Mehmet TAŞPINAR was born in Konya. He completed his primary and secondary education in Konya and undergraduate education in Faculty of Technical Education at Gazi University. He worked as a technical teacher at Technical High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Eskişehir and Elazığ in 1984-1992. In 1992, he started to work as a research assistant in Faculty of Technical Education at Fırat University. He completed his master’s degree in the Department of Educational Sciences at the Institute of Social Sciences in 1993 and he completed his PhD in 1997. He stayed in Ohio State University in America for nine months in 1994 as a visiting scholar. He got the title of Ass. Prof in 1997 and title of Assoc. Prof in 2001. He worked in Turkish Manas University in Kyrgyzstan as a visiting scholar in 2003. He got the title of Prof. at the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Vocational Education, Gazi University in 2007. In the same year, with the scholarship called JICA (Japon International Cooperation Agency), he went to Japan and carried out some works on “The Place of Private Sector in Education” for two months. His primary area of research is Education Programs and Instruction. He worked as a specialist, project manager and beneficiary in projects such as YÖK (Higher Education Council)-World Bank-Industrial Education Project, MTEM, UNICEF, AB-focused projects. He has published books, one of which was published abroad, articles published in international and national journals and conference presentations.