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Determining the Quality of Turkish Black Tea Infusion Produced by Rapid Solid-Liquid Dynamic Extraction

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 187 - 202, 31.12.2024


Oksijenlendirilmiş (O) ve oksijenlendirilmemiş sularla (OS) dinamik çay ekstraksiyonu, içime hazır siyah çay için bir gıda işlemi olarak gerçekleştirildi. Bu işlemle üretilen çay örnekleri, geleneksel çay demleme işlemiyle demlenen siyah çay örneği (R) ile karşılaştırıldı. Tüm çayların nitelikleri, toplam fenol içeriği, theaflavinler, thearubiginler, theabrownin, toplam renk, parlaklık, hunter rengi ve DPPH radikal giderici aktivite parametreleri ile belirlendi. R, O ve OS örneklerinin toplam fenolik içerikleri sırasıyla 3.137, 1.867-2.707 ve 2.079-2.831 mg GAE/g aralığındaydı. En yüksek theaflavinler (%0.330) R örneğinde tespit edildi. Thearubigin içerikleri %4.99-7.03 arasında belirlendi. En yüksek R örneğinde, en düşük ise O örneğinde 30. saniyede bulundu. Theaflavinlerin thearubiginlere oranı R, O ve OS örnekleri için sırasıyla 0.0274-0.0299 ve 0.0141-0.0309 aralığında 0.0469 olarak belirlendi. R, O ve OS örneklerinin theabrownin değerleri için çay ekstraksiyon işlemi-zaman, çay ekstraksiyon işlemi-theabrownin ve zaman-theabrownin arasındaki ikili etkileşimler istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.05). Sular ve demleme süreleri örneklerin renk değerlerini etkiledi. O ve OS örnekleri R örneğine göre daha yüksek antioksidan aktivite değerlerine sahipken, OS örnekleri tüm ekstraksiyon süreleri boyunca en yüksek antioksidan aktiviteyi gösterdi.


  • Y. Xu, F. Qiao, J. Huang. Black tea markets worldwide: Are they integrated? Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 21:2 (2022) 552-565.
  • FAO, Food Science and Human Wellness. 4:4 (2019) 133-146.
  • K. Chang. World tea production and trade Current and future development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2015.
  • A. D. Atasoy, Y. Durmus, A. F. Atasoy. Effects of tea origin, type, concentration and brewing time on essential and trace elements in tea infusion and daily intake by human. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 23:2 (2024) 309-318.
  • Anonymous, Antiviral properties of tea: Black Tea may become the unique brew of choice with no side effects to fight against Corona virus? The Statistical Institute of the Republic of Turkey, Vegetal production statistics. Retrieved in January, 30, 2022 from 2023.
  • D. L. McKay, Teas, tisanes and health. Teas, cocoa and coffee: plant secondary metabolites and health: 99-142. 2011.
  • A. B. Sharangi, Medicinal and therapeutic potentialities of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) -A review. Food Res Int. 425:6 (2009) 529-535.
  • J. Hamilton-Miller, Antimicrobial properties of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Antimicrobial agents and Chemotherapy, 39:11 (1995) 2375.
  • A. D. Atasoy, M. I. Yesilnacar, A. F. Atasoy. Essential element contents of Turkish black tea. In Non-alcoholic beverages, Woodhead Publishing, (2019) 63-72
  • A. D. Atasoy, M. I. Yesilnacar, A. Yildirim, A. F. Atasoy. Nutritional minerals and heavy metals in tea infusions and daily intake of human body. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 7:2 (2019) 234-239.
  • P. Chowdhury, M. E. Sahuc, Y. Rouillé, Theaflavins, polyphenols of black tea, inhibit entry of hepatitis C virus in cell culture. PLoS One, 13:11 (2018) 0198226.
  • Z. F. Yang, L. P. Bai, W. Huang, Comparison of in vitro antiviral activity of tea polyphenols against influenza A and B viruses and structure‐activity relationship analysis. Fitoterapia, 93 (2014) 47‐53.
  • C.N. Chen, C. P. C. Lin, K.K. Huang, Inhibition of SARS‐CoV 3C‐like protease activity by theaflavin‐3,3′‐digallate (TF3). Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2:2 (2005) 209‐215.
  • J. Lung, Y. S. Lin, Y. H. Yang, Y. L. Chou, L. H. Shu, Y. C. Cheng, H. T. Liu, C.Y. Wu, The potential chemical structure of anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase. J Med Virol, 92 (2020) 693-697.
  • N. Panigrahi, C. S. Bhol, B.S. Das, Rapid assessment of black tea quality using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Food Engineering, 190 (2016) 101-108.
  • R. Dutta, Monitoring green leaf tea quality parameters of different TV clones grown in northeast India using satellite data. Food Chem. 139 (2013) 689-694.
  • J. D. K. Arachchi, M. T. K. Gunasekare, M. A. B. Ranatunga, L. Jayasinghe, R.P. Karunadoga, Analysis of selected biochemical constituents in black tea (Camellia sinensis) for predicting the quality of tea germplasm in Sri Lanka. Trop. Agric. Res. 23 (2011) 30-41.
  • E. Ponce, A. J. Taylor, Phenolic compounds as astringent factors in black tea liquors. Flavor Chemistry of Ethnic Foods. Springer, (1997) 197-209.
  • Y. Durmus, A. D. Atasoy, A. F. Atasoy. Mathematical optimization of multilinear and artificial neural network regressions for mineral composition of different tea types infusions. Scientific Reports, 14:1 (2024) 18285.
  • S. Chanioti, G. Liadakis, C. Tzia, Solid-liquid extraction. Food Engineering Handbook: Food Process Engineering, 2 (2014) 247-280.
  • Z. B. Guzel-Seydim, A. C. Seydim, A. K. Greene, 2021. Effect of brewing method on quality parameters and antioxidant capacity of black tea. Functional Food Science, 1:8 (2021) 1-13.
  • C. Ma, Y. C. Hung, 2020. Effect of brewing conditions using a single‐serve coffee maker on black tea (Lapsang Souchong) quality. Food Science & Nutrition, 8:8 (2020) 4379-4387.
  • Z. Nikniaz, R. Mahdavi, S. J. Ghaemmaghami, Y. N. Lotfi, L. Nikniaz, Effect of different brewing times on antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of loosely packed and bagged black teas (Camellia sinensis L.). Avicenna J Phytomed, 6:3 (2016) 313-321.
  • J. Oh, H. Jo, A. R. Cho, S. J. Kim, J. Han, Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of various leafy herbal teas. Food control, 31:2 (2013) 403-409.
  • A. Parulekar, A. Shinde, S. Rath, P. Shriyan, T. Raut, A. V. Bhonsale, 2016. Design and development of mini tea and coffee machine. International Journal of Engineering Research, 5:03 (2016).
  • S. Tegeltija, B. Tejić, I. Šenk, L. Tarjan, G. Ostojić, Universal of Vending Machine Management Platform. International Symposium 1-5, 2020.
  • Quora, Does tea from a vending machine taste different from homemade or shop tea If so why? Retrieved in January 30, 2022 from
  • M. Škerget, P. Kotnik, M. Hadolin, A. R. Hraš, M. Simonič, Ž. Knez, Phenols, proanthocyanidins, flavones and flavonols in some plant materials and their antioxidant activities. Food chemistry, 89:2 (2005) 191-198.
  • E. A. H. Roberts, R. F. Smith, 1963. The phenolic substances of manufactured tea. IX.—the spectrophotometric evaluation of tea liquors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 14:10 (1963) 689-700.
  • R. R. Sokal, F. J. Rohlf, Biometry: The principles and practice of statistics in biological research. 3rd Edition, W.H. Freeman and Co., New York. 1995.
  • J. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Luo, L. Zeng, Effect of brewing conditions on phytochemicals and sensory profiles of black tea infusions: A primary study on the effects of geraniol and β-ionone on taste perception of black tea infusions. Food Chemistry. 354 (2021)129504.
  • M. Y. Chang, Y. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chang, W. Y. Huang, W. S. Lin, C. Y. Chen, Y. S. Lin, Effects of infusion and storage on antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of black tea. Applied Sciences, 10:8 (2020) 2685
  • H. Kelebek, 2016. LC-DAD–ESI-MS/MS Characterization of Phenolic Constituents in Turkish Black Tea: Effect of Infusion Time and Temperature. Food Chemistry, 204 (2016) 227-238.
  • F. Özdemir, M. Karkacıer, Bazı siyah ve yeşil çayların kimyasal bileşimi ve ekstraksiyon verimi. Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergi, (1997) 86-91.
  • S. Salman, N. Azarabadı, F. Ozdemir, Siyah çay harmaninda partikül boyutu ve demleme süresinin dem özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Gıda, 44:3 (2019) 442-452.
  • Ü. Karaküçük, Farklı içme sularının siyah çay dem kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Master's Degree Thesis. Akdeniz University. 2018.
  • A. Efe, Siyah çayların farklı demleme sürelerine göre kimyasal bileşiminin araştırılması Phd. Dicle University. 2017.
  • E. Haslam, Thoughts on thearubigins. Phytochemistry, 64:1 (2003) 61-73.
  • Ş. Pan, Siyah Çay Üretiminin Farklı Aşamalarında Çayın Bileşiminde Oluşan Değişimler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Adana. 60s. 2020.
  • H. Jiang, W. Xu, Q. Chen, Evaluating aroma quality of black tea by an olfactory visualization system: Selection of feature sensor using particle swarm optimization. Food Research International, 126 (2019)108605.
  • L. Xu, G. Xia, Z. Luo, S. Liu, UHPLC Analysis of Major Functional Components in Six Types of Chinese Teas: Constituent Profile and Origin Consideration. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 102 (2019) 52-57.
  • E. R. Scott, X. Li, N. Kfoury, J. Morimoto, W. Y. Han, S. Ahmed, C. M. Orians, Interactive effects of drought severity and simulated herbivory on tea (Camellia sinensis) volatile and non-volatile metabolites. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 157 (2019) 283-292.
  • Y. Hara, S. J. Luo, R. L. Wickremashinghe, T. Yamanishi, 1995. Tea-Aroma, Taste, Color and Bioactive Constituents. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5:11 (1995) 2110.
  • S. Nas, M. Öksüz, Siyah Çayda Kalite. Gıda, 12:3 (1987) 157-162.
  • E. S. Poyrazoğlu, Ö. L. Gürses, Çay deminin bileşimine etkili bazı faktörler üzerinde araştırma. Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi, 17 (2004) 38-45.
  • B. Kacar, Çayın Biyokimyası ve İşleme Teknolojisi. Çay-Kur Yayınları, 6 (1987) 1-71.
  • C. X. Peng, J. Liu, H. R. Liu, H. J. Zhou, J. S. Gong, Influence of different fermentation raw materials on pyrolyzates of Pu-erh tea theabrownin by Curie-point pyrolysis-gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 54 (2013) 197-203.
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  • H. Kelebek, LC-DAD–ESI-MS/MS characterization of phenolic constituents in Turkish black tea: Effect of infusion time and temperature. Food Chemistry, 204 (2016) 227-238.
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A Rapid Solid-Liquid Dynamic Extraction: Black Tea Drink

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 187 - 202, 31.12.2024


Oksijenlendirilmiş (O) ve oksijenlendirilmemiş sularla (OS) dinamik çay ekstraksiyonu, içime hazır siyah çay için bir gıda işlemi olarak gerçekleştirildi. Bu işlemle üretilen çay örnekleri, geleneksel çay demleme işlemiyle demlenen siyah çay örneği (R) ile karşılaştırıldı. Tüm çayların nitelikleri, toplam fenol içeriği, theaflavinler, thearubiginler, theabrownin, toplam renk, parlaklık, hunter rengi ve DPPH radikal giderici aktivite parametreleri ile belirlendi. R, O ve OS örneklerinin toplam fenolik içerikleri sırasıyla 3.137, 1.867-2.707 ve 2.079-2.831 mg GAE/g aralığındaydı. En yüksek theaflavinler (%0.330) R örneğinde tespit edildi. Thearubigin içerikleri %4.99-7.03 arasında belirlendi. En yüksek R örneğinde, en düşük ise O örneğinde 30. saniyede bulundu. Theaflavinlerin thearubiginlere oranı R, O ve OS örnekleri için sırasıyla 0.0274-0.0299 ve 0.0141-0.0309 aralığında 0.0469 olarak belirlendi. R, O ve OS örneklerinin theabrownin değerleri için çay ekstraksiyon işlemi-zaman, çay ekstraksiyon işlemi-theabrownin ve zaman-theabrownin arasındaki ikili etkileşimler istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.05). Sular ve demleme süreleri örneklerin renk değerlerini etkiledi. O ve OS örnekleri R örneğine göre daha yüksek antioksidan aktivite değerlerine sahipken, OS örnekleri tüm ekstraksiyon süreleri boyunca en yüksek antioksidan aktiviteyi gösterdi.


  • Y. Xu, F. Qiao, J. Huang. Black tea markets worldwide: Are they integrated? Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 21:2 (2022) 552-565.
  • FAO, Food Science and Human Wellness. 4:4 (2019) 133-146.
  • K. Chang. World tea production and trade Current and future development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2015.
  • A. D. Atasoy, Y. Durmus, A. F. Atasoy. Effects of tea origin, type, concentration and brewing time on essential and trace elements in tea infusion and daily intake by human. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 23:2 (2024) 309-318.
  • Anonymous, Antiviral properties of tea: Black Tea may become the unique brew of choice with no side effects to fight against Corona virus? The Statistical Institute of the Republic of Turkey, Vegetal production statistics. Retrieved in January, 30, 2022 from 2023.
  • D. L. McKay, Teas, tisanes and health. Teas, cocoa and coffee: plant secondary metabolites and health: 99-142. 2011.
  • A. B. Sharangi, Medicinal and therapeutic potentialities of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) -A review. Food Res Int. 425:6 (2009) 529-535.
  • J. Hamilton-Miller, Antimicrobial properties of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Antimicrobial agents and Chemotherapy, 39:11 (1995) 2375.
  • A. D. Atasoy, M. I. Yesilnacar, A. F. Atasoy. Essential element contents of Turkish black tea. In Non-alcoholic beverages, Woodhead Publishing, (2019) 63-72
  • A. D. Atasoy, M. I. Yesilnacar, A. Yildirim, A. F. Atasoy. Nutritional minerals and heavy metals in tea infusions and daily intake of human body. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 7:2 (2019) 234-239.
  • P. Chowdhury, M. E. Sahuc, Y. Rouillé, Theaflavins, polyphenols of black tea, inhibit entry of hepatitis C virus in cell culture. PLoS One, 13:11 (2018) 0198226.
  • Z. F. Yang, L. P. Bai, W. Huang, Comparison of in vitro antiviral activity of tea polyphenols against influenza A and B viruses and structure‐activity relationship analysis. Fitoterapia, 93 (2014) 47‐53.
  • C.N. Chen, C. P. C. Lin, K.K. Huang, Inhibition of SARS‐CoV 3C‐like protease activity by theaflavin‐3,3′‐digallate (TF3). Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2:2 (2005) 209‐215.
  • J. Lung, Y. S. Lin, Y. H. Yang, Y. L. Chou, L. H. Shu, Y. C. Cheng, H. T. Liu, C.Y. Wu, The potential chemical structure of anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase. J Med Virol, 92 (2020) 693-697.
  • N. Panigrahi, C. S. Bhol, B.S. Das, Rapid assessment of black tea quality using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Food Engineering, 190 (2016) 101-108.
  • R. Dutta, Monitoring green leaf tea quality parameters of different TV clones grown in northeast India using satellite data. Food Chem. 139 (2013) 689-694.
  • J. D. K. Arachchi, M. T. K. Gunasekare, M. A. B. Ranatunga, L. Jayasinghe, R.P. Karunadoga, Analysis of selected biochemical constituents in black tea (Camellia sinensis) for predicting the quality of tea germplasm in Sri Lanka. Trop. Agric. Res. 23 (2011) 30-41.
  • E. Ponce, A. J. Taylor, Phenolic compounds as astringent factors in black tea liquors. Flavor Chemistry of Ethnic Foods. Springer, (1997) 197-209.
  • Y. Durmus, A. D. Atasoy, A. F. Atasoy. Mathematical optimization of multilinear and artificial neural network regressions for mineral composition of different tea types infusions. Scientific Reports, 14:1 (2024) 18285.
  • S. Chanioti, G. Liadakis, C. Tzia, Solid-liquid extraction. Food Engineering Handbook: Food Process Engineering, 2 (2014) 247-280.
  • Z. B. Guzel-Seydim, A. C. Seydim, A. K. Greene, 2021. Effect of brewing method on quality parameters and antioxidant capacity of black tea. Functional Food Science, 1:8 (2021) 1-13.
  • C. Ma, Y. C. Hung, 2020. Effect of brewing conditions using a single‐serve coffee maker on black tea (Lapsang Souchong) quality. Food Science & Nutrition, 8:8 (2020) 4379-4387.
  • Z. Nikniaz, R. Mahdavi, S. J. Ghaemmaghami, Y. N. Lotfi, L. Nikniaz, Effect of different brewing times on antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of loosely packed and bagged black teas (Camellia sinensis L.). Avicenna J Phytomed, 6:3 (2016) 313-321.
  • J. Oh, H. Jo, A. R. Cho, S. J. Kim, J. Han, Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of various leafy herbal teas. Food control, 31:2 (2013) 403-409.
  • A. Parulekar, A. Shinde, S. Rath, P. Shriyan, T. Raut, A. V. Bhonsale, 2016. Design and development of mini tea and coffee machine. International Journal of Engineering Research, 5:03 (2016).
  • S. Tegeltija, B. Tejić, I. Šenk, L. Tarjan, G. Ostojić, Universal of Vending Machine Management Platform. International Symposium 1-5, 2020.
  • Quora, Does tea from a vending machine taste different from homemade or shop tea If so why? Retrieved in January 30, 2022 from
  • M. Škerget, P. Kotnik, M. Hadolin, A. R. Hraš, M. Simonič, Ž. Knez, Phenols, proanthocyanidins, flavones and flavonols in some plant materials and their antioxidant activities. Food chemistry, 89:2 (2005) 191-198.
  • E. A. H. Roberts, R. F. Smith, 1963. The phenolic substances of manufactured tea. IX.—the spectrophotometric evaluation of tea liquors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 14:10 (1963) 689-700.
  • R. R. Sokal, F. J. Rohlf, Biometry: The principles and practice of statistics in biological research. 3rd Edition, W.H. Freeman and Co., New York. 1995.
  • J. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Luo, L. Zeng, Effect of brewing conditions on phytochemicals and sensory profiles of black tea infusions: A primary study on the effects of geraniol and β-ionone on taste perception of black tea infusions. Food Chemistry. 354 (2021)129504.
  • M. Y. Chang, Y. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chang, W. Y. Huang, W. S. Lin, C. Y. Chen, Y. S. Lin, Effects of infusion and storage on antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of black tea. Applied Sciences, 10:8 (2020) 2685
  • H. Kelebek, 2016. LC-DAD–ESI-MS/MS Characterization of Phenolic Constituents in Turkish Black Tea: Effect of Infusion Time and Temperature. Food Chemistry, 204 (2016) 227-238.
  • F. Özdemir, M. Karkacıer, Bazı siyah ve yeşil çayların kimyasal bileşimi ve ekstraksiyon verimi. Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergi, (1997) 86-91.
  • S. Salman, N. Azarabadı, F. Ozdemir, Siyah çay harmaninda partikül boyutu ve demleme süresinin dem özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Gıda, 44:3 (2019) 442-452.
  • Ü. Karaküçük, Farklı içme sularının siyah çay dem kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Master's Degree Thesis. Akdeniz University. 2018.
  • A. Efe, Siyah çayların farklı demleme sürelerine göre kimyasal bileşiminin araştırılması Phd. Dicle University. 2017.
  • E. Haslam, Thoughts on thearubigins. Phytochemistry, 64:1 (2003) 61-73.
  • Ş. Pan, Siyah Çay Üretiminin Farklı Aşamalarında Çayın Bileşiminde Oluşan Değişimler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Adana. 60s. 2020.
  • H. Jiang, W. Xu, Q. Chen, Evaluating aroma quality of black tea by an olfactory visualization system: Selection of feature sensor using particle swarm optimization. Food Research International, 126 (2019)108605.
  • L. Xu, G. Xia, Z. Luo, S. Liu, UHPLC Analysis of Major Functional Components in Six Types of Chinese Teas: Constituent Profile and Origin Consideration. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 102 (2019) 52-57.
  • E. R. Scott, X. Li, N. Kfoury, J. Morimoto, W. Y. Han, S. Ahmed, C. M. Orians, Interactive effects of drought severity and simulated herbivory on tea (Camellia sinensis) volatile and non-volatile metabolites. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 157 (2019) 283-292.
  • Y. Hara, S. J. Luo, R. L. Wickremashinghe, T. Yamanishi, 1995. Tea-Aroma, Taste, Color and Bioactive Constituents. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5:11 (1995) 2110.
  • S. Nas, M. Öksüz, Siyah Çayda Kalite. Gıda, 12:3 (1987) 157-162.
  • E. S. Poyrazoğlu, Ö. L. Gürses, Çay deminin bileşimine etkili bazı faktörler üzerinde araştırma. Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi, 17 (2004) 38-45.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kübra Doğru 0000-0003-3427-8919

Ahmet Levent İnanç 0000-0002-7363-5096

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğru, K., & İnanç, A. L. (2024). Determining the Quality of Turkish Black Tea Infusion Produced by Rapid Solid-Liquid Dynamic Extraction. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 9(3), 187-202.