Meal Sharing Platform Experiencescape: An Exploratory Analysis
Yıl 2024,
, 67 - 83, 31.12.2024
Nesrin Savas
Deniz Karagöz
This study aims to explore the experiencescapes that encompass and shape tourists' experiences on meal-sharing platforms. As part of the research, user-generated content on the Eatwith mealsharing platform was examined. To discover the experiencescapes of meal-sharing, 2,839 online reviews posted on Eatwith by visitors who participated in meal-sharing experiences in Istanbul, Rome and Paris were analyzed using word analysis and content analysis methods. According to the findings, the experiencescapes of meal-sharing were identified as "hospitality, authenticity, food quality, interaction, atmosphere, storytelling, personalization, and cocreation." This research is among the pioneering studies addressing experiencescapes in the context of meal-sharing platforms and makes significant ontributions to the existing literature.
Etik Beyan
In accordance with the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of the Journal of Academic Tourism Analysis (Journal ATA), ethical committee approval is not required for this study.
Destekleyen Kurum
This study did not receive any financial support from public, commercial, or non-profit organizations.
- Alfakhri, D., Harness, D., Nicholson, J., & Harness, T. (2018). The role of aesthetics and design in hotelscape: A
phenomenological investigation of cosmopolitan consumers. Journal of Business Research, 85, 523-531.
- Ariffin, A. A. M. (2013). Generic dimensionality of hospitality in the hotel industry: A host–guest relationship
perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35, 171-179.
- Ariffin, A. A. M., & Maghzi, A. (2012). A Preliminary Study on Customer Expectations of Hotel Hospitality: Influences of Personal and Hotel Factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 191-198.
- Atsız, O., Cifci, I., & Law, R. (2021). Understanding food experience in sharing-economy platforms: insights from Eatwith and Withlocals. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1-26.
- Atsız, O., Cifci, I., & Rasoolimanesh, S. M. (2022). Exploring the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: A netnography approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(6), 919-936.
- Awan, M. I., Shamim, A., & Saleem, M. S. (2021, November). Re-interpreting ‘luxury hospitality through experienscape, customer satisfaction, and customer well-being. In International Conference on Business and Technology (pp. 783-804). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Bitner, M. J. (1992). Servicescapes: the impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56(2): 57-71.
- Björk, P., & Kauppinen-Räisänen, H. (2019). Destination foodscape: A stage for travelers' food experience. Tourism Management, 71, 466-475.
- Bucak, T., & Aracı, Ü. E. (2013). Türkiye’de gastronomi turizmi üzerine genel bir değerlendirme. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(30), 203-216.
- Chen, Z. (2022). Visualizing experiencescape–from the art of intangible cultural heritage. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(4), 559-578.
- Chen, Z., Suntikul, W., & King, B. (2020). Constructing an intangible cultural heritage experiencescape: The case of the Feast of the Drunken Dragon (Macau). Tourism Management Perspectives, 34, 100659.
- Cheng, T. M., & Chen, M. T. (2023). Creative atmosphere in creative tourism destinations: Conceptualizing and scale development. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 47(3), 590-615.
- Cifci, I., Kahraman, O. C., Tiwari, S., & Rasoolimanesh, S. M. (2023). Demystifying meal-sharing experiences through a combination of PLS-SEM and fsQCA. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 32(7), 843-869.
- Eagly, A. H., Ashmore, R. D., Makhijani, M. G., & Longo, L. C. (1991). What is beautiful is good, but…: A meta-analytic
review of research on the physical attractiveness stereotype. Psychological bulletin, 110(1), 109.
- Elo, S., & Kyngäs, H. (2008). The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of advanced nursing, 62(1), 107-115.
- Engeset, M. G., & Elvekrok, I. (2015). Authentic concepts: Effects on tourist satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 54(4), 456-466.
- Felländer, A., Ingram, C., & Teigland, R. (2015). Sharing economy. In Embracing Change with Caution. Näringspolitiskt Forum Rapport (Vol. 11).
- Fossgard K and Fredman P (2019) Dimensions in the nature-based tourism experiencescape: an explora- tive analysis. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 28: 100219.
- Gaikwad, S. V., Chaugule, A., & Patil, P. (2014). Text mining methods and techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications, 85(17).
- Gregorash, B. J. (2018). Understanding authenticity within gastronomic experiences. In Authenticity & tourism (Vol. 24, pp. 145-163). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Hall, C. M. (2008). Servicescapes, designscapes, branding, and the creation of place‐identity: south of Litchfield,
Christchurch. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(3-4), 233-250.
- Hart, M., & Dagevos, M. (2017). Sociaal ondernemen in het sociale domein is lastiger dan het lijkt. Retrieved
- Heo, Y. (2016). Sharing economy and prospects in tourism research. Annals of tourism Research, 58, 166-170.
Holbrook MB. 1994. The nature of consumer value. In Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice, Rust RT, Oliver RL (eds). Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA; 21–71
- Hwang, J., & Seo, S. (2016). A critical review of research on customer experience management: Theoretical, methodological and cultural perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(10), 2218-2246.
- Ji, C., & Yan, L. (2023). The experiencescape of integrated resorts in Macao: Scale development and validation. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13567667231206694.
- Johnstone, M. L. (2012). The servicescape: The social dimensions of place. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(11-12), 1399- 1418.
- Kandampully, J., Bilgihan, A., & Amer, S. M. (2023). Linking servicescape and experiencescape: creating a collective focus for the service industry. Journal of Service Management, 34(2), 316-340
- Kivela, J., Inbakaran, R., & Reece, J. (1999). Consumer research in the restaurant environment, Part 1: A conceptual model of dining satisfaction and return patronage. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(5), 205-222.
- Kotler, P. (1973). Atmospherics as a marketing tool. Journal of Retailing, 49(4): 48-64.
Liang, L. J., Choi, H. C., & Joppe, M. (2018). Understanding repurchase intention of Airbnb consumers: perceived authenticity, electronic word-of-mouth, and price sensitivity. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(1), 73-89.
- Lin, P. M. (2021). Dining in the sharing economy: a comparison of private social dining and restaurants. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Lin, H., Shi, S., & Gursoy, D. (2022). Destination experiencescape: conceptualization and scale development amid COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(24), 4047-4074.
- McGrath, M. A., & Otnes, C. (1995). Unacquainted influencers: when strangers interact in the retail setting. Journal of Business Research, 32(3), 261-272.
- Mehrabian, A., & Russell, J. A. (1974). A verbal measure of information rate for studies in environmental
psychology. Environment and Behavior, 6(2), 233.
- Mei, X. Y., Hågensen, A. M. S., & Kristiansen, H. S. (2020). Storytelling through experiencescape: Creating unique stories and extraordinary experiences in farm tourism. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(1), 93-104.
Mody, M. A., Suess, C., & Lehto, X. (2017). The accommodation experiencescape: a comparative assessment of hotels and Airbnb. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(9), 2377-2404.
- Mody M, Suess C and Lehto X (2019a) Going back to its roots: can hospitableness provide hotels competitive advantage over the sharing economy? International Journal of Hospitality Management 76: 286–298.
- Mody M, Suess C and Lehto X (2019b) Using segmentation to compete in the age of the sharing economy: testing a coreperiphery framework. International Journal of Hospitality Management 78: 199–213.
- Mossberg L (2007) A marketing approach to the tourist experience. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 7(1): 59–74.
- Mossberg, L., & Eide, D. (2018). Storytelling and meal experience concepts. In Nordic Food Transitions (pp. 84-99). Routledge.
- Namkung, Y., & Jang, S. (2007). Does food quality really matter in restaurants? Its impact on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 31(3), 387–409.
O’Dell, T. (2007). Tourist experiences and academic junctures. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 7(1), 34–45.
- OpenAl. (2023). ChatGPT (GPT-4) model. October 2023 update. Retrieved August 3, 2024, from [].
- Paulauskaite, D., Powell, R., Coca‐Stefaniak, J. A., & Morrison, A. M. (2017). Living like a local: Authentic tourism experiences and the sharing economy. International journal of tourism research, 19(6), 619-628.
- Park, E., & Widyanta, A. (2022). Food tourism experience and changing destination foodscape: An exploratory study of an emerging food destination. Tourism Management Perspectives, 42, 100964.
- Pine, J., & Gilmore, J. H. (1998).''Welcome to the Experience Economy''. Harvard Business Review, 97-105.
- Piramanayagam, S., Sud, S., & Pratim Seal, P. P. (2020). Relationship between tourists’ local food experiencescape, satisfaction and behavioural intention. Anatolia, 31(2), 316–330.
- Pizam A and Tasci A (2019) Experienscape: expanding the concept of servicescape with a multistakeholder and multidisciplinary approach (invited paper for ‘luminaries’ special issue). International Journal of Hospitality Management 76:
- Prahalad, C. K., & Ramaswamy, V. (2004). Co-creation experiences: The next practice in value creation. Journal of interactive marketing, 18(3), 5-14.
- Prebensen, N. K., Vittersø, J., & Dahl, T. I. (2013). Value co-creation significance of tourist resources. Annals of Tourism Research, 42, 240-261.
- Privitera, D. (2016). Describing the collaborative economy: Forms of food sharing initiatives. In Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings (Vol. 43, No. 43, pp. 92-98).
- Puram, P., & Gurumurthy, A. (2023). Sharing economy in the food sector: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 56, 229-244.
- Puschmann, T., & Alt, R. (2016). Sharing economy. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 58, 93-99.
- Radic, A., Lück, M., Al-Ansi, A., Chua, B. L., Seeler, S., & Han, H. (2021). Cruise ship dining experiencescape: The perspective of female cruise travelers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102923.
- Ramkissoon, H., & Uysal, M. S. (2011). The effects of perceived authenticity, information search behaviour, motivation and destination imagery on cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(6), 537-562
- Sole, D., & Wilson, D. G. (2002). Storytelling in organizations: The power and traps of using stories to share knowledge in organizations. LILA, Harvard, Graduate School of Education, 9(1), 1-12.
- Sotiriadis, M. D., & Nduna, L. T. (2019). Digital platforms for collaborative gastronomy. In The Routledge handbook of gastronomic tourism (pp. 302-311). Routledge.
- Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research. Sage publications.
- Sulek, J. M., & Hensley, R. L. (2004). The relative importance of food, atmosphere, and fairness of wait: the case of a fullservice restaurant. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 235–247.
- Tsai, C. T. (2016). Memorable tourist experiences and place attachment when consuming local food. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(6), 536-548.
- Turley, L. W., & Milliman, R. E. (2000). Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: a review of the experimental
evidence. Journal of business research, 49(2), 193-211.
- Tussyadiah, I. P., & Pesonen, J. (2016). Impacts of peer-to-peer accommodation use on travel patterns. Journal of travel Research, 55(8), 1022-1040.
- Van Laer, T., De Ruyter, K., Visconti, L. M., & Wetzels, M. (2014). The extended transportation-imagery model: A metaanalysis of the antecedents and consequences of consumers' narrative transportation. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 797-817.
- Veen, E. J., & Dagevos, M. (2019). Diversifying economic practices in meal sharing and community gardening. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 4(1), 1-10.
- Williams, E. N., & Morrow, S. L. (2009). Achieving Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research: A Pan-Paradigmatic Perspective, Psychotherapy Research, 19 (4-5): 576- 582.
- Zurek, K. (2016). Food sharing in Europe: Between regulating risks and the risks of regulating. Special Issue on The Risks and Opportunities of the Sharing Economy, 4, 675–687.
Yemek Paylaşım Platformu Deneyim Uzantıları: Keşifsel Bir Analiz
Yıl 2024,
, 67 - 83, 31.12.2024
Nesrin Savas
Deniz Karagöz
Bu çalışma, yemek paylaşım platformlarında turistlerin deneyimlerini kuşatan ve oluşturan deneyim uzantılarını keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında, Eatwith yemek paylaşım platformunda kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulan içerikler incelenmiştir. Araştırmada yemek paylaşım deneyim uzantılarını keşfetmek amacıyla İstanbul, Roma ve Paris'te yemek paylaşım deneyimine katılan ziyaretçiler tarafından Eatwith'te yayınlanan 2839 çevrimiçi yorum, kelime analizi ve içerik analizi yöntemleriyle değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre yemek paylaşım deneyim uzantıları “misafirperverlik, özgünlük, yiyecek kalitesi, etkileşim, atmosfer, hikâye anlatımı, kişiselleştirme ve birlikte üretim” olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu araştırma, yemek paylaşım platformları bağlamında deneyim uzantılarını ele alan öncü çalışmalar arasında yer almakta ve mevcut literatüre önemli katkılar sunmaktadır.
Etik Beyan
Akademik Turizm Analizi Dergisi (ATA Dergisi) Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası doğrultusunda, bu çalışma
için etik kurul onayına ihtiyaç duyulmamaktadır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Bu çalışma, hiçbir kamu, ticari veya kar amacı gütmeyen kurum ya da kuruluştan herhangi bir finansman desteği almamıştır.
- Alfakhri, D., Harness, D., Nicholson, J., & Harness, T. (2018). The role of aesthetics and design in hotelscape: A
phenomenological investigation of cosmopolitan consumers. Journal of Business Research, 85, 523-531.
- Ariffin, A. A. M. (2013). Generic dimensionality of hospitality in the hotel industry: A host–guest relationship
perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35, 171-179.
- Ariffin, A. A. M., & Maghzi, A. (2012). A Preliminary Study on Customer Expectations of Hotel Hospitality: Influences of Personal and Hotel Factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 191-198.
- Atsız, O., Cifci, I., & Law, R. (2021). Understanding food experience in sharing-economy platforms: insights from Eatwith and Withlocals. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1-26.
- Atsız, O., Cifci, I., & Rasoolimanesh, S. M. (2022). Exploring the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: A netnography approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(6), 919-936.
- Awan, M. I., Shamim, A., & Saleem, M. S. (2021, November). Re-interpreting ‘luxury hospitality through experienscape, customer satisfaction, and customer well-being. In International Conference on Business and Technology (pp. 783-804). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Bitner, M. J. (1992). Servicescapes: the impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56(2): 57-71.
- Björk, P., & Kauppinen-Räisänen, H. (2019). Destination foodscape: A stage for travelers' food experience. Tourism Management, 71, 466-475.
- Bucak, T., & Aracı, Ü. E. (2013). Türkiye’de gastronomi turizmi üzerine genel bir değerlendirme. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(30), 203-216.
- Chen, Z. (2022). Visualizing experiencescape–from the art of intangible cultural heritage. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(4), 559-578.
- Chen, Z., Suntikul, W., & King, B. (2020). Constructing an intangible cultural heritage experiencescape: The case of the Feast of the Drunken Dragon (Macau). Tourism Management Perspectives, 34, 100659.
- Cheng, T. M., & Chen, M. T. (2023). Creative atmosphere in creative tourism destinations: Conceptualizing and scale development. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 47(3), 590-615.
- Cifci, I., Kahraman, O. C., Tiwari, S., & Rasoolimanesh, S. M. (2023). Demystifying meal-sharing experiences through a combination of PLS-SEM and fsQCA. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 32(7), 843-869.
- Eagly, A. H., Ashmore, R. D., Makhijani, M. G., & Longo, L. C. (1991). What is beautiful is good, but…: A meta-analytic
review of research on the physical attractiveness stereotype. Psychological bulletin, 110(1), 109.
- Elo, S., & Kyngäs, H. (2008). The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of advanced nursing, 62(1), 107-115.
- Engeset, M. G., & Elvekrok, I. (2015). Authentic concepts: Effects on tourist satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 54(4), 456-466.
- Felländer, A., Ingram, C., & Teigland, R. (2015). Sharing economy. In Embracing Change with Caution. Näringspolitiskt Forum Rapport (Vol. 11).
- Fossgard K and Fredman P (2019) Dimensions in the nature-based tourism experiencescape: an explora- tive analysis. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 28: 100219.
- Gaikwad, S. V., Chaugule, A., & Patil, P. (2014). Text mining methods and techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications, 85(17).
- Gregorash, B. J. (2018). Understanding authenticity within gastronomic experiences. In Authenticity & tourism (Vol. 24, pp. 145-163). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Hall, C. M. (2008). Servicescapes, designscapes, branding, and the creation of place‐identity: south of Litchfield,
Christchurch. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(3-4), 233-250.
- Hart, M., & Dagevos, M. (2017). Sociaal ondernemen in het sociale domein is lastiger dan het lijkt. Retrieved
- Heo, Y. (2016). Sharing economy and prospects in tourism research. Annals of tourism Research, 58, 166-170.
Holbrook MB. 1994. The nature of consumer value. In Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice, Rust RT, Oliver RL (eds). Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA; 21–71
- Hwang, J., & Seo, S. (2016). A critical review of research on customer experience management: Theoretical, methodological and cultural perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(10), 2218-2246.
- Ji, C., & Yan, L. (2023). The experiencescape of integrated resorts in Macao: Scale development and validation. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13567667231206694.
- Johnstone, M. L. (2012). The servicescape: The social dimensions of place. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(11-12), 1399- 1418.
- Kandampully, J., Bilgihan, A., & Amer, S. M. (2023). Linking servicescape and experiencescape: creating a collective focus for the service industry. Journal of Service Management, 34(2), 316-340
- Kivela, J., Inbakaran, R., & Reece, J. (1999). Consumer research in the restaurant environment, Part 1: A conceptual model of dining satisfaction and return patronage. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(5), 205-222.
- Kotler, P. (1973). Atmospherics as a marketing tool. Journal of Retailing, 49(4): 48-64.
Liang, L. J., Choi, H. C., & Joppe, M. (2018). Understanding repurchase intention of Airbnb consumers: perceived authenticity, electronic word-of-mouth, and price sensitivity. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(1), 73-89.
- Lin, P. M. (2021). Dining in the sharing economy: a comparison of private social dining and restaurants. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Lin, H., Shi, S., & Gursoy, D. (2022). Destination experiencescape: conceptualization and scale development amid COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(24), 4047-4074.
- McGrath, M. A., & Otnes, C. (1995). Unacquainted influencers: when strangers interact in the retail setting. Journal of Business Research, 32(3), 261-272.
- Mehrabian, A., & Russell, J. A. (1974). A verbal measure of information rate for studies in environmental
psychology. Environment and Behavior, 6(2), 233.
- Mei, X. Y., Hågensen, A. M. S., & Kristiansen, H. S. (2020). Storytelling through experiencescape: Creating unique stories and extraordinary experiences in farm tourism. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(1), 93-104.
Mody, M. A., Suess, C., & Lehto, X. (2017). The accommodation experiencescape: a comparative assessment of hotels and Airbnb. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(9), 2377-2404.
- Mody M, Suess C and Lehto X (2019a) Going back to its roots: can hospitableness provide hotels competitive advantage over the sharing economy? International Journal of Hospitality Management 76: 286–298.
- Mody M, Suess C and Lehto X (2019b) Using segmentation to compete in the age of the sharing economy: testing a coreperiphery framework. International Journal of Hospitality Management 78: 199–213.
- Mossberg L (2007) A marketing approach to the tourist experience. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 7(1): 59–74.
- Mossberg, L., & Eide, D. (2018). Storytelling and meal experience concepts. In Nordic Food Transitions (pp. 84-99). Routledge.
- Namkung, Y., & Jang, S. (2007). Does food quality really matter in restaurants? Its impact on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 31(3), 387–409.
O’Dell, T. (2007). Tourist experiences and academic junctures. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 7(1), 34–45.
- OpenAl. (2023). ChatGPT (GPT-4) model. October 2023 update. Retrieved August 3, 2024, from [].
- Paulauskaite, D., Powell, R., Coca‐Stefaniak, J. A., & Morrison, A. M. (2017). Living like a local: Authentic tourism experiences and the sharing economy. International journal of tourism research, 19(6), 619-628.
- Park, E., & Widyanta, A. (2022). Food tourism experience and changing destination foodscape: An exploratory study of an emerging food destination. Tourism Management Perspectives, 42, 100964.
- Pine, J., & Gilmore, J. H. (1998).''Welcome to the Experience Economy''. Harvard Business Review, 97-105.
- Piramanayagam, S., Sud, S., & Pratim Seal, P. P. (2020). Relationship between tourists’ local food experiencescape, satisfaction and behavioural intention. Anatolia, 31(2), 316–330.
- Pizam A and Tasci A (2019) Experienscape: expanding the concept of servicescape with a multistakeholder and multidisciplinary approach (invited paper for ‘luminaries’ special issue). International Journal of Hospitality Management 76:
- Prahalad, C. K., & Ramaswamy, V. (2004). Co-creation experiences: The next practice in value creation. Journal of interactive marketing, 18(3), 5-14.
- Prebensen, N. K., Vittersø, J., & Dahl, T. I. (2013). Value co-creation significance of tourist resources. Annals of Tourism Research, 42, 240-261.
- Privitera, D. (2016). Describing the collaborative economy: Forms of food sharing initiatives. In Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings (Vol. 43, No. 43, pp. 92-98).
- Puram, P., & Gurumurthy, A. (2023). Sharing economy in the food sector: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 56, 229-244.
- Puschmann, T., & Alt, R. (2016). Sharing economy. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 58, 93-99.
- Radic, A., Lück, M., Al-Ansi, A., Chua, B. L., Seeler, S., & Han, H. (2021). Cruise ship dining experiencescape: The perspective of female cruise travelers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102923.
- Ramkissoon, H., & Uysal, M. S. (2011). The effects of perceived authenticity, information search behaviour, motivation and destination imagery on cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(6), 537-562
- Sole, D., & Wilson, D. G. (2002). Storytelling in organizations: The power and traps of using stories to share knowledge in organizations. LILA, Harvard, Graduate School of Education, 9(1), 1-12.
- Sotiriadis, M. D., & Nduna, L. T. (2019). Digital platforms for collaborative gastronomy. In The Routledge handbook of gastronomic tourism (pp. 302-311). Routledge.
- Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research. Sage publications.
- Sulek, J. M., & Hensley, R. L. (2004). The relative importance of food, atmosphere, and fairness of wait: the case of a fullservice restaurant. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 235–247.
- Tsai, C. T. (2016). Memorable tourist experiences and place attachment when consuming local food. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(6), 536-548.
- Turley, L. W., & Milliman, R. E. (2000). Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: a review of the experimental
evidence. Journal of business research, 49(2), 193-211.
- Tussyadiah, I. P., & Pesonen, J. (2016). Impacts of peer-to-peer accommodation use on travel patterns. Journal of travel Research, 55(8), 1022-1040.
- Van Laer, T., De Ruyter, K., Visconti, L. M., & Wetzels, M. (2014). The extended transportation-imagery model: A metaanalysis of the antecedents and consequences of consumers' narrative transportation. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 797-817.
- Veen, E. J., & Dagevos, M. (2019). Diversifying economic practices in meal sharing and community gardening. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 4(1), 1-10.
- Williams, E. N., & Morrow, S. L. (2009). Achieving Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research: A Pan-Paradigmatic Perspective, Psychotherapy Research, 19 (4-5): 576- 582.
- Zurek, K. (2016). Food sharing in Europe: Between regulating risks and the risks of regulating. Special Issue on The Risks and Opportunities of the Sharing Economy, 4, 675–687.