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Effect of different storage periods on some quality properties of filled fresh pasta

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4, 451 - 462, 23.12.2019


In this study, the effects of wheat bran (WB)
and wheat germ (WG), which are milling by-products, on some physical, chemical,
microbiological and sensory properties of filled and unfilled fresh pasta
during storage period were investigated.
For this purpose,
different ratios (5, 10, 15 and 20% (w/w)) of WB and WG were used in the
production of filled and unfilled fresh pasta by replacing with wheat flour.
Fresh pasta samples were stored at +4°C for 30 days using modified atmosphere
packaging (MAP).
Fresh pasta
samples with WG had lower weight increase and cooking loss values than the
samples containing WB. Increasing amount of WB or WG raised weight increase,
volume increase and cooking loss values.
storage periods, WB and WG incorporation into filled and unfilled fresh pasta
increased cooking loss and decreased antioxidant activity and phytic acid.
There were no significant differences in the weight increase and volume
increase values of filled and unfilled fresh pasta samples during storage
period. The microbiological qualities of MAP-applied fresh pasta samples were
significantly higher than normal packaged pasta samples. In general, the best
results were obtained when WB and WG were added to the fresh pasta at 10% and
15%, respectively. 


  • AACC, 2002. Approved methods of the AACC, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Saint Paul, MN.
  • Abellana, M., Sanchis, V., Ramos, A. J., Nielsen, P. V., 2000. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and water activity on growth of Eurotium amstelodami, E. chevalieri and E. herbariorum on a sponge cake analogue. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 88:606-616.
  • Alamprese, C., Casiraghı, E., Rossi, M., 2008. Structural and cooking properties of fresh egg pasta as function of pasteurization treatment intensity. Journal of Food Engineering, 89:1–7.
  • Alamprese, C., Iamettı, S., Rossı, M., Bergonzı, D., 2005. Role of pasteurization heat treatments on rheological nd protein structural characteristics of fresh egg pasta. European Food Research and Technology, 221:759-767.
  • Anonim, 2003. Mantı-Dondurulmuş 12980 Türk Standardı. Türk Standartları.
  • Apprich, S., Tirpanalan, Ö., Hell, J., Reisinger, M., Böhmdorfer, S., Siebenhandl-Ehn, S., Novalin, S., Kneifel, W., 2014. Wheat bran-based biorefinery 2: valorization of products. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 56:222-231.
  • Aravind, N., Sissons, M., Egan, N., Fellows, C., 2012. Effects of insoluble dietary fiber addition on technological, sensory and structural properties of durum wheat spaghetti. Food Chemistry, 130:299-309.
  • Arrigoni, E., Jorger, F., Kolloffel, B., Roulet, I., Herensperger, M., Meile,L., 2002. In vitro fermentability of a commercial wheat germ preparation and its impact on the growth of bifidobacteria. Food Research International, 35(5): 475–481.
  • Beta, T., Nam, S., Dexter, J. E., Sapirstein, H. D., 2005. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pearled wheat and roller-milled fractions. Cereal Chemistry, 82:390-393.
  • Bilgiçli N., Levent H., 2013. Improvement of nutritional properties of cake with wheat germ and resistant starch. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52(4):210-218.
  • Bilgiçli, N., 2002. Fitik asitin beslenme açısından önemi ve fitik asit miktarı düşürülmüş gıda üretim metotları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(30):79-83.
  • Bogadte, B., 1979. Use of CO2 in packaging foods. Ernahrungs-Wirtschaft, 7(8):33-43.
  • Buckle, K.A., 1985. Reduction in phytic acid levels in soybeans during tempeh production, storage and frying. Journal of Food Science, 50(1):260-263.
  • Cao, S.F., Zheng, Y.H., Yang, Z.F., Li, N., Ma, S.J., Tang, S.S., Zhang, J.H., 2006. Effects of storage temperature on antioxidant composition and antioxidant activity of loquat fruit. In II International Symposium on Loquat 750, pp:471-476.
  • Castelvetri F., 1991. Il confezionamento in atmosfera modificata dei prodotti di pasta freschi. Tecnica Molitoria 30(10):875-879.
  • Daniels, J.A., Krishnamurthi, R., Rizvi, S.S.H., 1985. A review of effects of carbon dioxide on microbial growth and food quality. Journal of Food Protection, 48:532-537.
  • de Cindio, B., Celot, F., Migliori, M., Pollini, C.M., 2001. A simple rheological model to predict filled fresh pasta failure during heat treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 48(1):7-18.
  • Del Nobile, M.A., Di Benedetto, N., Suriano, N., Conte, A., Lamacchia, C., Corbo, M.R., Sinigaglia, M., 2009. Use of natural compounds to improve the microbial stability of Amaranth-based homemade fresh pasta. Food Microbiology, 26:151-156.
  • Demir, M.K., Elgün, A., 2014. Comparison of autoclave, microwave, IR and UV-C stabilization of whole wheat flour branny fractions upon the nutritional properties of whole wheat bread. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(1): 59-66.
  • Gamez-Meza, N., Noriega-Rodriguez, J.A., Medina-Juarez, L.A., Ortega Garcia, J., Cazarez-Casanova, R., Angulo-Guerrero, O., 1999. Antioxidant activity in soybean oil of extracts from thompson grape bagasse. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (JAOCS), 76:1445-1447.
  • Ge, Y., Sun, A., Ni, Y., Cai, T., 2001. Study and development of a defatted wheat germ nutritive noodle. European Food Research and Technology, 212(3):344-348.
  • Giannuzzi, L., 1998. Mathematical modeling of microbial growth in fresh filled pasta stored at different temperatures. Journal of Food Processing Preservation, 22:433-447.
  • Gómez, M., González, J., Oliete, B., 2012. Effect of extruded wheat germ on dough rheology and bread quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(6): 2409-2418.
  • Gyamfi, M.A., Yonamine, M., Aniya, Y., 1999. Free radical scavenging action of medical herbs from ghane: Thonningia sanguinea on experimentally-induced liver injuries. General Pharma, 32 (6): 661-667.
  • Haug, W., Lantzsch, H.J., 1983. Sensitive method for the rapid determination of phytate in cereals and cereals product. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 34:1423-1426.
  • Javed, M.M., Zahoor, S., Shafaat, S., Mehmooda, I., Gul, A., Rasheed, H., Bukhari, S.A. I., Aftab, M.N., 2012. Wheat bran as a brown gold: nutritious value and its biotechnological applications. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6:724-733.
  • Kahveci, B., Özkaya, H., 1989. Farklı oranlarda ekmeklik buğday katılmış bazı durum çeşitlerinin makarnalık kalitesi üzerine araştırmalar. Doğa, 13 (3):1033-1047.
  • Kaur, G., Sharma, S., Nagi, H.P.S., Dar, B.N., 2012. Functional properties of pasta enriched with variable cereal brans. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49, 467–474.
  • Majzoobi, M., Farhoodi, S., Farahnaky, A., Taghipour, M.J., 2012. Properties of dough and flat bread containing wheat germ. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 14: 1053-1065.
  • Northolt, M.D., Bullerman, L.B., 1982. Prevention of mold growth and toxin production through control of environmental conditions. Journal of Food Protection, 45(6):519-526.
  • Ogawa, M., Tanaka, K., Kasai, Z., 1979. Phytic acid formation in dissected ripening rice grains. Agricultural Biological Chemistry 43(10):2211-2213.
  • Oh, N.H., Seib, P.A., Chung, D.S., Deyoe, C.W., 1985. Noodle. III. Effects of processing variables on the quality of dry noodle. Cereal Chemistry, 62 (6):437-440.
  • Pınarlı, İ., İbanoğlu, Ş., Öner, M.D., 2004. Effect of storage on the selected properties of macaroni enriched with wheat germ. Journal of Food Engineering, 64:249-256.
  • Rebolleda, S., Beltraan, S., Sanz, M.T., Gonzalez-Sanjose, M.L., Solaesa, A.G., 2013. Extraction of alkylresorcinols from wheat bran with supercritical CO2. Journal of Food Engineering, 119:814–821.
  • Reddy, N.R., Sathe, S.K., Salunke, D.H., 1982. Phytates in legumes and cereals. Advances in Food Research, 28:1-92.
  • Reisinger, M., Tirpanalan, Ö., Prückler, M., Huber, F., Kneifel, W., Novalin, S., 2013. Wheat bran biorefinery – A detailed investigation on hydrothermal and enzymatic treatment. Bioresource Technology, 144:179-185.
  • Sanguinetti, A.M., Del Caro, A., Mangia, N.P., Secchi, N., Catzeddu, P., Piga, A., 2011. Quality changes of fresh filled pasta during storage: Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on microbial growth and sensory properties. Food Science and Technology International, 17:23-29.
  • Sanguinetti, A.M., Secchi, N., Del Caro, A., Fadda, C., Fenı, P.A.M., Catzeddu, P., Piga, A., 2015. Gluten-free fresh filled pasta: the effects of xanthan and guar gum on changes in quality parameters after pasteurisation and during storage. LWT-Food Science and Technolgy, 64:678-684.
  • Sievwright, C.A., Shipe, W.F., 1986. Effect of storage conditions and chemical treatments on firmness, in vitro protein digestibility, condensed tannins, phytic acid and divalent cations of cooked black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Food Science, 51(4):982-987.
  • Slinkard, K., Singelton, V.L., 1977. Total phenolic analysis, automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28:49-55.
  • Sobota, A., Rzedzicki, Z., Zarzycki, P., Kuzawinska, E., 2015. Application of common wheat bran for the industrial production of high-fiber pasta. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50:111–119.
  • Tarzi, B.G., Valeh, S., Mehrdad, G., 2012. Quality evaluation of pasta enriched with heated and unheated wheat germ during storage. Advances in Environmental Biology, 1700-1708.
  • Tazrart, K., Lamacchia, C., Zaidi, F., Haros, M., 2016. Nutrient composition and in vitro digestibility of fresh pasta enriched with Vicia faba. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 47:8-15.
  • Wojtowicz, A., Moscicki, L., 2011. Effect of wheat bran addition and screw speed on microstructure and textural characteristics of common wheat precooked pasta-like products. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, 61:101–107.
  • Zardetto, S., Dalla Rosa, M., 2007. Effect of heat treatment on the microbiology and quality of fresh filled pasta. In New Issues in Food Policy, Control and Research (P. Riley, ed.) pp. 45–66. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, NY.
  • Zardetto, S., Di Fresco, S., Dalla Rosa, M., 2002, Effetto di trattamenti termici sulle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della pasta. Tecnica Molitoria, 2:113-130.
  • Zhokhov, S.S., Broberg, A., Kenne, L., Jastrebova, J., 2010. Content of antioxidant hydroquinones substituted by beta-1, 6-linked oligosaccharides in wheat milled fractions, flours andbreads. Food Chemistry, 121(3):645–652.
  • Zuliani, R., 1998. Studio sulle capacita` di reidratazione di pasta farcita. Degree Thesis, University of Udine, Italy, p. 80.

Farklı Depolama Sürelerinin Dolgulu Yaş Makarnanın Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4, 451 - 462, 23.12.2019


Bu çalışmada, değirmencilik yan ürünleri olan buğday
kepeği (BK) ve buğday ruşeymi (BR) nin dolgusuz ve dolgulu yaş makarna
üretiminde kullanımının depolama süresince makarnaların bazı fiziksel,
kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır.
Bu amaçla %5, 10, 15 ve 20 (w/w) oranlarında BK ve BR, buğday unu ile yer
değiştirilerek dolgusuz ve dolgulu yaş makarna üretiminde kullanılmış, elde
edilen yaş makarna örnekleri modifiye atmosfer paketleme (MAP) uygulanarak 30
gün +4 oC ‘de depolanmıştır.
ilaveli makarna örnekleri, BK ilaveli olanlara göre daha düşük ağırlık artışı
ve suya geçen kuru madde miktarı (SGMM) vermiştir. Artan oranlarda BK ya da BR
kullanımı, ağırlık ve hacim artışı ile SGMM değerlerini yükseltmiştir. Depolama süresince dolgusuz ve dolgulu yaş
makarnaların ağırlık artışı ve hacim artışı değerlerinde istatistiki bir
farklılık gözlenmezken; SGMM de artış, antioksidan aktivite ve fitik asit
miktarlarında düşüş belirlenmiştir. MAP uygulanmış yaş makarna örneklerinin
normal paketlenmiş makarna örneklerine göre mikrobiyolojik kalitelerinin çok
daha üstün olduğu saptanmıştır. Yaş makarna üretiminde en iyi sonuç sırasıyla
%10 BK ve %15 BR ilavesi ile elde edilmiştir.


  • AACC, 2002. Approved methods of the AACC, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Saint Paul, MN.
  • Abellana, M., Sanchis, V., Ramos, A. J., Nielsen, P. V., 2000. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and water activity on growth of Eurotium amstelodami, E. chevalieri and E. herbariorum on a sponge cake analogue. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 88:606-616.
  • Alamprese, C., Casiraghı, E., Rossi, M., 2008. Structural and cooking properties of fresh egg pasta as function of pasteurization treatment intensity. Journal of Food Engineering, 89:1–7.
  • Alamprese, C., Iamettı, S., Rossı, M., Bergonzı, D., 2005. Role of pasteurization heat treatments on rheological nd protein structural characteristics of fresh egg pasta. European Food Research and Technology, 221:759-767.
  • Anonim, 2003. Mantı-Dondurulmuş 12980 Türk Standardı. Türk Standartları.
  • Apprich, S., Tirpanalan, Ö., Hell, J., Reisinger, M., Böhmdorfer, S., Siebenhandl-Ehn, S., Novalin, S., Kneifel, W., 2014. Wheat bran-based biorefinery 2: valorization of products. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 56:222-231.
  • Aravind, N., Sissons, M., Egan, N., Fellows, C., 2012. Effects of insoluble dietary fiber addition on technological, sensory and structural properties of durum wheat spaghetti. Food Chemistry, 130:299-309.
  • Arrigoni, E., Jorger, F., Kolloffel, B., Roulet, I., Herensperger, M., Meile,L., 2002. In vitro fermentability of a commercial wheat germ preparation and its impact on the growth of bifidobacteria. Food Research International, 35(5): 475–481.
  • Beta, T., Nam, S., Dexter, J. E., Sapirstein, H. D., 2005. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pearled wheat and roller-milled fractions. Cereal Chemistry, 82:390-393.
  • Bilgiçli N., Levent H., 2013. Improvement of nutritional properties of cake with wheat germ and resistant starch. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52(4):210-218.
  • Bilgiçli, N., 2002. Fitik asitin beslenme açısından önemi ve fitik asit miktarı düşürülmüş gıda üretim metotları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(30):79-83.
  • Bogadte, B., 1979. Use of CO2 in packaging foods. Ernahrungs-Wirtschaft, 7(8):33-43.
  • Buckle, K.A., 1985. Reduction in phytic acid levels in soybeans during tempeh production, storage and frying. Journal of Food Science, 50(1):260-263.
  • Cao, S.F., Zheng, Y.H., Yang, Z.F., Li, N., Ma, S.J., Tang, S.S., Zhang, J.H., 2006. Effects of storage temperature on antioxidant composition and antioxidant activity of loquat fruit. In II International Symposium on Loquat 750, pp:471-476.
  • Castelvetri F., 1991. Il confezionamento in atmosfera modificata dei prodotti di pasta freschi. Tecnica Molitoria 30(10):875-879.
  • Daniels, J.A., Krishnamurthi, R., Rizvi, S.S.H., 1985. A review of effects of carbon dioxide on microbial growth and food quality. Journal of Food Protection, 48:532-537.
  • de Cindio, B., Celot, F., Migliori, M., Pollini, C.M., 2001. A simple rheological model to predict filled fresh pasta failure during heat treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 48(1):7-18.
  • Del Nobile, M.A., Di Benedetto, N., Suriano, N., Conte, A., Lamacchia, C., Corbo, M.R., Sinigaglia, M., 2009. Use of natural compounds to improve the microbial stability of Amaranth-based homemade fresh pasta. Food Microbiology, 26:151-156.
  • Demir, M.K., Elgün, A., 2014. Comparison of autoclave, microwave, IR and UV-C stabilization of whole wheat flour branny fractions upon the nutritional properties of whole wheat bread. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(1): 59-66.
  • Gamez-Meza, N., Noriega-Rodriguez, J.A., Medina-Juarez, L.A., Ortega Garcia, J., Cazarez-Casanova, R., Angulo-Guerrero, O., 1999. Antioxidant activity in soybean oil of extracts from thompson grape bagasse. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (JAOCS), 76:1445-1447.
  • Ge, Y., Sun, A., Ni, Y., Cai, T., 2001. Study and development of a defatted wheat germ nutritive noodle. European Food Research and Technology, 212(3):344-348.
  • Giannuzzi, L., 1998. Mathematical modeling of microbial growth in fresh filled pasta stored at different temperatures. Journal of Food Processing Preservation, 22:433-447.
  • Gómez, M., González, J., Oliete, B., 2012. Effect of extruded wheat germ on dough rheology and bread quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(6): 2409-2418.
  • Gyamfi, M.A., Yonamine, M., Aniya, Y., 1999. Free radical scavenging action of medical herbs from ghane: Thonningia sanguinea on experimentally-induced liver injuries. General Pharma, 32 (6): 661-667.
  • Haug, W., Lantzsch, H.J., 1983. Sensitive method for the rapid determination of phytate in cereals and cereals product. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 34:1423-1426.
  • Javed, M.M., Zahoor, S., Shafaat, S., Mehmooda, I., Gul, A., Rasheed, H., Bukhari, S.A. I., Aftab, M.N., 2012. Wheat bran as a brown gold: nutritious value and its biotechnological applications. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6:724-733.
  • Kahveci, B., Özkaya, H., 1989. Farklı oranlarda ekmeklik buğday katılmış bazı durum çeşitlerinin makarnalık kalitesi üzerine araştırmalar. Doğa, 13 (3):1033-1047.
  • Kaur, G., Sharma, S., Nagi, H.P.S., Dar, B.N., 2012. Functional properties of pasta enriched with variable cereal brans. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49, 467–474.
  • Majzoobi, M., Farhoodi, S., Farahnaky, A., Taghipour, M.J., 2012. Properties of dough and flat bread containing wheat germ. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 14: 1053-1065.
  • Northolt, M.D., Bullerman, L.B., 1982. Prevention of mold growth and toxin production through control of environmental conditions. Journal of Food Protection, 45(6):519-526.
  • Ogawa, M., Tanaka, K., Kasai, Z., 1979. Phytic acid formation in dissected ripening rice grains. Agricultural Biological Chemistry 43(10):2211-2213.
  • Oh, N.H., Seib, P.A., Chung, D.S., Deyoe, C.W., 1985. Noodle. III. Effects of processing variables on the quality of dry noodle. Cereal Chemistry, 62 (6):437-440.
  • Pınarlı, İ., İbanoğlu, Ş., Öner, M.D., 2004. Effect of storage on the selected properties of macaroni enriched with wheat germ. Journal of Food Engineering, 64:249-256.
  • Rebolleda, S., Beltraan, S., Sanz, M.T., Gonzalez-Sanjose, M.L., Solaesa, A.G., 2013. Extraction of alkylresorcinols from wheat bran with supercritical CO2. Journal of Food Engineering, 119:814–821.
  • Reddy, N.R., Sathe, S.K., Salunke, D.H., 1982. Phytates in legumes and cereals. Advances in Food Research, 28:1-92.
  • Reisinger, M., Tirpanalan, Ö., Prückler, M., Huber, F., Kneifel, W., Novalin, S., 2013. Wheat bran biorefinery – A detailed investigation on hydrothermal and enzymatic treatment. Bioresource Technology, 144:179-185.
  • Sanguinetti, A.M., Del Caro, A., Mangia, N.P., Secchi, N., Catzeddu, P., Piga, A., 2011. Quality changes of fresh filled pasta during storage: Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on microbial growth and sensory properties. Food Science and Technology International, 17:23-29.
  • Sanguinetti, A.M., Secchi, N., Del Caro, A., Fadda, C., Fenı, P.A.M., Catzeddu, P., Piga, A., 2015. Gluten-free fresh filled pasta: the effects of xanthan and guar gum on changes in quality parameters after pasteurisation and during storage. LWT-Food Science and Technolgy, 64:678-684.
  • Sievwright, C.A., Shipe, W.F., 1986. Effect of storage conditions and chemical treatments on firmness, in vitro protein digestibility, condensed tannins, phytic acid and divalent cations of cooked black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Food Science, 51(4):982-987.
  • Slinkard, K., Singelton, V.L., 1977. Total phenolic analysis, automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28:49-55.
  • Sobota, A., Rzedzicki, Z., Zarzycki, P., Kuzawinska, E., 2015. Application of common wheat bran for the industrial production of high-fiber pasta. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50:111–119.
  • Tarzi, B.G., Valeh, S., Mehrdad, G., 2012. Quality evaluation of pasta enriched with heated and unheated wheat germ during storage. Advances in Environmental Biology, 1700-1708.
  • Tazrart, K., Lamacchia, C., Zaidi, F., Haros, M., 2016. Nutrient composition and in vitro digestibility of fresh pasta enriched with Vicia faba. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 47:8-15.
  • Wojtowicz, A., Moscicki, L., 2011. Effect of wheat bran addition and screw speed on microstructure and textural characteristics of common wheat precooked pasta-like products. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, 61:101–107.
  • Zardetto, S., Dalla Rosa, M., 2007. Effect of heat treatment on the microbiology and quality of fresh filled pasta. In New Issues in Food Policy, Control and Research (P. Riley, ed.) pp. 45–66. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, NY.
  • Zardetto, S., Di Fresco, S., Dalla Rosa, M., 2002, Effetto di trattamenti termici sulle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della pasta. Tecnica Molitoria, 2:113-130.
  • Zhokhov, S.S., Broberg, A., Kenne, L., Jastrebova, J., 2010. Content of antioxidant hydroquinones substituted by beta-1, 6-linked oligosaccharides in wheat milled fractions, flours andbreads. Food Chemistry, 121(3):645–652.
  • Zuliani, R., 1998. Studio sulle capacita` di reidratazione di pasta farcita. Degree Thesis, University of Udine, Italy, p. 80.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği, Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tekmile Cankurtaran Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7281-209X

Nermin Bilgiçli 0000-0001-5490-9824

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Cankurtaran, T., & Bilgiçli, N. (2019). Farklı Depolama Sürelerinin Dolgulu Yaş Makarnanın Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(4), 451-462.

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13435  19617   22065  13436  1344013445  13464  22066   22069  13466 

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