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Spray drying of organic strawberry extract

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 126 - 139, 24.06.2020


In this study, the effects of spray drying parameters on organic strawberry extract were investigated. Response surface methodology was applied to optimize spray drying conditions. Air inlet temperature (120-150°C), extract mass percentage in the feed mixture (m/m in dry basis 15-50%) and solid content of feed (20-40 Brix) were the independent process variables and maltodextrin was used as encapsulating agent. The responses of model were operational efficiency (yield) and phenolic retention. The optimum temperature, extract mass percentage and solid content of feed were estimated as 120°C, 23.26% (m/m) extract, and 20.00 Brix. The maximum levels of responses under optimum conditions were obtained as operational efficiency of 91.95% and phenolic retention of 79.62%. It was found that the most important variable was extract mass percentage in production of strawberry extract powders. As a result, organic strawberry extract powder can be effectively produced by spray drying.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası

2210/C öncelikli alanlar bursu


We are very grateful for the financial support of “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey” (TUBITAK) during the research of this subject (2211/2210-C). We are grateful for the financial support provided by funding bodies within the FP7 ERA-Net CORE Organic Plus, and with cofunds from the European Commission for this project. We would also like to thank Bursa Central Research Institute of Food and Feed Control for financial support.


  • AOAC (1995). Official methods of analysis (16th. ed.). Arlington, VA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Azmir, J., Zaidul, I. S. M., Rahman, M. M., Sharif, K. M., Mohamed, A., Sahena, F., Jahurul, M. H. A., Ghafoor, K., Norulaini, N. A. N., Omar, A. K. M. (2013). Techniques for extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials: a review. Journal of Food Engineering, 117(4), 426-436.
  • Bakowska-Barczak, A. M., Kolodziejczyk, P. P. (2011). Black currant polyphenols: Their storage stability and microencapsulation. Industrial Crops and Products, 34(2), 1301-1309.
  • Bazaria, B., Kumar, P. (2016). Effect of whey protein concentrate as drying aid and drying parameters on physicochemical and functional properties of spray dried beetroot juice concentrate. Food Bioscience, 14, 21-27.
  • Benzie, I. F. F., Strain, J. J. (1996). The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of ''antioxidant power'': The FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 239(1), 70-76.
  • Brandwilliams, W., Cuvelier, M. E., Berset, C. (1995). Use of a Free-Radical Method to Evaluate Antioxidant Activity. Food Science and Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 28(1), 25-30.
  • Cai, Y. Z., Corke, H. (2000). Production and Properties of Spray‐dried Amaranthus Betacyanin Pigments. Journal of Food Science, 65(7), 1248-1252.
  • Can Karaca, A., Guzel, O., Ak, M. M. (2016). Effects of processing conditions and formulation on spray drying of sour cherry juice concentrate. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(2), 449-455.
  • Çam, M., İçyer, N. C., Erdoğan, F. (2014). Pomegranate peel phenolics: microencapsulation, storage stability and potential ingredient for functional food development. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 55(1), 117-123.
  • Daza, L. D., Fujita, A., Fávaro-Trindade, C. S., Rodrigues-Ract, J. N., Granato, D., Genovese, M. I. (2016). Effect of spray drying conditions on the physical properties of Cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) fruit extracts. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 97, 20-29.
  • Denev, P., Ciz, M., Ambrozova, G., Lojek, A., Yanakieva, I., Kratchanova, M. (2010). Solid-phase extraction of berries’ anthocyanins and evaluation of their antioxidative properties. Food Chemistry, 123(4), 1055-1061.
  • Ersus, S., Yurdagel, U. (2007). Microencapsulation of anthocyanin pigments of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) by spray drier. Journal of Food Engineering, 80(3), 805-812.
  • Fang, Z., Bhandari, B. (2011). Effect of spray drying and storage on the stability of bayberry polyphenols. Food Chemistry, 129(3), 1139-1147.
  • Farias‐Cervantes, V. S., Chávez‐Rodríguez, A., García‐Salcedo, P. A., García‐López, P. M., and Casas‐Solís, J. (2018). Antimicrobial effect and in vitro release of anthocyanins from berries and Roselle obtained via microencapsulation by spray drying. Journal of food processing and preservation 42(10): e13713.
  • Fazaeli, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z., Ashtari, A.K., Omid, M. (2012). Effect of spray drying conditions and feed composition on the physical properties of black mulberry juice powder. Food and bioproducts processing 90(4): 667-675.
  • Feguš, U., Žigon, U., Petermann, M., Knez, Ž. (2015). Effect of drying parameters on physiochemical and sensory properties of fruit powders processed by PGSS-, Vacuum-and Spray-drying. Acta Chimica Slovenica 62(2): 479-487.
  • Fernandes, V. C., Domingues, V. F., de Freitas, V., Delerue-Matos, C., Mateus, N. (2012). Strawberries from integrated pest management and organic farming: Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties. Food Chemistry, 134(4), 1926-1931.
  • Flores, F. P., Singh, R. K., Kong, F. (2014). Physical and storage properties of spray-dried blueberry pomace extract with whey protein isolate as wall material. Journal of Food Engineering, 137, 1-6.
  • Flores, F. P., Singh, R. K., Kong, F. (2016). Anthocyanin extraction, microencapsulation, and release properties during in vitro digestion. Food Reviews International, 32(1), 46-67.
  • FAO, (2018). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from:
  • Garofulić, I. E., Zorić, Z., Pedisić, S., Dragović-Uzelac, V. (2017). Retention of polyphenols in encapsulated sour cherry juice in dependence of drying temperature and wall material. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 83, 110-117.
  • Gong, Z., Yu, M., Wang, W., Shi, X. (2018). Functionality of spray-dried strawberry powder: effects of whey protein isolate and maltodextrin. International journal of food properties 21(1): 2229-2238.
  • Goula, A. M., Adamopoulos, K. G., Kazakis, N. A. (2004). Influence of spray drying conditions on tomato powder properties. Drying Technology, 22(5), 1129-1151.
  • Horuz, E., Altan, A., Maskan, M. (2012). Spray drying and process optimization of unclarified pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice. Drying Technology, 30(7), 787-798.
  • Howard, L.R., and Hager, T.J. (2007). Berry fruit phytochemicals. Food science and technology-New york-Marcel Dekker-, 168: 73.
  • Igual, M., Ramires, S., Mosquera, L. H., Martínez-Navarrete, N. (2014). Optimization of spray drying conditions for lulo (Solanum quitoense L.) pulp. Powder Technology, 256, 233-238.
  • Jafari, S. M., Ghalenoei, M. G., Dehnad, D. (2017). Influence of spray drying on water solubility index, apparent density, and anthocyanin content of pomegranate juice powder. Powder Technology, 311, 59-65.
  • Kadıoğlu Z, Aslantaş R, Albayrak M, Vurgun H, Esmek İ, Albayrak S (2011). The determination of the yield and quality of some strawberry varieties grown in spring planting in Erzincan ecological condition. In: Proceedings of the Türkiye 6. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi (pp. 576-581). Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
  • Kha, T. C., Nguyen, M. H., Roach, P. D. (2010). Effects of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of the Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis) fruit aril powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 98(3), 385-392.
  • Lee, J., Durst, R. W., Wrolstad, R. E. (2005). Determination of total monomeric anthocyanin pigment content of fruit juices, beverages, natural colorants, and wines by the pH differential method: Collaborative study. Journal of Aoac International, 88(5), 1269-1278.
  • Mahdavi, S. A., Jafari, S. M., Ghorbani, M., Assadpoor, E. (2014). Spray-drying microencapsulation of anthocyanins by natural biopolymers: A review. Drying Technology, 32(5), 509-518.
  • Muradoğlu F, Gündoğdu M, Geçer K, Yılmaz H (2011). Effect of use different runner plant on sugar and phenolic compounds in some strawberry cultivars. In: Proceedings of the Türkiye 6. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi (pp. 397-403). Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
  • Nile, S. H., Park, S. W. (2014). Edible berries: Bioactive components and their effect on human health. Nutrition, 30(2), 134-144.
  • Nunes, G. L., Boaventura, B. C. B., Pinto, S. S., Verruck, S., Murakami, F. S., Prudêncio, E. S.,…Amboni, R. D. D. M. C. (2015). Microencapsulation of freeze concentrated Ilex paraguariensis extract by spray drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 151, 60-68.
  • Santhalakshmy, S., Bosco, S. J. D., Francis, S., Sabeena, M. (2015). Effect of inlet temperature on physicochemical properties of spray-dried jamun fruit juice powder. Powder Technology, 274, 37-43.
  • Singleton, V. L., Orthofer, R., Lamuela-Raventos, R. M. (1999). Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Oxidants and Antioxidants, Pt A, 299, 152-178.
  • Skrovankova, S., Sumczynski, D., Mlcek, J., Jurikova, T., Sochor, J. (2015). Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in different types of berries. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(10), 24673-24706.
  • Szajdek, A., Borowska, E. J. (2008). Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of berry fruits: a review. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 63(4), 147-156.
  • Tan, S. P., Tuyen, C. K., Parks, S. E., Stathopoulos, C. E., Roach, P. D. (2015). Effects of the spray-drying temperatures on the physiochemical properties of an encapsulated bitter melon aqueous extract powder. Powder Technology, 281, 65-75.
  • Terefe, N. S., Matthies, K., Simons, L., Versteeg, C. (2009). Combined high pressure-mild temperature processing for optimal retention of physical and nutritional quality of strawberries (Fragaria×ananassa). Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 10(3), 297-307.
  • Tolun, A., Altintas, Z., Artik, N. (2016). Microencapsulation of grape polyphenols using maltodextrin and gum arabic as two alternative coating materials: Development and characterization. Journal of Biotechnology, 239, 23-33.
  • Vardin, H., Yasar, M. (2012). Optimisation of pomegranate (Punica Granatum L.) juice spray‐drying as affected by temperature and maltodextrin content. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 47(1), 167-176.
  • Zou, Z., Xi, W., Hu, Y., Nie, C., Zhou, Z. (2016). Antioxidant activity of Citrus fruits. Food chemistry 196, 885-896.

Organik çilek özütünün püskürtmeli kurutulması

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 126 - 139, 24.06.2020


Bu çalışmada, püskürtmeli kurutma parametrelerinin organik çilek özütüne etkisi incelenmiştir. Püskürtmeli kurutma koşullarını optimize etmek için tepki yüzey metodolojisi uygulandı. Hava giriş sıcaklığı (120-150°C), besleme karışımındaki özüt kütle yüzdesi (kuru bazda, 15-50%) ve besleme karışımının katı madde miktarı (20-40 Brix) bağımsız işlem değişkenler ve maltodekstrin kaplama ajanı olarak kullanılmıştır. Operasyon verimliliği ve fenolik tutunum modelin yanıt değişkenleridir. Optimum sıcaklık, özüt kütle yüzdesi ve besleme karışımının katı madde miktarı sırasıyla 120°C, %23.26 ve 20.00 Brix olarak bulundu. Optimum koşullarda yanıt değişkenlerinin maksimum seviyeleri %91.95 operasyon verimliliği ve %79.62 fenolik tutunum olarak bulundu. Çilek özüt tozları üretiminde, en önemli değişkenin özüt kütle yüzdesi olduğu bulundu. Sonuç olarak, organik çilek özüt tozu püskürtmeli kurutmayla verimli şekilde üretilebileceği belirlenmiştir.

Proje Numarası

2210/C öncelikli alanlar bursu


  • AOAC (1995). Official methods of analysis (16th. ed.). Arlington, VA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Azmir, J., Zaidul, I. S. M., Rahman, M. M., Sharif, K. M., Mohamed, A., Sahena, F., Jahurul, M. H. A., Ghafoor, K., Norulaini, N. A. N., Omar, A. K. M. (2013). Techniques for extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials: a review. Journal of Food Engineering, 117(4), 426-436.
  • Bakowska-Barczak, A. M., Kolodziejczyk, P. P. (2011). Black currant polyphenols: Their storage stability and microencapsulation. Industrial Crops and Products, 34(2), 1301-1309.
  • Bazaria, B., Kumar, P. (2016). Effect of whey protein concentrate as drying aid and drying parameters on physicochemical and functional properties of spray dried beetroot juice concentrate. Food Bioscience, 14, 21-27.
  • Benzie, I. F. F., Strain, J. J. (1996). The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of ''antioxidant power'': The FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 239(1), 70-76.
  • Brandwilliams, W., Cuvelier, M. E., Berset, C. (1995). Use of a Free-Radical Method to Evaluate Antioxidant Activity. Food Science and Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 28(1), 25-30.
  • Cai, Y. Z., Corke, H. (2000). Production and Properties of Spray‐dried Amaranthus Betacyanin Pigments. Journal of Food Science, 65(7), 1248-1252.
  • Can Karaca, A., Guzel, O., Ak, M. M. (2016). Effects of processing conditions and formulation on spray drying of sour cherry juice concentrate. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(2), 449-455.
  • Çam, M., İçyer, N. C., Erdoğan, F. (2014). Pomegranate peel phenolics: microencapsulation, storage stability and potential ingredient for functional food development. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 55(1), 117-123.
  • Daza, L. D., Fujita, A., Fávaro-Trindade, C. S., Rodrigues-Ract, J. N., Granato, D., Genovese, M. I. (2016). Effect of spray drying conditions on the physical properties of Cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) fruit extracts. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 97, 20-29.
  • Denev, P., Ciz, M., Ambrozova, G., Lojek, A., Yanakieva, I., Kratchanova, M. (2010). Solid-phase extraction of berries’ anthocyanins and evaluation of their antioxidative properties. Food Chemistry, 123(4), 1055-1061.
  • Ersus, S., Yurdagel, U. (2007). Microencapsulation of anthocyanin pigments of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) by spray drier. Journal of Food Engineering, 80(3), 805-812.
  • Fang, Z., Bhandari, B. (2011). Effect of spray drying and storage on the stability of bayberry polyphenols. Food Chemistry, 129(3), 1139-1147.
  • Farias‐Cervantes, V. S., Chávez‐Rodríguez, A., García‐Salcedo, P. A., García‐López, P. M., and Casas‐Solís, J. (2018). Antimicrobial effect and in vitro release of anthocyanins from berries and Roselle obtained via microencapsulation by spray drying. Journal of food processing and preservation 42(10): e13713.
  • Fazaeli, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z., Ashtari, A.K., Omid, M. (2012). Effect of spray drying conditions and feed composition on the physical properties of black mulberry juice powder. Food and bioproducts processing 90(4): 667-675.
  • Feguš, U., Žigon, U., Petermann, M., Knez, Ž. (2015). Effect of drying parameters on physiochemical and sensory properties of fruit powders processed by PGSS-, Vacuum-and Spray-drying. Acta Chimica Slovenica 62(2): 479-487.
  • Fernandes, V. C., Domingues, V. F., de Freitas, V., Delerue-Matos, C., Mateus, N. (2012). Strawberries from integrated pest management and organic farming: Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties. Food Chemistry, 134(4), 1926-1931.
  • Flores, F. P., Singh, R. K., Kong, F. (2014). Physical and storage properties of spray-dried blueberry pomace extract with whey protein isolate as wall material. Journal of Food Engineering, 137, 1-6.
  • Flores, F. P., Singh, R. K., Kong, F. (2016). Anthocyanin extraction, microencapsulation, and release properties during in vitro digestion. Food Reviews International, 32(1), 46-67.
  • FAO, (2018). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from:
  • Garofulić, I. E., Zorić, Z., Pedisić, S., Dragović-Uzelac, V. (2017). Retention of polyphenols in encapsulated sour cherry juice in dependence of drying temperature and wall material. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 83, 110-117.
  • Gong, Z., Yu, M., Wang, W., Shi, X. (2018). Functionality of spray-dried strawberry powder: effects of whey protein isolate and maltodextrin. International journal of food properties 21(1): 2229-2238.
  • Goula, A. M., Adamopoulos, K. G., Kazakis, N. A. (2004). Influence of spray drying conditions on tomato powder properties. Drying Technology, 22(5), 1129-1151.
  • Horuz, E., Altan, A., Maskan, M. (2012). Spray drying and process optimization of unclarified pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice. Drying Technology, 30(7), 787-798.
  • Howard, L.R., and Hager, T.J. (2007). Berry fruit phytochemicals. Food science and technology-New york-Marcel Dekker-, 168: 73.
  • Igual, M., Ramires, S., Mosquera, L. H., Martínez-Navarrete, N. (2014). Optimization of spray drying conditions for lulo (Solanum quitoense L.) pulp. Powder Technology, 256, 233-238.
  • Jafari, S. M., Ghalenoei, M. G., Dehnad, D. (2017). Influence of spray drying on water solubility index, apparent density, and anthocyanin content of pomegranate juice powder. Powder Technology, 311, 59-65.
  • Kadıoğlu Z, Aslantaş R, Albayrak M, Vurgun H, Esmek İ, Albayrak S (2011). The determination of the yield and quality of some strawberry varieties grown in spring planting in Erzincan ecological condition. In: Proceedings of the Türkiye 6. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi (pp. 576-581). Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
  • Kha, T. C., Nguyen, M. H., Roach, P. D. (2010). Effects of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of the Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis) fruit aril powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 98(3), 385-392.
  • Lee, J., Durst, R. W., Wrolstad, R. E. (2005). Determination of total monomeric anthocyanin pigment content of fruit juices, beverages, natural colorants, and wines by the pH differential method: Collaborative study. Journal of Aoac International, 88(5), 1269-1278.
  • Mahdavi, S. A., Jafari, S. M., Ghorbani, M., Assadpoor, E. (2014). Spray-drying microencapsulation of anthocyanins by natural biopolymers: A review. Drying Technology, 32(5), 509-518.
  • Muradoğlu F, Gündoğdu M, Geçer K, Yılmaz H (2011). Effect of use different runner plant on sugar and phenolic compounds in some strawberry cultivars. In: Proceedings of the Türkiye 6. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi (pp. 397-403). Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
  • Nile, S. H., Park, S. W. (2014). Edible berries: Bioactive components and their effect on human health. Nutrition, 30(2), 134-144.
  • Nunes, G. L., Boaventura, B. C. B., Pinto, S. S., Verruck, S., Murakami, F. S., Prudêncio, E. S.,…Amboni, R. D. D. M. C. (2015). Microencapsulation of freeze concentrated Ilex paraguariensis extract by spray drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 151, 60-68.
  • Santhalakshmy, S., Bosco, S. J. D., Francis, S., Sabeena, M. (2015). Effect of inlet temperature on physicochemical properties of spray-dried jamun fruit juice powder. Powder Technology, 274, 37-43.
  • Singleton, V. L., Orthofer, R., Lamuela-Raventos, R. M. (1999). Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Oxidants and Antioxidants, Pt A, 299, 152-178.
  • Skrovankova, S., Sumczynski, D., Mlcek, J., Jurikova, T., Sochor, J. (2015). Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in different types of berries. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(10), 24673-24706.
  • Szajdek, A., Borowska, E. J. (2008). Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of berry fruits: a review. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 63(4), 147-156.
  • Tan, S. P., Tuyen, C. K., Parks, S. E., Stathopoulos, C. E., Roach, P. D. (2015). Effects of the spray-drying temperatures on the physiochemical properties of an encapsulated bitter melon aqueous extract powder. Powder Technology, 281, 65-75.
  • Terefe, N. S., Matthies, K., Simons, L., Versteeg, C. (2009). Combined high pressure-mild temperature processing for optimal retention of physical and nutritional quality of strawberries (Fragaria×ananassa). Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 10(3), 297-307.
  • Tolun, A., Altintas, Z., Artik, N. (2016). Microencapsulation of grape polyphenols using maltodextrin and gum arabic as two alternative coating materials: Development and characterization. Journal of Biotechnology, 239, 23-33.
  • Vardin, H., Yasar, M. (2012). Optimisation of pomegranate (Punica Granatum L.) juice spray‐drying as affected by temperature and maltodextrin content. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 47(1), 167-176.
  • Zou, Z., Xi, W., Hu, Y., Nie, C., Zhou, Z. (2016). Antioxidant activity of Citrus fruits. Food chemistry 196, 885-896.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sultan Can 0000-0003-1142-6827

Fahrettin Göğüş 0000-0002-8610-5297

Hüseyin Bozkurt 0000-0003-4676-6354

Proje Numarası 2210/C öncelikli alanlar bursu
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Can, S., Göğüş, F., & Bozkurt, H. (2020). Spray drying of organic strawberry extract. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(2), 126-139.

Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler

13435  19617   22065  13436  1344013445  13464  22066   22069  13466 

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