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Geleneksel kek formülasyonunda yumurta yerine nohut suyu kullanımı

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 20.03.2020


Bu çalışmada, kek formulasyonunda yumurta yerine %0-25-50-75-100 oranlarında nohut suyu ikame edilebilme potansiyeli araştırılmış ve nohut suyu ile üretilen kek örneklerinin kalite karakteristikleri belirlenmiştir. Kek örneklerinin fiziksel (renk analizi, hacim indeksi, simetri indeksi, tek düzelik), kimyasal (rutubet, pH, kül, protein) ve duyusal özellikleri incelenmiştir. %25 nohut suyu-%75 tüm yumurta ve %50 nohut suyu -%50 tüm yumurta karışımları, yumurta ve nohut suyunun diger ikame oranlarına göre daha çok köpük kapasitesi değeri göstermiştir. %25 nohut suyu kullanımı ile kontrol örneğe benzer hacim indeksi değeri elde edilirken %50 den fazla nohut suyu kullanım oranı hacim indeksinde düşmeye ve kek sıkılığında bir artışa sebep olmuştur. %50 nohut suyu kullanılan kek örneğinde 0.00 mm değerine yakın istenen tek düzelik indeks değeri elde edilmiştir. Kek içi kırmızılık değerinin %0 dan %100 e nohut suyu kullanımı ile azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Duyusal analiz sonuçlarına gore panelistler tarafından %25 nohut suyu içeren kek örneği daha çok tercih edilmiştir.


  • American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), Approved methods, AACC, (1990). Washington, DC, USA,
  • Arozarena, I., Bertholo, H., Empis, J., Bunger, A., and Sousa, I. (2001). Study of the total replacement of egg by white lupine protein, emulsifiers and xanthan gum in yellow cakes. European Food Research and Technology, 213 (4-5), 312-316.
  • Baik, B. K., and Han, I. H. (2012). Cooking, roasting, and fermentation of chickpeas, lentils, peas, and soybeans for fortification of leavened bread. Cereal Chemistry, 89(6), 269-275.
  • Bath, D.E., Shelke, K., and Hoseney, R.C. (1992). Fat replacers in high ratio cake layer cakes. Cereal Foods World. 37(7), 495-500.
  • Cherian, B. M., Leão, A. L., Caldeira, M. D. S., Chiarelli, D., de Souza, S. F., Narine, S., and de Morais Chaves, M. R. (2012). Use of saponins as an effective surface modifier in cellulose nanocomposites. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 556(1), 233-245.
  • Díaz-Ramírez, M., Calderón-Domínguez, G., García-Garibay, M., Jiménez-Guzmán, J., Villanueva-Carvajal, A., de la Paz Salgado-Cruz, M., and Del Moral-Ramírez, E. (2016). Effect of whey protein isolate addition on physical, structural and sensory properties of sponge cake. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 633-639.
  • Ghribi, A. M., Sila, A., Gafsi, I. M., Blecker, C., Danthine, S., Attia, H., and Besbes, S. (2015). Structural, functional, and ACE inhibitory properties of water-soluble polysaccharides from chickpea flours. International Journal of Biologcal Macromolecules, 75, 276-282.
  • Gómez, M., Moraleja, A., Oliete, B., Ruiz, E., and Caballero, P. A. (2010). Effect of fibre size on the quality of fibre-enriched layer cakes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 43(1), 33-38.
  • Hedayati, S., and Mazaheri Tehrani, M. (2018). Effect of total replacement of egg by soymilk and lecithin on physical properties of batter and cake. Food Science & Nutrition, 6(4), 1154-1161.
  • Jarpa‐Parra, M., Wong, L., Wismer, W., Temelli, F., Han, J., Huang, W., and Chen, L. (2017). Quality characteristics of angel food cake and muffin using lentil protein as egg/milk replacer. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52(7), 1604-1613.
  • Jyotsna, R., Sai Manohar, R., Indrani, D., and Venkateswara Rao, G. (2007). Effect of whey protein concentrate on the rheological and baking properties of eggless cake. International Journal of Food Properties, 10(3), 599-606.
  • Kiosseoglou, V., and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2014). Eggs. In. Zhou, Y. H. Hui, I. D. Leyn, M. A. Pagani, C. M. Rosell, J. D. Selman, et al. (eds.), Bakery Products Science and Technology, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 243-258.
  • Köklü, G., and Özer, M.S. (2008). A Study On Effects Of Some Emulsifiers On Cake Quality In Sponge Type Cake Production. Çukurova University Insitute of Natural and Applied Science, 19(2), 78-87.
  • Levent, H., and Bilgiçli, N. (2013). Quality evaluation of wheat germ cake prepared with different emulsifiers. Journal of Food Quality, 36(5), 334-341.
  • Liang, Y., and Kristinsson, H.G. (2007). Structural and foaming properties of egg albumen subjected to different pH-treatment in the presence of calcium ions. Food Research International, 40(6), 668–678.
  • Lin, M., Tay, S. H., Yang, H., Yang, B., and Li, H. (2017b). Development of eggless cakes suitable for lacto-vegetarians using isolated pea proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 69, 440-449.
  • Lin, M., Tay, S. H., Yang, H., Yang, B., and Li, H. (2017a). Replacement of eggs with soybean protein isolates and polysaccharides to prepare yellow cakes suitable for vegetarians. Food Chemistry, 229, 663-673.
  • Liu, S., Elmer, C., Low, N.H., and Nickerson, M.T. (2010). Effect of pH on the functional behaviour of pea protein isolate-gum arabic complexes. Food Research International, 43(2), 489–495.
  • Lomakina, K., and Mìková, K. (2006). A study of the factors affecting the foaming properties of egg white - a review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 24(3), 110–118.
  • Martinez, M., Stone, A. K., Yovchev, A. G., Peter, R., Vandenberg, A., and Nickerson, M. T. (2016). Effect of genotype and environment on the surface characteristics and functionality of air-classified faba bean protein concentrates. European Food Research and Technology, 242(11), 1903-1911.
  • Masoodi, F.A., Sharma, B., and Chauan, G.S. (2002). Use of apple pomace as a source of diet dry fiber in cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 57(2), 121-128.
  • Mercan, N. (1998). Investigations on the effects of some emulsifiers on cake quality. M.Sc. Thesis, Istanbul University, Food Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Mustafa, R., He, Y., Shim, Y. Y., and Reaney, M. J. (2018). Aquafaba, wastewater from chickpea canning, functions as an egg replacer in sponge cake. International Journal of Food Scirnce & Technology, 53(10), 2247-2255.
  • Noğay, O. (2014). Effect of pomegranate seed powders obtai̇ned by di̇fferent methods of quali̇ty characteristics of muffi̇n cake. M.Sc. Thesis, Pamukkale University, Food Engineering Department, Denizli, Turkey.
  • Paraskevopoulou, A., Donsouzi, S., Nikiforidis, C. V., and Kiosseoglou, V. (2015). Quality characteristics of egg-reduced pound cakes following WPI and emulsifier incorporation. Food Research International, 69, 72-79.
  • Pyler, E. J. (1988). Baking Science and Technology. Sosland Publishing Company, USA, 1345.
  • Rahmati, N. F., and Mazaheri Tehrani, M. (2014a). Replacement of egg in cake: Effect of soy milk on quality and sensory characteristics. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39(6), 574-582.
  • Rahmati, N. F., and Tehrani, M. M. (2014b). Influence of different emulsifiers on characteristics of eggless cake containing soy milk: Modeling of physical and sensory properties by mixture experimental design. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9), 1697-1710.
  • Ratnayake, W. S., Geera, B., and Rybak, D. A. (2012). Effects of egg and egg replacers on yellow cake product quality. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 36(1), 21-29.
  • Sahi, S. S., and Alava, J. M. (2003). Functionality of emulsifiers in sponge cake production. Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture, 83(14), 1419-1429.
  • Shao, Y. Y., Lin, K. H., and Chen, Y. H. (2015). Batter and product quality of eggless cakes made of different types of flours and gums. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39(6), 2959-2968.
  • Singh, A., Geveke, D. J., Jones, D. R., and Tilman, E. D. (2019). Can acceptable quality angel food cakes be made using pasteurized shell eggs? The effects of mixing factors on functional properties of angel food cakes. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(3), 987–996.
  • Singh, A., and Ramaswamy, H. (2013). Effect of high pressure processing on color and textural properties of eggs. Journal of Food Research, 2(4), 11.
  • Stantiall, S. E., Dale, K. J., Calizo, F. S., and Serventi, L. (2018). Application of pulses cooking water as functional ingredients: the foaming and gelling abilities. European Food Research and Technology, 244(1), 97-104.
  • Tan, M. C., Chin, N. L., Yusof, Y. A., Taip, F. S., and Abdullah, J. (2015). Improvement of eggless cake structure using ultrasonically treated whey protein. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8(3), 605-614.
  • Van der Plancken, I., Van Loey, A., and Hendrickx, M. E. (2005). Combined effect of high pressure and temperature on selected properties of egg white proteins. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 6(1), 11–20.

Possibility of using 'chickpea aquafaba' as egg replacer in traditional cake formulation

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 20.03.2020


The objective of this study was to determinate the possibility of substituting egg with chickpea aquafaba at different levels (0-25-50-75-100%) in cake formulation and the quality characteristics of cake made with aquafaba. Physical (color analysis, volume index, symmetry index, and uniformity index), chemical (moisture, pH ash, protein) and sensorial properties of the cake samples were evaluated. 25% aquafaba-75% whole egg and 50% aquafaba-50% whole egg mixtures resulted in higher foaming capacity values than whole egg and the other replacement levels of aquafaba. Whole egg and aquafaba gave similar foaming stability values. While the use of up to 25 % aquafaba gave similar volume index values with control cake sample. Using more than 50% aquafaba in cake formulation concluded with an increase in firmness values. 50% aquafaba added cake sample showed desired uniformity index values close to 0.00 mm. Results showed that increasing the aquafaba in the cake samples from 0 to 100% decreased crumb redness. The results of sensory evaluation indicated that samples containing 25% aquafaba were more preferred by panelists.


  • American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), Approved methods, AACC, (1990). Washington, DC, USA,
  • Arozarena, I., Bertholo, H., Empis, J., Bunger, A., and Sousa, I. (2001). Study of the total replacement of egg by white lupine protein, emulsifiers and xanthan gum in yellow cakes. European Food Research and Technology, 213 (4-5), 312-316.
  • Baik, B. K., and Han, I. H. (2012). Cooking, roasting, and fermentation of chickpeas, lentils, peas, and soybeans for fortification of leavened bread. Cereal Chemistry, 89(6), 269-275.
  • Bath, D.E., Shelke, K., and Hoseney, R.C. (1992). Fat replacers in high ratio cake layer cakes. Cereal Foods World. 37(7), 495-500.
  • Cherian, B. M., Leão, A. L., Caldeira, M. D. S., Chiarelli, D., de Souza, S. F., Narine, S., and de Morais Chaves, M. R. (2012). Use of saponins as an effective surface modifier in cellulose nanocomposites. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 556(1), 233-245.
  • Díaz-Ramírez, M., Calderón-Domínguez, G., García-Garibay, M., Jiménez-Guzmán, J., Villanueva-Carvajal, A., de la Paz Salgado-Cruz, M., and Del Moral-Ramírez, E. (2016). Effect of whey protein isolate addition on physical, structural and sensory properties of sponge cake. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 633-639.
  • Ghribi, A. M., Sila, A., Gafsi, I. M., Blecker, C., Danthine, S., Attia, H., and Besbes, S. (2015). Structural, functional, and ACE inhibitory properties of water-soluble polysaccharides from chickpea flours. International Journal of Biologcal Macromolecules, 75, 276-282.
  • Gómez, M., Moraleja, A., Oliete, B., Ruiz, E., and Caballero, P. A. (2010). Effect of fibre size on the quality of fibre-enriched layer cakes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 43(1), 33-38.
  • Hedayati, S., and Mazaheri Tehrani, M. (2018). Effect of total replacement of egg by soymilk and lecithin on physical properties of batter and cake. Food Science & Nutrition, 6(4), 1154-1161.
  • Jarpa‐Parra, M., Wong, L., Wismer, W., Temelli, F., Han, J., Huang, W., and Chen, L. (2017). Quality characteristics of angel food cake and muffin using lentil protein as egg/milk replacer. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52(7), 1604-1613.
  • Jyotsna, R., Sai Manohar, R., Indrani, D., and Venkateswara Rao, G. (2007). Effect of whey protein concentrate on the rheological and baking properties of eggless cake. International Journal of Food Properties, 10(3), 599-606.
  • Kiosseoglou, V., and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2014). Eggs. In. Zhou, Y. H. Hui, I. D. Leyn, M. A. Pagani, C. M. Rosell, J. D. Selman, et al. (eds.), Bakery Products Science and Technology, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 243-258.
  • Köklü, G., and Özer, M.S. (2008). A Study On Effects Of Some Emulsifiers On Cake Quality In Sponge Type Cake Production. Çukurova University Insitute of Natural and Applied Science, 19(2), 78-87.
  • Levent, H., and Bilgiçli, N. (2013). Quality evaluation of wheat germ cake prepared with different emulsifiers. Journal of Food Quality, 36(5), 334-341.
  • Liang, Y., and Kristinsson, H.G. (2007). Structural and foaming properties of egg albumen subjected to different pH-treatment in the presence of calcium ions. Food Research International, 40(6), 668–678.
  • Lin, M., Tay, S. H., Yang, H., Yang, B., and Li, H. (2017b). Development of eggless cakes suitable for lacto-vegetarians using isolated pea proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 69, 440-449.
  • Lin, M., Tay, S. H., Yang, H., Yang, B., and Li, H. (2017a). Replacement of eggs with soybean protein isolates and polysaccharides to prepare yellow cakes suitable for vegetarians. Food Chemistry, 229, 663-673.
  • Liu, S., Elmer, C., Low, N.H., and Nickerson, M.T. (2010). Effect of pH on the functional behaviour of pea protein isolate-gum arabic complexes. Food Research International, 43(2), 489–495.
  • Lomakina, K., and Mìková, K. (2006). A study of the factors affecting the foaming properties of egg white - a review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 24(3), 110–118.
  • Martinez, M., Stone, A. K., Yovchev, A. G., Peter, R., Vandenberg, A., and Nickerson, M. T. (2016). Effect of genotype and environment on the surface characteristics and functionality of air-classified faba bean protein concentrates. European Food Research and Technology, 242(11), 1903-1911.
  • Masoodi, F.A., Sharma, B., and Chauan, G.S. (2002). Use of apple pomace as a source of diet dry fiber in cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 57(2), 121-128.
  • Mercan, N. (1998). Investigations on the effects of some emulsifiers on cake quality. M.Sc. Thesis, Istanbul University, Food Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Mustafa, R., He, Y., Shim, Y. Y., and Reaney, M. J. (2018). Aquafaba, wastewater from chickpea canning, functions as an egg replacer in sponge cake. International Journal of Food Scirnce & Technology, 53(10), 2247-2255.
  • Noğay, O. (2014). Effect of pomegranate seed powders obtai̇ned by di̇fferent methods of quali̇ty characteristics of muffi̇n cake. M.Sc. Thesis, Pamukkale University, Food Engineering Department, Denizli, Turkey.
  • Paraskevopoulou, A., Donsouzi, S., Nikiforidis, C. V., and Kiosseoglou, V. (2015). Quality characteristics of egg-reduced pound cakes following WPI and emulsifier incorporation. Food Research International, 69, 72-79.
  • Pyler, E. J. (1988). Baking Science and Technology. Sosland Publishing Company, USA, 1345.
  • Rahmati, N. F., and Mazaheri Tehrani, M. (2014a). Replacement of egg in cake: Effect of soy milk on quality and sensory characteristics. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39(6), 574-582.
  • Rahmati, N. F., and Tehrani, M. M. (2014b). Influence of different emulsifiers on characteristics of eggless cake containing soy milk: Modeling of physical and sensory properties by mixture experimental design. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9), 1697-1710.
  • Ratnayake, W. S., Geera, B., and Rybak, D. A. (2012). Effects of egg and egg replacers on yellow cake product quality. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 36(1), 21-29.
  • Sahi, S. S., and Alava, J. M. (2003). Functionality of emulsifiers in sponge cake production. Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture, 83(14), 1419-1429.
  • Shao, Y. Y., Lin, K. H., and Chen, Y. H. (2015). Batter and product quality of eggless cakes made of different types of flours and gums. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39(6), 2959-2968.
  • Singh, A., Geveke, D. J., Jones, D. R., and Tilman, E. D. (2019). Can acceptable quality angel food cakes be made using pasteurized shell eggs? The effects of mixing factors on functional properties of angel food cakes. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(3), 987–996.
  • Singh, A., and Ramaswamy, H. (2013). Effect of high pressure processing on color and textural properties of eggs. Journal of Food Research, 2(4), 11.
  • Stantiall, S. E., Dale, K. J., Calizo, F. S., and Serventi, L. (2018). Application of pulses cooking water as functional ingredients: the foaming and gelling abilities. European Food Research and Technology, 244(1), 97-104.
  • Tan, M. C., Chin, N. L., Yusof, Y. A., Taip, F. S., and Abdullah, J. (2015). Improvement of eggless cake structure using ultrasonically treated whey protein. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8(3), 605-614.
  • Van der Plancken, I., Van Loey, A., and Hendrickx, M. E. (2005). Combined effect of high pressure and temperature on selected properties of egg white proteins. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 6(1), 11–20.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mine Aslan 0000-0002-7589-3523

Nilgün Ertaş 0000-0002-0671-2485

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, M., & Ertaş, N. (2020). Possibility of using ’chickpea aquafaba’ as egg replacer in traditional cake formulation. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(1), 1-8.

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