Kapak Resmi

The acceptance of articles for the Journal of Social Sciences and Education to be published in OCTOBER 2024 has started.

Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed and electronic journal published twice a year, which started its publication life in 2018.

JOSSE publishes in all fields of educational and social sciences. Articles can be published in  English. Authors who will apply for articles to our journal should arrange their articles according to the Article Template. Ethical Principles and Publication Policy* Research and Publication ethics* Instructions for Authors* should be reviewed prior to article submission. Authors must register with DergiPark before submitting to the journal.

Article similarity report, ethics committee report, copyright transfer form and article file should be uploaded by following the submit article steps.

JOSSE is an open access, peer-reviewed, international and free journal. is a magazine.

ORCID ID number is mandatory in our journal. You can get your ORCID ID number from https://orcid.org/register.