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Effects of hydrosols from thyme, lavender and medicinal mint on gilaburu fermentation and gilaburu juice

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 146 - 164, 25.03.2024


Fermented gilaburu juice is a traditional fermented beverage produced by natural fermentation of gilaburu fruit (Viburnum opulus L.) with lactic acid bacteria. The distinctive astringent and bitter taste of the fruit, which limits its fresh consumption, can be reduced after applications such as fermentation and heat treatment. However, it is not possible to completely remove the astringent and bitter taste that may affect the sensory character of the fruit and the product to be obtained and limit its consumption. In this study, fermentation was carried out with hydrosol, which is the waste product of hydrodistillation, in order to reduce the astringent and bitter taste of gilaburu fruit and to obtain bioactive and sensory improved gilaburu juice. For this purpose, thyme, lavender and piperita hydrosols were added to the gilaburu fermentation medium at ratios of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% (v/v) and fermentation was carried out by traditional method for 4 months. During fermentation, fermented gilaburu juices and hydrosols were collected and sensory analyses were carried out by determining pH, acidity, colour, turbidity, phenolic matter, flavonoid matter, hydrolysed tannin, anthocyanin and antioxidant activity values of the samples. It was determined that gilaburu juice samples fermented with hydrosol had significantly (p<0.05) higher antioxidant activity value (19-30 mg TE 100 ml-1) than the control group. In addition, it was determined that the sensory perception of astringency in gilaburu juice samples fermented with hydrosol was less than the control group. With this study, both the distillation waste product was utilised and new alternative fermented beverages were obtained by adding bioactive substances that may come from this product to the fermented product.

Proje Numarası



  • Alice, G., Corina, B., Lucia, P., Sultana, N., Bazdoaca, C., & Nicoleta, D. (2019). Polyphenol Content Dynamics in Hydrodistillation Water Residues of Lamiaceae Species. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants, 22(3), 858–64.
  • Ankolekar, C., Johnson, K., Pinto, M., Johnson, D., Labbe, R.G., Greene, D., & Shetty, K. (2012). Fermentation of whole apple juice using lactobacillus acidophilus for potential dietary management of hyperglycemia , hypertension , and modulation of beneficial bacterial responses. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 36, 718–38.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. S., Gıda Analizleri, Ankara Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Ankara, 2013.
  • Çam, M., & Y. Hişil. (2007). Comparison of Chemical Characteristics of Fresh and Pasteurised Juice of Gilaburu (Viburnum Opulus L.). Acta Alimentaria, 36(3), 381–85.
  • D’Amato, Serena, Serio, A., López, C. C., & Paparella, A. (2018). Hydrosols: Biological Activity and Potential as Antimicrobials for Food Applications. Food Control, 86, 126–37.
  • Huang, Y., Wang, H., & Zhu, C. (2019). Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation on Antioxidation and Bioactivity of Hawthorn Pulp. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 267(6).
  • İncegül, Y., & Çam, M. (2021). Recovery of Water ‑ Soluble Materials after Distillation of Sage ( Salvia Officinalis L .) and the Use of Materials in the Production of Cake and Ice Cream. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15, 2688–94.
  • Kaprasob, R., Kerdchoechuen, O., Laohakunjit, N., Sarkar, D., & Shetty, K. (2017). Fermentation-Based Biotransformation of Bioactive Phenolics and Volatile Compounds from Cashew Apple Juice by Select Lactic Acid Bacteria. Process Biochemistry, 59, 141–49.
  • Kraujalyte, V., Leitner, E., & Venskutonis, P, R. (2012). Chemical and sensory characterisation of aroma of Viburnum opulus fruits by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography–olfactometry. Food Chemistry, 132, 717–723.
  • Mielnik, M. B., Sem, S., Egelandsdal, B., & Skrede, G. (2008). By-products from herbs essential oil production as ingredient in marinade for turkey thighs. LWT, 41, 93-100.
  • Ya-ting, L. (2016). A Study of the Effect of Lavender Fl Oral-Water Eye-Mask Aromatherapy on the Autonomous Nervous System. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8(5), 781–88.
  • Spréa, R. M., Caleja, C., Pinela, J., Finimundy, T. C., Calhelha, R. C., Kostić, M., Sokovic, M., Prieto, M. A., Pereira, E., Amaral, J. S. & Barros, L. (2022). Comparative Study on the Phenolic Composition and in Vitro Bioactivity of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants from the Lamiaceae Family. Food Research International, 161.
  • Mousavi, Z. E., Mousavi, S. M., Razavi, S. H., Hadinejad, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z., & Mirzapour, M. (2013). Effect of Fermentation of Pomegranate Juice by Lactobacillus Plantarum and Lactobacillus Acidophilus on the Antioxidant Activity and Metabolism of Sugars, Organic Acids and Phenolic Compounds. Food Biotechnology, 27(1), 1–13.
  • Nikolić, M., Glamočlija, J., Ferreira, I. J. F. R., Calhelha, R. C., Fernandes, A., Marković, T., Marković, D., Giweli, A., & Soković, M. (2014). Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Antitumor Activity of Thymus Serpyllum L., Thymus Algeriensis Boiss. and Reut and Thymus Vulgaris L. Essential Oils. Industrial Crops and Products, 52, 183–90.
  • Ozrenk, K., Ilhan, G., Sagbas, H. I., Karatas, N., Ercisli, S., & Colak, A. (2020). Characterization of European Cranberrybush (Viburnum Opulus L.) Genetic Resources in Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae, 273, 109611.
  • Popa, C. L., Lupitu, A., Mot, M. D., Copolovici, L., Moisa, C., & Copolovici, D. M. (2021). Chemical and Biochemical Characterization of Essential Oils and Their Corresponding Hydrolats from Six Species of the Lamiaceae Family. Plants, 10(11), 1–18.
  • Sadowska, U., Żabiński, A., Szumny, A., & Dziadek, K. (2016). An Effect of Peppermint Herb (Mentha Piperita L.) Pressing on Physico-Chemical Parameters of the Resulting Product. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 909–19.
  • Sagdic, O., Aksoy, A., & Ozkan, G. (2006). Evaluation of the Antibacterial and Antioxidant Potentials of Cranberry (Gilaburu, Viburnum Opulus L.) Fruit Extract. Acta Alimentaria, 35(4), 487–92.
  • Sevindik, O., Guclu, G., Agirman, B., Selli, S., Kadiroglu, P., Bordiga, M., Capanoglu, E., & Kelebek, H. (2022). Impacts of Selected Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains on the Aroma and Bioactive Compositions of Fermented Gilaburu (Viburnum Opulus) Juices. Food Chemistry, 378, 132079.
  • Singh, R. P., Murthy, K. N. C., & Jayaprakasha G. K. (2002). Studies on the Antioxidant Activity of Pomegranate ( Punica Granatum ) Peel and Seed Extracts Using in Vitro Models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(1), 81–86.
  • Singleton, V. L., & Rossi, J. A. (1965). Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with Phosphomolybdic-Phosphotungstic Acid Reagents. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16(3), 144–158.
  • Willis, R. B., & Allen, P. R. (1998). Improved Method for Measuring Hydrolyzable Tannins Using Potassium Iodate. Analyst, 123(3), 435–39.
  • Yadikar, N., Bobakulov, K., Li, G., Aisa, & H. A. 2018. Seven New Phenolic Compounds from Lavandula Angustifolia. Phytochemistry Letters, 23, 149–54.
  • Yilmaztekin, M., & Sislioglu, K. (2015). Changes in Volatile Compounds and Some Physicochemical Properties of European Cranberrybush (Viburnum Opulus L.) During Ripening Through Traditional Fermentation. Journal of Food Science, 80(4), C687–94.
  • Zhishen, J., Mergcheng, T., Jianming, W. (1999). The Determination of Flavonoid Contents in Mullbery and Their Scavenging Effects on Superoxide Radicals. Food Chemistry, 64(4), 555–59.

Kekik, lavanta ve tıbbi naneden elde edilen hidrosollerin gilaburu fermantasyonu ve gilaburu suyuna etkileri

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 146 - 164, 25.03.2024


Gilaburu suyu gilaburu meyvesinin (Viburnum opulus L.) laktik asit bakterileri ile doğal olarak fermantasyonu sonucu üretilen geleneksel bir fermente içecektir. Meyvenin taze olarak tüketimini sınırlayan kendine özgü buruk ve acımsı tadı fermantasyon, ısıl işlem gibi uygulamalar sonrası azaltılabilmektedir. Ancak meyve ve bundan elde edilen gilaburu suyunun duyusal karakterini etkileyip tüketimini sınırlandıran buruk ve acı tadın tamamen uzaklaştırılması mümkün olmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada gilaburu meyvesinin buruk ve acı tadını azaltmak ve biyoaktif ve duyusal özellikleri geliştirilmiş gilaburu suyu elde etmek amacıyla hidrodistilasyon atık ürünü olan hidrosol kullanılarak fermantasyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, kekik, lavanta ve tıbbi nane hidrosolleri %20, %40, %60, %80 ve %100 (v/v) oranlarında gilaburu fermantasyonu ortamına dahil edilerek 4 ay süre ile geleneksel yöntemle fermantasyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fermantasyon boyunca fermente gilaburu suları ve fermantasyon ortamındaki hidrosoller toplanarak örneklerin pH, asitlik, renk, bulanıklık, fenolik madde, flavonoid madde, hidrolize tanen, antosiyanin ve antioksidan aktivite değerleri belirlenerek duyusal analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hidrosol ile fermente edilen gilaburu suyu örneklerinin kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak (p<0.05) daha yüksek antioksidan aktivite değerine (19-30 mg TE 100 ml-1) sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, hidrosol ile fermente edilen gilaburu suyu örneklerinde burukluğun duyusal olarak kontrol grubuna göre daha az algılandığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile hem uçucu yağ eldesinden kalan bir atık ürünü değerlendirilmiş hem de son ürün biyoaktif özelliklerinde gelişmeler sağlanmıştır.

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Proje Numarası



Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 2209-A lisans araştırma projeleri kapsamında 1919B012203455 kodlu proje ile desteklenmiştir.


  • Alice, G., Corina, B., Lucia, P., Sultana, N., Bazdoaca, C., & Nicoleta, D. (2019). Polyphenol Content Dynamics in Hydrodistillation Water Residues of Lamiaceae Species. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants, 22(3), 858–64.
  • Ankolekar, C., Johnson, K., Pinto, M., Johnson, D., Labbe, R.G., Greene, D., & Shetty, K. (2012). Fermentation of whole apple juice using lactobacillus acidophilus for potential dietary management of hyperglycemia , hypertension , and modulation of beneficial bacterial responses. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 36, 718–38.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. S., Gıda Analizleri, Ankara Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Ankara, 2013.
  • Çam, M., & Y. Hişil. (2007). Comparison of Chemical Characteristics of Fresh and Pasteurised Juice of Gilaburu (Viburnum Opulus L.). Acta Alimentaria, 36(3), 381–85.
  • D’Amato, Serena, Serio, A., López, C. C., & Paparella, A. (2018). Hydrosols: Biological Activity and Potential as Antimicrobials for Food Applications. Food Control, 86, 126–37.
  • Huang, Y., Wang, H., & Zhu, C. (2019). Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation on Antioxidation and Bioactivity of Hawthorn Pulp. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 267(6).
  • İncegül, Y., & Çam, M. (2021). Recovery of Water ‑ Soluble Materials after Distillation of Sage ( Salvia Officinalis L .) and the Use of Materials in the Production of Cake and Ice Cream. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15, 2688–94.
  • Kaprasob, R., Kerdchoechuen, O., Laohakunjit, N., Sarkar, D., & Shetty, K. (2017). Fermentation-Based Biotransformation of Bioactive Phenolics and Volatile Compounds from Cashew Apple Juice by Select Lactic Acid Bacteria. Process Biochemistry, 59, 141–49.
  • Kraujalyte, V., Leitner, E., & Venskutonis, P, R. (2012). Chemical and sensory characterisation of aroma of Viburnum opulus fruits by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography–olfactometry. Food Chemistry, 132, 717–723.
  • Mielnik, M. B., Sem, S., Egelandsdal, B., & Skrede, G. (2008). By-products from herbs essential oil production as ingredient in marinade for turkey thighs. LWT, 41, 93-100.
  • Ya-ting, L. (2016). A Study of the Effect of Lavender Fl Oral-Water Eye-Mask Aromatherapy on the Autonomous Nervous System. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8(5), 781–88.
  • Spréa, R. M., Caleja, C., Pinela, J., Finimundy, T. C., Calhelha, R. C., Kostić, M., Sokovic, M., Prieto, M. A., Pereira, E., Amaral, J. S. & Barros, L. (2022). Comparative Study on the Phenolic Composition and in Vitro Bioactivity of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants from the Lamiaceae Family. Food Research International, 161.
  • Mousavi, Z. E., Mousavi, S. M., Razavi, S. H., Hadinejad, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z., & Mirzapour, M. (2013). Effect of Fermentation of Pomegranate Juice by Lactobacillus Plantarum and Lactobacillus Acidophilus on the Antioxidant Activity and Metabolism of Sugars, Organic Acids and Phenolic Compounds. Food Biotechnology, 27(1), 1–13.
  • Nikolić, M., Glamočlija, J., Ferreira, I. J. F. R., Calhelha, R. C., Fernandes, A., Marković, T., Marković, D., Giweli, A., & Soković, M. (2014). Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Antitumor Activity of Thymus Serpyllum L., Thymus Algeriensis Boiss. and Reut and Thymus Vulgaris L. Essential Oils. Industrial Crops and Products, 52, 183–90.
  • Ozrenk, K., Ilhan, G., Sagbas, H. I., Karatas, N., Ercisli, S., & Colak, A. (2020). Characterization of European Cranberrybush (Viburnum Opulus L.) Genetic Resources in Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae, 273, 109611.
  • Popa, C. L., Lupitu, A., Mot, M. D., Copolovici, L., Moisa, C., & Copolovici, D. M. (2021). Chemical and Biochemical Characterization of Essential Oils and Their Corresponding Hydrolats from Six Species of the Lamiaceae Family. Plants, 10(11), 1–18.
  • Sadowska, U., Żabiński, A., Szumny, A., & Dziadek, K. (2016). An Effect of Peppermint Herb (Mentha Piperita L.) Pressing on Physico-Chemical Parameters of the Resulting Product. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 909–19.
  • Sagdic, O., Aksoy, A., & Ozkan, G. (2006). Evaluation of the Antibacterial and Antioxidant Potentials of Cranberry (Gilaburu, Viburnum Opulus L.) Fruit Extract. Acta Alimentaria, 35(4), 487–92.
  • Sevindik, O., Guclu, G., Agirman, B., Selli, S., Kadiroglu, P., Bordiga, M., Capanoglu, E., & Kelebek, H. (2022). Impacts of Selected Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains on the Aroma and Bioactive Compositions of Fermented Gilaburu (Viburnum Opulus) Juices. Food Chemistry, 378, 132079.
  • Singh, R. P., Murthy, K. N. C., & Jayaprakasha G. K. (2002). Studies on the Antioxidant Activity of Pomegranate ( Punica Granatum ) Peel and Seed Extracts Using in Vitro Models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(1), 81–86.
  • Singleton, V. L., & Rossi, J. A. (1965). Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with Phosphomolybdic-Phosphotungstic Acid Reagents. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16(3), 144–158.
  • Willis, R. B., & Allen, P. R. (1998). Improved Method for Measuring Hydrolyzable Tannins Using Potassium Iodate. Analyst, 123(3), 435–39.
  • Yadikar, N., Bobakulov, K., Li, G., Aisa, & H. A. 2018. Seven New Phenolic Compounds from Lavandula Angustifolia. Phytochemistry Letters, 23, 149–54.
  • Yilmaztekin, M., & Sislioglu, K. (2015). Changes in Volatile Compounds and Some Physicochemical Properties of European Cranberrybush (Viburnum Opulus L.) During Ripening Through Traditional Fermentation. Journal of Food Science, 80(4), C687–94.
  • Zhishen, J., Mergcheng, T., Jianming, W. (1999). The Determination of Flavonoid Contents in Mullbery and Their Scavenging Effects on Superoxide Radicals. Food Chemistry, 64(4), 555–59.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fahriye Yeşilbaş 0009-0005-3309-9398

Melike Şeyma Kahraman 0009-0006-1018-3076

Şuheda Akbaş 0009-0006-8152-064X

Serap Berktaş 0000-0002-5195-0685

Mustafa Çam 0000-0003-1258-0834

Proje Numarası 1919B012203455
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeşilbaş, F., Kahraman, M. Ş., Akbaş, Ş., Berktaş, S., vd. (2024). Kekik, lavanta ve tıbbi naneden elde edilen hidrosollerin gilaburu fermantasyonu ve gilaburu suyuna etkileri. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(1), 146-164.

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13435  19617   22065  13436  1344013445  13464  22066   22069  13466 

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