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Bezelye (Pisum sativum) protein tozu ile üretilen vejetaryen makarnanın fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özellikleri

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 267 - 279, 21.06.2024


Kuru baklagiller bitkisel bazlı beslenmede protein kaynağı olarak sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada bezelye protein tozu ilavesiyle “bezelye makarnası” üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Örneklerde nem, kül, protein tayini ile ağırlık kaybı, hacim, pişme süresi özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca üretilen bezelyeli makarnanın duyusal özellikleri ve bireylerin tokluk hissine etkisi de araştırılarak sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir. Tüm duyusal analizlerde %10 bezelye protein tozu içeren makarna örneği 8 farklı kriter arasından en beğenilen çeşit olmuştur. Tüketicilerin %10 bezelye protein tozu içeren makarna tüketimlerinin kontrol makarna tüketimi ile karşılaştırılmasında tokluk hislerinin daha uzun sürdüğü görülmüştür.

Etik Beyan

All participants included in the study were informed and their consent was taken before filling out the questionnaire. In the study, which was approved by the ethics committee numbered E-62310886-302.14.05-97460,

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



The authors thank all the participants who devoted their time to participate in this study. We are grateful for their helpful and sincere cooperation and for their warm acceptance of the work.


  • Ahmad S. R. (2022). Plant-based diet for obesity treatment. Frontiers in nutrition, 9, 952553.
  • Courty, P. E., Smith, P., Koegel, S., Redecker, D., D. Wipf. (2014). Inorganic nitrogen Uptake and Transport in Beneficial plant Root Microbe interactions. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 34(1-3), 4–16. doi:10.1080/07352689.2014.897897.
  • Demir, B. (2008). A Research on the Possibilities of Using Chickpea Flour in Traditional Pasta and Couscous Production, Published Master's Thesis, Selcuk University, Institute of Science, Department of Food Engineering, Konya.
  • Ertas, N. (2013). Dephytinization processes of some legume seeds and cereal grains with ultrasound and microwave applications. Legume Research-An International Journal, 36(5), 414-421.
  • Ficco, D. B. M., De Simone, V., De Leonardis, A. M., Giovanniello, V., Del Nobile, M. A., Padalino, L., ... & De Vita, P. (2016). Use of purple durum wheat to produce naturally functional fresh and dry pasta. Food Chemistry, 205, 187-195.
  • Gibbs J, Cappuccio FP. (2022). Plant-based dietary patterns for human and planetary health. Nutrients. 14:1614. 10.3390/nu14081614
  • Giuberti, G., Gallo, A., Cerioli, C., Fortunati, P., F. Masoero. (2015). Cooking quality and starch digestibility of gluten using free cake new bean flour. Food Chemistry .175, 9.
  • Gokhisar, O. K. (2018). Investigation of red lentil (Lens Culinsris) pasta production. Mersin University Institute of Science and Technology, Doctoral thesis. Mersin.
  • Gull, A., Prasad, K., P. Kumar. (2015). Effect of nation flours and carrot pomace on cooking qualities, color and texture of the developed cake, LWT - Food Science and Technology 63, (1), 470-474.
  • Hosta H.G. (2012). Different Legumes Enriched with Flour Investigation of Quality and Some Nutritional Properties of Gluten-Free Rice Pastas (Published Master's Thesis), Hacettepe University, Department of Food Engineering, Ankara.
  • Iqbal, A., Khalil, I.A., Ateeq N, M.S. Khan. (2006). nutritional quality of important food legumes Food chemistry. 97, 331-335.
  • Ivanova, S., Delattre, C., Karcheva-Bahchevanska, D., Benbasat, N., Nalbantova, V., & Ivanov, K. (2021). Plant-Based Diet as a Strategy for Weight Control. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10(12), 3052.
  • Jayesena, V., S.M. Nasar -Abbas. (2011). Development and Quality Evaluation of High-protein and High-fiber Pasta Using Lupin flour, Journal of Textures Studies, 43(2), 153–163.
  • Köksel H., Sivri D., Özboy Ö., Baflman A., H.D. Karacan. (2000). Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering. Publication No: 47, Grain Laboratory Handbook. Ankara.
  • Köten, M., Ünsal, A.S., (2022). Nutritional, Chemical and Cooking Properties of Pastas Enriched with Terebinth (Pistacia Terebinthus) Fruits Roasted at Different Temperatures. Food Science and Technology, doi: v42, e47120. s:1-9.
  • Köten, M., Ünsal, S., Atli, A., (2014). Türkiye’de Üretilen Makarnaların Bazı Kimyasal Bileşimlerinin Ve Pişme Kalitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Gıda, 39 (1): 33-40.
  • Lai, H.M. (2001). Effects of Rice Properties and Emulsifiers on the Quality of Rice Pastry. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82: 203-216.
  • Lam, A.C.Y., Can Karaca, A., Tyler, RT, & M.T. Nickerson. (2016). Pea protein isolates Structure, extraction, and functionality. Food Reviews International, 34(2), 126–147.
  • Messia, M. C., Cuomo, F., Falasca, L., Trivisonno, M. C., De Arcangelis, E., & Marconi, E. (2021). Nutritional and Technological Quality of High Protein Pasta. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10(3), 589.
  • Mikić, A., Medović, A., Jovanović, Ž., & N. Stanisavljević. (2014). Integrating archaeobotany, paleogenetics and historical linguistics may cast more light onto cropped domestication: the case of pea (Pisum sativum). genetics Resources and Crop Evolution, 61(5), 887–892.
  • Onoğur Altuğ, T., Y. Elmacı. (2015). Sensory Evaluation in Foods. Sidas Media, Izmir.
  • Pasiakos SM, Lieberman HR, V.L.Fulgoni. (2015). Higher -protein diets are associated with higher HDL cholesterol and lower BMI and waist circumference in US adults. J Nutr. 145:605–614.
  • Pınarlı, İ., İbanoğlu, Ş., M.D. Öner. (2004). Effect of storage on the selected properties of macaroni enriched with wheat germ _ Journal of Food Engineering, 249-256.
  • Shanthakumar, P., Klepacka, J., Bains, A., Chawla, P., Dhull, S. B., & Najda, A. (2022). The Current Situation of Pea Protein and Its Application in the Food Industry. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 27(16), 5354.
  • Tan, S. Y., Siow, P. C., Peh, E., & C. J. Henry. (2018). Influence of rice, pea, and oat proteins in attenuating glycemic response of sugar-sweetened beverages. European journal of nutrition, 57(8), 2795–2803.
  • Temiz H. & A.F. Yeşilsu. (2006). Edible films and coatings of vegetable protein origin. Electronic Journal of Food Technologies, (2), 41-50.
  • Thondre, P. S., Achebe, I., Sampson, A., Maher, T., Guérin-Deremaux, L., Lefranc-Millot, C., Ahlström, E., & H. Lightowler. (2021). Co-ingestion of NUTRALYS® pea protein and a high-carbohydrate beverage influences the glycaemic, insulinaemic, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) responses: preliminary results of a randomised controlled trial. European journal of nutrition, 60(6), 3085–3093.
  • Wilde P.J. (2009). eating for life _ foods for appetite control. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 3 (2), 366–370.
  • Yılmaz İ. & B.B. Şen. (2021). Carob flour (Ceratonia siliqua L.) on physical, chemical, and sensory properties of pastas. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 25(3).

Physicochemical and sensory properties of vegetarian pasta produced with pea (Pisum sativum) protein powder

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 267 - 279, 21.06.2024


Dry legumes are frequently preferred as a protein source in plant-based diets. In this study, the production of "pea pasta" with the addition of pea protein powder was aimed. Moisture, ash, protein, weight loss, volume, and cooking time characteristics of the pasta were examined. Additionally, the sensory properties of the produced pea pasta and its effect on individuals' satiety were investigated, and the results were evaluated. In all sensory analyses, the pasta sample containing 10% pea protein powder was the most preferred among 8 different criteria. It was observed that the satiety lasted longer when consumers consumed pasta containing 10% pea protein powder compared to the control pasta consumption.

Proje Numarası



  • Ahmad S. R. (2022). Plant-based diet for obesity treatment. Frontiers in nutrition, 9, 952553.
  • Courty, P. E., Smith, P., Koegel, S., Redecker, D., D. Wipf. (2014). Inorganic nitrogen Uptake and Transport in Beneficial plant Root Microbe interactions. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 34(1-3), 4–16. doi:10.1080/07352689.2014.897897.
  • Demir, B. (2008). A Research on the Possibilities of Using Chickpea Flour in Traditional Pasta and Couscous Production, Published Master's Thesis, Selcuk University, Institute of Science, Department of Food Engineering, Konya.
  • Ertas, N. (2013). Dephytinization processes of some legume seeds and cereal grains with ultrasound and microwave applications. Legume Research-An International Journal, 36(5), 414-421.
  • Ficco, D. B. M., De Simone, V., De Leonardis, A. M., Giovanniello, V., Del Nobile, M. A., Padalino, L., ... & De Vita, P. (2016). Use of purple durum wheat to produce naturally functional fresh and dry pasta. Food Chemistry, 205, 187-195.
  • Gibbs J, Cappuccio FP. (2022). Plant-based dietary patterns for human and planetary health. Nutrients. 14:1614. 10.3390/nu14081614
  • Giuberti, G., Gallo, A., Cerioli, C., Fortunati, P., F. Masoero. (2015). Cooking quality and starch digestibility of gluten using free cake new bean flour. Food Chemistry .175, 9.
  • Gokhisar, O. K. (2018). Investigation of red lentil (Lens Culinsris) pasta production. Mersin University Institute of Science and Technology, Doctoral thesis. Mersin.
  • Gull, A., Prasad, K., P. Kumar. (2015). Effect of nation flours and carrot pomace on cooking qualities, color and texture of the developed cake, LWT - Food Science and Technology 63, (1), 470-474.
  • Hosta H.G. (2012). Different Legumes Enriched with Flour Investigation of Quality and Some Nutritional Properties of Gluten-Free Rice Pastas (Published Master's Thesis), Hacettepe University, Department of Food Engineering, Ankara.
  • Iqbal, A., Khalil, I.A., Ateeq N, M.S. Khan. (2006). nutritional quality of important food legumes Food chemistry. 97, 331-335.
  • Ivanova, S., Delattre, C., Karcheva-Bahchevanska, D., Benbasat, N., Nalbantova, V., & Ivanov, K. (2021). Plant-Based Diet as a Strategy for Weight Control. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10(12), 3052.
  • Jayesena, V., S.M. Nasar -Abbas. (2011). Development and Quality Evaluation of High-protein and High-fiber Pasta Using Lupin flour, Journal of Textures Studies, 43(2), 153–163.
  • Köksel H., Sivri D., Özboy Ö., Baflman A., H.D. Karacan. (2000). Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering. Publication No: 47, Grain Laboratory Handbook. Ankara.
  • Köten, M., Ünsal, A.S., (2022). Nutritional, Chemical and Cooking Properties of Pastas Enriched with Terebinth (Pistacia Terebinthus) Fruits Roasted at Different Temperatures. Food Science and Technology, doi: v42, e47120. s:1-9.
  • Köten, M., Ünsal, S., Atli, A., (2014). Türkiye’de Üretilen Makarnaların Bazı Kimyasal Bileşimlerinin Ve Pişme Kalitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Gıda, 39 (1): 33-40.
  • Lai, H.M. (2001). Effects of Rice Properties and Emulsifiers on the Quality of Rice Pastry. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82: 203-216.
  • Lam, A.C.Y., Can Karaca, A., Tyler, RT, & M.T. Nickerson. (2016). Pea protein isolates Structure, extraction, and functionality. Food Reviews International, 34(2), 126–147.
  • Messia, M. C., Cuomo, F., Falasca, L., Trivisonno, M. C., De Arcangelis, E., & Marconi, E. (2021). Nutritional and Technological Quality of High Protein Pasta. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10(3), 589.
  • Mikić, A., Medović, A., Jovanović, Ž., & N. Stanisavljević. (2014). Integrating archaeobotany, paleogenetics and historical linguistics may cast more light onto cropped domestication: the case of pea (Pisum sativum). genetics Resources and Crop Evolution, 61(5), 887–892.
  • Onoğur Altuğ, T., Y. Elmacı. (2015). Sensory Evaluation in Foods. Sidas Media, Izmir.
  • Pasiakos SM, Lieberman HR, V.L.Fulgoni. (2015). Higher -protein diets are associated with higher HDL cholesterol and lower BMI and waist circumference in US adults. J Nutr. 145:605–614.
  • Pınarlı, İ., İbanoğlu, Ş., M.D. Öner. (2004). Effect of storage on the selected properties of macaroni enriched with wheat germ _ Journal of Food Engineering, 249-256.
  • Shanthakumar, P., Klepacka, J., Bains, A., Chawla, P., Dhull, S. B., & Najda, A. (2022). The Current Situation of Pea Protein and Its Application in the Food Industry. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 27(16), 5354.
  • Tan, S. Y., Siow, P. C., Peh, E., & C. J. Henry. (2018). Influence of rice, pea, and oat proteins in attenuating glycemic response of sugar-sweetened beverages. European journal of nutrition, 57(8), 2795–2803.
  • Temiz H. & A.F. Yeşilsu. (2006). Edible films and coatings of vegetable protein origin. Electronic Journal of Food Technologies, (2), 41-50.
  • Thondre, P. S., Achebe, I., Sampson, A., Maher, T., Guérin-Deremaux, L., Lefranc-Millot, C., Ahlström, E., & H. Lightowler. (2021). Co-ingestion of NUTRALYS® pea protein and a high-carbohydrate beverage influences the glycaemic, insulinaemic, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) responses: preliminary results of a randomised controlled trial. European journal of nutrition, 60(6), 3085–3093.
  • Wilde P.J. (2009). eating for life _ foods for appetite control. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 3 (2), 366–370.
  • Yılmaz İ. & B.B. Şen. (2021). Carob flour (Ceratonia siliqua L.) on physical, chemical, and sensory properties of pastas. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 25(3).
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği, Hububat Teknolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sena Nur Doğan 0000-0002-6413-8944

İlkay Yılmaz 0000-0001-5938-3112

Proje Numarası yok
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 18 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, S. N., & Yılmaz, İ. (2024). Physicochemical and sensory properties of vegetarian pasta produced with pea (Pisum sativum) protein powder. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(2), 267-279.

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