.
  • Tatum, J.H., Show, P.E., Berry, R.E., 1967 . Some compounds formed during nonenzymic browning of orange powder. J. Agr. Food Chem, 15(5) : 773-775.
  • Toivonen, P.M.A., 1992 . Chlorophyll fluorescence as a nondestructive indicator of freshness in harvested broccoli. Hourt Sci, 27(9) : 1014-1015.
  • Toivonen, P.M.A., 1997 . The effects of storage temperature, storage duration, hydro-cooling, and micro-perforated wrap on shelf life of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., Italica Group) Postharvest Biology and Tech, 10(1) : 59-65.
  • Wyatt, C.J., Ronan, K., 1983 . Effect of processing on the sodium : potassium and calcium : phosphorus contend in foods. J. Agr. And Food Chem, 31( 2) : 415-420.
  • Zhuang, H., Hildebrand, D.F., Bart, M.M., 1995 . IFT Temperature influenced lipid peroxidation and deterioration in broccoli buds during postharvest storage. Annual Meeting abs. 81.

The Effects Of Canning Process On The Properties Of Marathon And Sultan Varieties Of Broccoli

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 420 - 430, 24.09.2018


In this study, the suitability of
broccoli which cultivated within the scope of Southeastern Anatolia Project for
canning was aimed. For this purpose, the effects of different boiling liquids
and storage time on broccoli canned foods were investigated. Marathon and
Sultan broccoli varieties were used as plant materials. The broccolies were
boiled in cooking liquid including 0.1% (w/v) citric acid, 1.7% (w/v) salt and
0.1% (w/v) citric acid + 1.7% (w/v) salt.  As the filling liquid, a solution containing
0.1% (w/v) citric acid and 1.7% (w/v) salt was used. The filled glass jars were
autoclaved at 116°C for 25 minutes. The canned broccolies were stored at room
temperature for 9 months and taken into analyses with 3 months increments. According
to the results obtained, it was concluded that sterilization caused the
formation of a soft texture in broccoli, throughout storage. However, the
values of drained weight, net weight, ratio of drained weight to net weight,
top space of jars as well as the rate of filling did not change significantly. During
the storage, the rate of ascorbic acid has decreased. As a result of the
sensory evaluation, both varieties were preferred by panelists. 


  • Anonymous, 1996. The result report of diversification of vegetable varieties grown in GAP region. TR GAP Regional Development Administration, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2005. AOAC, Official anal. Chem. Method. Of analysis. 16th ed. Washington DC.
  • Bek, Y., Efe, E., 1988. Methods of Researh and Treatment - I. Çukurova Uni. Agric. Fac. Adana. p 395.
  • Bhandari, S.R., Kwak, J. 2014. Seasonal variation in phytochemicals and antioxidant activities in different tissues of various Broccoli cultivars. African Journal of Biotechnology, 13(4):604-615.
  • Boadu, F.D., Wise, S.M., 1993 . US – Mexico free trade agreement and rules of origin: application to agricultural and agribusiness products. Agribusiness, 9( 6):535–555.
  • Cemeroğlu, B., Acar, J. 1986. Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Processing. Food Technology Assocation publ. no: 6. Ankara. 512 p.
  • Cemeroğlu, B., 1992. Basic analysis methods in fruit-vegetable processing industry. Biltav ltd. 381 p, Ankara.
  • Chen, Y., Myracle, A.D., Wallig, M.A., Jefferey, A.H. 2016. Dietary broccoli protects against fatty liver development but not against progression of liver cancer in mice pretreated with diethyl nitrosamine. Journal of Functional Foods, (24):57-62.
  • Cheng, T.S., Eitenmiller, R.R., 1988. Effects of processing and storage on the pantothenic acid content of spinach and broccoli. J. Food Proc. And Preserv, 12(2):115-123.
  • Cruess, W.V., 1958 . Commercial fruit and vegetable products. Fourth edition, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. Newyork. p 884.
  • Çolak, H., Dağlıoğlu, F., Şimşek; O., 2006. Brokolinin konserve tipi turşuya uygunluğunun araştırılması. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi; 24-26 Mayıs 2006, p.507-510, Bolu.
  • Desouzas, C., Eitenmiller, R.R., [ 1986] . Effects of processing and storage on the folate content of spinach and broccoli. J. Food Sci. 51( 3) : 626-628.
  • Dominguez-Perles, R., Martinez-Ballesta, M.C., Carvaja, l M., Garcia-Viguera, C.,Moreno, D.A., 2010. Broccoli-Derived By-Products-A Promising Source of Bioactive Ingredients. J.Food Sci., 75 (4): 383-392.
  • Fennema, O., 1977 . Loss of vitamins in fresh and frozen foods. Food Tech. 31(12) :32-38.
  • Gençdağ, E., 2017. Farklı haşlama yöntemleri ile haşlanan Brokolilerde askorbik asit, renk ve tekstür özelliklerindeki değişimin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans tezi,61p., Denizli.
  • Günay, A., 1984. Special Vegetable Growing. Volume 3. Ankara Uni. Agric. Fac. Horticulture Department. p 312. Ankara.
  • Howard, L., Wong, A., Perry, A., Klein, B.P., 1996 . The stability of nutrients in fresh and processed vegetables. IFT Annual Meeting Abs. ISSN: 1082-1236.
  • Huarte, M.J.C., Astiasoran, I., Bello, J., 1997 . Nitrate and nitrite levels in fresh and frozen broccoli. Effect of freezing and cooking. Food Chem. 58( 1-2) : 39-42.
  • Kramer, A., 1979. Effects of freezing and frozen storage on nutrient retention of fruits and vegetables. Food Tech. 33( 2): 58-65.
  • Kramer, A., Lee, W.N., Onishi, Y., 1979 . The effect of container on the sensory and nutritional quality of raw frozen and canned packaged foods. J. Food Qual.2( 4) : 257-268.
  • Kyung, J.Y., 1996 . Carotenoids: functions and recent research progress. J. Food Sci. And Nutr. 1(2): 256-261.
  • Laing, D.G., Smith, M., Bellotti, A., Hutchinson, I., Jinks, A., Laing, O.N., Oram, N.,Owen, J., Rose, G., 1995 . Vegetable preferences of Australians and Koreans. Asean Food J. 10 (2): 70-75.
  • Lopez, A., 1981 . A complete course in canning. Book II: Processing procedures for canned food products. A Publ. Cann. Trade, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Nagy, S., 1980 . Vit-C contents of citrus fruit and their products. A Reviev, J. Agr. Food Chem, 28 (1): 8-18.
  • Oktay, M., Eşiyok, D., Duman, İ., Tutam, M., 1998 . The effects of fertilizers with/or without zinc on yield of broccoli. Journal of Ege University, 35 (1-2-3): 97-104.
  • Onogur, A.T., Elmacı, Y., 2011. Sensory evaluation of foods. 134p Sidas ltd. İzmir.
  • Özkaya, H.,1998. Analitik gıda kalite kontrolü. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayın no: 1086. Ankara.p.137. 1988.
  • Rickman, J.C., Barrett, D.M., Bruhn, C.M., 2007. Nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Part 1. Vitamins C and B and phenolic compounds. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(6): 930-944.
  • Sweeney, J.P., Marsh, A.C., 1971 . Effect of processing on provitamin A in vegetables. Journal of The American Dietetic Association, 59(3) : 238-243.
  • Tatum, J.H., Show, P.E., Berry, R.E., 1967 . Some compounds formed during nonenzymic browning of orange powder. J. Agr. Food Chem, 15(5) : 773-775.
  • Toivonen, P.M.A., 1992 . Chlorophyll fluorescence as a nondestructive indicator of freshness in harvested broccoli. Hourt Sci, 27(9) : 1014-1015.
  • Toivonen, P.M.A., 1997 . The effects of storage temperature, storage duration, hydro-cooling, and micro-perforated wrap on shelf life of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., Italica Group) Postharvest Biology and Tech, 10(1) : 59-65.
  • Wyatt, C.J., Ronan, K., 1983 . Effect of processing on the sodium : potassium and calcium : phosphorus contend in foods. J. Agr. And Food Chem, 31( 2) : 415-420.
  • Zhuang, H., Hildebrand, D.F., Bart, M.M., 1995 . IFT Temperature influenced lipid peroxidation and deterioration in broccoli buds during postharvest storage. Annual Meeting abs. 81.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (HTGBD)

Ahmet Sabri Ünsal 0000-0002-8012-3208

Gülseren Hayoğlu 0000-0002-2196-2140

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Eylül 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünsal, A. S., & Hayoğlu, G. (2018). The Effects Of Canning Process On The Properties Of Marathon And Sultan Varieties Of Broccoli. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(3), 420-430.

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