e-ISSN: 2602-3733
Founded: 2017
Publisher: Bülent DİLMAÇ
Cover Image

Research on Education and Psychology (REP) is an internationally scientific journal for the publication of research and studies covering all aspects of education, counseling, and psychology. Research on Education and Psychology (REP) publishes research topics about education, counseling, and psychology that are of international and national significance across educational and psychological contexts in terms of design, method, and/or findings of the research. The journal’s goal is to aid and facilitate national, international, and interdisciplinary scientific communication, to be a publication for scientific studies, to produce qualified debates about education, counseling, and psychology, and to stimulate and enhance the quality of debate. 

2024 - Volume: 8 Issue: 2




All the articles published in REP are licensed with "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License"