
"International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences" (IJAFLS) is an international journal, which publishes original research articles dealing with Agriculture, Forestry (If it is about Agriculture) and Life Sciences (Biology and Chemistry (If they are about Agriculture). IJAFLS Journal is an international, scientific, open access periodical published in accordance with independent, unbiased, and double-blinded peer review principles. “Int J Agric For Life Sci” publishes Biannually (June and December). The publication language of the journal is English. Journal of IJAFLS welcomes article submissions and does not charge any article submission or processing charges.

The Journal of IJAFLS welcomes article submissions.

  • Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2019. ICV 2019 = 61.94

Indexing and Abstracting: Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, ROAD, CiteSeerX, Scientific Indexing Services, ResearchBib, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Rootindexing, Microsoft Academic, JournalTOCs, J-Gate, Journal Factor, Cite Factor, Asos Index, Paperity.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 25.02.2025 15:21:20

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