Article Writing Norms
1. About Journal
MT Scientific is published by Turkey‟s first and only mining and earth sciences journal Mining Turkey‟s publisher company MAYEB, Mining and Earth Sciences Publication Release Distribution Co. Ltd.
Articles which are prepared to be published in MT Scientific should be unpublished, research articles, edited articles, technical notes and discussion articles. Sending a paper to MT Scientific means the recognition that the paper has never been published or reviewed before in any other magazine.
Papers about any underground resources like mine, petrol, gas, geothermal or about their subfields; articles including theoretical and practical studies firstly mentioned by the author are called Original Research Article, articles editing earlier studies with a critical approach and giving new insights about the subject are called Review Articles, pre-notes of an ongoing study, extensions of earlier studies, whole presentation of a limited study, articles as an introduction of a specific application or an applied scientific operation are called Technical Notes and articles including critics or contributions made by readers on a paper published in a magazine and responses given by the author about those critics are called discussion articles.
2. Copyrights of Articles
Copyrights of the papers published in MT Scientific are owned by MAYEB. After the acceptance of the paper for publication, Publication Management Center (PMC) sends a “copyright transfer contract” to responsible author in electronically environment. With this contract, articles published in magazine are put under protection on behalf of the author and cannot be published in an another media organ. With signing this document, indicating the transfer of the copyright and sending it to PMC, the article is prepared for publication. Even if the article is accepted for publication, if the contract is not got through to PMC, the article cannot be published.
3. Preparation of the Articles
MT Scientific accepts papers written in Turkish and English. If the authors are not native Turkish speakers, headline of the article, summary, presentations of the tables and shapes are translated in Turkish by the editorship.
Articles should be written in MS Word format and within the scope of the orders given below.
3.1 Article Outline
3.1.1 Headline
Main headline should be as short as possible and should identify the content transparently. Headline should also be able to be translated into English. Turkish headline should be written in 14 font size, bold, single-spaced and only the word‟s first letters capitalized; English headline should be written in 11 font size, italics, single-spaced and only the word‟s first letters capitalized. In English articles, vice versa should be done.
3.1.2 Authors
Author‟s name and surname should be clearly written and first letters should be capitalized, firms worked in should be stated after author‟s surname with a number in low line with italics. If there are multiple authors, “Responsible Author” should be indicated by adding “ * ” symbol after his/her surname.
Responsible Author: In articles with multiple authors, he is the one who communicates with PMC. If not indicated specifically, the author with whom correspondences are made during the publication acceptance phase is considered responsible author. Responsible author‟s phone and fax number, e-mail address and postal address should be informed to PMC. Contact information of the responsible author should be kept up-to-date.
All characters in this section should be in 11 font size, single-spaced. Only the indicators should be written exponentially. Sample writer name and orthography should be as below:
C. Okay Aksoy1*, Bülent Kaypak2
3.1.3 Summary, Abstract and Key Words
Summary and abstract part shouldn‟t consist of more than 400 words as a whole. Summary should indicate the author‟s aims and primary results. In summary, references shouldn‟t be addressed to. Non-standard and scarce abbreviations should also be avoided. If an abbreviation is compulsory, it should be identified.
In Turkish articles, after the “Summary”, there should be an “Abstract”. Abstract should be written in italics. In English articles, Abstract should be placed before Turkish Summary and be written in italics.
Key words should be placed just below the summary and abstract separately. There should be at least two and at most six keywords. Keywords should be in Turkish for summary and English for abstract. Only the subject related keywords can be appropriate. Keywords should be written in alphabetic order with lower case (first word‟s first letter is in upper case) and there should be a comma between them. In technical notes and discussion articles there is no need for keywords.
3.2 Outline of the Article
Writing field on MS Word page which is adjusted as an A4 paper (21,0 × 29,7 cm) should be organized with 2,5 cm margins from all sides. Only the first page on which the headline and the author names are written has 5,0 cm margin from the top and 2,5 cm margins from the other sides. Headline, authors‟ names, firms worked in, contact information, summary, abstract (summary and abstract should not exceed 400 words as a whole) and keywords should be fitted into this organized page. For convenience, the author can send this first page early on, separately from the main article.
Times New Roman font should be used for articles. Characters should be 12 font sized and line spacing should be 1,5 pt. Page setup should be single columned, and should be saved justified to both sides. Each page should be given a number as well.
3.2.1 Headings and Numbering the Sections
Diverse headings in an article should be given as below order and left justified. All headings should be written bold with only their first letters in upper case,
Article should be cut into transparently identified and numbered sections and sub-sections. Sub sections should be numbered as 1.1 (1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. Summary should not be attached to these numbered sections. Any sub-section can be given a short heading. Each heading should stand on it‟s own line separately.
3.2.2 Introduction
Introduction part should include information about the aim of the author and earlier studies on same subject and moreover should prepare the reader for the article by giving some general clues about the subject.
3.2.3 Instruments and Methods
This part supplies adequate detail to make the study quotable. Earlier published methods should be stated as reference.
3.2.4 Discussion and Conclusions
In this section conclusions and importance of the study should be mentioned argumentativly.
3.2.5 Appendixes
If there are multiple appendixes, those should be indicated as A, B, etc. Formulas and equations should be numbered separately: Eq. 1, Eq. 2 etc. Same should be done for tables and images too: Table 1; Image 1, etc.
3.2.6 Contributions and Thanks
Contributions and thanks section should not be attached to article at first post but after the acceptance of the article, it should be attached to article by making post normalizations.
Thanks should be stated separately at the last of the article before references. Thanks should be sent to aide (reading, writing and language help etc.) people or firms as short as possible.
3.3 Resources and References
3.3.1 Internal References in Article
All internal references should be indicated in reference list as well (or vice versa). A reference as „In-print‟ means the article is accepted for press.
3.3.2 Form of Reference
All internal references should also be indicated in reference list as well.
3.3.3 Text
These points should be taken into account at every internal reference:
One Author: author‟s surname and print year;
Two authors: two author‟s surnames and print year;
If there are three or more authors in an article, after the first author‟s surname “et al.” and print year.
References can be done directly (or in brackets). Resource groups should firstly be listed alphabetically, then chronologically.
As a sample; (Aksoy, 1999; 2004a; 2008b; Aksoy ve Köse, 1995; Geniş et al., 2010; Kramer et al., 2000).
3.3.4 Listing of Resources
Resources need to be listed firstly alphabetically, then chronologically. If there are multiple author‟s quoted articles in same year, those should be indicated with “a”, “b”, “c”, etc. letters after print year. Some samples for resources are listed below.
References Printed To Magazine
Aksoy, C.O., 2008b. Chemical injection application at tunnel service shaft to prevent ground settlement induced by ground water drainage: a case study. International Journal of Rock Mechanic and Mining Sciences. 45(3), 376-383.
References Printed To Book
Hoek, E., Kaiser, P.K., Bawden, W.F., 1995. Support of Underground Excavations in Hardrock. Rotterdam, Balkema.
References To An Edited Part Of A Book
ISRM The complete ISRM suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring: 1974–2006. Ulusay R, Hudson JA, editors. Ankara: Kozan Ofset; 2007.
Reports and Thesises
Demirok, Y, 1978. Muğla-Yatağan Lignite Fields Geology and Reserve Pre-Report. MTA Compilation No:6234, 17 p (unpublished).
Tuna, K., 2011. Turkey‟s Strategical and Critical Ore‟s Effects on National Security within the Frame of Politics Related to Strategical and Critical Ores. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Instute of Social Sciences, Department of Internal, Çanakkale, Postgraduate Thesis, 240 p (unpublished).
Personal Dialogue
Aksoy, O., 2005. Personal Dialogue. Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Mining Engineering, İzmir, Turkey
Internet Resources
USGS, Chromium Statistics and Information, 2011. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.01.2012)
4.Other Points to Take into Account
4.1 Abbreviations
Non-standard abbreviations should be placed at first page, defined as footnotes. Abbreviations should be coherent with the text.
4.2 Scales
Internationally accepted rules and customs should be followed. The International System of Units (SI) should be used. If there are different scales, please mention their SI equivalents.
4.3 Mathematical Formulas
In present basic formulas, for fractional expressions in text, “solidus” (/) should be used rather than a horizontal line. For example, (X/Y). In principles, variables are presented in italics. e‟s powers should be given with the use of (exp). Any referred, sequentially numbered equations are indicated seperately from the text. Subscripts and superscripts used in equalities should be indicated explicitly and in lower character fonts (for example; CO2, x2).
4.4 Footnotes
Footnotes shouldn‟t be used if unnecessary. List the footnotes in the course of article with superscript numbers.
4.5 Table Footnotes
In a table indicate each footnote with a superscript letter.
4.6 Image, Drawing and Photos
Writing font and size should be monotype. Text should be saved into article as a graph. Only the typefont mentioned in the image should be used; Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, Symbol. Drawings should be numbered in text. Working files should be named within a logical naming rule. Drawings should be headlined separately. Each graph should be sent as different files.
Images such as drawings, tables and photos, printed in high quality should be given under the title of “Image” and should be given according to their cited numbers in text. Image numbers should be written at the right top of the page, in addition images should be given shrinkable and extendable.
Maximum size for images with heading should be in 15,8 cm (width) x 22,5 cm (length). It is suggested that all images are prepared to be scaled-to-fit to a single column of the magazine. Especially the maps and drawings and photos of the lands should be given with linear scale suitable with metric system rather than numerical scale (1:25000 etc.). Northern direction should be indicated in all maps. In regional maps, if possible, national grid or latitude/longitude units should be given. Map explanations should be given above the image separately from image heading. Photos, drawings or images composed of each can be given as groups like (a), (b) etc. Toning the images with tinting and shading should be avoided, especially for the images generated from computers; this should be taken into account. All images should be numbered as cited in the text as Image 1 or Image 1 and 2 (if more than one image is mentioned).
Photos should be as explicit and bright as possible. Photos should be sent in normal quality and placed in it‟s related section at the first application. After the acceptance of the article for publishing, all photos should be sent separately from the article with at least in 300 dpi quality.
4.7.Image Headings
Each image and picture should have a heading. Headings should be different from the image‟s resources. A heading should include a short heading and an explanation of the image. All symbols and abbreviations used should be identified.
4.8 Tables
Tables should be named sequentially. Footnotes should be embedded into tables and should be mentioned with superscript lower case letters. Vertical writing should be avoided.
5. Posting the Article to Magazine
Madencilik Türkiye Magazine Agent: Onur Aydın (Madencilik Türkiye Magazine)
6.About the Articles Accepted for Printing
Editorship communicates with the author if the article is accepted for printing. After the acceptance of the article for the publication, the author should prepare the article according to this spell check, in time given by the editorship and send the last copy to PMC after doing other edittings according to the other requirements of the editorship.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Authors transfer copyright to the publisher for the accepted submissions.
MT Bİlimsel issues are published two times a year (May, November).