Born in Istanbul / 1967
Languages: Italian / English / Turkish
Profession Interior Architect
Email metiproto@gmail.com
BA Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts
Interior Design Department / 1984-1988
MA Mimar Sinan University Institute of Sciences / 1988-1990
PHD Marmara University Institute of Fine Arts
Interior Design Department / 1994-1996
March - June 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Adjunct professor at the University of Sapienza
PDTA Department, Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture Master's Degree Course Architecture Urban Regeneration Land Planning and Representation (Course in English)
March - June 2020 Visiting Professor at the University of Sapienza PDTA
Department, Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture
October 2019-2024 Rome University of Fine Arts, RUFA /
Adjunct Professor / Product Design Course /
Adjunct Professor / Interior Design
2024-25 Işık University Faculty of Fine Arts
Adjunct Professor / Interior Design
Director of the Scientific Research Project
‘Furniture design for educational spaces’ at Marmara University
Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Interior Architecture.
The University of Marmara supported the project.
Researcher in the Scientific Research Project 2013 - 2015
"A Technological Laboratory for the Department
of Interior Architecture” supported
by Marmara University.
President of the 6th International Triennial of Students 2013
Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts
Erasmus Sokrates Coordinator
Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Interior Architecture 2006 - 2019
Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts 2006 - 2019
Member of the Faculty Council
Degree Courses
Furniture Design with new technologies, 2016-2019
Spatial Design in Urban Environment, 1996-2024
History of Furniture, 1996-2016
Product design, 2019-2024
Interior Design, 1996-2024
Masters Courses
Design Trends, 2006-2019
Concept Design, 2006-2022
Design and Representation Studio 2019-2024
Proficiency in Arts Courses
Emotional Design, 2010-2019
‘SPATIAL DESIGN Experiences and experiments of urban regeneration for a possible taxonomy’, Carlo Martino, Meltem Eti Proto, Silvia Cosentino, AGATHÓN International Journal of Architecture Art & Design. 2021. https://www.agathon.it/agathon/article/view/246/260
Design and Appropriation in Educational Spaces, Example of Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Campus, Mimar Sinan University Journal of Tasarım+Kuram, December 2019. http://www.tasarimkuram.com/jvi.aspx?pdir=tasarimkuram&plng= eng&un=DTJ-29200&look4=
‘Cognitive Development Supporting Furniture Design Proposals For Preschool Environments in Turkey’ İlayda Soyupak, Meltem Eti Proto. Inonu University Journal of Art and Design (2018) ISSN: 1309-9876, 2018. http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/569345
'Instructor Potential of Interior Design: Marmara University Prof.Ayla Oktay Pre-School Education Unit Case' Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Periodical Art and Design, İlayda Soyupak, Meltem Eti Proto, 2018. http://dergipark.gov.tr/ download/article-file/583717
“A Structure to Communicate in the Urban Space” Meltem Eti Proto, Non-Architecture web publication. 2021. https://www.nonarchitecture.eu/2021/11/15/a-structure-to-communicate-in-the-urban-space/
Understanding Bauhaus, exhibition catalog. 2019. https://issuu.com/meltemetiproto/docs/understanding_bauhaus___bauhaus_u_a
Future Furniture, exhibition catalog. 2018 https://issuu.com/meltemetiproto/docs/furni_ture_sergi__katalog__1_
“Furniture Design Education with 3D Printing Technology” Meltem Eti Proto, Ceren Koç Saglam, Makers at School, "Makers at School, Educational Robotics and Innovative Learning Environments. Research and Experiences from FabLearn Italy 2019, in the Italian Schools and Beyond" pg. 97-105. 11 December 2021. published by Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-77040-2_13
Design e Appropriazione degli Spazi Educativi, Esempio dell’Universita’ di Marmara Facolta di Belle Arti Campus, Mimar Sinan University Journal of Tasarım+Kuram, Dicembre 2019. http://www.tasarimkuram.com/jvi.aspx?pdir=tasarimkuram&plng=eng&un=DTJ-29200&look4=
‘Cognitive Development Supporting Furniture Design Proposals For Preschool Environments in Turkey’ İlayda Soyupak, Meltem Eti Proto. Inonu University Journal of Art and Design (2018) ISSN: 1309-9876, 2018. http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/569345
‘Instructor Potential of Interior Design: Marmara University Prof.Ayla Oktay Pre-School Education Unit Case’ Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Periodical Art and Design, İlayda Soyupak, Meltem Eti Proto, 2018. http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/583717
‘Perception of the Design and the Role of the Designer in Turkish Furniture Sector’, Rivista ‘Architettura e Design’, Ege KAYA, Meltem ETİ PROTO, Nisan 2016
‘I Mobili nelle riviste del periodo della Repubblica / Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Süreli Yayınlarda Mobilya’, Prof. Meltem Eti Proto, Ege Kaya, Rivista Aydın Sanat, Settembre 2016.
Online Seminar, ‘PLAYING WITH THE SCALE’, Işık University Interior Architecture Department, May 2024.
SanLO Project, 20 April 2023, "COMMUNICATING IN THE URBAN SPACE" the University of Tuscia.https://sanloproject.it/sanlo-a-viterbo/
Labont, University of Turin, POTC, PHILOSOPHY OF THE CITY conference, TURIN 2022, “The Forms of Tactility in the Urban Space, A Case Study of a District in Rome”, Valentino Castle, 20-22 October 2022.
FabLearn IT 2019 Conference, Università Politecnica Delle Marche, “Furniture Design Education with 3DPrint Technology”, Meltem Eti Proto, Ceren Koç Sağlam, Ancona, Italy, 20-22 November 2019. https://easychair.org/conferences/overview?a=23218070
Hacettepe University II. International Symposium Education in Interior Architecture, “Furniture Design with 3D Print Technology”, 14-15 May 2019.
Hacettepe University II. International Symposium Education in Interior Architecture, “Bauhaus Workshop in Contemporary Design Education”, Meltem Eti Proto, Çağrı Uludüz, Alper Akdere, 14-15 May 2019.
Participation in “Diffusissima Artaporter” Exhibition, Salotto42, Rome. 18 September-10 October 2024.
Participation in A' Winners' Exhibition at 2020 Hebei International Industrial Design Week, at Rongcheng Civil Sports Center, Xiongan New Area, China. 21 - 27 November 2020.
Participation in A' Winners exhibition, Museo del Design - Via Bellinzona 15, 22100, Como, 15 October 2020 15 November 2020.
Participation with Luca Proto 'PlasticA d'A-MARE', Tourist Port of Rome, 7-8 September 2019.
Participation in the 'Threshold' exhibition, Organized by Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, Republic Museum, Istanbul, May 2019.
Participation in the ‘Art Design and Woman’ exhibition, Istanbul, Organized by Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, May 2018.
Participation in the 'A4' Design Exhibition, Istanbul, Organized by Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, Republic Museum, Istanbul, July 2017.
Participation in 'BLACK' Design Exhibition, Belgium, C-Mine Gallery, 1 July- 27 August 2017. https://issuu.com/mugsf/docs/curiousities/260
Participation in the 1st Istanbul Design Biennial, 'No Beauty Without Flaw' exhibition organized by Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts. Curator of the project 'identityLESS', MIXER gallery, 2012. https://issuu.com/mugsf /docs/her_20guzelin_20bir_20kusuru_20var_
Talk curator, Online Talk by Enrique Espinosa (Eeestudio). Madrid (Spain), "Urban commons & matters, Hacking public space infrastructures", 19.05.2021, Sapienza University, https://www.architettura.uniroma1.it/archivionotizie/urban-commons-matters
Talk curator, Online Talk by Laura Schiuma 'The legal protection of industrial design', 26.05.2021, RUFA, https://www.unirufa.it/en/2021/05/19/il-24-marzo-il- talk-the-legal-protection-of-industrial-design/
Talk Curator, Online Talk by [Inter.National.Design] studio, Arman Akdogan, Felix Madrazo. ‘Recent Works’, 04.24.2021, Sapienza University, https://www.architettura.uniroma1.it/archivionotizie/recent-works-internationaldesign-studio
Curator of the project and exhibition ‘Understanding Bauhaus / Producing Together’ exhibition, Kadikoy Municipality Art Gallery, June 10-June 22, 2019, Istanbul. https://issuu.com/meltemetiproto/docs/understanding_bauhaus___bauhaus_u_a
Curator of the project and exhibition ‘3D printed FUrniTURE’ exhibition, Kadikoy Municipality Art Gallery, June 20-July 6, 2018, Istanbul, https://issuu.com/meltemetiproto/docs/furni_ture_sergi__katalog__1_
http://www.arkitera.com/etkinlik/5103/3d-printed-furniture http://www.gazetekadikoy.com.tr/kente-kadikoy-den-bak/mobilyalara-3d-dokunuslar-h12585.html
Curator and research project director for campus interior, ''Island/ADA Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts is a Good Neighbor' furniture design exhibition, 3 October-3 November 2017, Istanbul, http://www.arkitera.com/ etkinlik/4481/mugsf-iyi-bir-komsudur https://youtu.be/mb4FoG6xa0Y
Summer Academy ‘Geodesic Dome’ Accademia Rufa, Giugno, Luglio 2024.
Summer Academy ‘Geodesic Dome’ Accademia Rufa, 26-28 Giugno 2023. 10-12 Luglio 2023.
Summer Academy 'Design Your City', RUFA Academy, 14-15 July 2022.
Workshop 'Tiny House', RUFA Academy, 1-8 March 2021. https://www.unirufa.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/11_Scheda_Progetto_workshop_ETI-PROTO.pdf
Curator of the online workshop 'Mental Map'. April 2019. https://mentalmapmarmara.wixsite.com/my-site
Workshop organized as part of Erasmus+, Title of the Workshop 'Manifestati', RUFA Academy, 4-8 March 2019.
Curator of the ‘Edible Design’ workshop at Marmara University Fine Arts, January 2015. http://www.mimarizm.com/yeme-icme/yenilebilir-tasarim-in-en-taze-urunleri_115866
Editorial Board Member, Marmara University Journal of Art and Design, Turkey, 2016-2024. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/mujad/board
Editorial Board Member, Kocaeli University Faculty of Architecture and Design, Architecture and Life Journal, Turkey. 2022-23.
A'Design Award, Member of the Jury, Italy, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
Eurasian Challenge, Member of the Jury, 2021.
Gaudi Architecture Prize, Member of the Jury, 2020.
ArchIST Awards for Interior Design, Member of the Jury, İstanbul, 2018.
Urban projects coordinator for the San Lorenzo Project, Rome University of Fine Arts, 2021. https://www.unirufa.it/san-lorenzo-place-identity-urban-project/
Rome Sei Mia Design Project Coordinator, Rome University of Fine Arts, 2021. https://www.unirufa.it/2021/05/20/dal-municipio-roma-i-centro-la-rigenerazione-del-centro-storico- through-contemporary-art/
Member of the Research Group set up by the Higher Education Institution (YOK) for the foundation of the Italian University in Istanbul, 2010.
Member of the research group of the Ottoman Palaces furniture, 2005-2006.
Member of the research group of the University of Genoa, 'New methodologies for archaeological parks in the Mediterranean', 2006-2007 / Antep excavation area, Tilmen Höyük.
Silver A'Design Award Winner, 'Cube' coffee table, with Jülide Arslan, 2020. https://competition.adesignaward.com/gooddesign.php?ID=104920
Mansion Award with the Pinocchio Design group for 'hamam lamp', International Competition 'The Skin of Corian', 2007.
Interior design and construction; cafe, houses, offices, furniture, Jewelry design, 3D printed objects.
Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, çoklu medya yerleştirmeleri, dijital teknikler ve saha araştırmaları aracılığıyla malzeme dönüşümlerini, birikimleri ve doğal ve yapay formlar arasındaki etkileşimleri inceliyor. Fellowship for Situated Practice (basis voor actuele kunst, 2022, Utrecht, Hollanda) ve Berlin Senatosu Misafir Sanatçı Programı (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, 2021, Berlin, Almanya) başta olmak üzere birçok sanat ve araştırma programına katılan sanatçının çalışmaları son dönemde Tokyo Bienali (2023, Japonya), Non-/Human Assemblages (2021, Güney Kore), Sentient Matter, (2021, D21, Almanya), Timeless Curiosities (2024, Istanbul Modern, Türkiye) etkinliklerinde yer aldı. Yüksek Lisans ve Sanatta Yeterlik ünvanını Marmara Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi’nden alan Bayraktar Sabancı Üniversitesi’nde öğretim üyesidir. Bayraktar’ın son yayınları arasında Marmara (2023), Yer Ruhları (2021) ve Dünyaların Haritaları (2021) yer alıyor. İstanbul’da yaşayan Bayraktar Sanatorium tarafından temsil edilmektedir.
1963 İstanbul
1980-1985 M.S.Ü. G.S.F Geleneksel Türk El Sanatları Bölümü tezhip yüksek lisans
1989–1995 M.S.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde Sanatta Yeterlik.
2001-…. Sakarya Üniversitesi STMF GTS. Bölümü Doçent
2021- …. SAÜ. STMF Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu üyesi
2004-2007 SAÜ. G.S.F Senato üyesi
2007- 2010/2019-2024 Dekan yardımcısı.
2008-2022 Geleneksel Türk Sanatları Bölüm Başkanı
Sempozyum ve kongrelerde 35 bildiri sundu.
Dergilerde 14 makalesi yayımlandı.
21 adet yüksek lisans tez danışmanlığı yaptı
Yurt içi ve Yurt dışında karma ve kişisel sergilere (2003 Geleneksel Türk Sanatlarından Esintiler- Eyüp (İstanbul), 2015 Sabır- Budapeşte (Macaristan) 2016 Şükür- Sakarya, 2018 Noms de la Nature- Paris (Fransa)- 2019 Flora- Budapeşte (Macaristan)- 2023 Bereket- Visoko (Bosna Hersek) katıldı.
Tezhip çalışmaları özel koleksiyonlarda bulunmaktadır.