Dr. Gonca Subaşı (goncas@anadolu.edu.tr) is currently working in the English Language Teaching Department of the Faculty of Education at Anadolu University in Eskişehir-Turkey. She graduated from the ELT Department of Gazi University in Ankara in 1999 and earned her MA (2002) and Ph.D. (2010) degrees at Anadolu University. Her MA thesis is about the effects of written peer feedback training on Turkish ELT students’ ability to comment on peer writing and their writing quality. Her doctoral dissertation aims to develop a valid and reliable instrument to measure Turkish pre-service teachers' reasons for becoming English teachers in depth. She has been giving various undergraduate courses such as academic writing, lexicology, methodology, English language testing and evaluation, school observation and practicum, and MA/Ph.D. courses such as challenge and change in ELT and teaching language areas and skills. Also, she has been working as a web-course designer at Anadolu University Distant BA Program since 2003. She has attended many international conferences and published inter/nationally. Her research interests include teaching writing skills, vocabulary acquisition, corpus, affective factors in language teaching, language testing and assessment, and language teacher education.