I am an Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Economics and a State Specialist in Family Financial Management for the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
My research program aims to examine socio-ecological factors (eg, self-efficacy, financial knowledge and education, health status, community and support network, sociocultural beliefs and norms, and climate variability) that impact individuals' financial decision-making and outcomes. Within this primary line of inquiry, my research branches into two main areas of focus: (a) the study of behavioral and psychological predictors of financial well-being among households, consumers, and farmers and (b) the application of quantitative and qualitative social and behavioral research methodologies to the context of the adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in agriculture.
My research program has a geographical focus on the US and emerging market economies in Latin America (i.e., Brazil), South and East Asia (i.e., China and Indonesia), Eurasia (i.e., Turkey), and Africa (i.e., South Africa) . My research approach is transdisciplinary and system-oriented. Thus, I conduct much of my research as a member of multi-disciplinary teams with collaborators in agricultural and biological sciences. My research work, presentations, and collaborations have been supported by US federal agencies (e.g., US Department of Agriculture-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, US Agency for International Development, and National Science Foundation) and foreign government agencies (e.g., Colombia Ministry of Education and Brazilian Ministry of Education).
Mike Gutter, who has an extensive track record of developing and funding partnerships and programs that benefit local communities, was named the director of Virginia Cooperative Extension and an associate dean of the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
As an integral part of both Virginia Tech and Virginia State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension works in communities across the commonwealth to share knowledge, support businesses, and implement research that helps all Virginians. Extension operates from the campuses and out of 107 county and city offices, 11 Agricultural Research and Extension Centers, and six 4-H educational centers across the commonwealth. Read full story.
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