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Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 137 - 160, 25.03.2025


Bu araştırmada yemek fotoğraflarında kullanılan renk ve kompozisyonların tüketici gıda algısını nasıl şekillendirdiğinin ve yemek deneyimine etkisinin ortaya koyulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle araştırma kapsamında gastronomi ve mutfak sanatları bölümünde eğitim gören ancak yemek stilistliği ve fotoğrafçılığı alanında herhangi bir eğitimi bulunmayan öğrenciler ile görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nitel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada, yemek fotoğrafı çekimleri gerçekleştirilmiş ve yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat formu hazırlanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, MAXQDA programında betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yemek stilistliği ve fotoğrafçılığında teknik bilgiler, estetik değer ve prop kullanımına ilişkin üç ayrı tema kapsamında fotoğraf çekimi gerçekleştirilmiş ve görüşmelerde bu fotoğraflara ilişkin izlenimler değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar gençlerin yemek fotoğraflarında yapay ışıklandırma, makro çekim tekniği, insan eli görselinin kullanımı ve az prop kullanımının daha estetik bir görüntü sunduğunu düşündüklerini göstermektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Andersen, T., Byrne, D. V. & Wang, Q. J. (2021). How digital food affects our analog lives: The impact of food photography on healthy eating behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 634261.
  • Arnita, A., Marpaung, F., Widianto, A. & Hidayat, M. (2022, November). Image segmentation of healthy food using Hue Saturation Value. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2659, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  • Atwal, G., Bryson, D. & Tavilla, V. (2019). Posting photos of luxury cuisine onl ine: an exploratory study. British Food Journal, 121(2), 454-465.
  • Bartz, C., Ruchatz, J. & Wattolik, E. (2023). The Recipe and Photography. Media Studies Volume 100, Amsterdam. Batat, W., Peter, P. C., Moscato, E. M., Castro, I. A., Chan, S., Chugani, S. & Muldrow, A. (2018). The experiential pleasure of food: A savoring journey to food well-being. Journal of Business Research.
  • Bouvier, E. (2018). Breaking Bread Online: Social Media, Photography and the Virtual Experience of Food. In Who Decides? Brill, 157-172.
  • Brockliss, W. H. G. (2011). The flower in homeric poetry: Metaphor, poetics and the natural environment. Yale University.
  • Carafoli, J. F. (2003). Tempting the palate: The food stylist's art. Gastronomica, 3(2), 94-97.
  • Caris Short, L. (2022). The Complete Guide to Food Photography. Rocky Nook.
  • Casales-Garcia, V., Falomir, Z., Museros, L., Sanz, I. & Gonzalez-Abril, L. (2022). A study on how food colour may determine the categorization of a dish: Predicting meal appeal from colour combinations. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 30(2), 293-308.
  • Chen, F., Sukpasjaroen, K. & Chankoson, T. (2022). Influence of light and color of advertising photography on consumers’ purchase intention. Innovative Marketing, 18 (4), 215-231.
  • Detta, H., Samsulhadi, Z. S., Jonathan, G. & Syarib, A. I. (2024). Effect of Colorful Food Photography and Consumer Intentions to Purchase Food and Beverages. Eduvest-Journal of Universal Studies, 4(4), 1678-1688.
  • Diwanji, S. & Bindra, P. (2022). Effectiveness of Food Photography and Food Styling as a Marketing Strategy. ATITHYA: A Journal of Hospitality, 8(1).
  • Fisher, H., du Rand, G. & Erasmus, A. (2012). The power of food images to communicate important information to consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(4), 440-450.
  • Gambetti, A. & Han, Q. (2022), Camera eats first: exploring food aesthetics portrayed on social media using deep learning. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34 (9), 3300-3331.
  • Garner, G. (2007). Photography and Society in the 20th Century. The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, 187-98.
  • Hasenbeck, A., Cho, S., Meullenet, J. F., Tokar, T., Yang, F., Huddleston, E. A. & Seo, H. S. (2014). Color and illuminance level of lighting can modulate willingness to eat bell peppers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(10), 2049-2056.
  • Hinton, E. C., Brunstrom, J. M., Fay, S. H., Wilkinson, L. L., Ferriday, D., Rogers, P. J. & de Wijk, R. (2013). Using photography in ‘The Restaurant of the Future’. A useful way to assess portion selection and plate cleaning? Appetite, 63, 31-35.
  • Hjalager, A. M. & Corigliano, M. A. (2000). Food for tourists—determinants of an image. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 2(4), 281-293.
  • Hutchings, J. B. (2011). Food Colour And Appearance. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Johnston, P. A. (2000). Real fantasies: Edward Steichen's advertising photography. Univ of California Press.
  • Lewis, T. (2018). Digital food: from paddock to platform. Communication Research and Practice, 4(3), 212-228.
  • Liu, S. Q., Wu, L. L., Yu, X. & Huang, H. (2022). Marketing Online Food Images Via Color Saturation: A Sensory Imagery Perspective. Journal of Business Research, 151, 366-378.
  • Machin, J.E., Moscato, E. & Dadzie, C. (2021). Visualizing food: photography as a design thinking tool to generate innovative food experiences that improve food well-being. European Journal of Marketing, 55 (9). 2515-2537.
  • Murray, S. (2008). Digital Images, Photo-Sharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics. Journal of Visual Culture, 7(2), 147–163.
  • Paakki, M., Sandell, M. & Hopia, A. (2019). Visual attractiveness depends on colorfulness and color contrasts in mixed salads. Food Quality and Preference, 76, 81-90.
  • Peng, Y. & Jemmott Iıı, J. B. (2018). Feast for the Eyes: Effects of Food Perceptions and Computer Vision Features on Food Photo Popularity. International Journal of Communication, 12.
  • Putri, I., Dendi, D. & Mulyadi, A. I. (2024). Food Photography As A Promotıonal Media In Increasıng The Sales Value Of Msme Products. Journal of Public Relations and Digital Communication (JPRDC), 2(1), 35-46.
  • Rodrıguez, O. E. S., Masuko, S. & Yamanaka, T. (2022). The Impression of Deliciousness through Food Photography-A Photographer’s Approach to Test the Commonly Manipulated Factors and the Interactions on the Food Image Creation Process. International Journal of Affective Engineering, 21(1), 67-76.
  • Rosa, P. J., Madeira, A., Oliveira, J. & Palrão, T. (2023). How much is a chef’s touch worth? Affective, emotional and behavioural responses to food images: A multimodal study. Plos one, 18(10), e0293204.
  • Saldana , J. (2019). Nitel Araştırmacılar için Kodlama El Kitabı. (A. Tüfekci Akca, S. N. Şad, Çev.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Segura, L. I., Salvadori, V. O. & Goñi, S. M. (2017). Characterisation of liquid food colour from digital images. International Journal Of Food Properties, 20(1), 467-477.
  • Spence, C., Motoki, K. & Petit, O. (2022). Factors influencing the visual deliciousness/eye-appeal of food. Food Quality and Preference, 102, 104672.
  • Taylor, N. & Keating, M. (2018). Contemporary food imagery: food porn and other visual trends. Communication Research and Practice, 4(3), 307-323.
  • Vivaldo, D. (2010). Food Stylist's Handbook. Gibbs Smith.
  • Wu, M. Y. & Chen, Y. H. (2021). Factors affecting consumers' cognition of food photos using Kansei engineering. Food Science and Technology, 42, e38921.

The Effect of Color and Composıtıon on Consumer Perception in Food Styling and Photography

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 137 - 160, 25.03.2025


This research aims to reveal how the colors and compositions used in food photographs shape consumer food perception and their effects on food experience. For this reason, interviews were conducted with students studying in the gastronomy and culinary arts department but who did not have any training in food styling and photography. In this research, where the qualitative research method was used, food photographs were taken and a semi-structured interview form was prepared. The obtained data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis method in the MAXQDA program. Photographs were taken within the scope of three separate themes regarding technical information, aesthetic value and prop use in food styling and photography, and the impressions regarding these photographs were evaluated in the interviews. The results show that young people think that artificial lighting, macro shooting technique, use of human hand visuals and less prop use in food photographs provide a more aesthetic image.

Proje Numarası



  • Andersen, T., Byrne, D. V. & Wang, Q. J. (2021). How digital food affects our analog lives: The impact of food photography on healthy eating behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 634261.
  • Arnita, A., Marpaung, F., Widianto, A. & Hidayat, M. (2022, November). Image segmentation of healthy food using Hue Saturation Value. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2659, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  • Atwal, G., Bryson, D. & Tavilla, V. (2019). Posting photos of luxury cuisine onl ine: an exploratory study. British Food Journal, 121(2), 454-465.
  • Bartz, C., Ruchatz, J. & Wattolik, E. (2023). The Recipe and Photography. Media Studies Volume 100, Amsterdam. Batat, W., Peter, P. C., Moscato, E. M., Castro, I. A., Chan, S., Chugani, S. & Muldrow, A. (2018). The experiential pleasure of food: A savoring journey to food well-being. Journal of Business Research.
  • Bouvier, E. (2018). Breaking Bread Online: Social Media, Photography and the Virtual Experience of Food. In Who Decides? Brill, 157-172.
  • Brockliss, W. H. G. (2011). The flower in homeric poetry: Metaphor, poetics and the natural environment. Yale University.
  • Carafoli, J. F. (2003). Tempting the palate: The food stylist's art. Gastronomica, 3(2), 94-97.
  • Caris Short, L. (2022). The Complete Guide to Food Photography. Rocky Nook.
  • Casales-Garcia, V., Falomir, Z., Museros, L., Sanz, I. & Gonzalez-Abril, L. (2022). A study on how food colour may determine the categorization of a dish: Predicting meal appeal from colour combinations. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 30(2), 293-308.
  • Chen, F., Sukpasjaroen, K. & Chankoson, T. (2022). Influence of light and color of advertising photography on consumers’ purchase intention. Innovative Marketing, 18 (4), 215-231.
  • Detta, H., Samsulhadi, Z. S., Jonathan, G. & Syarib, A. I. (2024). Effect of Colorful Food Photography and Consumer Intentions to Purchase Food and Beverages. Eduvest-Journal of Universal Studies, 4(4), 1678-1688.
  • Diwanji, S. & Bindra, P. (2022). Effectiveness of Food Photography and Food Styling as a Marketing Strategy. ATITHYA: A Journal of Hospitality, 8(1).
  • Fisher, H., du Rand, G. & Erasmus, A. (2012). The power of food images to communicate important information to consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(4), 440-450.
  • Gambetti, A. & Han, Q. (2022), Camera eats first: exploring food aesthetics portrayed on social media using deep learning. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34 (9), 3300-3331.
  • Garner, G. (2007). Photography and Society in the 20th Century. The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, 187-98.
  • Hasenbeck, A., Cho, S., Meullenet, J. F., Tokar, T., Yang, F., Huddleston, E. A. & Seo, H. S. (2014). Color and illuminance level of lighting can modulate willingness to eat bell peppers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(10), 2049-2056.
  • Hinton, E. C., Brunstrom, J. M., Fay, S. H., Wilkinson, L. L., Ferriday, D., Rogers, P. J. & de Wijk, R. (2013). Using photography in ‘The Restaurant of the Future’. A useful way to assess portion selection and plate cleaning? Appetite, 63, 31-35.
  • Hjalager, A. M. & Corigliano, M. A. (2000). Food for tourists—determinants of an image. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 2(4), 281-293.
  • Hutchings, J. B. (2011). Food Colour And Appearance. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Johnston, P. A. (2000). Real fantasies: Edward Steichen's advertising photography. Univ of California Press.
  • Lewis, T. (2018). Digital food: from paddock to platform. Communication Research and Practice, 4(3), 212-228.
  • Liu, S. Q., Wu, L. L., Yu, X. & Huang, H. (2022). Marketing Online Food Images Via Color Saturation: A Sensory Imagery Perspective. Journal of Business Research, 151, 366-378.
  • Machin, J.E., Moscato, E. & Dadzie, C. (2021). Visualizing food: photography as a design thinking tool to generate innovative food experiences that improve food well-being. European Journal of Marketing, 55 (9). 2515-2537.
  • Murray, S. (2008). Digital Images, Photo-Sharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics. Journal of Visual Culture, 7(2), 147–163.
  • Paakki, M., Sandell, M. & Hopia, A. (2019). Visual attractiveness depends on colorfulness and color contrasts in mixed salads. Food Quality and Preference, 76, 81-90.
  • Peng, Y. & Jemmott Iıı, J. B. (2018). Feast for the Eyes: Effects of Food Perceptions and Computer Vision Features on Food Photo Popularity. International Journal of Communication, 12.
  • Putri, I., Dendi, D. & Mulyadi, A. I. (2024). Food Photography As A Promotıonal Media In Increasıng The Sales Value Of Msme Products. Journal of Public Relations and Digital Communication (JPRDC), 2(1), 35-46.
  • Rodrıguez, O. E. S., Masuko, S. & Yamanaka, T. (2022). The Impression of Deliciousness through Food Photography-A Photographer’s Approach to Test the Commonly Manipulated Factors and the Interactions on the Food Image Creation Process. International Journal of Affective Engineering, 21(1), 67-76.
  • Rosa, P. J., Madeira, A., Oliveira, J. & Palrão, T. (2023). How much is a chef’s touch worth? Affective, emotional and behavioural responses to food images: A multimodal study. Plos one, 18(10), e0293204.
  • Saldana , J. (2019). Nitel Araştırmacılar için Kodlama El Kitabı. (A. Tüfekci Akca, S. N. Şad, Çev.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Segura, L. I., Salvadori, V. O. & Goñi, S. M. (2017). Characterisation of liquid food colour from digital images. International Journal Of Food Properties, 20(1), 467-477.
  • Spence, C., Motoki, K. & Petit, O. (2022). Factors influencing the visual deliciousness/eye-appeal of food. Food Quality and Preference, 102, 104672.
  • Taylor, N. & Keating, M. (2018). Contemporary food imagery: food porn and other visual trends. Communication Research and Practice, 4(3), 307-323.
  • Vivaldo, D. (2010). Food Stylist's Handbook. Gibbs Smith.
  • Wu, M. Y. & Chen, Y. H. (2021). Factors affecting consumers' cognition of food photos using Kansei engineering. Food Science and Technology, 42, e38921.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gastronomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Serkan Şengül 0000-0003-4615-1982

Sevim Usta Dişsiz 0000-0002-7918-6383

Proje Numarası 137-2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şengül, S., & Usta Dişsiz, S. (2025). Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 26(1), 137-160.
AMA Şengül S, Usta Dişsiz S. Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Mart 2025;26(1):137-160. doi:10.17494/ogusbd.1597044
Chicago Şengül, Serkan, ve Sevim Usta Dişsiz. “Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon Ve Estetik Algı”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 26, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 137-60.
EndNote Şengül S, Usta Dişsiz S (01 Mart 2025) Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 26 1 137–160.
IEEE S. Şengül ve S. Usta Dişsiz, “Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, ss. 137–160, 2025, doi: 10.17494/ogusbd.1597044.
ISNAD Şengül, Serkan - Usta Dişsiz, Sevim. “Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon Ve Estetik Algı”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 26/1 (Mart 2025), 137-160.
JAMA Şengül S, Usta Dişsiz S. Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2025;26:137–160.
MLA Şengül, Serkan ve Sevim Usta Dişsiz. “Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon Ve Estetik Algı”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 137-60, doi:10.17494/ogusbd.1597044.
Vancouver Şengül S, Usta Dişsiz S. Lezzeti Görselleştirmek : Yemek Fotoğraflarında Renk, Kompozisyon ve Estetik Algı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2025;26(1):137-60.