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Bilim Merkezlerinin Eğitimsel ve Organizasyonel Yaklaşımlarını Bilim Merkezi Eğitmenlerinin Bakış Açısıyla Keşfetmek: Öğretim Tasarımı Hususları

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 42, 31.12.2024


Bilim merkezleri, informal eğitim alanında giderek daha fazla önem kazanmaktadır. Geleneksel sınıf ortamlarının dışında öğrenmeyi teşvik eden bu merkezler, öğrencilere deneyim odaklı ve etkileşimli bir öğrenme ortamı sunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bilim merkezlerindeki eğitsel ve kurumsal uygulamaların anlaşılması ve değerlendirilmesi, eğitim alanında önemli bir araştırma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu uygulamaların, öğretim tasarımı ilkeleri ile uyumlu olarak incelenmesi, öğretim tasarımcıları, uygulayıcılar ve araştırmacılar için önemli bir adımdır. Bu bağlamda, Türkiye'deki bilim merkezlerindeki mevcut eğitsel ve kurumsal uygulamaların değerlendirilmesi, bu merkezlerin etkinliğini artırmak için önemli ipuçları sunabilir. Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan temel nitel araştırma deseni kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılar, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilmiştir ve Türkiye genelindeki 13 farklı bilim merkezinden toplanan veriler üzerinden analiz yapılmıştır. Araştırma, 20 bilim merkezi eğitmeninden yarı yapılandırılmış bireysel görüşmeler yoluyla toplanan verileri içermektedir. Bu veriler, tematik kodlama yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiş ve bulgular, bilim merkezlerindeki eğitsel ve organizasyonel uygulamaların öğretim tasarımı süreçlerini nasıl etkilediğine yönelik bulguları ortaya koymuştur. Bilim merkezlerindeki eğitim uygulamaları, işbirliğini artırma ve öğretimi tasarlama olmak üzere iki ana temayı ortaya koymaktadır. Organizasyonel uygulamalar ise, ihtiyaçlar, beklentiler, karşılaşılan engeller ve çözüm girişimleri olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim merkezlerindeki eğitsel ve organizasyonel uygulamaların iyileştirilmesi için önemli bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Bu çerçeve, bilim merkezlerinin eğitim verimliliğini artırmalarına ve organizasyonel uygulamalarını belirlerken hangi stratejileri kullanabileceklerini belirlemelerine yardımcı olabilir. Bu şekilde, bilim merkezlerinin ileriye dönük eğitim faaliyetlerine katkıda bulunulması amaçlanmaktadır.


  • Aktay, S. (2015). Teknoloji destekli fen bilimleri öğretimi. In Ş. Achiam, M., & Sølberg, J. (2016). Nine meta-functions for science museums and science centers. Museum Management and Curatorship, 32(2), 123–143.
  • Anderson, D. & Zhang, Z. (2003). Teacher perceptions of field-trip planning and implementation. Visitor Studies Today, 6(3), 6-11.
  • Anderson, D., Kisiel, J. & Storksdieck, M. (2006). Understanding Teachers’ Perspectives on Field Trips: Discovering Common Ground in Three Countries. Curator: The Museum Journal, 49(3), 365–386.
  • Bamberger, Y. & Tal, T. (2007). Learning in a personal context: Levels of choice in a free choice learning environment in science and natural history museums. Science Education, 91(1), 75–95.
  • Behrendt, M. & Franklin T. (2014). A review of research on school field trips and their value in education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 9(3), 235- 245. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2014.213a
  • Carr, M. (2010). The Importance of Metacognition for Conceptual Change and Strategy Use in Mathematics. In H. S. Waters, & W. Schneider (Eds), Metacognition, Strategy Use, & Instruction (pp. 176-197). The Guildford Press.
  • Çığrık, E. & Özkan, M. (2016). Bilim merkezi’nde yürütülen öğrenme etkinliklerinin öğrencilerin fen bilimleri dersindeki akademik başarılarına etkisi ve motivasyon düzeyleriyle ilişkisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 279-301.
  • Cherbow, K., McKinley, M. T., McNeill, K. L. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2020). An analysis of science instruction for the science practices: Examining coherence across system levels and components in current systems of science education in K‐ 8 schools. Science Education, 104(3), 446–478.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Dal, B., Ozdem, Y., Öztürk, N. & Alper, U. (2013). Building capacity for public understanding of science: A report on the role of science centers. Bilge Strateji.
  • Daneshamooz, S., Alamolhodaei, H., Darvishian, S. & Daneshamooz, S. (2013). Science center and attitude. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(19), 1875-1881.
  • DeWitt, J. & Hohenstein, J. (2010). School trips and classroom lessons: An investigation into teacher-student talk in two settings. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(4), 454–473.
  • Eren-Şişman, E.N., Çiğdemoğlu, C., Kanlı, U. & Köseoğlu, F. (2020). Science teachers’ professional development about science centers. Science & Education, 29, 1255–1290.
  • Falk, J. H. & Dierking, L. D. (2016). The Museum Experience Revisited. Routledge.
  • Feinstein, N. W. & Meshoulam, D. (20143). Science for what public? Addressing equity in American science museums and science centers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(3), 368–394.
  • Giannakoudaki, K. & Stavrou, D. (2022). Guided school visits to a research center: perspectives from teachers and staff. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 14(1), 11-20.
  • Gigerl, M., Sanahuja-Gavaldà, J. M., Petrinska-Labudovikj, R., Moron-Velasco, M., Rojas-Pernia, S. & Tragatschnig, U. (2022). Collaboration between schools and museums for inclusive cultural education: Findings from the INARTdis-project. Frontiers in Education, 7.
  • Görmez, I. (2014). The effect of field trip-oriented instruction on ninth grade students' achievement in animal diversity unit, continuing and academic motivation (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis). Middle East Technical University
  • Göz, S. & Güneröz, C. (2023). Power of museums: Ecomuseums for sustainable environment, development and diversity. Milli Folklor, 18(139), 5-17.
  • Guisasola, J., Jordi Solbes, Macho, Á., Morentin, M. & Moreno, A. (2009). Students’ understanding of the special theory of relativity and design for a guided visit to a science museum. International Journal of Science Education, 31(15), 2085–2104.
  • Gutwill, J. P. & Allen, S. (2011). Deepening students’ scientific inquiry skills during a science museum field trip. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21(1), 130–181.
  • Hauan, N. P. & DeWitt, J. (2017). Comparing materials for self-guided learning in interactive science exhibitions. Visitor Studies, 20(2), 165–186.
  • Holmes, J. A. (2011). Informal learning: Student achievement and motivation in science through museum-based learning. Learning Environments Research, 14(3), 263–277.
  • Houseal, A. K., Abd-El-Khalick, F. & Destefano, L. (20143). Impact of a student-teacher-scientist partnership on students’ and teachers’ content knowledge, attitudes toward science, and pedagogical practices. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(1), 84–115.
  • Inkinen, J., Klager, C., Juuti, K., Schneider, B., Salmela‐Aro, K., Krajcik, J. & Lavonen, J. (2020). High school students’ situational engagement associated with scientific practices in designed science learning situations. Science Education, 104(4), 667–692.
  • Jee, B. D. & Anggoro, F. K. (2021). Designing exhibits to support relational learning in a science museum. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Kanlı, U., Yanış, H. & Köseoğlu, F., (2019). Etkili bir bilim merkezi gezisi sürecinde öğretmen ve bilim merkezi eğitmenlerinin rolleri ve bir uygulama örneği, Okul Duvarlarının Ötesine Öğrenme Yolculuğu (pp.287-307), Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kanlı, U. & Yavaş, S. (2021). Examining the effect of workshops pedagogically modelling exhibits at science centers on the development of students’ conceptual achievements. International Journal of Science Education, 43(1), 79–104.
  • Karademir, A. & Yıldırım, B. (2021). A different perspective on preschool STEM education: STEM education and views on engineering. Turkish Journal of Science Education.
  • Karnezou, M. & Kariotoglou, P. (2022). Inquiry in a science museum: science museum educators' views and practices. Education Sciences, 12. 865.
  • Kaya Dilmen, H. & Kırcı, N. (2022). Transformation of science museums into science centers as a reflection of active learning in museum education on architecture. Journal of International Museum Education, 4(1).
  • Kim, M., Dillon, J. & Song, J. (202018). The factors and features of museum fatigue in science centers felt by korean students. Research in Science Education.
  • Koseoglu, F., Tahancalio, S., Kanlı, U. & Özdem Yılmaz, Y. (2020). Investigation of science teachers' professional development needs for learning in science centers. Eğitim ve Bilim, 45(203), 191-213.
  • Kubota, C. A. & Olstad, R. G. (1991). Effects of novelty-reducing preparation on exploratory behavior and cognitive learning in a science museum setting. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(3), 225–234.
  • Kumlu, M. & Öner, G. (2023). Bilim merkezlerine yönelik okul ziyaretleri nasil gerçekleşiyor? TÜBITAK destekli bilim merkezlerinde görev yapan eğitim personeli görüşlerinin incelenmesi. 7th international symposium of education and values. 26-28 Oct. 2023, Antalya/Türkiye.
  • Laçin-Şimşek, C. & Öztürk, M. (2021). An examination of science center visitors’ interactions with exhibits. Museum Management and Curatorship, 1–21.
  • Manning, J. (2017). In vivo coding. in the ınternational encyclopedia of communication research methods (Eds J. Matthes, C.S. Davis and R.F. Potter).
  • Martin, A. J., Durksen, T. L., Williamson, D., Kiss, J. & Ginns, P. (2016). The role of a museum-based science education program in promoting content knowledge and science motivation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(9), 1364–1384.
  • McManimon, S. K., Causey, L., King, Z., Ronning, E. C. & Bequette, M. B. (2020). On the need for expanded guidance in navigating ethical learning research at science museums. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(5), 651–671.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. Jossey-Bass.
  • Nugent, G., Barker, B., Welch, G., Grandgenett, N., Wu, C. & Nelson, C. (2015). A Model of Factors Contributing to STEM Learning and Career Orientation. International Journal of Science Education, 37(7), 1067–1088.
  • Nyamupangedengu, E. & Lelliott, A. (2012). An exploration of learners’ use of worksheets during a science museum visit. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(1), 82–99.
  • Öner, G. & Öztürk, M. (2019). Science centres as outdoor teaching environments: experience of prospective social studies teachers. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20, 1109-1135.
  • Öner, G. & Erarslan Ş., (2023). How can social sciences be integrated into science centers?. Journal of Higher Education and Science, 13(3), 325-342.
  • Özcan, H., Demirel, R. & Ergül, S. (2019). Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Konya Bilim Merkezine Yönelik Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(42), 141–158.
  • Öz, R. & Şahin, F. (2015). Araştırma - sorgulamaya dayalı etkinliklerle desteklenmiş bilim merkezi uygulamalarının 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin akademik başarılarına etkisi. VII. Uluslararası Türkiye Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi, 28-31 May 2015, Muğla/Türkiye
  • Özer, D. Z. & Güngör, S. N. (2017). Analysis of middle school students’ views and impressions about a science center. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 14(4), 108-125.
  • Palmer, D. (2002). Preservice elementary teachers' perceptions after visiting an interactive science center. Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research, 5(3), 129-129.
  • Pekin, M., & Bozdoğan, A. E. (2021). Ortaokul Öğretmenlerinin Okul Dışı Çevrelere Gezi Düzenlemeye İlişkin Öz Yeterliklerinin Farklı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi: Tokat İli Örneği. Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 17, 114-133.
  • Perry, D. L. (2012). What makes learning fun?: Principles for the design of intrinsically motivating museum exhibits. Altamira Press.
  • Riegel, U. & Kindermann, K. (2016). Why leave the classroom? How field trips to the church affect cognitive learning outcomes. Learning and Instruction, 41, 106-114.
  • Roberts, J., & Lyons, L. (2017). The value of learning talk: applying a novel dialogue scoring method to inform interaction design in an open-ended, embodied museum exhibit. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 12(4), 343–376.
  • Shaby, N., & Vedder‐Weiss, D. (2020). Science identity trajectories throughout school visits to a science museum. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(5), 733–764.
  • Sivrikaya, G. & Güneröz, C., (2022). Bilim müzelerinde paradigma değişimleri. MSGSÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(25), 20-38.
  • Smortchkova, J. & Shea, N. (2020). Metacognitive development and conceptual change in children. Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
  • Sontay, G., Tutar, M. & Karamustafaoğlu, O. (2016). Okul dışı öğrenme ortamları ile fen öğretimi hakkında öğrenci görüşleri: Planetarium gezisi. İnformal Ortamlarda Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1(1), 1–24.
  • Stavrova, O. & Urhahne, D. (2010). Modification of a school programme in the deutsches museum to enhance students’ attitudes and understanding. International Journal of Science Education, 32(17), 2291–2310.
  • Şentürk, E. & Özdemir, M. F. (2014). The effect of science centers on students’ attitudes towards science. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 4(1), 1–24.
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Exploring Science Centers' Educational and Organizational Approaches Through the Lens of Science Center Educators: Instructional Design Considerations

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 42, 31.12.2024


Science centers are increasingly recognized as pivotal entities within informal education, facilitating learning experiences beyond the confines of traditional classroom environments by offering students immersive and interactive educational opportunities. Consequently, there has been a growing scholarly interest in comprehending and evaluating the pedagogical and organizational methodologies employed within science centers. Analyzing these practices through the lens of instructional design principles is seen as crucial for instructional designers, practitioners, and researchers alike. Therefore, assessing the current educational and institutional practices within science centers in Türkiye holds promise for enhancing their effectiveness. This research, conducted utilizing a basic qualitative research design as a qualitative methodology, involved purposive sampling to select participants, with data sourced from 13 diverse science centers across Türkiye. Semi-structured individual interviews with 20 science center educators provided data, which were then analyzed through thematic coding, providing insights into how pedagogical and institutional practices influence instructional design processes. The study delineates collaboration and instructional design as primary educational themes, while institutional practices are segmented into needs, expectations, challenges encountered, and efforts to address them. Ultimately, this study provides a robust framework for refining pedagogical and institutional practices within Turkish science centers in order to strengthen their pedagogical impact and assist in formulating effective organizational strategies, thereby contributing to future pedagogical endeavors within these centers.


  • Aktay, S. (2015). Teknoloji destekli fen bilimleri öğretimi. In Ş. Achiam, M., & Sølberg, J. (2016). Nine meta-functions for science museums and science centers. Museum Management and Curatorship, 32(2), 123–143.
  • Anderson, D. & Zhang, Z. (2003). Teacher perceptions of field-trip planning and implementation. Visitor Studies Today, 6(3), 6-11.
  • Anderson, D., Kisiel, J. & Storksdieck, M. (2006). Understanding Teachers’ Perspectives on Field Trips: Discovering Common Ground in Three Countries. Curator: The Museum Journal, 49(3), 365–386.
  • Bamberger, Y. & Tal, T. (2007). Learning in a personal context: Levels of choice in a free choice learning environment in science and natural history museums. Science Education, 91(1), 75–95.
  • Behrendt, M. & Franklin T. (2014). A review of research on school field trips and their value in education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 9(3), 235- 245. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2014.213a
  • Carr, M. (2010). The Importance of Metacognition for Conceptual Change and Strategy Use in Mathematics. In H. S. Waters, & W. Schneider (Eds), Metacognition, Strategy Use, & Instruction (pp. 176-197). The Guildford Press.
  • Çığrık, E. & Özkan, M. (2016). Bilim merkezi’nde yürütülen öğrenme etkinliklerinin öğrencilerin fen bilimleri dersindeki akademik başarılarına etkisi ve motivasyon düzeyleriyle ilişkisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 279-301.
  • Cherbow, K., McKinley, M. T., McNeill, K. L. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2020). An analysis of science instruction for the science practices: Examining coherence across system levels and components in current systems of science education in K‐ 8 schools. Science Education, 104(3), 446–478.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Dal, B., Ozdem, Y., Öztürk, N. & Alper, U. (2013). Building capacity for public understanding of science: A report on the role of science centers. Bilge Strateji.
  • Daneshamooz, S., Alamolhodaei, H., Darvishian, S. & Daneshamooz, S. (2013). Science center and attitude. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(19), 1875-1881.
  • DeWitt, J. & Hohenstein, J. (2010). School trips and classroom lessons: An investigation into teacher-student talk in two settings. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(4), 454–473.
  • Eren-Şişman, E.N., Çiğdemoğlu, C., Kanlı, U. & Köseoğlu, F. (2020). Science teachers’ professional development about science centers. Science & Education, 29, 1255–1290.
  • Falk, J. H. & Dierking, L. D. (2016). The Museum Experience Revisited. Routledge.
  • Feinstein, N. W. & Meshoulam, D. (20143). Science for what public? Addressing equity in American science museums and science centers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(3), 368–394.
  • Giannakoudaki, K. & Stavrou, D. (2022). Guided school visits to a research center: perspectives from teachers and staff. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 14(1), 11-20.
  • Gigerl, M., Sanahuja-Gavaldà, J. M., Petrinska-Labudovikj, R., Moron-Velasco, M., Rojas-Pernia, S. & Tragatschnig, U. (2022). Collaboration between schools and museums for inclusive cultural education: Findings from the INARTdis-project. Frontiers in Education, 7.
  • Görmez, I. (2014). The effect of field trip-oriented instruction on ninth grade students' achievement in animal diversity unit, continuing and academic motivation (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis). Middle East Technical University
  • Göz, S. & Güneröz, C. (2023). Power of museums: Ecomuseums for sustainable environment, development and diversity. Milli Folklor, 18(139), 5-17.
  • Guisasola, J., Jordi Solbes, Macho, Á., Morentin, M. & Moreno, A. (2009). Students’ understanding of the special theory of relativity and design for a guided visit to a science museum. International Journal of Science Education, 31(15), 2085–2104.
  • Gutwill, J. P. & Allen, S. (2011). Deepening students’ scientific inquiry skills during a science museum field trip. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21(1), 130–181.
  • Hauan, N. P. & DeWitt, J. (2017). Comparing materials for self-guided learning in interactive science exhibitions. Visitor Studies, 20(2), 165–186.
  • Holmes, J. A. (2011). Informal learning: Student achievement and motivation in science through museum-based learning. Learning Environments Research, 14(3), 263–277.
  • Houseal, A. K., Abd-El-Khalick, F. & Destefano, L. (20143). Impact of a student-teacher-scientist partnership on students’ and teachers’ content knowledge, attitudes toward science, and pedagogical practices. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(1), 84–115.
  • Inkinen, J., Klager, C., Juuti, K., Schneider, B., Salmela‐Aro, K., Krajcik, J. & Lavonen, J. (2020). High school students’ situational engagement associated with scientific practices in designed science learning situations. Science Education, 104(4), 667–692.
  • Jee, B. D. & Anggoro, F. K. (2021). Designing exhibits to support relational learning in a science museum. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Kanlı, U., Yanış, H. & Köseoğlu, F., (2019). Etkili bir bilim merkezi gezisi sürecinde öğretmen ve bilim merkezi eğitmenlerinin rolleri ve bir uygulama örneği, Okul Duvarlarının Ötesine Öğrenme Yolculuğu (pp.287-307), Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kanlı, U. & Yavaş, S. (2021). Examining the effect of workshops pedagogically modelling exhibits at science centers on the development of students’ conceptual achievements. International Journal of Science Education, 43(1), 79–104.
  • Karademir, A. & Yıldırım, B. (2021). A different perspective on preschool STEM education: STEM education and views on engineering. Turkish Journal of Science Education.
  • Karnezou, M. & Kariotoglou, P. (2022). Inquiry in a science museum: science museum educators' views and practices. Education Sciences, 12. 865.
  • Kaya Dilmen, H. & Kırcı, N. (2022). Transformation of science museums into science centers as a reflection of active learning in museum education on architecture. Journal of International Museum Education, 4(1).
  • Kim, M., Dillon, J. & Song, J. (202018). The factors and features of museum fatigue in science centers felt by korean students. Research in Science Education.
  • Koseoglu, F., Tahancalio, S., Kanlı, U. & Özdem Yılmaz, Y. (2020). Investigation of science teachers' professional development needs for learning in science centers. Eğitim ve Bilim, 45(203), 191-213.
  • Kubota, C. A. & Olstad, R. G. (1991). Effects of novelty-reducing preparation on exploratory behavior and cognitive learning in a science museum setting. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(3), 225–234.
  • Kumlu, M. & Öner, G. (2023). Bilim merkezlerine yönelik okul ziyaretleri nasil gerçekleşiyor? TÜBITAK destekli bilim merkezlerinde görev yapan eğitim personeli görüşlerinin incelenmesi. 7th international symposium of education and values. 26-28 Oct. 2023, Antalya/Türkiye.
  • Laçin-Şimşek, C. & Öztürk, M. (2021). An examination of science center visitors’ interactions with exhibits. Museum Management and Curatorship, 1–21.
  • Manning, J. (2017). In vivo coding. in the ınternational encyclopedia of communication research methods (Eds J. Matthes, C.S. Davis and R.F. Potter).
  • Martin, A. J., Durksen, T. L., Williamson, D., Kiss, J. & Ginns, P. (2016). The role of a museum-based science education program in promoting content knowledge and science motivation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(9), 1364–1384.
  • McManimon, S. K., Causey, L., King, Z., Ronning, E. C. & Bequette, M. B. (2020). On the need for expanded guidance in navigating ethical learning research at science museums. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(5), 651–671.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. Jossey-Bass.
  • Nugent, G., Barker, B., Welch, G., Grandgenett, N., Wu, C. & Nelson, C. (2015). A Model of Factors Contributing to STEM Learning and Career Orientation. International Journal of Science Education, 37(7), 1067–1088.
  • Nyamupangedengu, E. & Lelliott, A. (2012). An exploration of learners’ use of worksheets during a science museum visit. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(1), 82–99.
  • Öner, G. & Öztürk, M. (2019). Science centres as outdoor teaching environments: experience of prospective social studies teachers. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20, 1109-1135.
  • Öner, G. & Erarslan Ş., (2023). How can social sciences be integrated into science centers?. Journal of Higher Education and Science, 13(3), 325-342.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Okul Dışı Öğrenme
Bölüm Makaleler

Gamze Türkmen 0000-0002-4695-9159

Zahide Yıldırım 0000-0001-9095-2977

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkmen, G., & Yıldırım, Z. (2024). Exploring Science Centers’ Educational and Organizational Approaches Through the Lens of Science Center Educators: Instructional Design Considerations. Journal of International Museum Education, 6, 1-42.

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