Araştırma Makalesi
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Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 113 - 128, 31.12.2024


This study focuses on enhancing the protein quality in breakfast cereal with acha (Digitaria exilis), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Protein quality, concentration of essential amino acids, amino acid score with reference to whole chicken egg, and FAO/WHO standard were determined. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used for this analysis; the significant difference between means was determined (ANOVA) and separated using the Duncan multiple range test; the significance was accepted at p < 0.05. Four sample formulations were used: 100% acha (control) sample 101, blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushroom at different proportions of 75:20:5 (sample 102), 70:20:10 (sample 103), and 65:20:15 (sample 104). Protein efficiency ratio (P.E.R.), biological value (B.V.), essential amino acid index (EAAI), and percentage of EAAI (% EAAI) were determined for protein quality. (P.E.R.) values ranged between 2.93 (101), 2.82 % (102), 3.18 % (103) and 3.29 % (104). Essential, non-essential, acidic, neutral, sulfuric, aromatic, and their percentages were determined. For amino acid score, leucine levels showed values from 8.35% (101), 7.910% (102), 8.90 (103), and 9.31% (104) and sample 104 with the highest value and significantly difference (p< 0.05). These findings strongly suggest the potential of these blends to serve as sustainable, healthy dietary alternatives for diabetic people, as they substitute animal proteins, including providing nutrient-dense options such as improved amino acid balance.


  • Shahnaz, T., Fawole A. O., Adeyemi, A. A., Onuh J. (2024). Food proteins as functional ingredients in the management of chronic diseases: A concise review. Nutrient, 16(4), 2323.
  • WHO (2020). Healthy diet. Retrieved to
  • International Diabetes Federation (IDF) (2019). Definition, diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Available at .
  • Krawecka A., Sobota A., and Sykut-Domanska E., (2019) Functional cereal product in the diet for type @ Diabetes Patients. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 7, 2450
  • Krawecka A., Sobota A., and Sykut-Domanska E., (2019) Functional cereal product in the diet for type @ Diabetes Patients. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 7, 2450
  • Sumaedi, S., and Sumardjo (2021), A model of traditional functional food consumption behavior. British Food Journal, 123(1):13-30.
  • Zaib S., Hayat A. and Khan I. (2024). Nutritional and health benefits of cereals and grains. Current Nutrition and Food Science. 20(10), P 1205-1221.
  • Maurice, J. L., Mamadou, S. S., Ndeye, F. N., Abdou, D. and Malick, M. (2023). Effect of the incorporation of cereals (fonio, rice), tubers (sweet potato, cassava), and a legume (cowpea) on the functional properties of Penne type pasta. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 17(02): 038–046.
  • Saidaiah P., Banu Z., Geetha A., Khan A. A. (2024). Glyceric index and Covid-19 management: A comprehensive review of low, medium and high glycermic index foods. Annals of Phytomedicine, 13(1), 56-69.
  • Erhonyota C., Edo G.I. and Onoharigho, F. O. (2023) Comparison of poison plate and agar well diffusion method determining the antifugal activity of protein fraction. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 43(4): 684- 689. 10.1016/j.chnaes.2022.08.006.
  • Rai, S.N., Ishra, D., Singh, P., Vamanu, E. and Singh, M.P. (2021). Therapeutic applications of mushroom and their biomolecules along with a glimpse of in silico approach in neurodegenerative disease. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, pp. 137:
  • Aderonke A. O., Tayo N. F. and Oluwole S. I. (2023). Nutritional and antioxidant properties of resistant starch-based flour blends from unripe plantain, Pigeon pea and Rice Bran. Asian Food Science Journal, 22 (9) pp. 101-112. 10:9734/AFSJ/2023/v22i9661.
  • Ubbor, S.C., Arukwe, D. C., Ezeocha, V. C., Nwose O. N., Iguh, B. N., and Nwibo, O. G. (2022). Production and quality evaluation of ready-to-eat extruded snacks from flour blends of acha-cowpea and snacks from potato starch. Fudma Journal of Science (FJS), 6(4): 245-253.
  • FAO/WHO. “Energy and protein requirements (1973). Technical Report Series No 522. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Owheruo J. O., Edo G. I., Oluwajuyitan D.T., Faturoti A. O., Martins I.E., Akpoghelie P.O. and Agbo J. J. (2023). Quality evaluation of value-added nutritious biscuit with high antidiabetic properties from blends of wheat flour and oyster mushrooms. Food Chemistry Advances. Volume 3, 100375.
  • Onu, F.A., Mbaeyi-Nwaoha I.E., and Ani J.C. (2019). Evaluation of hypoglycemic potentials of glycemic index of ready-to-eat breakfast product using animal bioassay. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 7(5): pp. 161-168. 10.12691/ajfst-7-5-5
  • Mbaeyi-Nwaoha, I.E and Odo, J. E. (2018). Production and evaluation of breakfast cereals from blends of acha, mung beans and orange fleshed sweet potato. African Journal of Food Science and Technology, 94(4): pp.65-73.
  • Benitez, L. V. (1989). Amino Acid and fatty acid profiles in aquaculture nutrition studies, p. 23- 35. In S.S. De Silva (Ed.) Fish nutrition research in Asia. Proceedings of the third Asian Fish Nutrition Network Meeting. Asian fish. Society Special Publication. 4, 166 p. Asian fisheries society, Manila Philippines.
  • Benitez, L. V. (1989). Amino Acid and fatty acid profiles in aquaculture nutrition studies, p. 23- 35. In S.S. De Silva (Ed.) Fish nutrition research in Asia. Proceedings of the third Asian Fish Nutrition Network Meeting. Asian fish. Society Special Publication. 4, 166 p. Asian fisheries society, Manila Philippines.
  • Sibian, M. S. and Riar, C. S. (2023). Effect of germination on chemical composition, antinutritional factors, functional properties and nutritional value of kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 15(1), pp. 208-219
  • Millward D.J. (2012). Amino acid scoring patterns for protein quality assessment. British Journal of Nutrition, p.108: S31-S43. 10.1017/S0007114512002462
  • Aremu M. O., Yashi T. C., Ibrahim H., Adeyeye E. I., Omosebi M. O. and Ablaku B. E. (2022). Nutritional quality assessment of commonly sold steam Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L. Verdc) pastes in Lafia motor Parks, Nassarawa state, Nigeria. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res 57(1), pp. 27-40.
  • Songs, F.; Lin, Y.; Li Z.; Xie, L.; Chem, L.; Jiang, H.; Wu, C., and Su D. (2024). Nutritional value evaluation of wild edible mushroom (Helvella leucopus) from western China. International Food Research Journal, 32 (2): 503. ISSN: pp. 1985-4668. Academic journal, 10.47836/frj.31.2.21
  • Steinkhe, F. H., Prescher, E. E., Hopkins, D. T. (1980). “Nutritional evaluation (PER) of isolated soybean protein and combinations of food proteins,” J. Food Sci., 45, 322-327.
  • Sales, M.G., Freitas, O. D., Zucoloto, S., Okano, N., Padovan, G.J., Santos, J.E. d., Greene, L.J. (1995). Casein, hydrolyzed casein, and amino acids that simulate casein produce the same extent of mucosal adaptation to massive bowel resection in adult rats. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62 (1), Pp 87-92, ISSN 0002-9165,
  • Lui J., Klebach M., Visser M., Hofman Z. (2019). Amino acid availability of a dairy and vegetable protein blends compared to single casein, whey, soy, and pea proteins: A double blind, cross-over trial. Nutrient, 11(11), 2613. 27. Steele, R. G. and Torrie, J. H. (1980). Principals and procedures of statistics (2nd Ed), McGraw-Hill, New York pp. 623.
  • Mansouri F., Ben M. A., Richard G., and Fauconnir M. L. (2018). Proximate Composition, amino acid profile, carbohydrate and mineral content of seed meals from flour safflower (Carthamus tinctorins L.) varieties grown in north-eastern Morocco. OCL-Oilseeds fats, Crop Lipid, 25(2): 1 -9.
  • Sa, A., Wan, Z., Jha, A., Gali, K., Warkentin, T., and House, J. (2024). Influence of different amino acids scoring patterns on the protein quality of field peas. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127. 101016/j.jfca.2023.105938.
  • Liu, Y., Liu, F., Xing, D., Wang, W., Yang, Q. Liao, S., Li, E., Pang, D. and Zou, Y. (2023). Effects of cinnamon powder on glucose metabolism in diabetic mice and the molecular mechanisms. Foods, 12, 3852.
  • Ham D. J., Caldow M. K., Lynch G. S., Koopman R. (2014). Luecine as atreatment for muscle wasting: a critical review. Clinical nutrition, 33 (6), p 937-945
  • Carbonaro M., Nucara A. (2022). Legume proteins and peptides as compounds in nutraceuticals: a structural basis for dietary health effects. Nutrients, 14(6), 1188.
  • Forzano, I., Avvisato, R., Varideh, F. (2023). L. Argine in diabetes: clinical and preclinical evidence. Cardiovascular diabetic, 22,89.
  • Bin, P., Huang, R., Zhou, X. (2017). Oxidation resistance of the sulfure amino acids: methionine and cysteine. BioMed Research İnternational.
  • Nosworthy M. S., Median, G. Lu, Z. H., House, J. D. (2023). Plant proteins: methods of quality assessment and the human health benefits of plses. Foods, 12 (15), 2816. https//
  • Wang, Y., Lui, B., Han, H. (2023). Association between plant-based dietary patterns and risks of type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality- a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Journal. 22 (46).
  • Shuluwa E. M., Famuwagun A. A., Ahure D., Ukeyima M., Aluko R. E., Gbenyi, D. I., Girgih, A. T. (2021). Amino acid profiles and in vitro antioxidant properties of cereal-legume flour blends. Journal of Food Bio-actives. 14.
  • Joyce K. (2010). Understanding the role of nutrition and wound healing. Nutrition in Clinical Practice.
  • Kanova M., Kohout P. (2021). Tryptophan: a unique role in the critical ill. International Journal of Molecular Science, 22, 11714.

Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 113 - 128, 31.12.2024


This study focuses on enhancing the protein quality in breakfast cereal with acha (Digitaria exilis), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Protein quality, concentration of essential amino acids, amino acid score with reference to whole chicken egg, and FAO/WHO standard were determined. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used for this analysis; the significant difference between means was determined (ANOVA) and separated using the Duncan multiple range test; the significance was accepted at p < 0.05. Four sample formulations were used: 100% acha (control) sample 101, blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushroom at different proportions of 75:20:5 (sample 102), 70:20:10 (sample 103), and 65:20:15 (sample 104). Protein efficiency ratio (P.E.R.), biological value (B.V.), essential amino acid index (EAAI), and percentage of EAAI (% EAAI) were determined for protein quality. (P.E.R.) values ranged between 2.93 (101), 2.82 % (102), 3.18 % (103) and 3.29 % (104). Essential, non-essential, acidic, neutral, sulfuric, aromatic, and their percentages were determined. For amino acid score, leucine levels showed values from 8.35% (101), 7.910% (102), 8.90 (103), and 9.31% (104) and sample 104 with the highest value and significantly difference (p< 0.05). These findings strongly suggest the potential of these blends to serve as sustainable, healthy dietary alternatives for diabetic people, as they substitute animal proteins, including providing nutrient-dense options such as improved amino acid balance.


  • Shahnaz, T., Fawole A. O., Adeyemi, A. A., Onuh J. (2024). Food proteins as functional ingredients in the management of chronic diseases: A concise review. Nutrient, 16(4), 2323.
  • WHO (2020). Healthy diet. Retrieved to
  • International Diabetes Federation (IDF) (2019). Definition, diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Available at .
  • Krawecka A., Sobota A., and Sykut-Domanska E., (2019) Functional cereal product in the diet for type @ Diabetes Patients. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 7, 2450
  • Krawecka A., Sobota A., and Sykut-Domanska E., (2019) Functional cereal product in the diet for type @ Diabetes Patients. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 7, 2450
  • Sumaedi, S., and Sumardjo (2021), A model of traditional functional food consumption behavior. British Food Journal, 123(1):13-30.
  • Zaib S., Hayat A. and Khan I. (2024). Nutritional and health benefits of cereals and grains. Current Nutrition and Food Science. 20(10), P 1205-1221.
  • Maurice, J. L., Mamadou, S. S., Ndeye, F. N., Abdou, D. and Malick, M. (2023). Effect of the incorporation of cereals (fonio, rice), tubers (sweet potato, cassava), and a legume (cowpea) on the functional properties of Penne type pasta. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 17(02): 038–046.
  • Saidaiah P., Banu Z., Geetha A., Khan A. A. (2024). Glyceric index and Covid-19 management: A comprehensive review of low, medium and high glycermic index foods. Annals of Phytomedicine, 13(1), 56-69.
  • Erhonyota C., Edo G.I. and Onoharigho, F. O. (2023) Comparison of poison plate and agar well diffusion method determining the antifugal activity of protein fraction. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 43(4): 684- 689. 10.1016/j.chnaes.2022.08.006.
  • Rai, S.N., Ishra, D., Singh, P., Vamanu, E. and Singh, M.P. (2021). Therapeutic applications of mushroom and their biomolecules along with a glimpse of in silico approach in neurodegenerative disease. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, pp. 137:
  • Aderonke A. O., Tayo N. F. and Oluwole S. I. (2023). Nutritional and antioxidant properties of resistant starch-based flour blends from unripe plantain, Pigeon pea and Rice Bran. Asian Food Science Journal, 22 (9) pp. 101-112. 10:9734/AFSJ/2023/v22i9661.
  • Ubbor, S.C., Arukwe, D. C., Ezeocha, V. C., Nwose O. N., Iguh, B. N., and Nwibo, O. G. (2022). Production and quality evaluation of ready-to-eat extruded snacks from flour blends of acha-cowpea and snacks from potato starch. Fudma Journal of Science (FJS), 6(4): 245-253.
  • FAO/WHO. “Energy and protein requirements (1973). Technical Report Series No 522. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Owheruo J. O., Edo G. I., Oluwajuyitan D.T., Faturoti A. O., Martins I.E., Akpoghelie P.O. and Agbo J. J. (2023). Quality evaluation of value-added nutritious biscuit with high antidiabetic properties from blends of wheat flour and oyster mushrooms. Food Chemistry Advances. Volume 3, 100375.
  • Onu, F.A., Mbaeyi-Nwaoha I.E., and Ani J.C. (2019). Evaluation of hypoglycemic potentials of glycemic index of ready-to-eat breakfast product using animal bioassay. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 7(5): pp. 161-168. 10.12691/ajfst-7-5-5
  • Mbaeyi-Nwaoha, I.E and Odo, J. E. (2018). Production and evaluation of breakfast cereals from blends of acha, mung beans and orange fleshed sweet potato. African Journal of Food Science and Technology, 94(4): pp.65-73.
  • Benitez, L. V. (1989). Amino Acid and fatty acid profiles in aquaculture nutrition studies, p. 23- 35. In S.S. De Silva (Ed.) Fish nutrition research in Asia. Proceedings of the third Asian Fish Nutrition Network Meeting. Asian fish. Society Special Publication. 4, 166 p. Asian fisheries society, Manila Philippines.
  • Benitez, L. V. (1989). Amino Acid and fatty acid profiles in aquaculture nutrition studies, p. 23- 35. In S.S. De Silva (Ed.) Fish nutrition research in Asia. Proceedings of the third Asian Fish Nutrition Network Meeting. Asian fish. Society Special Publication. 4, 166 p. Asian fisheries society, Manila Philippines.
  • Sibian, M. S. and Riar, C. S. (2023). Effect of germination on chemical composition, antinutritional factors, functional properties and nutritional value of kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 15(1), pp. 208-219
  • Millward D.J. (2012). Amino acid scoring patterns for protein quality assessment. British Journal of Nutrition, p.108: S31-S43. 10.1017/S0007114512002462
  • Aremu M. O., Yashi T. C., Ibrahim H., Adeyeye E. I., Omosebi M. O. and Ablaku B. E. (2022). Nutritional quality assessment of commonly sold steam Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L. Verdc) pastes in Lafia motor Parks, Nassarawa state, Nigeria. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res 57(1), pp. 27-40.
  • Songs, F.; Lin, Y.; Li Z.; Xie, L.; Chem, L.; Jiang, H.; Wu, C., and Su D. (2024). Nutritional value evaluation of wild edible mushroom (Helvella leucopus) from western China. International Food Research Journal, 32 (2): 503. ISSN: pp. 1985-4668. Academic journal, 10.47836/frj.31.2.21
  • Steinkhe, F. H., Prescher, E. E., Hopkins, D. T. (1980). “Nutritional evaluation (PER) of isolated soybean protein and combinations of food proteins,” J. Food Sci., 45, 322-327.
  • Sales, M.G., Freitas, O. D., Zucoloto, S., Okano, N., Padovan, G.J., Santos, J.E. d., Greene, L.J. (1995). Casein, hydrolyzed casein, and amino acids that simulate casein produce the same extent of mucosal adaptation to massive bowel resection in adult rats. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62 (1), Pp 87-92, ISSN 0002-9165,
  • Lui J., Klebach M., Visser M., Hofman Z. (2019). Amino acid availability of a dairy and vegetable protein blends compared to single casein, whey, soy, and pea proteins: A double blind, cross-over trial. Nutrient, 11(11), 2613. 27. Steele, R. G. and Torrie, J. H. (1980). Principals and procedures of statistics (2nd Ed), McGraw-Hill, New York pp. 623.
  • Mansouri F., Ben M. A., Richard G., and Fauconnir M. L. (2018). Proximate Composition, amino acid profile, carbohydrate and mineral content of seed meals from flour safflower (Carthamus tinctorins L.) varieties grown in north-eastern Morocco. OCL-Oilseeds fats, Crop Lipid, 25(2): 1 -9.
  • Sa, A., Wan, Z., Jha, A., Gali, K., Warkentin, T., and House, J. (2024). Influence of different amino acids scoring patterns on the protein quality of field peas. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127. 101016/j.jfca.2023.105938.
  • Liu, Y., Liu, F., Xing, D., Wang, W., Yang, Q. Liao, S., Li, E., Pang, D. and Zou, Y. (2023). Effects of cinnamon powder on glucose metabolism in diabetic mice and the molecular mechanisms. Foods, 12, 3852.
  • Ham D. J., Caldow M. K., Lynch G. S., Koopman R. (2014). Luecine as atreatment for muscle wasting: a critical review. Clinical nutrition, 33 (6), p 937-945
  • Carbonaro M., Nucara A. (2022). Legume proteins and peptides as compounds in nutraceuticals: a structural basis for dietary health effects. Nutrients, 14(6), 1188.
  • Forzano, I., Avvisato, R., Varideh, F. (2023). L. Argine in diabetes: clinical and preclinical evidence. Cardiovascular diabetic, 22,89.
  • Bin, P., Huang, R., Zhou, X. (2017). Oxidation resistance of the sulfure amino acids: methionine and cysteine. BioMed Research İnternational.
  • Nosworthy M. S., Median, G. Lu, Z. H., House, J. D. (2023). Plant proteins: methods of quality assessment and the human health benefits of plses. Foods, 12 (15), 2816. https//
  • Wang, Y., Lui, B., Han, H. (2023). Association between plant-based dietary patterns and risks of type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality- a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Journal. 22 (46).
  • Shuluwa E. M., Famuwagun A. A., Ahure D., Ukeyima M., Aluko R. E., Gbenyi, D. I., Girgih, A. T. (2021). Amino acid profiles and in vitro antioxidant properties of cereal-legume flour blends. Journal of Food Bio-actives. 14.
  • Joyce K. (2010). Understanding the role of nutrition and wound healing. Nutrition in Clinical Practice.
  • Kanova M., Kohout P. (2021). Tryptophan: a unique role in the critical ill. International Journal of Molecular Science, 22, 11714.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Ambalajlama, Saklama ve İşleme, Hububat Teknolojisi, Temel Gıda İşlemleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Rita Nwankwegu 0009-0002-9999-6532

Ifeoma Mbaeyi-nwaoha 0000-0003-4116-4346

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Nwankwegu, R., & Mbaeyi-nwaoha, I. (2024). Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy, 3(2), 113-128.
AMA Nwankwegu R, Mbaeyi-nwaoha I. Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms. JFNG. Aralık 2024;3(2):113-128. doi:10.58625/jfng-2666
Chicago Nwankwegu, Rita, ve Ifeoma Mbaeyi-nwaoha. “Enhancing Protein Quality in Breakfast Cereals With Blends of Acha, Pigeon Pea, and Oyster Mushrooms”. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy 3, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 113-28.
EndNote Nwankwegu R, Mbaeyi-nwaoha I (01 Aralık 2024) Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy 3 2 113–128.
IEEE R. Nwankwegu ve I. Mbaeyi-nwaoha, “Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms”, JFNG, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 113–128, 2024, doi: 10.58625/jfng-2666.
ISNAD Nwankwegu, Rita - Mbaeyi-nwaoha, Ifeoma. “Enhancing Protein Quality in Breakfast Cereals With Blends of Acha, Pigeon Pea, and Oyster Mushrooms”. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy 3/2 (Aralık 2024), 113-128.
JAMA Nwankwegu R, Mbaeyi-nwaoha I. Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms. JFNG. 2024;3:113–128.
MLA Nwankwegu, Rita ve Ifeoma Mbaeyi-nwaoha. “Enhancing Protein Quality in Breakfast Cereals With Blends of Acha, Pigeon Pea, and Oyster Mushrooms”. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy, c. 3, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 113-28, doi:10.58625/jfng-2666.
Vancouver Nwankwegu R, Mbaeyi-nwaoha I. Enhancing protein quality in breakfast cereals with blends of acha, pigeon pea, and oyster mushrooms. JFNG. 2024;3(2):113-28.